Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1242 338. Run! The Undead Pirates Have Landed In Westfall! --【7/25】

Chapter 1242 338. Run! The Undead Pirates have landed in Westfall! --【725】

"Damn it, pull up the sails! Don't you see the headwind? You lazy fools, I should hang you up and whip you!"

As soon as the Naglfar sailed out of the Khaz Modan waters, the wind direction changed. Bo Laike, wearing a pirate suit, stood in front of the rudder wheel and yelled at the ghost sailors running on the deck while turning the rudder.

That posture is very similar to the irascibility when he first became a pirate captain.

However, the performance of this group of sailors really made Bu Laike very unhappy. It stands to reason that after coexisting on the ghost ship for so long, they should not even know how to deal with changes in the wind direction.

But now the ghosts formed after the death of these out-and-out old sea dogs are really slow to respond, and the stinky pirates are furious.

The first officer beside him, Long Seifer, was also a little embarrassed.

She whispered:

"The existence of Nagfar has made everyone accustomed to the ship's 'autopilot', and now it is suddenly switched back to manual, and everyone is not used to it"

"Don't make excuses for them! This is not what elite pirates should be like at all!"

Bu Laike scolded:

"If they're still so tired this afternoon, I'm going to chop off a few heads to remind them."


The chief mate took a glance at the actions of the captain who turned the rudder, which also became much more unfamiliar.

She wanted to remind the smelly pirate that he was one of those 'burnouts' himself.

But in the end still did not speak.

In other words, as a great pirate whose reputation has spread across the endless sea, you have already deviated when you are driving the ship yourself, do you know that!

The virtuous Sefiel shook his head, and deliberately opened the sea chart of the eastern continent in front of Laike, pretending to study the route by himself.

And Bu Laike is so smart, when he saw Sefiel's finger sliding along the coastline of the eastern continent, he immediately realized his "little mistake".

He looked around, coughed a few times, and turned the rudder counterclockwise several times as if nothing had happened, so that the ship would return to the normal direction in another twenty minutes.

"I'm going to land in Westfall, and then you send the rest to the shores of the Blasted Lands."

Bu Laike said to Seifel who put away the chart:

"You need to go faster on the return journey. The situation in the North Sea is anxious. We need the Nagfar to come out to give the pirates under Annie some confidence. If necessary, call Nagfar to return to the ship and conduct a few dives. Hunt to deter those bastards who want to go to war."

"Well, I understand."

Seifel pushed his first mate's pirate hat. This pirate dragon has been tempered by the sea, and he is no longer the vase character who knew nothing about navigation.

She looked at the vast sea in front of her, and asked again:

"Little Xingxing was very excited when she heard that there was going to be a war in the Frozen Sea. She told me several times last night that if there was a war, she would bring her legion to help us destroy the enemy warships.

But I don't think so.

At least Little Xingxing can't come forward directly, this will make her be reprimanded by the spell weaver, and maybe it will leave a handle for those who are interested. "

"That's right."

Bu Laike nodded and said:

"Let our little Xingbao stay in Coldarra honestly, or go to Pandaria to study with Yulong Tianzun. The matter in Beihai does not allow her, Cyanne or Melinthala to come forward.

Xianglong is also not suitable to appear on the battlefield where the two forces confront each other.

Pandaren are to remain neutral.

But the Storm Dragon and Gem Dragon under Little Star can act freely, so you can second them here and temporarily command them under your command. In addition, let Fenna and Heya take the shield maidens to visit the various Vrykul tribes in the Howling Fjord.

Subdue those savages!

I don't need them to support us, but it's for their own good that they can't go to the Alliance Fleet as cannon fodder. "

"This, Odin probably won't be satisfied."

Seifel reminds:

"The Lord of War wants to see his followers show him prowess in a large-scale war. He enjoys it. And the vrykul are bad natured. I don't think the shield maidens are enough of a deterrent. "

"not enough?"

Bu Laike sneered and said:

"There are nearly 600 people in the Skold Aishier tribe, and there are many young and militant girls who are eager to prove themselves by fighting to earn the title of 'Shield Maiden'.

A dozen shield girls are not deterrent enough, so are three or four hundred reserve shield girls enough?

Let the pirate fleet of Anaris send a convoy there and provide them with weapons. Let us help the warliest vrykul girls realize their dreams of war.

I want to see the belligerent Shieldmaiden sweep across the Howling Fjord before we take on the Alliance fleet!

