Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1239 335. Azeroth's First Flame Druid Faction Is Online--Monthly Ticket Plus Update【4/2

Chapter 1239 335. The first flame druid faction in Azeroth is online——Monthly ticket plus update【425】

What Bu Laike feared did not happen in the end.

In other words, the loyal sky is smarter than the unreliable little star. When it flew to Bu Laike like a flickering fire, it suppressed the extremely hot and terrifying flames on its body.

Although it has just become an elemental creature, it has also mastered the innate ability of an elemental creature, quickly shrinking its majestic and beautiful body, and quickly changed from a big bird to a cute and cute little bird like a lark .

Chirping and flying around Bo Laike, savoring the good feeling of re-spreading.

The weakness and pain in the past seemed to be a nightmare that had just been ended, and the new one was pure and powerful. Although it had changed its body and shape, the loyal heart that was connected to the master's mind remained unchanged.

It gave everything for Boo Laike.

The pirate master also sent it a stunning respawn.

"The phoenix of Kael'thas has no feet. It's like a poor disabled bird. It can only fly but can't rest. But look at my sky."

The pirate let the bird land on his shoulder. While stroking the warm and beautiful head of the sky with his fingers, he turned his head and showed off to the people and beasts beside him:

"My little bird can stand on my shoulders. This alone is enough to make Kael'thas want to cry with envy. Ha, from now on we will also be noble people with phoenixes."

"Yes, what a beautiful bird."

The Grand Druid of the Moon Claw showed a sense of admiration, and said with a smothered smile:

"If it doesn't ignite your hair, all the better."


The pirate snapped out his hand and grabbed it.

Sure enough, a strand of scorched hair fell into his hand, which made him very distressed. He glared at his poor loyal beast with his head lowered, and said:

"I understand your idea of ​​getting close, but don't get so close to my handsome hair. What if you burn bald?"


Sky straightened its flaming feathers with its sharp beak, pretended not to hear the master's scolding, and neighed a few times back, spraying several balls of flames towards the sky.

It's great now.

The flame rebirth ceremony not only reshaped the body, but also made the strength of the sky break through the extraordinary. It is already a legendary beast in a serious manner. It shows off to the big bear and the big wolf who are squatting next to it.

But the two war beasts showed disdainful and arrogant expressions.

Hey, it's just a legend, who isn't?

This stinking sky is so weak, I haven't realized that the two big brothers are already very strong.

With the shared blessing of vitality and strength of Bu Laike, who is getting stronger and stronger, these two spirit beasts who run around all day have also broken through the shackles of mortal beasts and become a powerful and majestic beast lord.

Of course, because they are relatively low-key, the promotion of beasts is not as exaggerated as that of humanoid creatures. Their appearance has not changed because of their strength, so not many people know about it.

"Look, Sky's success should give you more confidence."

Bu Laike held the cute little phoenix sky in both hands and sent it to Hisalley and other three druids. He was like an excellent businessman introducing the products he was about to sell.

Say to Miss Black Crow:

"The appearance change of my loyal Beast has proved the reliability and potential of the Flame Rebirth Ceremony, and the half of Sufras' Fire is enough to help you complete the whole process of elementalization in a short time.

And don't worry about how this ritual will affect you.

Your elementalization is not turning your life form into an elemental creature, but using it as a new kind of power for you, the yaungol Vulcan Ordos that bastard fell into painful burning torture because he went wrong out of the way.

That idiot didn't know that to fight against the corrosion of flames is not a reckless choice to confront and try to control, but to find the answer from life itself. "

The pirate released the sky, took out an exquisite wooden box from the luggage, and opened it in front of the eyes of the three druids. Inside lay a very beautiful crane feather.

It was scarlet feathers.

The most peculiar thing is that even if the crane feather fell off, it still kept burning warmly.

"In order to make your elementalization smoother, I even asked for this specially for you."

Bu Laike sent the box to Miss Black Crow and said:

"The crane feather from Chi Jing Tianzun does not have much power, but the perfect fusion of life and flame contained in it is a key to unlock knowledge.

You don't have to worry about being burned by the flames of the Firelord, the power of Ekilson within you will also protect you.

What you have to do is hold this crane feather, learn from Chi Jing, and combine the pure flame with the natural way you follow."

"The truth is actually very simple."

Omulon the Skyscreamer couldn't stop his disciple's adventure, so this qualified mentor could only find the answer for his disciple from the ancient druid classics.

He also came prepared today.

He patted Miss Black Crow on the shoulder and said softly:

"I've been digging through the ancient wisdom lately, and in the codexes of those forerunners, they use various ideas to explain the relationship between fire and nature that doesn't conflict.

