Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1248 344. The Great Chief Is As Pure As Ever---Monthly Ticket Added【13/25】

Chapter 1248 344. The Great Chief is as Pure as Ever——Monthly Ticket Plus [1325]

Bo Laike did not stay long in the monastery.

It seemed that he really just came here to see the bald old man who had fought with him, and he didn't even interfere with the normal pilgrimage of the people.

By the time the next pilgrim from Gilneas entered the hall with excited hearts and trembling hands, Bo Laike and little Amber had left.

However, they did not leave the North County Abbey, but walked along the large vineyard on the other side of the monastery to the small waterfall behind the valley.

"The wine of the Millie family is really delicious. I heard that this wine is made by pure maidens pressing the juice out of grapes with their feet.

This is exactly the same as the process of brewing magic wine in the winery in Suramar, but there are stinky men to step on moon berries.

No wonder I've always hated the smell of magic wine. "

In this large area of ​​vineyards, Bo Laike picked a bunch of ripe grapes casually, threw one in his mouth, and stuffed the rest into the hands of little Ambo who was following him.

The little girl pursed her lips and said:

"That's for sure. Can a man's foot be the same as a girl's foot?"

This answer made the stinky pirate stunned for a moment, and then he covered his stomach and let out a loud laugh. Little Anbo looked suspicious. Did she say something strange?

"Men's football is really different than women's football."

The pirate laughed enough, and added a meaningful sentence.

But seeing Anbo's bewildered face, Laike could only shrug his shoulders. It's very boring for him to make such a funny joke but the other party can't get the stalk at all.

"Hey, you two!"

Just when these two guys picked several bunches of grapes and walked out of the vineyard, a beautiful girl wearing a straw hat who was working saw them, and immediately waved a pitchfork in her hand and shouted:

"This is a private property, you two eat my grapes, have you paid?"

"Yo, Miss Millie."

Bu Laike had no sense of being caught as a thief, he waved his hands enthusiastically and said:

"To be honest, I am a wine merchant from afar. I want to buy a batch of fine wine from the Millie family. I mean, the wine that you send to the monastery every month for the monks to taste. Kind of 'communion'.

The price is easy to say. "

"Communist wine is not for sale, guest."

Seeing that this person really came to buy wine, the eldest lady of the Millie family, Millie Osworth, also softened her tone. This unusual business lady took off her straw hat and fanned the wind while sorry to say:

"It's a wine specially licensed by the church. If guests really want to buy wine, I can recommend you another wine, which also has a very good taste.

It is said that it sells well in Kul Tiras. "

"No no no, I just want the best communion wine."

Bu Laike shook his head stubbornly. He looked around, took out a mysterious commission and handed it to Miss Millie in front of him, winking and said:

"You see, I'm actually a member of the church, or a high-level person. To tell you the truth, I'm preparing for an expedition in the name of His Majesty Faol, and the communion wine of the Millie family is an important 'strategic material'!

I'm going to call in all the communion wines in your family cellar that are over ten years old, and I'll pay double the price, but of course you must keep this transaction a secret. "

"Templar Assassin Commander? 'Shadow of Light' Grand Knight Bu Laike Shaw?"

Miss Millie stared dumbfounded at the letter of commission in her hand. The name of this thing was very bluffing, and besides the seal of the church, there was also the personal seal of Her Majesty Faol on the letter of appointment.

And stamps from all the royal houses and local archbishops of the Seven Kingdoms of Man.

This means that it is impossible to forge this thing, and no villain dares to forge such a thing. Once it is discovered, it is not just a matter of cutting off a head.

But it wasn't just the letter of commission that surprised Miss Millie, but also Laike's name.

She exclaimed:

"You are His Highness Little Xingxing's lazy, weak and cunning human servant! Holy Light, I am a loyal book fan of His Highness Little Xingxing! I have autographed copies of every book of hers.

I never imagined that one day I would actually meet her minion.

I can decide to sell you the communion wine, Mr. Bo Laike, I don't want double the price, and I will keep it secret, but can you help me get a signed photo of His Royal Highness Little Star? "

Miss Millie said with bright eyes:

"No one in the local 'His Royal Highness the Stars' book club has photos like that. We originally planned to send a representative to take a boat to the Blue Dragon Island in Northrend to try his luck."


Miss Millie's enthusiasm made the pirates very embarrassed.

He really wanted to tell the fanatical book fan in front of him that the so-called autographed collection of novels signed by Little Xingxing was actually done by him and Fenner.

