Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1241 337. Well, You Must Pay Attention To Traffic Safety When You Go Out With So Many Blind

Chapter 1241 337. Well, you must pay attention to traffic safety when you go out with so many blind people——【625】

Fenner and Bo Laike were eager to catch Dailin. The two malicious guys kept watching the admiral's every move during the dinner.

As long as any handle falls into their hands, these two guys will immediately jump up and set off a scene of fatherly kindness and filial piety.


Admiral Dai Lin's performance tonight can be called textbook perfection.

It's as if he has lost all the warrior colors on his body, interpreted his wisdom as a king to the extreme, and displayed all the characteristics of an "old man who takes care of the family" in front of the family.

He asked about Jaina and Tenred's feelings and experiences in the new school, about his wife's safety and fatigue on this island full of pirates, and about the golden sword left behind by Boralus as the acting queen when he was out commanding the fleet The madam asked for warmth.

He even took the initiative to give Fenna, who had been bowing her head to cook, a chicken leg to eat.

There was nothing special about Bu Laike, but when everyone toasted to celebrate the family reunion after the hardships, Dai Lin also toasted with her son-in-law with a gentle expression.

This scene is simply a ghost!

Bo Laike, who was deliberately provocative, felt in a trance that this was a family dinner full of warmth and without routine.

It was as if Dai Lin had discovered the conspiracy of her eldest daughter and son in advance, perfectly avoided all possible pitfalls, and even offered to leave after drinking too much alcohol.

Because the mixed formation of the Second Fleet and the Third Fleet is still docked in Pandaria for supplies, he must go back to take command.

This reason is useless.

Fenner couldn't say anything against it.

In the end, all the people could only watch Dai Lin disappear into the portal opened by Mrs. Golden Sword in the reluctant farewell of little Jaina. Seeing that the general was able to single out the stinky pirates and stupid fighters with ease, he retreated completely, so angry Fenna chewed the chicken bones in her hand, and kept complaining that the stinky pirates were not strong enough.

He doesn't make mistakes, can't you lure him into making mistakes and we'll justifiably beat him up?

What about your proud dark wisdom?

Facing Fenner's complaint, Bo Laike looked back at the lady's rapier that Mrs. Catherine had been hanging around her waist since eating, and the magic wand that Mrs. Golden Sword was playing with, and was speechless for a while.

He seemed to understand why Dai Lin performed so well tonight.

The idiot Fenner didn't know that during the meal just now, Bo Laike had at least five chances to succeed in provocation, but every time he wanted to go further, Lady Catherine would put her hand on the hilt just right.

And three times when Dai Lin wanted to say something offensive, Mrs. Golden Sword would also spin the wand in her hand.

Fenna, an idiot who only thinks about recklessness, and Jaina and Tenred, two inexperienced little guys, don't know anything about the secret murder from beginning to end of the family banquet just now.

But Laike really felt the intimidation of two reliable mothers.


There are no winners tonight. The only winners are the two mothers who want to see a harmonious family.

"Good performance tonight."

After seeing off Mrs. Golden Sword, Catherine finally took off the lady's saber around her waist and hung it on the wall of the fireplace. She turned her head and said to Bu Laike who was sitting on the sofa drinking wine:

"Maybe a few more gatherings like this, and you can get used to each other again."

"Please forgive me, my lord."

Bu Laike bowed his head and said:

"A few more times I'm afraid I'll end up with a few more holes in my body, of course if it's him with a few more holes, then I'm absolutely welcome and looking forward to it.

I'm under enough pressure to suppress evil thoughts tonight, at least for a few months.

lets change a topic. "

The smelly pirate raised his head and said to Lady Catherine who poured himself a glass of wine:

"I'm leaving here in a minute and heading to Dellano."

"So fast?"

The governor's wife shook her hands and spilled a few drops of wine. She looked worriedly at her son who had not been back for a few days and was about to go on a long journey, and said:

"Can't you stay for a day or two longer? I'm going to take you to the cape to catch octopuses and hunt by the way."

"It can't be delayed any longer."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"I don't have much time left. Tonight's departure is the deadline. After all, I have to stay in the Kingdom of Stormwind for another day. King Varian Wrynn has prepared a private banquet for me.

