Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1251 1. Dellano's First Principle Of Survival: Red-Skinned Orcs Are Big Villains -- Mon

Chapter 1251 1. Dellano’s first principle of survival: red-skinned orcs are big villains——Monthly ticket plus update【1625】

"Damn! What a shitty place! I'd rather live a year in the Dread Wastes with a mad mantid than another day in this damn place!"

After walking for less than ten minutes but being attacked for the fourth time by a group of hellhounds that appeared from nowhere, the embarrassed Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo angrily dropped the pen in his hand.

It doesn't work if you don't fall.

Even though the group of hellhounds who didn't know how to live or die rushed over, they were dismembered by the demon hunter with glowing eyes, but the "spit" that bad guy vomited before he died broke Zhou Zhuo's favorite pen.

It's just too bad.

Everything is too bad.

Before stepping into the Dark Portal, the traveler was still looking forward to a fantasy epic that no pandaren had ever completed. The night of the decision.

He figured he must have had too much to drink to allow Laike to come with him on the Dellano expedition.


If he had known this was such a broken place, he should have agreed to old Brian's invitation and followed him to the underground ruins called Uldaman.

Maybe there will be surprising discoveries in it.

"Look at that weak chicken panda man, a group of hellhounds scared him, if he sees the magic mecha later, he won't be scared and faint?"

The hateful sarcastic remarks from behind made Zhou Zhuo wish he could slap himself again.

The person who can make the panda, who has always been gentle, so popular, must be the one who hates ghosts, His Excellency Bu Laike Xiao.

Compared to Zhou Zhuo's embarrassment, the stinky pirates are in quite good spirits.

Even a little excited.

He rode on the back of the big bear and big horn, looking at the red wasteland in front of him with nostalgic eyes.

The anxiety coming from the ground uplifted him, the sulfur smell in the air refreshed him, and all kinds of demons popping up from nowhere to chew his head off from time to time made the stinky pirate feel refreshed.

That's right, that's the flavor!

A dying world full of chaos, war, and death, that's how it should be!

However, the barren scene in front of him was slightly different from the Hellfire Peninsula in Braike's memory.

First of all, due to the lack of time and Ner'zhul's repeated horizontal jumps, Dellano hasn't exploded yet.

Therefore, although the Hellfire Peninsula is as desolate and abominable as the pirates remembered, at least the land is still intact. From here, Braike can even overlook the sea full of evil energy pollution in the distance.

The dark green sea is called the Zangar Sea, which is what the Dellano people call their ocean.

Secondly, also because the world has not been blown to pieces, there is still a weak but regularly operating magic power underground in the Hellfire Peninsula.

There is no magic net like Coldarra in this small world, so there are not many magic nodes in this world, and the dying of the world makes the magic power out of control, causing the spellcasters to cast spells here will be more destructive.

Correspondingly, the mana consumption will be greater.

Bu Laike likes this kind of place, for example, he likes the feeling that he threw a cataclysm just now and threw the entire small caster camp together with hundreds of demons into the void.

This makes him feel that he has a huge advantage!

In the end, it was because there was no explosion in the world. Although the Hellfire Peninsula in front of him was really a damned ghostly place, as a hunter, Bu Laike could still feel a trace of inaudible vitality from under the scorched earth.

It made him confirm what he had been thinking all along.

As long as Dellano does not experience a catastrophic explosion, there is still hope for recovery in this world that has been repeatedly poisoned by various forces.

Well, after all, it is a world that Lord Aggramar has personally noticed. The vitality of Dellano's world is actually not as fragile as it seems.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

The pirate rode on his own bear, turned his head and shouted to a group of obviously excited demon hunters around him:

"Let me know if you feel uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable? No, no, no."

Holding the Moonblade that was still stained with demon blood, Marius Mokamo took a deep breath in this dying world. The extremely high concentration of evil in the air made his whole body tremble.

He said in a quivering voice:

"I feel like coming home here! This place reminds me of the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago, when we followed Lord Illidan on the battlefield.

See, this fel energy doesn't even need me to draw it, it pours into my body, my inner demons are cheering, I feel like I can kill a wrath guard! "

"Your ideal is so pathetic, Wrath Guard. Tch, I thought you felt like you could kill a fel lord."