Want to serve as cannon fodder for the Alliance?

no problem!

As long as they survive the shield maidens' attack, I will not interfere.

In this way, Odin is satisfied, and I am also very satisfied. "


Seifel wrote down the order, she thought about it, and said:

"The frost trolls of Zul'Drak are also a problem. According to the report of Zak Yaozhi, the master of the uncrowned who is active in the Northland, Malak, the frost king whose fate was predicted by you, is speeding up his efforts to conquer the small clan of trolls. pace.

It seems that he wants to take advantage of our decisive battle with the alliance fleet to complete the 'great cause' of invading Grizzly Hills.

The bearmen are our business partners and allies, maybe we should help them? "

"Trolls, they are really indispensable everywhere."

The pirate pouted, thought for a while, and said to Seifel:

"Leave them alone, let them continue to be arrogant for a while.

When I return, they'll have to fight for survival, woohoo, it's been a long time since I foretold the fate of Malak the Frost King.

It seems that our Majesty Malak did not heed the prophet's warning, which is good, and he will be punished for his arrogance.

By the way, there is one more thing. "

When Bu Laike picked up the jade pipe, he suddenly remembered something, and he said to Seifel:

"After you go back, hurry up and meet with Eudora, and hand over to her Mrs. Guo Su and Aya Blackhand who are still in Tol Barad for me.

The pirate business network managed by Udora should be opened to the Yulian Gang. The business atmosphere in the North Sea is not strong enough, and the Yulian Gang has nothing to do after passing by. Let them operate in the South China Sea.

First 'practice' in Gadgetzan, the goblin city managed by the Steamwheedle Consortium with which we have a good relationship. After they are familiar with the goblins' style, let them go to Booty Bay, Strangle, and Winterspring Yongwang Town free at leisure.

Mrs. Guo Ya wants to build the largest black market in Azeroth, which means that there is a natural contradiction between the Yulian Gang and the goblin plutocrats who are currently doing business in the black market.

Therefore, we must support such a good idea!

As an important dark force in the endless sea, we must help every confident and desperate dream. "

Bu Laike laughed loudly and exhaled smoke rings. He seemed to have seen the beauty of the jade lotus gang who rushed out of Pandaria under the leadership of Mrs. Guo Ya, who was gentle on the surface but actually ruthless. scene.

Those bloody bastards have already started charging Braike and the Undead Fleet for the huge deposits they have in their goblin bank

Tsk tsk, it really treats all customers "equally".

But how can the pirates who are looters get used to the temper of these greedy little green-skinned dwarfs?

"That's all I can think about now. You can handle other details. I believe in your ability."

The pirate encouraged his first mate:

"If you encounter a difficult problem, discuss it with the faction leaders. Democracy has always been a virtue of pirates. If you can't come up with an idea when you get together, go to my mother.

I have great faith in her ruling wisdom. "

"no problem."

Safiel responded, and said again:

"But don't the orthodox tribes of Blackstone Mountain really need to be dispatched?

Chief Red has written several letters to express his loyalty. He said that as long as the captain needs it, the Blackrock orcs can mobilize a large army to Northrend at any time.

He said his chieftain's guard, the Kor'kron Guard, who had made the enemy fearful, could also go to the battlefield.

Even himself. "

"It seems that Chief Red is overwhelmed with confidence after buying the low-priced food from the Pandaren, but just listen to what he says. That fat guy is very thoughtful now."

Bu Laike smiled and waved his hands, saying:

"We don't need orcs, we can handle it! Red's orcs have more important responsibilities. Before going to the Dark Portal this time, I have to go to Blackstone Mountain.

Speak with our High Chieftain. "

"Hey, Chief Guard, stop in the sea ahead, my Naga guards are going to board."

A seductive and shrill voice sounded from above the poop, interrupting the conversation between Bo Laike and Sefiel.

The pirate looked up and saw that the mistress of the poisonous snake, Ms. Vaschi, was just waking up, standing by the railing, stretching her six arms.

Among other things, this Naga has a really thin waist.

It is definitely a "water snake waist" in the true sense.

"Don't come too many, I can't fit the entire Naga clan on my boat."

Bu Laike exhaled the smoke ring, admiring the strange figure of Naga Niang in front of her. Ms. Vashki noticed his gaze, but Mistress Viper just let out a weird laugh and put on a more seductive pose to let her Pirates appreciate.

