Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1253 3. The Third Principle Of Dellano's Survival: The Hoof Girl Is The Best --- Monthl

Chapter 1253 3. The third principle of Dellano's survival: the hoof girl is the best - monthly ticket plus update [1825]

"You didn't pick at random, did you?"

Watching the satiated demon witch go back to the gate of fel energy with coquettish steps, the victim glanced at the moonblade that he had unsheathed for the first time but failed to drink blood, and said in a low voice:

"This demon seems to be different."

"Of course I didn't choose it randomly. Do you think I'm one of those trash warlocks?"

The pirate exhaled the smoke ring and said casually:

"I am a prophet. Not only can I see through the fate of human beings and souls, but I can also see through the chaotic and brutal fate of demons. Any life in this group of stars has its own wonderful life moments.

So does my dear beagle, Shahras.

Don't look at her as an ordinary demon witch now, but she is good at dancing and she will have good luck soon.

You have to know that when the brainless abyss lords act on their own, they must always be supported by a clever enough lieutenant. This is the 'tradition' in the Burning Legion.

As far as I know, Magtheridon the Berserker, who sits in Shadowmoon Valley, prefers this kind of mature and intelligent demon witch, but unfortunately, he already has a qualified lieutenant by his side.

Therefore, we want to create opportunities for Miss Shahlas, who is cute, smart and coquettish, and knows how to serve high-ranking demons. "


The victim nodded.

He turned around and summoned a few demon hunters and gave them some instructions. Bu Laike also asked for a Kor'kron orc warrior who was familiar with the terrain of Shadowmoon Valley from Va Locke.

A few minutes later, this elite team broke away from the main force and rode towards the direction of Shadowmoon Valley on the big mephit.

"I'm not talking about you."

Pirates complained to their victims:

"The intelligence work of you demon hunters is too bad. You have demons that can devour evil energy. You are already a kind of half-demon, and you have to fight against the Burning Legion, so you can't always be reckless.

Tactics, strategies, understand?

Just like I arranged for Shahras, you may also learn to 'mix sand' into the legion. Don't tell me you demon masters can't do this, I'll be disappointed. "

"Well, your suggestion is very useful."

The victim nodded and said hoarsely:

"Actually, Lord Illidan also used the same tactics in the War of the Ancients, but ten thousand years have passed, and our ancient 'friends' probably disappeared long ago.

We obviously need the help of the Uncrowned in this regard, send someone to guide us. "

"Let's wait until we get back from Dellano alive."

Bu Laike glanced back at the Illidari behind him, and said:

"It's time for you to add new members. Don't focus on the night elves. There are so many elves with magic addiction, and night elves are not good at casting spells. You should have more spellcasting units in your group.

do you understand me? "


The victim really deserves to be Illidan's excellent adjutant, and he knows everything.

He frowned and said:

"The life of the Quel'dorei elves is too extravagant, they are like children who grew up in a honeypot, and they still admire the degenerate ways of the elf empire, which is limited compared to the Nightborne in Suramar.

I really don't see the possibility of them being good hunters. "

"That's now, without the oppression of war, the elves all look like this, but the Quel'dorei elves have a martial tradition, and they just need a chance to prove themselves."

The pirate shook his head and ended the topic.

He turned to the people beside him and said:

"What are you doing in a daze? Take the 'gift' and we'll talk to the draenei to set up a relationship. Don't follow, Wa Locke. I'm afraid you will fight again when you meet the draenei."

"Then shall we go to Shadowmoon Valley?"

Wa Locke didn't complain about this arrangement. The blood feud between the orcs and the draenei was more than ten times that between them and humans. He knew that he should not appear in the territory of the draenei.

"Why go to Shadowmoon Valley?"

The pirate pouted, pointed to a direction in front of him, and said:

"Go to Nagrand! It hasn't completely fallen yet, go to Grandmother Gaia'an and gather all the Mag'har orcs in Galadar.

They need a good and accomplished commander to command them, and then send someone back to Azeroth, tell Rend and your big brother, and get the Kor'kron Guard ready.

After the centaur mercenaries are assembled, establish a base in the cursed land as quickly as possible, and after I send a message, go through the portal of darkness to support our battle.

Hellfire Citadel must be captured, the location here is too important, it will become the base camp of the Azeroth coalition forces in Dellano. "

"But here's a trap!"

Marius Demon Calamity said worriedly:

"I know it's a devil's trap but I still want to jump into it. This is really true."

"Don't be stupid, blind man!"