Bo Laike curled his lips in disdain.

He gestured to the demon hunters following him and said:

"That's right, the 'uncomfortable' I mentioned refers to this guy's current state of insanity! Restrain your desires, Illidari, the evil energy here is at your disposal, and you can explode astonishingly in this world combat effectiveness.

But if you eat too much without restraint, then I have to help Illidan clean up the house and hack you to death who are about to get out of control. "

"That's right!"

Altruis, the sufferer who has been frowning since entering the Dark Portal, also said in a cold voice:

"Turn off the hunting magic pattern on your body, and don't open it when you are not fighting! The evil energy here is too full, and it will tempt the demons to resist.

I don't want to see you lose control one by one, don't let Lord Illidan down on you! "

This is a strong statement.

The demon hunters obediently turned off the magic pattern that automatically absorbed fel energy on their bodies, which made them look uncool at all, and made the pirates scoff at it.

Look at these third-rate hunters!

It's really sad that everyone can't even control their own inner demons.

With a strange triumph, the pirate said to the eredar twins in his mind:

"Hey, you two should resist sometime. Now that you are lying flat and letting me drive you, it makes me feel very unfulfilling."

"Shut up!"

"Leave us alone!"

After scolding each of the Eredar twins, they closed their hearts again. They really didn't have the idea to say even one more word to their villainous master.

That guy's mouth will spit out venom, and as long as they hear it, they will pollute their pure demon hearts.

Bo Laike, who was shut down, really wanted to call out these two eredar chicks and beat them up on the spot. How could he talk to the warlock master! Kil'jaeden taught you this etiquette?

But if you think about it carefully, your behavior may be considered a pervert who does not respect women, so forget it.

He is a big pirate, why are he angry with the female devil?

Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo packed his bags in embarrassment, and summoned the "somersault cloud" that every lorewalker would be given, which was actually a frisbee made by ancient Titan technology.

He stood on the Frisbee, wobbled along in the middle of the large army, looked around with his scribe sword in his hand, and recorded the terrible hell-like scenery of Hellfire Peninsula with a dwarf camera.

The magma and brimstone-filled fires that erupt from the cracks in the ground from time to time are very dangerous. This is the first lesson Zhou Zhuo learned in this damn hell world.

"I just wanted to ask, why is this road so strange?"

Zhou Zhuo walked forward along a broad road directly connected to the Dark Gate. After a few minutes, he finally couldn't help asking:

"This road should be specially built, but why are there so many bones on the road? I just counted, and we saw at least a few thousand bones in our ten-minute journey.

What the hell happened here? "

"This road is called the 'Road of Glory'."

Bo Laike glanced at the strange skull buried deep in the side of the rammed embankment under his feet, and he whispered:

"It was specially built by the orcs to build the Dark Portal. In order to repair the Dark Portal, the orcs cut off the eyes of the entire jungle. Can you imagine that this desolate place was once a lush jungle?

It even has more trees and vines than Ashenvale.

The orcs at that time were crazy. They distorted the glory of their battles and used slaughter as a means to show their strength. After the Dark Portal was repaired, the driven Draenei slaves were killed on the spot.

The bones you see are the last vestiges of those draenei.

Stop counting.


The Draenei have lived in this world for more than 200 years, with a population of nearly one million at their peak, but now there are only less than 100,000 of them left. "

These few words made Zhou Zhuo shudder, and the hair on his neck stood up.

He couldn't help but look back at the last few orcs following the team. Va Locke Saurfang, who led the team, didn't make any rebuttals. He and his warriors just walked in silence.

They manipulated their wolf warriors, trying not to step on the bones on the road.

but too many bones

There are so many that even the agile war wolf can't accurately avoid every place.

"Don't think that the orcs helped you in Pandaria, so you think they are good men and women."

Bu Laike sneered and said:

"Humans hate them for no reason. Every orc warrior who survives to reach Azeroth is a butcher with blood on his hands.

They'll never fit into that world, they'll just hang out with lowly pirates like me.

This is their destiny. "

"Hehe, your evaluation of orcs is exactly the same as that of the noble empress."

