Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1249 345. Fifty Yuan Is A Good Big Brother, Please Have More --- Monthly Ticket Plus More [1

Chapter 1249 345. Fifty yuan is a good big brother, can you get more --- Monthly ticket plus more [1425]

"You've been a great chief for such a long time anyway, why don't you have any experience?"

In the iconic Hall of the Chiefs in Blackrock Spire, four braziers were still burning in the corners. This thing is standard equipment for orcs, and the green skins actually hate the cold.

Of course, except for the Frostwolf orcs.

In the enclosed hall, Laike was sitting on Red's Great Chief's throne with a headache on his face, while the Great Chief Reid was driving his fat body with a low eyebrow and pouring wine for the captain himself.

Judging by the joyful expression on his face, it was as if Bu Laike came, and all the things that caused him headaches could be solved easily.

This open attitude makes the smelly pirate very uncomfortable.

In the past, he used others. Why did he come to Red, as if he was working for this extremely tired chief?

"Look at what you said, captain, I am also a human being, how can I have no experience at all?"

Red didn't care about Laike's attitude. He poured the wine and said:

"I've maintained a good relationship with the Dark Iron Dwarves. Thanks to my efforts, the Stormwind Kingdom's legion in the Redridge Mountains did not enter the Burning Plains, and the Bronzebeard dwarves stopped in the barren land.

I really can't be as aggressive as Orgrim, but I can be conservative.

This is what you taught me.

Look how well I study? "

"Well, I did learn well."

Bu Laike glanced speechlessly at Reid's room at the back of the chief's hall. Although the door was closed, he could still feel that there were two female orcs cleaning.

And there seems to be a new life in the belly of the two female orcs.

It seems that Red, the great chief, is really busy.

While dealing with major tribal affairs, it is also necessary to strengthen the blood inheritance of the Black Hand family. No wonder Maim has been saying that his big brother has worked hard after returning from visiting relatives in Black Rock Mountain some time ago.

After making trouble for a long time, is it actually such a "hard work"?

"Brothers Drek'Thar and Saurfang haven't toppled you from the throne of the Great Chief. This is really a strange thing. How can they tolerate you as a greedy and lustful person who has no dignity of the Great Chief Asshole?

This kind of green-skinned wisdom can teach me, I also want to learn from you to be a shopkeeper, I don't have to worry about anything, things will be done naturally.

It's just fantastic. "

The pirate picked up his wine glass and asked Reid a question.

The warchief also picked up his own large, extravagant goblet made of the skull of a Dark Iron dwarf, and after clinking glasses with Bo Laike, he drank the cool wine in one gulp.

After moaning happily, he wiped his mouth, then rubbed his chin and said:

"Probably because I am the only one who can feed the orcs of the orthodox tribe? Only I have enough money to pay the soldiers, and only I have the means to buy enough weapons and armor from the dark iron dwarves and goblins?

The commercial trade and food sales of the entire orthodox tribe are in my hands, and the Burning Plains cannot grow food. Without me, they will have to starve.

In order to fill their stomachs, no matter how unwilling they are, they can only choose the traditional way of "borrowing food".

But when everyone has enough to eat, no one wants to fight.

If a leader can't even keep his soldiers fed, why should the soldiers overthrow an 'incapable man' who can make them eat meat twice a week and drink wine every day? "

Red laughed, spread his hands, and said to Bo Laike:

"Captain, this is what you taught me last time, and I have always kept it firmly in my heart. But now the situation is beyond my control, and Dellano can't ignore it.

After all, I have always told my soldiers that the orthodox tribes do not care about Azeroth, and sooner or later we will go back to our hometown in a dignified way.

Even the hard workers of the orthodox tribe have memorized these words by heart. If I choose to ignore Dellano's call for help at this time, the soldiers will doubt my leadership.

Brothers Drek'Thar and Saurfang couldn't come up with a good solution. Eitrigg told me that no matter what the price is, if you want to maintain the unity of the orthodox tribe, you must bite the bullet.

I also have a headache. "

Panting, the great chief pulled over a chair and put his "burly" body on the small chair, making the wooden chair make a sound of being overwhelmed.

He sighed and said:

"My family knows their own affairs. Although the orthodox tribe looks powerful now, it is just a show. The shamans have worked very hard, but the magic blood disease has not been able to eliminate the impact so far.

We have only been able to get enough food in the last few months, and the population reproduction is not so easy. The ratio of male to female in the orthodox tribe is an exaggerated 12:1!