Xiao Xingbao is already very tired from the high-intensity codewords every day, and rarely finds time to sign books.

"Photos, I have a lot here."

With a strange sense of guilt, Bu Laike looked at the fanatical star fans in front of him, thought for a while, and whispered:

"However, if you can sell me communion wine that is more than thirty years old, I can send you to meet your idol. I have magical powers to send you to her side. How long you can keep it depends on your ability.

We are all 'followers' of His Royal Highness Xing Xing, and we do not lie to our own people. "

"That's all!"

Without hesitation, Miss Millie dropped the pitchfork and took Bo Laike to the family wine cellar where outsiders were absolutely forbidden to go, and sold all the communion wine over thirty years old.

Of course, an alcoholic like a pirate would definitely not treat a member of the brewing family like Miss Millie badly. He still hopes to drink the most authentic communion wine in the future.

What a row.

Ten minutes later, Miss Millie dressed herself up wearing an adventurer's uniform and an adventure hat, and abducted the nobleman Fa Xiao who lived in North County and grew up with her, and is also a book friend of His Royal Highness the Star. initiator of the meeting.

A young nobleman named Maximilian.

That guy might have a serious mental illness. When he heard that he could see His Royal Highness Little Xingxing, he brought out his family armor and his BMW.

"I'm not the same as Millie. Apart from worshiping Your Highness Star, I also admire you, Mr. Laike."

This noble boy who was dressed as if he was going to fight in the battlefield wore a battle helmet, took Bu Laike's hand in a low voice, and said to him enthusiastically:

"I'm really envious of you being able to travel around the world with His Royal Highness Xing Xing, accomplishing so many great things, not afraid of your jokes, I have always dreamed of living a life like yours since I was a child.

I also hope to follow His Royal Highness Xing Xing to make a romantic career, and I hope to become His Royal Highness Xing Xing's guardian knight! This is the vow I made last year as an adult!

Ah, how wonderful it is to travel the world with a brave knight and a beautiful princess! "

"Good, great, strong."

Bu Laike looked at the romantic guy who was highly addicted to knight novels in front of him with a wooden face, he pouted and said:

"Our little Xingbao will definitely like people with your character, maybe in the future you can replace me, a lazy, treacherous and slippery guy, in a series of her autobiographies.

Come, come, you two stand over here.

I will add a status to you, and then send you to meet Little Xingxing. "

In the greeting of the pirates, "North County Hero" Maximilian and the excited Miss Millie rode on the same old horse. According to the instructions of the pirates to take out the communication stone, there was a huge door of shadow in front of them soon. It unfolds in front of people's eyes.

In the howling wind, the two guys and a horse were pulled by the shadow and disappeared in place.

"Where did you send them?"

Little Anbo felt a little bad, she looked at Bu Laike.

The latter pouted and said:

"Pandaria, Jade Forest, don't look at me like that, little girl, I didn't lie to them, Little Star Treasure is currently cultivating there, but whether you can see Little Star depends on the luck of the two of them.

Yulong Tianzun understands people's hearts. If they have evil thoughts in their hearts, you will not be able to see them both in the Storm Kingdom in the future.

Look at the light in your eyes, do you also want to go shopping elsewhere?

Don't be shy, I can arrange it. "

Bu Laike moved his fingers, and said to little Anbo in the attitude of a big villain:

"You like shooting guns, right? I can take you to the legendary sharpshooter camp, where there are some of the best hunters in all of Azeroth.

I also have connections there.

I guarantee that you will receive the best training, and you may become the Ranger General of the Stormwind Kingdom in the future. A fine girl like you should not be buried in the shadows. "


Little Anbo is really different from other children. Her first reaction was not fear, but curiosity and expectation. After thinking about it, she said regretfully:

"But I have to discuss this matter with my father, and MI7 has regulations, and I have my task."

"Here, this is for you."

Bu Laike took out a small stone with the emblem of the hidden passage from his luggage, stuffed it into Anbo's hand, and said to her:

"After making a decision, take a boat to South Sea Town by yourself, and find Hal, the owner of the 'Hal and Nat Fishing Company' there, or his elf wife who is very famous in the local area.

Show them this, and he'll send you to the Isle of Tol Barad.

Then someone will send you to Highmountain.

But you have to be prepared.

Only those who have climbed the Eagle Claw Peak by themselves are eligible to accept the trial of the hidden passage. I suggest that you try it when you are older.

As for SI:7, don’t worry, Xiao Er will agree with my arrangement with both hands. He has been troubled by the lack of defense forces in the Stormwind Kingdom.

