Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1250 346. Everyone In Dellano, Run! The Smelly Pirate Is Coming--Monthly Ticket Plus Update【

Chapter 1250 346. Everyone in Dellano, run! The Smelly Pirates Are Coming--Monthly Pass Plus【1525】

Because Red's behavior of trying to pluck the wool made Bo Laike very angry, so angry that he even refused to let the great chief Red leave him for dinner.

Of course, the orcs in Blackrock Spire have just realized the "freedom to eat", and it is already very good to fill their stomachs, and the taste is definitely not something to talk about.

Although the orc barbecue has a special flavor, but Laike has already satisfied his tongue in Stormwind, so he left firmly.

Along the way, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He always felt that he had been prostituted by the "pure as ever" Great Chief Red, but it was also possible that Red was too stretched, so that Braike's dark wisdom couldn't stand it anymore. Had to offer to help.

But Laike became more and more angry, so he simply stopped the sky when it was flying over the Swamp of Sorrows, and found a place in a swamp that was not muddy.

He wants to teach Red, who is getting more and more tired and less and less energetic, a lesson.


The pirate took out a "figure" of a sapphire-carved jade figurine from his luggage, and took out a few sticks of incense used by the Pandaren for sacrifices, lit it in front of the jade figurine, and injected magic power into the jade figurine.

Soon, the smoke from the burning incense entangled in front of the pirates, forming a magical creation like a not-so-clear mirror.

Madam Guo Su's face appeared in the smoke, but Laike could still see behind her a very "bloody" scene, a two-headed ogre being whipped while hanging by a group of pandaren ninjas in black.

Even the miserable screams from the other end of the smoke could be heard.

"What is this for?"

Bu Laike twitched his eyes and asked:

"You guys just arrived in Gadgetzan yesterday, right? Why did you start doing this kind of thing? Did you find your opponent so quickly?"

"Well, it's not our fault."

Mrs. Guo Su, who was dressed in a big red robe, plucked her small and cute panda ears in embarrassment. She complained:

"The local gang is really rude! We just arrived last night, and this morning we were blocked by a force called the 'Dirty Hand Party', demanding that we pay protection fees for this year and next year.

But how could the Yulian Gang get used to their bad habits?

Aya just made a personal trip and tied their new boss back, this society is 'educating' him manners and rules, but I heard that the last boss of the dirty hands died at the hands of a pair of elf siblings .

It is said that the ogre injured someone and did not pay, but was beaten to death by debt collectors in the street, this Gadgetzan incident is really strange.”

"No, it lost money. Of course, it was hacked to death by Fenner."

Bu Laike shrugged, replied, coughed a few more times, and got down to business:

"Maybe in a few days, the orc representatives from Blackrock Mountain will go to Gadgetzan to look for you, and they want to borrow some money from you. Those are my subordinates. Give them some as appropriate."

"no problem!"

Mrs. Guo Su agreed boldly, and said:

"Since they are the entourage of His Excellency Bu Laike, we will definitely help them as much as possible. Although the Yulian Gang does not do usury, comrades still need to help each other.

Be sure to give them a very low interest rate. "

"No! That's what I'm trying to say."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"Give them the highest interest rate, and kill them hard. These guys have been so tired recently, and after satisfying their needs for food, they are a little unwilling to make progress. This is not what I want to see.

It may be better for their growth to give them some pressure. "

"Ah? Are you so ruthless even when you cheat yourself?"

Mrs. Guo Su was all stupid.

The panda's face was full of disbelief and a very subtle awe, as if he had once again seen the bottom line of the terrifying man in front of him.

"You child really can't speak!"

Bu Laike snorted, raised his eyebrows and said:

"I'm starting to worry about your cousin's high hopes for you, but I can't be bothered to explain that. The Jade Lotus Gang helped me find someone there after they took root in Gadgetzan.

A goblin alchemist named Marlin Northenforge, he happened to be on a business trip to the Hinterlands when I went there last time, if you find him, control him and don't abuse him.

Then inform my 'Trade Prince' Captain Eudora, she will take care of the next thing. "

"No problem, leave it to us."

Mrs. Guo Su replied decently, and was about to say a few auspicious words to refresh her image in the hearts of the pirates.

