Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1243 339. Varian, Is Your Brain A Little Sick? ---Monthly Ticket Plus Update【8/25】

Chapter 1243 339. Varian, is your brain a little sick? ---Monthly ticket plus [825]

"What did you say?"

Stormwind City, Old City, MI7 headquarters.

Xiao Er, who was dealing with daily work, got a piece of news from the black-clothed spy in front of him that made him dumbfounded. He put down the quill in his hand and asked seriously:

"Say it again, I was a little distracted just now, I may have misheard, who did you say was caught by a group of farmers?"

"Blaike Shaw! The legendary great pirate of the Great Sea, my lord!"

Flying all the way from the western wilderness sitting on a griffin, the black-clothed spy who didn't even have time to drink his saliva looked excited. With a kind of joy of "catching a big fish", he reported to his leader with trembling hands:

"It's the bastard who defeated the Gilneas fleet, spread the werewolf plague in northern borders, and plundered Kul Tiras!

The betrayer who was once a hero of the League but chose the dark path! That first-class criminal wanted by all human kingdoms and elf forces!

Our intrepid farmers caught him off guard when he landed alone in Westfall, preparing for his evil raids!

That horrible bastard is now imprisoned in a cage at Westspring Fortress.

But Captain Rainier, who was guarding there, felt they couldn't keep the dashing, handsome, powerful bastard down, so they asked SI:7 for backup.

Your Excellency, you must go there immediately.

This was a great victory enough to make SI:7 famous, and we can proudly proclaim ourselves as 'the end of the nightmare of the sea' or call ourselves 'the end of Laike Shaw'. "

"Very good, great."

Xiao Er's expression turned sour.

He sighed, took his beloved crane feather cloak from his hand and put it on his body, and propped his hands on the desk, and said to the black-clothed spy staring at him extremely excitedly in an indifferent tone:

"Have you had enough fun?"

"Ah? What are you talking about, my lord?"

The spy in black replied blankly.

Shaw folded his arms, stared at him, and said:

"Enough is enough, this kind of joke is too bad, it's not what a guest should do.

Also, don't tell me that you killed everyone in that farm and West Springs Fortress, then I have to call all the SI:7 assassins to fight you here. "

"Huh? In my dear brother's heart, am I such a tyrannical guy? What is my status and status now? Do I need to bully a few farmers myself?"

The black-clothed spy who was still excited just now shrugged, reached out and took off the mask covering his cheeks and hair, revealing a very ordinary, featureless face.

With the action of snapping his fingers, the camouflage effect of the deceitful orb on his body is eliminated.

The next moment, the handsome, stylish and unrestrained stinky pirate Bu Laike Xiao appeared in Xiao Er's office. He pulled a chair and sat on it with a pipe in his mouth and his legs crossed.

With a sad face again, he said to Xiao Er, who had an expression of "as expected" in front of him:

"Your western wilderness is really tough. In our place in Kul Tiras, the farmers ran away long ago when they saw a mighty pirate like me landing.

How dare your peasants try to capture me alive with a dung fork and send it to the child king for a reward.

It is indeed a descendant of the pioneers.

It is indeed a group of people with the most exploratory spirit in human civilization.

You know me, I admire the brave the most, so I left a sum of money for courage and fright after I tasted the spirits of the little farm.

I also left a bag of delicious elf candies for those freaked out kids.

Then, by the way, he touched MI7's stronghold in the western wilderness, 'borrowed' a suit and rushed over. "

Having said that, Laike rolled his eyes, and said to the helpless Xiao who guessed what he was going to complain about next:

"Compared to your brave farmers, the self-proclaimed 'Kingdom Defender' of SI:7 has a lot more hips, and I even discovered that the spies in the Westfall stronghold have a bad habit of drinking.

By the way, looking through the accounts, I found something extraordinary. "

The Stinky Pirate said to Shaw:

"Do you know that they have a very close 'business relationship' with the Mason Brothers who have recently made a lot of money from me."

"This is normal."

Shaw sighed and explained:

"Edwin VanCleef, leader of the Brotherhood of Stonemasons, was the commander of our skirmishers in Gilneas during the fall of Stormwind.

A decorated veteran, he could have served as a high-ranking commander in Division Seven after the war, but he chose to retire.