Vashki, the poisonous snake lady who walked on the land like a snake, spat out snake letters, complaining that the damn environment made her lose water quickly, and said to Bu Laike:

"Our great queen admired the Seven Years' War between humans and Orcs. She said that Orcs can only be used as weapons. They cannot become a full-fledged civilization until they get rid of the curse in their blood.

She said the orcs were pathetic, but they were really good at fighting.

She also planned to give the orcs a piece of land in her own empire, on the condition that the orcs have unconditional allegiance to the great queen, but this proposal was rudely rejected by the ridiculous Gul'dan.

This is probably the main reason why the sad Warlock finally lost his body, he offended the Supreme Empress! "

"You see, the noble empress and I both think so, and this is how heroes see the same thing."

The pirate laughed, not caring about other people's attitudes, he stopped where he was, and after a few seconds, said:

"Pathfinder is back, and hopefully he has some good news for us."

As soon as Bu Laike finished speaking, Rexxar's figure appeared in front of everyone. The big orc came running with his own war bear. He said to everyone in front of him:

"The nearby evil orc tribe has noticed us, and their wolf cavalry is rushing towards this direction, intending to capture us and sacrifice us to their demon master.

In addition, Hellfire Citadel is full of demons and their loyal fel orc tribes. The number of enemies inside is quite considerable. Our strength is not enough to capture this fortress!

Allies must be found locally. "

"So, where are the allies?"

The pirate blinked at Rexxar, who did not disappoint him, pointed to the northwest, and said:

"Through the Hellfire Peninsula, there are traces of draenei activities in the mountains. I guess they have built a frontline base here. However, it is not easy for the draenei to trust us.

what they've been through in the past."

Rexxar couldn't continue talking about this point. Although he didn't participate in the orcs' extermination of the Draenei, he was a bystander.

For Orc Batman, that means his hands aren't clean either.

"Trust is not an issue."

The pirate waved his hand and said:

"Although I haven't met His Excellency Velen, the two of us have been friends for a long time, and I believe the local Draenei will give me face.

The problem now is that we can't go to meet people empty-handed."

Rubbing his chin, Bu Laike said to the people around him:

"Do you understand what I mean? Gifts and the like, always prepare. Look, a gift with long legs that can run is delivered to your door! The locals are really hospitable."

Feeling the slight vibration of the ground, the pirate looked into the distance, and saw a large group of evil orc wolf cavalry roaring towards this side, and they seemed to have summoned demons to charge together.

Bu Laike took out his dual battle crossbow with a bang, and said to the demon hunters who raised their moon blades and the Naga guards who grabbed their bows and tridents:

"Don't cut off your head when cutting, the gift must be as complete as possible to reflect our sincerity."

"You have so many things to do!"

Madam Viper complained angrily:

"how many do you want?"

"There are more than fifty of us."

The pirate had the final say, and tentatively said to the people around him:

"Two for one person is not a big problem, is it?"

"I think I have a problem"

Zhou Zhuo raised his hand helplessly, and the pandaren whispered:

"Evil orc wargs can eat me."

"I will take your share for you, and I will guarantee your safety in this world."

Taking out the tile of the battle ax Locke whispered:

"I only have one request, Lorewalker, please use the pen and paper in your hand to record our experience in this world objectively and fairly, and use this story to tell as many people as possible.

The tyranny of the orcs is over, and we will no longer be dominated by violence. "

"Hey, anyone can talk big."

Bo Laike said to Va Locke Saurfang:

"Hurry up! Use your violence to kill those evil orcs who want to assassinate me. You see, I am so scared that my hands are shaking. Help me, this poor pirate."

"Isn't the guy over there going to war?"

Altruis the Sufferer whispered:

"He seems to be very powerful."

"The noble Lord Staghelmet is here to travel and find the meaning of life. How could it be the same as you bastards who came here to fight?"

The pirate pouted and said:

"Don't ask questions, do you have such a loose attitude when working under Illidan? Hurry up and cut them off, keep the head as a gift, and bring the soul back to me for my use.

For the glory of Lord Illidan!

Illidari, rush to me! "

(end of this chapter)

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