Just like when the forest grows too lush, there will always be a flame brought by lightning to burn the excess life and restore the balance of nature.

Another example is when our druids hold the ancient land reclamation ceremony for farmers, we will use flames to burn the weeds on the ground, seemingly indiscriminately destroying those lives, but the warm embers will also nourish the seeds under the ground .


What it brings is the power to burn out chaos and darkness. It represents not only destruction, but also new hope. "

"Yeah, don't be prejudiced against the flames just because of Ragnaros' chaotic evil."

The Moonclaw Archdruid also said:

"I discussed the contradictory nature of the elements with Elder Drek'Thar yesterday. His explanation opened my eyes. What the tyrannical flame projects in the hearts of the righteous is enthusiasm and persistence. That is the endless future. .


Mr. Laike's suggestion is correct.

It represents a path other than orthodox faith that we natural believers have been neglecting. Once you can successfully explore it, this will undoubtedly create more possibilities for the natural way.

Remember the Tauren Hamuul Runetotem? "

Old Mr. Moonpaw chuckled, and said:

"The genius recently accepted by the Cenarion Order is also facing the same troubles and choices as you. As a bloodhoof tauren, he was blessed by the mother of the earth, and when he walked the way of nature, this blessing brought unexpected results.

What you have to walk is the way of nature and fire.

What Hamuul wants to follow is the way of nature and the earth. If you can open up a new path today, maybe Hamuul can surprise us in the future. "


Miss Theasalie Crow reached out to take out the crane feathers in the box, she glanced at Bo Laike with a fake smile on her face, and then at her mentor and elders.

She took a deep breath and said:

"I didn't want to pursue power so I embarked on this path. Perhaps it was the oath I made when I became a druid, which made me unable to sit back and watch the crisis of my tribe and choose to stand by.

I used to be very naive and thought that a righteous heart is better than thousands of troops, but after I went through a journey, I realized that a guardian oath without strength will only bring disaster to myself and the people I want to protect .

So here I am. "

Miss Black Crow stepped forward holding Chi-Ji's Feather, and she walked into the blazing circle that was still warm.

Looking back at the people behind her, she said:

"I am no longer that innocent child, but I still have the simple ideals I wanted to pursue as a child, and I will not use this power for plunder and destruction.

This is the bottom line I set for myself. "

"Hey, why do I feel that there is something in your words?"

Bu Laike crossed his arms and said dissatisfiedly:

"What do you mean you have a bottom line? You mean I don't?"

"You can think what you want."

Miss Black Crow curled her lips and said:

"But I think the meaning of your existence is to prevent me from becoming a guy like you. However, I have never said the things I should have said to you.

Thank you, Bu Laike.

Thank you for teaching me so much, thank you for getting me to this point, thank you for giving me a chance to pursue greatness and achieve greatness.

Although my feelings towards you are still complicated, I am no longer hostile to you.

Looking at the past, I have no reason to be hostile to you, even if you have done very bad things to me. "

"Hey, it's not fun to say that."

The stinky pirate raised his hands and swayed, complaining:

"There are enough shameful scandals about me, and I don't want any more horrible rumors about stinky pirates having an affair with my pets.

However, you are already standing at the crossroads of fate, I think I should give you some confidence and good news to support you to complete the next thing. "

Bo Laike took something out of his bosom and threw it to Miss Crow.

The latter held it in his hand and opened it, and found that it was a certificate of completion signed by Laike himself, with the stamp of the dean of Nazaras College printed on it.

"Congratulations, Thisalie Crow."

The pirate spread his hands and said softly:

"You graduated from the pirate's dark wisdom class today, and you will be the first to graduate from me, which is a rare honor.

As for our strange relationship, I think it's time to end it too. "

Bu Laike touched the well-behaved sky on his shoulder, and he took the initiative to break the wilderness covenant with Miss Druid, and the soul link between the two was broken at this moment.

He said:

"The return of the sky means that you no longer need to assume the responsibility of the Eye of the Herd, and as a hunter, I may have realized the great ideal of taming the druids, enough to persuade myself to let go.

And as a pirate, I don't want to endure those inexplicable accusations anymore, maybe the evolution of humans and elves can't adapt to such an advanced relationship.

In short, you are free.

Thisalie Crow.

You are still part of the pack that I command.

But maybe, it's time for you to go back to your clansmen and form your own herd. "


The pirate was so "generous", and Miss Hei Ya was stunned for a while, she subconsciously said:

"I never cared about what other people said! This is so sudden, I think I still need your dark wisdom, I think we may."