Vashqi, the mistress of the poisonous snake, fiddled with her little snake's long hair, and said disdainfully:

"Can a trap for a rabbit catch a tiger?"

This sharp statement made all the doubters shut up, and made Laike nod to Madam Vashj in satisfaction.

Look at her, she is indeed the queen's favorite war maid, and her casual words are so classic. It is rare to be able to guess what Laike is thinking.

No one objected anymore, the orcs started to move immediately, and Bu Laike also squatted down, reached out and touched Vashj's snake tail, this action made Mrs. Viper twitch her tail, and said sharply:

"Don't touch me! Dirty human! This pure body belongs only to the supreme empress!"

"Where did you go? You naga girl who is full of lust."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes, picked up the dry and broken snake scale in his hand and waved it to Vashj, he said:

"Letting you group of underwater creatures walk on the Hellfire Peninsula is really hard for you, you can't stay here, or you will lose water and die in at most three days, and even if you don't die, your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Take your guard to Zangar Inner Sea.

That inland sea is the only unpolluted water area in Dellano, and it is also your advantageous battlefield. Demons are not your opponents in the water. "

This instruction made all the Naga, including Vashj, breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, they also hate the dry environment of Hellfire Peninsula, but they just kept silent because of the "sense of honor" not to embarrass the queen.

Now Laike took the initiative to give them a step, and this group of Naga with super self-esteem was naturally happy to accept it.

"So, what about my mission?"

Vaschi immediately showed the qualities that an excellent commander should have. She briefly asked:

"What do you need us to achieve for you? Chief of Guards."

"Occupy that water!"

Bu Laike snorted and said:

"Water is the source of life!

Demons may not need this resource, but other races in this world cannot do without it. Occupying the only pure water source in this world is tantamount to pinching the pulse of this world.

You are free to move there, while spreading the supreme majesty of Queen Azshara in this sad world, and then carry out a surprise attack on the demons in Frostfire Ridge, and by the way support the actions of the Mag'har orcs in Nagrand.

In addition, remember to send people to the northernmost Tongtian Peak area to look for the traces of the crows. Those autistic patients are also a force that can be united. "

"Union? What you want to say is actually 'use'?"

Vaschi let out a laugh of Yujie's, and she said:

"Her Majesty's favor for you is not due to your good looks. You are indeed a capable person, Your Excellency Laike. But to completely occupy an inner sea, such a small number of people is not enough."

"Can't you shake people?"

The pirate said with a straight face:

"There is no need to test me. Everyone knows that you are only pretending to obey me, and I am just pretending to lead you. You have absolute autonomy, and now you can even act independently without me.

I don't know what the Empress sent you Dellano for, but I don't care.

As long as you do what you're supposed to do.

What I mean is, when I need you to show up to help fight, you better get me a reliable team, otherwise the big pirate Lord Bu Laike Shaw will be very disappointed with Mrs. Viper. "


Vashki snorted, said no more, turned around and signaled the Naga sea witch behind her to prepare to transmit magic, and sent a Naga hunter back to Azeroth to shake people.

After such a dispersal, it was just him and a group of demon hunters in Bu Laike's large army, as well as pathfinder Rexxar and weak Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo.

They started to move towards the hiding place where the draenei were, and after a few minutes, Zhou Zhuo leaned over to Bu Laike and whispered:

"The storm crow that has been following us is gone, where did he go?"

"Your Majesty Lu Helmet, apart from coming to this world with me to travel, he also has a mission to shoulder, you don't care about that."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and complained:

"Is the curiosity of lorewalkers so strong? Bastard, go and count the heads of those orcs, and I will give them gifts later."

"Would the draenei really like this kind of gift?"

Zhou Zhuo blinked and said:

"According to you, they should be a group of pacifists."

"They used to be."

The pirate snorted and said:

"Then they experienced with their own eyes what it would be like to choose to be a pacifist in a chaotic world. Believe me, now that the draenei are really murderous, the orcs have to stand aside.

They will absolutely love this warm gift and they will treat me like a guest. "

"I'm also not suitable to appear in the territory of the draenei."

The silent orc Batman Rexxar brought Misha over and whispered to Bu Laike:

"I'm going to Gorgrond first, my friend, and we'll meet there."

"Do not!"

Bu Laike declined the offer, saying to Rexxar:

"You can't save your people if you go there alone, and even a mighty beast king like your father was forced to disappear, which shows that the situation in your hometown is very bad.

You need an 'legion'. "

Rexxar blinked, he understood what the pirate meant, but looked at the barren land around him with some hesitation, and said:

"There is not enough 'nutrient' here, and it is difficult for the larvae to grow."