After going through the 'scare' tonight, I feel that I need to attend a normal banquet to refresh my mood. "

"So, the reason is still here with me?"

Lady Catherine sighed, and said:

"I didn't discuss it with you in advance. I did it wrong, but there is no need to sneak away overnight like a frightened rabbit, right? This will make your poor mother feel guilty."

"If Her Majesty the Queen of Kul Tiras is really easy to deal with, Dailin and I won't have to suffer so much tonight."

Bo Laike rolled his eyes, he stood up, and said:

"It's a long-planned trip. I have to leave. You must know that in Dellano's chaotic world, there is still an elf girl who has a past with your son."


Madam Catherine, who was still reluctant just now, blinked her eyes. She hesitated, and asked in a low voice:

"I'm not prying into your privacy, Drake, I'm just you know, there are a lot of bad rumors on the island, so I have to ask one more question.

Is that elf alive? "


This question from the mother made Bu Laike unable to hold back for a moment. He covered his eyes and said:

"Don't listen to the shameful gossip, she's healthy, she's alive, she's not a monster, actually, that's exactly what I'm going to do this time.

I want to get some news from her that I care about. "

"Let's go then."

Lady Catherine urged:

"Every time I see you so close to your first mate, I feel a little worried.

Although it is your own business what kind of girl your son likes when he grows up, I can also understand that young people nowadays always like to chase some trends that I don't understand.

But you also have to consider your parents' feelings once in a while.

I mean, I've heard people say that you have a 'dark girlfriend' that no one else can see but you can feel? Are you sure. is she real? "

The governor's second strange question completely broke the pirates' defenses.

He tapped his head and said:

"Come out! See people! I'm really fed up with these shameless rumors, those guys with broken mouths are damned! I'm going to sew their mouths shut!"

"Don't be so angry, little master, you see, this is the terrible result of you not finding clothes for me."

With a strong but suppressed smile, Xalatas shaped his African elf-like face and body behind Bu Laike in the form of seven-color smoke.

She folded her hands politely on her stomach, and bowed to the astonished Lady Catherine in front of her.

"Don't be afraid, Mother."

The Dark Essence explained to Mrs. Catherine in front of her in a very gentle and magnetic voice:

"I am not something evil, I just met and fell in love with your son under the guidance of fate, as you can see, I am now like his guardian spirit.

If it's hard to understand, you can think of me as a kind ghost who has existed for more than a million years.

Apart from the fact that I come from the void, I feel that I, who has been rehabilitated under your son's training, is now much more kind than most people in this world. "

"Stop insulting the word 'kindness', it's a blasphemy from your mouth."

Bu Laike shook his head helplessly, and he said to Lady Catherine:

"Really, my lord, don't listen to those boring gossip anymore.

You also have the right to view part of the information transmission of the Uncrowned. Instead of believing those gossips, I think it's better to believe in the professionalism of my assassins, okay? "

"Well, I won't say it, I promise."

The governor's wife nodded, watching her son leave with the weird "ghost" beside him, and stood at the window with a glass of wine, watching the pirates ride the beautiful phoenix and gallop towards the pier in the dark night and go.

"Mom, the big brother is not a ghost, let alone a guardian spirit."

Behind the Governor's wife, little Jaina in her pajamas came over with a worried face, took her mother's hand, and whispered:

"It's a terrible thing. I didn't hide my peeping from her, and she gave me a terrible feeling, like a black hole that swallowed all the light.

Maybe we should find a way to keep big brother away from her. "

"No, she poses no threat to your big brother, but if you did, she would become your fearsome enemy."

Lady Catherine turned her head and said to her little daughter:

"Silly boy, I may not understand magic, but I understand love, and their intimacy cannot be faked, perhaps that is the real 'soul mate'.

go to sleep.

There is still class tomorrow. "


"Since I left Quel'Thalas, went to live in Dalaran alone, and then followed you around the world, I have gained knowledge, but this is really the first time I have seen so many blind people acting together.

Not to mention, there is a strange majesty when so many blind people gather together. "

On the pier in the town of Losberg, Fenna, who was full of food and drink, was watching a group of Illidari demon hunters who had gathered on the island several days ago silently board the boat.

