Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1252 2. Dellano's Second Principle Of Survival: To Coexist Peacefully With The Female D

Chapter 1252 2. The second principle of Dellano's survival: To coexist peacefully with the female devil -- monthly ticket plus update [1725]

"Let me tell you in advance, I'm going to summon a local demon."

On the desolate land where a massacre had just occurred, Bu Laike used the blood of fel orcs to draw a standard demon summoning ceremony freehand on the ground.

He took out Gul'dan's head and held it in his hand, pretending to be a very powerful demon summoner.

Actually, he is.

But this stinky pirate looked at a group of blind hunters who were sharpening their knives. He felt a little bit sour, so he shouted to the leader of the victims:

"Please restrain your undisguised desire to slaughter, and don't make yourself like an anti-social lunatic? If you gather in a bunch like this, even the most daring demons dare not answer my call.

I mean, it's not impossible to kill, at least wait until I finish asking, OK? "

"Of course, we are not unreasonable people."

The victim put the dark red slender moon blade back behind his back, and waved to the other demon hunters, and a group of murderous guys put away their weapons, trying to make themselves look friendly.

This response pleased Bo Laike.

He turned back to prepare for the summoning ceremony, but heard Altruis say sinisterly:

"Summon a stronger demon, I mean, the one that can cut for a little longer."

"I'm really convinced by you. How often do you order food? Are you going to show me a spot-to-order show later?"

The smelly pirate scolded:

"Stay away, hell, my rituals are activated, so many soul stones are placed here and no demons will take the bait. Your existence must have interfered with my rituals.

Back out, at least three hundred yards. "

This time Bo Laike is as whiny as an angler with an empty car.

The demon hunters had no choice but to retreat.

But it's strange to say that as soon as these blind hunters retreated, the pirate's summoning ceremony immediately responded, and many scorching consciousnesses wrapped in fel energy responded to him.

The pirate snorted, feeling that he had regained his majesty as a warlock, and rubbed Gul'dan's head to pick and choose among these responses.

It's not that he has any unique pursuit of the wild demons he summons.

The main reason is that these summoned guys are all in the Dellano world, and the pirates summoned them to ask about the current situation of this dying world.

So it has to be taken seriously.

Wouldn't it be a big loss if a taciturn blue fat man was summoned, or a demon guard whose mind was full of killing, or a demon hound who couldn't even speak?

Finding a prisoner who is willing to cooperate and can answer questions is the first requirement for intelligence interrogation work.

Soon, Bu Laike, the master warlock, selected a "perfect" summoner.

He fully activated the summoning ceremony, lured by the aroma of a large pile of fresh soul stones placed at his feet, a door of fel energy swirled open in front of Laike's eyes.

A tall and slender demon witch with six hands, each holding a different weapon, with obvious female features, strode out from the gate of fel energy with evil and graceful steps.

This kind of devil witch is the advanced form of the succubus. They wear black veils on their charming faces. While maintaining the coquettish posture of the succubus, they also greatly strengthen the melee power.

Just by looking at the different weapons in those six hands, you can tell that this guy is a master of close combat.

As advanced demons, they can also use fel magic. In addition to their lack of vitality, such female demons are almost the favorite summons of high-level warlocks from all walks of life.

It's the same reason why middle and low-level warlocks prefer succubus.

Not only can they charm the enemy, but they can also chat with their masters on the bed when they are alone, and most importantly, besides killing people, they are also very "useful" in daily situations.

Tch, everyone risked their lives and worked hard to learn the devil summoning technique, isn't it for this benefit?

Of course, female sorcerers also have a preference for succubus.

Because there are also men among the succubus, they call themselves "night goblins", and like their female compatriots, night goblins also know how to please their masters in various situations.

However, it is not easy to tame demon witches, because they are very smart, almost the highest IQ among all demons, and they know how to distinguish traps.

He even chooses the owner he likes by himself.

This made it very difficult for ordinary warlocks to trick them into signing a contract, and it was even very difficult to summon them.

"So many twisted souls, this is the most fruitful day since I entered Dellano, ah, lovely blond warlock, you look like a rich master, and your appearance is also very... ah! That is what!