That is the real one of the seven places, and I have trained him.

One-seventh of the money that the Brotherhood of Masons earned from selling sin tablets to the Undead Fleet was handed over as the activities of MI7. "

"One-seventh? It's really dark."

Bu Laike made a strange click, shook his head and said contemptuously to Shaw:

"Pirate plundering is just a joke. It's up to you to really rob money."

"Okay, stop complaining about this, change clothes and come with me."

Shore didn't want to talk further on this issue, he said to Bo Laike:

"His Majesty the King has been looking forward to meeting you. He happens to be in Stormwind Fortress now, so he doesn't pick a time. The dinner will be changed to a lunch. What kind of food do you want to eat? I can arrange it.

Want some local cuisine from the Stormwind Kingdom? Or the delicacies of your Kul Tiras? "

"How did I provoke you?"

Bu Laike snorted and said:

"Let you torture me with pig food from Kul Tiras?

I'll have a real Wild West stew, the one without the clay, and a couple of liver pies, and Friars wine from Millie's family at Northshire Abbey.

More than twenty years old.

Don't fool me with scraps. "

"You are really particular about what you eat."

Shaw glanced at Bo Laike and said:

"Let's add a few pieces of cheese from the Tias family, that's the ancient flavor of Stormwind."

"don't want!"

Boo Laike shrugged and said with a wacky smile:

"The Tias family are old secret agents of MI7, I dare not eat cheese made by a group of assassins, God knows what the hell is in it.

In case after eating, it would be bad to talk nonsense in front of the child king. "

"You bastard."

The veins on Xiao Er's hands popped out, he gritted his teeth and said:

"How dare you say that the Uncrowned didn't plant an eyeliner in SI7? You even know the background of our deeply buried Tias family, and my organization has been infiltrated into a sieve by you!"

"Oh, don't be so sad, my brother."

Bu Laike said with a drawn out voice:

"Thinking about it, it's not just your family that was infiltrated by the Uncrowned, even the ancient watchers are about to be recruited by me, right? There's no shame in leaking information in front of a master assassin and prophet like me.

Come on, let's go, don't keep the kid king waiting. "

"Is this all right for you?"

Shaw watched Bo Laike take off his black coat to reveal his pirate outfit, squinting his eyes and said:

"I know you are also a noble prince, so let's talk about etiquette."

"You guys are so messed up!"

Bu Laike exhaled the smoke ring and complained:

"It's fine for me to wear this to meet Tyrande and Odin, but I still need to change clothes when I come to you, hey, I don't even pay for drinks in the Hall of Valor.

If you don't change the little Stormwind City, you will wear this.

The child king loves to see or not. "

Xiao Er couldn't do anything to Bu Laike, and in the end he could only take the stinky pirate to Stormwind Stronghold, but Xiao Er played a cautious role.

He himself led a few high-ranking spies to "protect" Laike in the center, so that people who saw the pirate along the way would think that the pirate was "captured" by MI7.

There were even a few children who were fishing in the city river on the side of the road cheering.

"Hey, you little brats, stay away from that damned river."

Bu Laike threatened those little kids:

"There is a terrible big crocodile in the river. It escaped from the sea along the sewer. It is very big and has six legs. It can easily eat you as dinner!"

"You're kidding, right?"

Shore glanced back at Bo Laike, who shrugged and said:

"Am I a pirate, an assassin, a warlock, what else?"

Hearing this, Shalton's expression changed slightly. As one of Azeroth's best hunters, Laike's perception of the beast's presence does not sound like he is joking.

"Inspect the river immediately!"

The head of SI7 whispered to the adjutant beside him:

"Don't miss every river, kill that damn crocodile!"

"Yeah, it's hiding in the river silt in the old town and trading area, and it's going to attack a silly dwarf selling toys along the street. If you can rush there within five minutes, that unlucky dwarf might survive.

By the way, I sent the crocodile meat to Chef King, and I suddenly wanted to taste the deliciousness of barbecue. "

Bu Laike also added a sentence on the side.

This made the adjutant secret agent look angry.

I didn’t see our kingdom’s secret agents talking, so how can you, a stinky pirate, speak up!


Watching the spies leave, Bu Laike whistled to Shaw and praised:

"Although you look very embarrassed when you encounter an emergency, your attitude of giving orders to remedy is really majestic, keep it up. Also, should I introduce some hunters to join MI7?