Her vision is very good, in this dark and gloomy night, she can clearly see the "uniform attire" of these demon hunters, that is, the blindfolds on the faces of these men and women.

They are indeed a group of tough guys, and the indifference exuded from each of them represents "don't get close to strangers".

And the staggered battle blades on their backs and the various tattoos on their bodies also made these guys look full of a special temperament combining ascetic monks and warriors.

Little Xingxing also came to see the captain farewell, but Princess Blue Dragon's focus was very strange.

When Bu Laike came here, he happened to meet everyone's favorite little Xingbao "harassing" the commander of the demon hunters, Altruis the Victim.

Little Xingxing pointed to the shoulder of this indifferent ancient soldier, and she asked curiously:

"What does this tattoo mean?"

"The "revenge" phrase of the hunting magweave, it allows us to feed back part of the evil energy to the enemy in the form of spikes when we are besieged by demons."

Otto Lisbon didn't want to deal with the lively little star.

But after Little Xingxing said that he would give them a batch of magic items made by the blue dragons as a personal gift, the cruel victim also had to patiently explain everything she was curious about to Little Xingbao.

"What about this one?"

Little Xingxing nodded, and then pointed to Altruis' neck, where there was also a cool dark green tattoo.

The sufferer sighed, he was tired of Little Xingxing's curiosity, but for the sake of the batch of magic items being shipped, he patiently explained:

"This is the 'hunting' phrase, which allows us to use ghost vision to detect hidden or disguised demons, and also allows us to more easily perceive the direction of evil energy in the air."

"Wow, ghost vision, it sounds amazing."

The little blue dragon princess satisfied her curiosity, but then she pointed to the dense tattoos on Altruis' arm and asked:

"This looks amazing, what kind of phrase is this?"

"I refuse to answer that question."

The victim scowled and replied indifferently.

This made Xiao Xingxing think that she asked the wrong question, maybe the tattoo on the arm of this very powerful demon hunter is their forbidden knowledge?

"That tattoo means 'family and love', the second overlapping tattoo is a girl's name, and the third overlapping tattoo is a night elf proverb.

It means 'my heart is buried with you, faithfully'.

And the fourth row of tattoos.

It means missing my mother.

It appears that the victim was a family-oriented person. "

Just when Altruis thought Starbucks would never stop, the damn Braike jumped out of the darkness and explained in detail to the wide-eyed Starbucks that Altruis looked so cool on his arm. Hyun tattoo meaning.

And the meanings of these tattoos that were deciphered obviously offended Altruis.

But before he got angry, the curious little Xingbao asked again:

"After you become demon hunters, do you have to tattoo these things on your body to represent your feelings? I thought you were all emotionless killing machines."

"No! I had these tattoos before I was a demon hunter."

The victim replied angrily.

But Bu Laike was very excited. He stretched out his arms to hook the victim's shoulders, looked at the little star again, raised his eyebrows and said:

"There's no one else here, want to hear some demon hunter jokes?"

"Say it."

Blue Dragon pulled out his notebook to jot down the fel joke for later when he heard Bo Laike start, saying:

"One day, a Dreadlord, a Hellfire, and a Doomguard walked into a bar together."

Having said that, he looked at the stern-faced Altruis.

It wasn't until the latter turned his face away unwillingly by the pirate's gaze that the victim was very upset and spoke the second half of the famous demon hunter joke hoarsely.

"Then I killed them all."

"That's it? It's so cold!"

Little Xingxing, who was looking forward to it, was very disappointed. She closed her notebook angrily, made a face at Captain Stinky, and ignored him.

And Bo Laike shrugged, and he said to Altruis:

"This time, there will be countless dreadlords, hellfires, and doom guards waiting to drink with us when we go to Dellano. What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to kill them all!"

The victim said something coldly.

"Cool, sure enough, this joke can only be interesting if you demon hunters tell it, besides"

Bo Laike stretched his neck and said:

"That's what I'm planning too! But you stay away from my steering wheel, you know? Old drivers know that it's not a good idea to let a blind man steer a boat."

(end of this chapter)

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