Hell, it's a trap! "

The coquettish demon who appeared in the summoning ceremony was immediately attracted by the pile of soul stones in front of her eyes, and she also tried to tease the good-looking and dark-breathing Bu Laike.

But before she started chatting offensively, she raised her head and saw the group of demon hunters who had already taken out their weapons three hundred yards away, and was watched by a group of blind hunks at 360 degrees without any dead ends. This unlucky bastard The devil's face turned pale with fright.

For a moment, her legs in the devil boots went limp, and she screamed and tried to escape back into the gate of fel energy.

But a blood-stained oak battle ax whizzed over and slammed on the ground at the Demon Witch's feet. The anger attached to it hadn't dissipated yet, and the deadly chill made the Demon Witch stop all her movements immediately. .

Before her eyes, the orc Va Locke sat smoking a pipe on the hacked corpse of a fel orc warlord, the gray-haired orc watching her with an icy gaze.

That gaze was much more terrifying than the fact that she was surrounded by a group of demon hunters.

"So, I want to ask you a few questions, cutie, it seems that you have fully understood your current situation, very good, so I don't need to waste any more words."

Bu Laike, holding Gul'dan's head, spoke slowly in the devil's language:

"You answer what I ask. If you don't cooperate with me, please ask my blind friends to ask. They will definitely help me very hard. If your attitude and the information you provide satisfy me, then I will try my best to fight for you. A quicker way to die.

And these soul stones."

The pirate pointed to the nearly a hundred soul stones piled up by the other party at his feet. He picked up the pipe and held it to his mouth, and said softly:

"I can consider letting you have a full meal before going on the road, so that you will pass the period of weakness faster after being reborn in the Twisting Void, and maybe you can find a chance to advance again."

The paralyzed demon witch nodded quickly.

Without Laike's instructions, she took the initiative to put herself into a prostration posture.

Seeing this skillful movement, Bu Laike knew that this demon must have followed a warlock who was very good at training before, otherwise he couldn't be so smart.

"Tell me, the deployment of the Legion in Dellano, and their attack plan."

The pirate exhaled the smoke ring and kicked a few soul stones under his feet. The demon grabbed them and crushed them, and took a deep breath to swallow the souls of those howling evil orcs into his mouth and nose.

She knew she would never survive today.

So he said everything he knew in a self-defeating tone:

"The Legion's attack on Dellano went smoothly, but it was not as simple as destroying other worlds. In my opinion, the primary problem is the lack of troops.

Because of the star sea center, the demon star Marton was destroyed by a damn demon hunter, causing the legion to lose the ability to quickly dispatch troops to the surrounding star fields.

We can only use fel warships to transport the vanguard, and then summon the follow-up legion through portal tactics.

But Dellano's natives fought back hard.

Our portal positions in Shadowmoon Valley and Goldron have been repeatedly destroyed several times, and Frostfire Ridge is completely occupied, but the place is worthless.

I've heard that the Deceiver is preparing a massive invasion, and has mobilized the elite armies of Argus to tear this world apart in a utter devastation. "

"A large piece of Hellfire Peninsula has also fallen into your hands."

The sufferer Altruis came over and asked sharply:

"You obviously have the ability to open the Dark Portal, why waste your time in the world of Dellano instead of directly launching an attack on Azeroth?"

"I'm talking to the master! What are you talking about, you blind man? You have no manners at all."

The devil witch snorted disdainfully, and made a pitiful expression on the pirate, trying to win sympathy with this docile gesture.

not bad.

This begins to try to provoke the relationship between Bu Laike.

"I am not your master."

The pirate shrugged, looked up and down at the devil witch in front of him, and said:

"It's a bit bad for you to be my demon servant. I'm not one of those useless warlocks who want everything. Answer my blind friend's question, and be honest, so he might be very angry when he hacks you to death." gentle.

Why let yourself suffer?

Right? "

"Oh, what a ruthless man."

The female demon complained, seeing that the temptation was hopeless, she simply gave up on herself, sat cross-legged on the ground and stretched out her hand to pull the soul stone piled up in front of her.

While absorbing those fresh and ugly souls like a starving ghost, she said to Altruis:

"I'm just a frontline commander.

A demon of my level has no access to a big man like a fraudster, and all my information is collected from my demon lovers.