Apparently, she took the gaze as a compliment to her "amazing beauty".

Bu Laike curled his lips and said:

"Besides, this time it's a secret operation. You pick some elites and bring them with you. I know that all of you Naga have a bad habit of showing off."

"I know what secret operations are. I am the best spy mistress of Her Majesty the Empress."

Vashj sneered at Bu Laike's doubts, she looked at the sea in front of her and said:

"You have to go to the Dark Portal by land, and the rest of us will take the sea route from the Western Wilderness to land in the cursed land. You landlubbers better hurry up, I don't like wasting time."

After finishing speaking, Mistress Viper swayed her snake tail decorated with gold rings and gems and walked towards the cabin. She snorted arrogantly, glanced at Rexxar who came out of the cabin, looked up and down at the big orc, and said:

"I heard that you are the best hunter on land? What a coincidence, I am the best hunter in the sea. Do you want to find a time to compare?"

"Not interested in."

The orc "Batman" indifferently rejected Vashj's provocation, and took his big bear Misha to the deck for a walk, only to find that a group of demon hunters had already occupied the best position for training.

And in the high sky, a large and excessive storm crow loomed in the clouds.

"Elves, orcs, Naga, plus this group of blind men beheading the king, what's with this damn strong sense of sight?"

Bu Laike watched the scene in front of him, rubbed his chin, and whispered:

"Well, I suddenly felt like I could blind myself and take the Temple of Karabor in Dellano and call myself 'Lord of Outland' or something.


I still lack a six-handed Mistress of Pleasure, well, Gemini can barely replace it.

Well, this way we can live together. "


Even if the Naglfar is not controlled by the ship spirit, it is still the fastest ship in the world of Azeroth, not one of them.

At dusk that day, the gloomy ghost ship jumped out from under the sea of ​​Westfall, docked near Long Beach, and let its captain disembark.

In fact, this ship can sail to the port of Stormwind City.

As for the crotchless navy of the Stormwind Kingdom, there is no way to find the submerged ghost ship, but that would be too high-profile, and this kind of behavior is basically outputting the face of the child king.

Considering that the child king graciously invited Boo Laike to dinner, such a provocative behavior is not what a good guest should do.

"Go ahead."

Bu Laike jumped down from the side of the ship, and the tidewalker power endowed by the Yeyue combat boots on his feet made him stand firmly on the sea. He waved to Sefiel on the deck and said:

"I'll be back soon, lead them for me."

"Well, be careful all the way."

The first mate dragon made a pirate courtesy to his captain, and he didn't feel too much regret. After a few minutes, the ghost ship dived back into the bottom of the sea and disappeared.

Bu Laike touched the red "strawberries" on his neck, shrugged his shoulders, turned around and walked towards the shore of Long Beach with a pipe in his mouth.

When stepping onto the beach, the little murloc sitting on Laike's shoulder croaked.

He still hasn't forgotten his "heroic battle" here. This is the place where the Gualaguala pirate group was established.

"The elite murlocs here have been taken away by you. Look at the current situation here. The murlocs have all been taken away by the jackals."

Laike looked around. Through the vision shared by the sky flying in the sky, he could see everything that happened on this coast. For example, not far away, a group of local gnolls was besieging a small tribe of murlocs.

The scene is precarious.


When the little murloc heard how domineering the wolf man was, he immediately jumped onto the beach in displeasure. He grabbed his salted fish hammer aggressively, and gestured to Laike.

It means, you go first, I want to stay and deal with some "murloc affairs".

"Don't waste too much time, I'll be waiting for you in Stormwind City."

The pirate said something to the little murloc, and the latter responded, then let go of his feet and rushed towards the place where the battle took place.

Hey, this wave is the murloc hero debut!

Laike continued to walk forward, and soon saw a small farm on the coast, and the ghost ship that appeared on the long beach just now was obviously seen by the farmers on the farm.

When the pirates appeared in pirate costumes, Jason, the farmer, held a dung fork in his hand and shouted to the farmers who had "armed" him:

"He's alone! This damned pirate is going to rob our farm all by himself! This is what we all hope for this year, come with me!

We caught him and sent him to Westspring Fortress to claim his reward!

Go! "

With a pipe in his mouth, Laike stared dumbfounded at a group of farmers with dung forks and brooms rushing towards him. For a moment, he didn't know what expression to use to respond to all this.


Just keep smiling, right?

(end of this chapter)

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