Being able to train a ranger general by himself is something he couldn't wish for.

Tell him by the way.

Because of you, the Kingdom of Stormwind owes me a favor. "

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Laike, you are a very nice man."

Little Anbo thanked her very sincerely, and she asked again:

"What about you? Where are you going next? Seven places can be arranged."

"I'm going to the Burning Plains, but your mission has been completed, you can go back and report."

Laike snapped his fingers, a ball of flames flew down from the sky, the sky screamed and flew around him a few times, then stopped on his shoulders, looking curiously at the young man in front of him.

He stroked his flaming phoenix, blinked and said to little Anbo:

"Let me tell you a secret, from here to the Burning Plains, apart from taking the Red Ridge Mountains, there is also a shortcut, along the waterfall of the North County Abbey, all the way up to the border of the Burning Plains.

This is my travel itinerary!

Goodbye, little girl, remember my warning, no matter where you are in the future, stay away from the sewer. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate took a few steps back. Amidst the neighing of the sky, the little phoenix rapidly inflated and carried its master into the sky, turning into a raging fire and flying into the sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Wow, what a beautiful bird."

Little Anbo exclaimed on the spot.

But soon she realized that she was so rude that she didn't even say goodbye, which was really inappropriate.


"It seems that Reid is really not short of food."

The stinky pirate riding on the sky soon came to the Burning Plains and flew in the direction of the Black Rock Mountain. As a result, he saw many orc wolf cavalry patrolling along the way.

These orcs with the orthodox tribal logo on their bodies are obviously planning to expand their power outwards. The pirates also saw a group of orcs attacking the mountain guarded by ogres.

Combine that with the orcs running around, and it's clear that this is a "conquest."

After getting enough food, Chief Red has made up his mind to bring the Burning Plains into his sphere of influence, which is good news for the orthodox tribe.

Not so good for the Stormwind Kingdom, though.

The expansion of the orcs will definitely arouse their vigilance, and since the Burning Plains is at war, the Scorching Canyon next door will definitely not be able to escape. In other words, the Bronzebeard dwarves will also have a headache.

"Welcome, my great captain! Your arrival has made the entire Blackrock Tower radiant! Look at your new mount, what a mighty creature, against which the captain is even more mighty."

When Laike flew into the upper level of the Blackrock Tower under the control of the sky, Red personally ran to greet his "lucky star" in life. The great chief's figure was getting fatter.

The black plate armor left by Orgrim was worn on him like a "shaping suit", and Laike felt choked up just by looking at it.

"Are you ready to go to war?"

Bu Laike ignored Chief Red's flattery, he jumped off the phoenix, and asked directly:

"Who are you going to fight? Dwarves? Humans?"


Reid scratched his head in doubt, and said:

"Why should I fight them? They didn't provoke us."

"Then why did you send soldiers to occupy the Burning Plains?"

Pirate said:

"Such a military transfer will make your 'neighbors' restless. Don't tell me that your war chief doesn't even know this?"

"I know, I even wrote a letter and sent it to the human child king and the stubborn dwarf king."

Reid carried his family's Dark Hand Warhammer on his back, and while walking with Bo Laike towards the Hall of Chiefs, he explained:

"This conquest is not aimed at them. I want to capture the ogres from the Scorching Canyon, the Badlands, and the Burning Plains and send them back to Dellano to be cannon fodder."

The great chief shook his head, sighed and said:

"Things are bad over there, and Ner'zhul has urged us to send help several times. Boo Rocks and Val Locke are willing to lead the army back to our world, but Kor'kron alone will not be enough.

The demons are menacing, and the thick-skinned guy like the ogre is just sent back to fill the line.

Anyway, no one cares about death.

I didn’t heat up the food I bought from the Pandaren, so I sent more than half of it to Dellano. Alas, you’re here, Captain. Use your invincible dark wisdom to help me figure out a solution.

What should I do next? "

"You are the great chief, you can't think of this way? Don't you have your own brains? Could it be that the Eitrigg warlord I sent only eats and doesn't work?"

The pirate glanced at Reid, who shrugged and said flatteringly with a playful smile:

"Eitrigg is busy commanding the Legion to catch ogres, and he has no experience in planning a world war.

Compared with you in this respect, I am a complete fool, Captain, do me a favor and help me. Don't force me to hold your leg and cry, I'm a real person now.

I really can't afford to lose that guy.

And there are many people outside, why don't we go to the room to talk? Want me to lick your boots? Captain, if it pleases you."

(end of this chapter)

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