I heard this from a dumb dreadlord lord, and it is said that the Deceiver has a 'private goal' of his own in Dellano, something to do with the Deceiver's past before his fall.

In short, before it achieves its goal, it will not attack the world of Azeroth rashly. After all, it is not a loser like Archimonde, and it always has a plan in its actions.

In order to achieve its goal, Kil'jaeden even sent his confidant general Kazak, the doomsday overlord, to personally supervise the battle in Della Nor, and also mobilized many Nathrezim to operate in this world. "

Having said that, the female demon shook her body.

She felt that her desire to talk was unexpectedly high today, perhaps because she had eaten too much delicious soul, and the commotion in her heart made her say something that she shouldn't have said as a devil.

She complained softly:

"It's not just me, my thirty or so lovers have also felt that the fraudster doesn't seem to care how much time the legion will waste in Dellano's world.

It seemed bewitched.

It's like being so absorbed in a single purpose that even the conquest of Lord Sargeras has been left behind is a shameful disloyalty.

Of course, it declared to the outside world that it wanted to build the world of Dellano into the second demon star Marton, hoard enough troops, and then defeat the damned Azeroth at once, and avenge the shame of the Legion.

But everyone knows the real situation, this battle is too aggrieved! On what world, apart from Azeroth, has the Legion suffered such a shame of slow progress? "

The victim was also a little sluggish when he heard the complaints of the female demon in front of him. What happened to the demon in front of him?

How dare you say such fatal words?

If this spread to other demons, she would be dead.

The Burning Legion is an absolute totalitarian, privately discussing the private affairs of slandering fraudsters, which is a felony that can be sent to the furnace of souls.

The demon hunter immediately turned to "look" at Boo Laike.

Although he couldn't see the purple gleam that haunted the pirate's eyes, he was sure that the demon's "talking" had something to do with Bo Laike.

"Tell us the specific arrangement of the Burning Legion in Dellano."

The victim asked in a cold voice.

The devil witch who was chewing her soul in front of her said without thinking:

"Agonar, the Lord of the Abyss, and Varimathras, the Dreadlord, sit in Goldron and are responsible for clearing out the nasty rebels that haunt there.

The doomsday overlord Kazak and Magtheridon the Berserker command the armies of Shadowmoon Valley to defeat the united orcs and their shameful leader, Ner'zhul.

As for the most troublesome Draenei who stick to Shattrath City and Auchenai Fortress in Talador, the Dreadlords are completely responsible.

No one knows how many dreadlords came, but my succubus lover secretly told me that while she was serving a fel lord over there, she accidentally saw at least seven dreadlords in a meeting.

As for Frostfire Ridge, well, that miserable, bitterly cold place is the domain of the Dispatchers, where the servants of Archimonde the Loser are placed.

The fraudsters don't intend to let them get involved in Dellano's affairs at all, just let them keep summoning demons and doing some chores.

That's all I know about it.

You beat me to death and I don't know more.

Oh, by the way, there are also some legion leaders stationed in this Hellfire Fortress, which has a magical connection with the Temple of Karabor.

Here is a vicious trap! "

The devil witch grabbed a handful of soul stones, stuffed them into her mouth like chewing candy, biting them with a crackling sound, and said vaguely:

"All the opportunities for infiltration left here are carefully arranged illusions!

It is a bait to lure the rebels to attack. Once you step into it, the trap will be activated immediately, and Magtheridon the Berserker will lead the army to send over and smash all the unlucky ones.

In the past two months, the lives of nearly a thousand orcs and draenei have been buried here.

I'm done.

Come on, kill me.

Long live the Legion! "

She threw back her neck in a gesture of generosity, and the victim drew the Moonblade, "looked" at Bo Laike, and the pirate shrugged and said:

"She has more than 30 lovers, which is also a rare thing among succubus. This is enough to prove that she is very talented. No matter how hard she works, she may be able to form an 'intelligence network behind enemy lines' by herself. I think Think how much useful news her activity can bring to you."

"Can we trust her?"

the victim asked.

The pirate rubbed his purple eyes and said:

"As long as I don't die, she's our most loyal beagle."

"Are you right, Shahraz?"

(end of this chapter)

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