Those bastards who are full and full of energy have to fight for women every day, I am going to have a headache!

My tribe has only just recovered a little bit, and we can't support Dellano's bottomless pit.

Fortunately, Ner'zhul also knew about my situation, so he only wanted food and supplies, and he didn't ask for soldiers. This time, it was Eitrigg's suggestion to capture the ogres and send them back.

My Overseer feels that even if we make gestures, we must do enough.

Facts have proved that Eitrigg really has two brushes. After the news spread, the warriors in the tribe participated enthusiastically, and they also wanted to do something for their hometown. "

"But how many ogres are there?"

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"If you capture all the ogres from these three areas, as well as the Red Ridge Mountains and Dusk Forest, you can't gather a legion. Such a small number of people can't even make a splash in Dellano, where the demons have invaded."

"Who said it wasn't?"

Reid also looked blank, he said:

"I started to buy slaves from the Dark Iron Dwarves, but those bastards actually took advantage of the fire to raise the price. It's strange to say that the performance of the Dark Iron Dwarves has been very... How should I put it?

It's not the same as before. "

The great chief grabbed his braid without majesty, and said to his captain in a puzzled tone:

"Their emperor no longer refuses to make deals with us, and the armor and weapons that he refused to sell before are also sold. Although the price is high, we can still bear it.

After all, the dwarves' stuff is notoriously high quality.

But at the same time they started selling weapons, they weakened the slave trade.

Those black iron untouchables were ignored at first, but now it is said that their emperor also started to give the untouchables a way, allowing them to form an army or something, which suddenly doubled the number of black iron troops.

Moreover, those untouchables fought extremely bravely in order to gain status. Not long ago, they simply overthrew a group of ogres who had seized the mine with them. This victory gave that bastard Thaurissan more confidence to speak.

I don't think that's something Thaurissan's burnt stone head could come up with.

Captain, I'm very skeptical now. The Dark Iron dwarves, like me, have found a very powerful think tank for themselves. "

"Well, Thaurissan didn't just find himself a think tank."

Bu Laike grinned and said mysteriously:

"It seems that the news of the Black Iron Emperor's wedding will soon come. Remember to give a gift when the time comes. According to their current situation, the hostility between you and the Black Iron may end soon.

Maybe they will take the initiative to initiate an alliance request with you.

However, let’s not talk about the Dark Iron Dwarves, let’s talk about Dellano, where Ner’zhul is doing great things. Although I don’t know the current situation very well, I guess, Dellano’s elemental spirit has been released? "

"not yet."

Reid lowered his voice and whispered:

"Ner'zhul sent me a letter, saying that he intends to set up a trap to defeat the demons that invaded Shadowmoon Valley at once while releasing the elemental spirits.

Brother Saurfang took the Kor'Kron guards back to Dellano to cooperate with him. "

"Is that so?"

Bu Laike frowned slightly, he said:

"This is very risky. If Lukensen, the Lord of Fire, is reversely controlled by the demon, Shadowmoon Valley will be finished. This old guy is really a sign of going crazy."

"I don't know what he's doing, but Drek'Thar said it was a 'great sacrifice'. Those shamans always talk about this issue in secret and don't want to say more. It's really annoying .”

Red snorted unhappily.

He looked at Bu Laike again, and talked about the topic just now, but this time, Reid was much more cautious, and he whispered his true thoughts:

"Captain, I've been thinking about whether I can use your connections to release the orc shelters, large and small, on the Eastern Continent."


Bu Laike looked at Red in surprise, he felt that this was not an idea that Red could come up with.

He asked:

"What are you going to do?"

"My compatriots stayed with the humans only as prisoners, and I also know that Gilneas has always had trouble with other kingdoms because of the huge cost of maintaining the asylum."

Red blinked and said:

"Those orcs suffering from the blood disease can't work, and they have to be raised by humans for nothing. Why bother? Release them all. I will accept them in the name of an orthodox tribe, and then send them all back to Dellano.

I know that human beings will definitely not be able to trust my guarantee, so I need a person who can speak for me in various kingdoms and major forces to guarantee me.

I can even allow human beings to send observers over to supervise the whole process.

I just thought that instead of wasting their lives in Azeroth, a world that doesn't welcome us, my people might as well go home and do something for their homeland.

In this way, humans can solve a big problem, and Ner'zhul will also reduce a lot of pressure. "

"It's a good idea, but have you considered the bloody blood?"