You know, I have connections. "

"So that you can put a few more 'eyes' in openly?"

Shaw shook his head and said:

"I will go to Nathanos for this matter, so I won't bother you."

"Oh, in your eyes, there are no good people in the world, right?"

Bo Laike made a sad hypocritical gesture, and he said in a drawn voice:

"Seeing SI:7's hip stretching like this, I really feel anxious. I just want to help, and there is really no other meaning."

"There must be good people in the world."

Xiao Er said without looking back:

"But you're definitely not one of them. Be serious, okay? His Majesty the King came out to greet you in person, and the Duke of Fordragon is here. He's a rigid paladin, and I hate guys like you the most."

"You actually said Fordragon was rigid?"

The pirate squinted and said:

"You have really bad eyesight. Shall I tell you a gossip about the Grand Duke? It will definitely shock your eyes."

Xiao Er was a little moved, but still shook his head and said:

"Let's talk after dinner."

The two of them complained like this, walking all the way to the stairs of the Storm Fortress, which is very magnificent as a king's palace, and the sculpture of King Ryan Wrynn stands in front of the fountain.

Its shape perfectly reflects the talent and ability of the Brotherhood of Masons in construction.

To be honest, this newly built Stormwind City has definitely overwhelmed Lordaeron King City in terms of momentum. Apart from Stromgarde, which has special significance to human beings, this Stormwind City is already the most glorious main city of human civilization.

But Laike froze when he saw Varian Wrynn and his entourage emerging in the robes of the king.

He rubbed his eyes, thinking he might be hallucinating.

After a few seconds, he whispered to Shaw beside him:

"The child king is still as majestic and handsome as before. The Duke of Fortagan grows a beard and looks more mature and cold. The beautiful girl next to the king should be Queen Tiffin Allianne. There is nothing wrong with these people.

I just have one doubt, that guy next to your kid king in the advisor suit. What the hell is that? Where did he come from? "

The pirate seemed to have seen the most astonishing spectacle, and he said in amazement:

"Why did a troll appear majestically in the human king's palace? Why didn't Fortagen take his sword and kill him? Why was Queen Tiffin still chatting and laughing with that young troll?

Had Stormwind been captured by trolls before I noticed it? "

"Well, that's Woking."

Xiao Er was also a little embarrassed, he explained in a low voice:

"It was an 'ally' that our army accidentally found when fighting against the Gurubashi troll who summoned the evil god in Stranglethorn Vale. The Darkspear tribe he belongs to is the only small clan in Stranglethorn Vale that is willing to help the alliance fight against the evil god Hakkar.

The Vanguard Legion was able to attack Zul'Gurub, the city where the trolls hid in the mountains and forests, thanks to the leadership of the Darkspear headhunters.

Sen'jin, the shadow hunter of the Darkspear clan and their old chieftain, said that he heard the oracle of Bwonsamdi, the god of death.

So Chief Sen'jin sent his only son to us.

Vol'jin is now Stormwind's royal adviser to trolls, a young troll who is intelligent, gentle, and sincere.

He has earned the confidence of His Majesty the King.

Even the Duke of Fortagan, who was prejudiced against aliens, slowly accepted him. "

After hearing this story like a bible, Laike blinked and said:

"I should really hang up the Commander of the Uncrowned in the Kingdom of Stormwind and whip him. He didn't collect such important information. But Varian is also amazing.

His grandfather, King Baratheon, died in the joint war between trolls and gnolls.

To be honest, seeing the Kid King walk out of Stormwind Keep with Vol'jin to greet me was a challenge to my mind.

Even if you tell me that the Kingdom of Stormwind has built a rocket launch tower with the gnomes, and plans to send marines to fight against the strange creatures just discovered in aliens, and that we can drive black-tech biped robots into the Burning Legion's position Wushuang, I couldn't be more surprised.

Of course, if you really figure it out, that's another story. "

Boo Laike made a long list of complaints that sounded illogical to Shore.

At the end of this complaint, he looked at the smiling child king in front of him and the young troll advisor behind him, shook his head, and said in a low voice;

"The fate of going to chaos after being disturbed is really a magical thing."

(end of this chapter)

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