"So come with me."

Bu Laike threw his Orb of Deceit to Rexxar, saying:

"We may be able to learn some local conditions from the Draenei. If you can find a suitable breeding ground, you can become a hero to save Mo Kenasa."

"I don't want to be a hero, I just want to do something for the people I abandoned."

The orc shook his head, he activated the deceitful orb in his hand, and disguised himself as a burly human being during the camouflage magic.

But he still wears his iconic wolf head cap, and surrounded by the silent and chilling aura on his body, it makes him look even more dangerous.

And doing so made Laike's eyes widen.

He exclaimed:

"Bateman! Have you finally come to Dellano from Gotham to punish the devil with the iron fist of justice?"

"What Batman?"

Rexxar in human form pushed his black "bat helmet", and said dissatisfiedly:

"You know I don't like that weird nickname."

"I was just joking."

The pirate shrugged and said in a low voice:

"You can't be Batman, you are far behind, although your mother left early, but your father is still there, and your mother's name is not Martha.

A happy child cannot be a Batterman.

But the clothes I have prepared for a long time can finally come in handy. "

Bu Laike swiftly took out a set of black cloak and battle armor from his luggage, which he ordered from the master tailor in Suramar.

He strongly urged Rexxar to change into this suit, saying it was necessary for camouflage, but Rexxar saw at a glance that the stinky pirates had bad intentions, and decisively rejected this bat suit, which was like a costume.

This disappointed the pirates very much, and they were silent all the way.

The demon hunters all have wings to glide, and Bu Laike also has the flame phoenix to accelerate, which caused the group to move very fast. After three hours, they crossed the Hellfire Peninsula and came to the foot of the mountain in the northwest of this wasteland.

But when they entered the mountain, a row of sharp arrows pierced their faces as soon as they crossed a col, hitting the ground with a bang, splashing dust.

The warning shot made the blind men draw their weapons in unison, but Bo Laike didn't care.

He coughed and signaled the blind men to throw the box full of orc heads in front of them. He kicked the lock of the box open with his own foot, and a bloody smell came up immediately.

He shouted in Eredan to the draenei hunters hidden in the col before him:

"Hey, followers of Velen, we are not enemies, we have brought gifts, this is our sincerity, come out and take it."

"Stand back! Outsiders!"

A female voice sounded from the mountain in front of my eyes, carrying a chill and chill.

She scolded:

"The Temple of Tahamat does not allow outsiders to enter! No one is allowed!"

"Didn't Velen tell you I'm coming? Didn't he tell you to prepare a feast for me?"

Pirates complained:

"I'm starting to feel disappointed in the professionalism of my colleague."


These words made the leader of the draenei hunter hidden in the mountain feel confused. A few seconds later, she asked suspiciously:

"Who are you? Are you the legendary Azerothian Braike Shaw? The Prophet did send a message a few days ago, but... Just a few days ago, another 'you' shamelessly assassinated the Prophet. "


That statement made the pirate blink.

He immediately understood the cause and effect.

It must be that group of damned Nathrezim who didn't want Bu Laike to interfere in their "great cause", so deliberately arranged assassination to disturb the pirate's plan.

"This is malicious competition, bastard, be careful that I will report to Emperor Denathrius!"

Bu Laike complained.

He took a step forward and stepped into the shooting range of the Draenei ranger who was at least a legend. He shouted:

"Is that Archbishop Nelly in front? I promise I'm the real me, not those damn pretenders."

"Then how do you prove that you are you?"

The draenei rangers were relentless, which stumped the pirates.

He tilted his head and thought for a while, then said:

"Then let me make a prophecy for you on the spot to confirm it? For example, I know that your governor of Shatar, Archbishop Osar, has secretly joined the Burning Legion"


A tall draenei woman wearing a hunting cloak stepped out of the valley, holding a gem-studded crossbow in her hand, and waved her hand back, telling the hidden rangers to put away their weapons.

She walked up to Bo Laike, held out her hand to him, and said:

"Very good, you proved your ability to predict. Just yesterday, the shameful Osar sold the Sha'tar line of defense to the demons. Only a prophet can accurately predict such information.

You are indeed the legendary Boo Laike Shaw. "

The pirate shrugged his shoulders, stretched out his hand to hold the mature Yujie in front of him, his eyes fell on the cute little tail wagging behind her, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart:

"Ah, it really is Sai Gao, sister hoof."

(end of this chapter)

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