Bu Laike stared at Red, and he asked seriously:

"The orcs suffering from the blood disease are basically equivalent to waste, let alone fighting with their hearts broken, even living with dignity is an extravagant hope.

Sending them back will only increase the burden on Dellano's coalition forces. Unless, you already have a terrible plan in mind.

Tell me, Red, how are you going to turn them back into warriors? "

The great chief looked around, and after confirming that no one was eavesdropping, he picked up the dry wine glass in front of him, and made a "drinking" gesture in front of Laike.

He whispered:

"I know that behavior like this is terrible, and I know that if I do it, I will be spurned by many people, but Dellano needs them to be brave again.

Fighting the devil with the power of the devil may be their glorious way to liberate themselves. "

"No way."

The pirate showed an expression of "orcs think so", he shook his hand and said:

"You will only give the demons an extra army of servants, not every orc can withstand the erosion of demon blood like the lunatics of the Warsong clan.

The corruption of fel energy is not as thorough as the void, but it is very rough and effective. Once it is contaminated again, no matter how powerful the orc is, it will be finished. "

"Then what else can we do?"

Reid helplessly spread his hands and said:

"It's the best way I can think of."

"Hey, let me say that you are stupid. You can think of reuniting the clansmen. You can say that you are smart, but your eyes have always been on orcs. There are so many races in Azeroth, can't you look farther away? "

Bu Laike sighed, feeling sorry for Red's weird IQ.

Under the gaze of the great chief who was complaining about it, the pirate took out something from his arms, slapped it on the table, and pushed it in front of Red.

It was a very simple and beautiful emblem.

It has a savage beauty about it, as if it's been crafted out of a mix of bone and some kind of gemstone.

"This thing is called the Mark of the Chosen One, and it was given to me by the centaur royal court in Desolace to thank me for my contribution to the centaur civilization."

The pirate took out a bottle of Winterspring Fire Wine from his luggage, bit off the cork, took a sip, and said to Red:

"Holding it is equivalent to me personally going in front of those barbarian rulers who are being civilized. The fighting power of centaurs, a natural mercenary civilization, has been perfectly demonstrated in the just-concluded Pandaria War.

Even the peaceful panda people are full of praise for these brutal and warlike warriors who are not afraid of life and death. The best part is that the centaurs have long suffered from the pressure of overpopulation

With just a little food and supplies, you can hire enough mercenaries from the centaur royal court who are willing to fight for you.

This is also the suggestion for the future development of the political consultants I sent to them.

The centaur civilization will be famous all over the world for sending first-class mercenaries to any battlefield in the world in the future, but they just need a tragic war to play their own brand and fame.

As it happens, you too have a war to fight, and you suffer from not having enough fighters. "

Bu Laike licked his lips and said to Red with bright eyes:

"This cheap and easy-to-use 50 yuan good big brother is not used correctly, it is a loss for both parties. And there is another civilization in Kalimdor that faces the same problem.

The living conditions of quilboar in the Barrens are worse than that of centaurs, and they are more productive than centaurs.

do you understand me? "


Red rubbed his hands, picked up the mark of the chosen one and hung it around his neck.

He patted his huge belly and said to the pirate:

"In order to show my great chief's care and devotion to my hometown, I will personally go to Desolace to select brave fighters for my hometown and my people."

"That's right."

Bu Laike laughed, got up and was about to leave, but was stopped by Lei Della.

The great chief rubbed his hands in embarrassment and said:

"The money from the orthodox tribe has been used to buy food from the Pandaren. My money hasn't been delivered this month, so I'm a little tight, Captain.

Can you lend me some first?

As long as I have enough money, I will pay it back immediately, I promise!

You know me, I have always had a solid reputation in this area!

Back then when I lost money playing cards on the ship, I would pay back the money with interest as soon as the salary came. Who on the Nagfal didn't know that I, Reid, had the best character. "


Bu Laike blinked and said:

"Are you sure you want to borrow money from me? This is the first time I have met someone who offered to slaughter me. Are you afraid that your tribe will go bankrupt because of the terrible loan?

Tch, besides, I don't have any money to give you, there are many places where I can use my money.

Send someone to Gadgetzan, find an organization called the Yulian Gang, and tell me that I introduced you. For my sake, Mrs. Guo Su will give you a very good discount.

Still want to pluck my wool?

you crafty fat red

I owe you a beating! "

(end of this chapter)

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