As a result, the ogre who was hung up and beaten behind him let out a scream, which seriously damaged the belly draft prepared by Mrs. Guo Su.

This dissatisfied the advance leader of the Jade Lotus Gang. She apologized to Bu Laike, and then she turned around and walked towards the howling ogre with a whip in her hand.

Just when Mrs. Guo Su waved the whip, the smoke mirror just dissipated, leaving behind a freeze-frame picture that makes people "running through the imagination".

"Enter the Dragon Gadgetzan is so lively."

Bu Laike put away the jade figurine figurine and played with it in his hand, and said to the flame phoenix sky flying beside him:

"If I didn't have something urgent to do, I would also like to play a few games in that bustling city of goblins. It will definitely be very lively there in the future.

Goblin chaebols, filthy hands, and the Yulian gang who just went there, tsk tsk, just think about it, you know there must be a lot of fun to watch. "

The pirate shook his head with some regret, and once again restored the sky to a rideable size, and drove him from the open sea to the cursed land.

The reason for changing the route is because the alliance's Fortress Fortress in the Blasted Lands is in front of them. After the city of Dalaran was blown up, mages of several schools moved here.

Now the number of mages in that fortress is astonishing. Although the pirates are not afraid, they are too lazy to make trouble.

He moved forward along the coast under the gloomy sky, and the flying flame phoenix pulled out trails of flames in the dark sky, especially the flying tail feathers floated up and down, creating quite a gorgeous light.

Cool That's pretty cool, but also a little too obvious as a goal.

On the tallest mage tower in Watchfort, Luo Ning, who had just become an archmage, happened to catch the light in the distance, but before he could observe and record it carefully, the light rushed into the clouds and disappeared.

This once made the young archmage feel very lost, very depressed, and very sad.

Even shed tears.


Archmage Luo Ning's mentality is actually not so fragile, and he won't feel so uncomfortable because of his small mistakes. The real reason is that he was sent to Watch Castle to take care of apprentices, which meant that he would have to part with his mistress for a long time.

Those old men, old ladies, and single dogs in the Council of Six are really hateful!

Do you not allow others to have love if you don't have it?

He just made an appointment with Miss Vereesa to go to the Broken Isles to see Mrs. Liresa in the next vacation. It would be great if their love could get Mrs. Liresa's permission and blessing.

But now, it's all over.

I have to stay in Watchfort for a full four months.

Not being able to see a loved one for four months is exhausting.

What's more, according to the current news, the demons must have entered Azeroth four months later, and the Fortress where he is located is the closest fortress to the Dark Portal.

Once a full-scale war breaks out, how long will this fortress be able to defend?

Is there any chance for me to go back alive and marry the gentle and lovely Miss Vereesa?

Thinking of this, Ronin, who was standing on the top of the Mage Tower and looking at the barren cursed land, lamented again. He actually felt a little envious of Khadgar who had just "resigned" half a month ago.

Although that guy's wife is a wild female orc, even though the guy is old, even though the guy left without saying goodbye, don't let the Council of Six denounce him as a traitor and a coward.

But no matter what, at least he is staying and flying with his lover, and I don't know how he and Garona are doing in another world?

Alas, unrestrained people are different.

On the other side, Bu Laike descended from the sky with the dome wrapped in flames, and landed precisely on the beach. In the temporary base hidden in the valley ahead, he had already seen demon hunters patrolling around.

These guys are really restless, they should have just landed here not long ago, and now they are looking for the demons hidden in this barren land.

Compared with Illidan's subordinates, Bo Laike's subordinates are a bunch of lazy, unprogressive bastards.

"As long as the demons rush out from the Dark Portal, the fortress you built here will fall within a day at most. The mages there seem to have no plans to evacuate."

After Bu Laike approached, the sufferer Altruis standing outside the camp said in a hoarse voice:

"I admire their courage in standing up to their demons, but perhaps you should give these brave souls a warning before we go.

Humanity has not experienced the War of the Ancients, and you have no idea how terrible the Burning Legion's offensive is.

Such a solitary fortress cannot support a battle line. "

"I feel like the guys there are still there not because they're brave, it's purely because they have nowhere to go."

Cloth Laike responded with a Tucao:

"You guys who are still thinking about 10,000 years ago don't even know how expensive it is to find a place close to the node of the magic net in the human kingdom and then build a large-scale mage tower?