"Trust me, you have learned enough, next, enjoy your freedom."

Bu Laike winked at Kel'Thuzad, and the Lich flipped the cupping pot in his hand with great precision, pouring the pure fire of Ragnaros into the Flaming Stone.

Just like the opening of the ceremony like the sky just now, the rising flames instantly enveloped Hisaly Black Crow, and also blocked the unspoken words of Miss Black Crow in the explosion of flames.

Bo Laike watched the druid engulfed in flames, as if he had completed everything a trainer should do.

He has put the finishing touches on his work.

He snapped his fingers, walked out of the laboratory with his raging wolf and the little phoenix on his shoulder, and said to the two arch druids:

"She belongs to you. A miracle will be born in Moonlight Grove today, and this miracle was created by me. You have always wanted her to go home, and now she can finally go home."

The pirate shrugged and said to Omulon the Skyspeaker:

"But don't forget to send me the course money she didn't pay. If you delay for too long, I will be angry."

After speaking, the pirate waved forward.

The sky on the shoulders flew forward with joyful neighing, and instantly expanded into a beautiful phoenix of flames. Bu Laike laughed and put the jeweled saddle that had been prepared long ago on the back of the sky.

He sat comfortably on it, and with a wave of his hand, his loyal sky carried him soaring into the sky amidst hissing.

Amidst the exclamations of the apprentices of the psychic school, the pirates who cheered happily like children were like flaming meteors flying in the opposite direction, drawing a beautiful trajectory in the air.

And his Xiong Xiong and Lang Lang also lay on the back of the wide sky, howling in the air to experience the feeling of flying in place.

This is so exciting! ——

In Kel'Thuzad's laboratory, Miss Crow's flame rebirth ceremony went very smoothly, and Bu Laike did almost all the assistance he could.

In the big cocoon wrapped in flames, the crane feathers of Chijing Red Crane turned into light spots of ashes and wrapped around Miss Hei Ya when it came into contact with the flames, revealing the mystery of the fusion of life and flames before her eyes.

This is the supreme wisdom of a supreme god, with its guidance, the fusion of Miss Black Crow went extremely smoothly.

And Ekirson's divine power was also guided, and the power of the storm and the sky was perfectly influenced by the pure fire, so that the final will of the Falcon God also "died with a smile."

It can finally disappear without any worries.

It knows that it will only be stronger than it once was reborn in Hisalie Crow, its name will spread throughout the world, and its followers and believers will be immeasurable.

There is no better ending for a loa who is dead.

The flames turned into a dancing movement, and under the singing of the flying fire, a mysterious flame mark fell on Hisalie Crow's body, as if she wanted to complete a wonderful tattoo for her.

When the last gleam of fire dissipated, the naked Miss Black Crow maintained a half-kneeling posture in the flames, her short hair was changed into a burning posture, and it was scattered on her shoulders.

And the battle lines on her face were also dotted with the light of embers, and the flames flew around her, covering her from the leaking spring light.

And in her hand, the twig of Fu Zang, which was brought into the ceremony at the suggestion of Bu Laike, also formed a very strange flaming sickle in the flames.

During the tempering of the elements, Miss Black Crow possessed a flaming sickle that belonged to her.

And as the world's first flame druid who has really completed the promotion, this scythe will definitely become the new sacred object of the Cenarion Order.

But there was no particularly happy expression on Black Crow's face.

Kel'Thuzad sent the cloak prepared in advance and put it on the druid. He looked at the complex expression on the black crow's face. This indifferent lich who seemed to be able to see through people's hearts said softly:

"Congratulations, you are so powerful and free at the same time. Let me ask you, are you happy?"

Black Crow pursed his lips.

She touched her heart.

The unilateral interruption of the soul link made her no longer able to perceive the existence of the herd, and the sudden peace in her heart gave her a rare sense of loneliness.

Like an orphan abandoned by the herd.

"Well, it seems that you are not happy. Elves are really interesting beings, but they are no different from humans. You always have to get them before you realize that what you want is just a sad illusion.

Even though I have got the key to the new time, I still stop there, and for a few moments, I wish I could stay in the good old time forever.

Guess you and Boo Laike still have a lot of things to do, but he chose to let go, what a heartless man.

Unfortunately, it is the poison of the soul, and you are unfortunately infected with it.

You may need a moment to cool off. "

Kel'Thuzad reached out and hugged his kitten, and while stroking his head, he complained to Miss Black Crow who stood up and wrapped her body:

"After all, lovelorn women are always troublesome. I even think they can destroy the world. Please, Miss Hisalie, this world is messed up enough, don't destroy it, okay?"

(end of this chapter)

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