That's a fee that even mage masters can't afford.

Of course, there is also a "small part of the reason" because I plundered most of their wealth accumulated for three thousand years, but the main reason is definitely not me.

In short, pity Dalaran.

It was a helpless move for the Council of Six to send these mages here. After their main city exploded, there was no room for so many spellcasters. "

"Is that so?"

Altruis nodded approvingly, this old demon hunter who was cold and powerful but somewhat unable to keep up with the "development of the times" said with a sigh on his face:

"I thought it was because humans are naturally brave."

"Don't listen to his nonsense, my lord sufferer."

Maris Demon Calamity, who was walking over with a box in his arms, heard that the stinky pirates were deceiving his "simple" leader, so he hurriedly whispered:

"The magnificent city of Dalaran, which was built by human mages for three thousand years, was the one who lured World Destroyer and Archimonde to blow it up, and the mages have already issued a wanted order for him.

These spellcasters have fallen to this point, our Lord Laike really owes a lot of credit. "

"Hey, you really deserve a beating."

Bu Laike glared at the garrulous Marius Morbane and said:

"You are talking nonsense, believe it or not, when my friend Illidan returns, you will tell him the scandal you have done, and let him expel you from the ranks of the Illidari Demon Slayer.

And what about your little lover? Why don't you see her coming? "

"Elisanna stayed in Black Rook Castle with several veterans with old wounds."

Maris sighed, and said a little melancholy:

"If we all die in Dellano, they will be responsible for rebuilding the Illidari heritage in Azeroth! The demon hunter's career cannot and will not end until the last demon dies."

"Bah, bah, bah, you blind people who suffer and hate so much, you can't say anything good."

The stinky pirate drove away Maris the Devil in a vicious voice. He looked around the camp again and said:

"Where's Vashj and her snake guards?"

"They first went to the portal of darkness to find a crack that would allow so many of us to pass through at once. That is a job that requires professional skills."

The victim explained.

But Bu Laike shook his head, casually took out the Skull of Gul'dan that had not been used for a long time from his luggage, threw it up and down in his hand, and said:

"Why bother with that? You can use this thing to reactivate the Dark Portal. We don't take the small path, we just walk over there."

"You're crazy!"

The victim scolded:

"The restart of the Dark Portal will give demons a chance to enter Azeroth!"

"Huh? If we don't open the door, can't the devil come in?"

Bu Laike sneered and said:

"There are a lot of things like this in my hand in the Burning Legion. The demons are determined to complete the Burning Crusade in Azeroth. Can a dark gate stop them?

Sooner or later, it is better to hold the initiative in our hands.

The reopening of the Dark Portal will also make the communication between the two worlds more convenient, without the need to go through those dangerous world cracks. Besides, I have given the prophecies about the arrival of demons to various forces in this world.

But I regret to find that not many people seem to take it seriously.

I think you have protected them too well. "

The pirates threw the Skull of Gul'dan to the victims.

He said:

"After witnessing demons falling from the sky that once only appeared in legends, even the most stupid and stubborn people will realize that a changed era is at hand.

Those in this world who are eager to move and are unwilling to give up the wheel of hatred need to feel the pressure from the devil, so that they can seriously think about the possibility of union

You can't keep them blindfolded until the day of disaster strikes, it's an act of cruelty to go into battle without giving soldiers any time to prepare, sufferer.

Believe me!

Opening the Dark Portal now will do no harm to this world! "

After speaking, Bu Laike turned and left.

After he took a few steps, Xal'atath suddenly whispered in the pirate's ear:

"I said so many high-sounding things, but little master, you just don't want to take the risk of taking the dangerous world rift?"

"Oh, you still understand me."

Bu Laike shrugged and replied in his heart:

"I have studied that thing carefully, and it is clearly recorded in the book of Medivh that the world rift is extremely unstable, and it may lead to other unknown worlds.

I don't want to gamble on this one.

After all, I am full of feelings for Azeroth, I have adapted to everything in this world, I have gained so much, I don't want to be thrown into another world inexplicably

It would be too annoying if the whole Reincarnated World started all over again.

Let's go directly to the 'main entrance'.

This is the way to tell everyone in Dellano world that Bu Laike Shaw is coming!

Run, idiots! "

(end of this chapter)

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