Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1247 343. You Must Have A Golden Toilet To Have That Smell--【12/25】

Chapter 1247 343. You must have a golden toilet to have that smell--【1225】

"Zera's will is fading. He needs to rest now. He may sleep for a day or two, but after he wakes up, you can see the firm and kind child king again."

In the king's dormitory in Stormwind Fortress, Bo Laike put away his black and white swords, and glanced at Varian Wrynn, who was already asleep on the bed supported by Shaw and Vol'jin.

He said to Queen Tiffin Ariane, who was standing beside her with a worried face:

"Your husband is a strong-willed person. Although he heard the voices from the stars, he was not disturbed too much, but fortunately the 'medical treatment' was timely.

After all, what he is facing is not some weak and corrupted void or weird magic echoes. The temptation to show people with justice and light is always more dangerous than naked darkness.

However, after this incident, Varian's understanding of the Holy Light is estimated to be one step closer, and he will understand the balance of light and shadow.

This is a surprisingly good thing. "

"Thank you for your help, Lord Bu Laike."

As the king's pillow, the queen understands the influence of the voice in His Majesty Varian's heart on him more than anyone else. Many kings who cannot sleep at night will pray sincerely in the prayer room all night.

For a paladin, such behavior is not outrageous and is appreciated.

But the thing is, Varian isn't just a pure paladin.

A king so sincere can only terrify those around him. Looking at the short history of human beings, what will happen after Wang Quan is controlled by faith is really disturbing.

"You also need to watch him more."

The pirate turned to Shaw again and said:

"If you have any questions, you can send me a letter, use old Garni's 'special express', and I will contact you as soon as possible. Well, I won't stay here any longer, and I am in a hurry to go to other places.

Have you made arrangements at Northshire Abbey? "

"Well, the carriage is waiting outside."

Shaw whispered to Bo Laike:

"Don't use your phoenix that can only brighten your eyes. It will cause unnecessary attention and confusion. Many pilgrims come to visit His Majesty Lothar's holy coffin every day in the North County Monastery.

There are so many people there that it doesn't hurt to keep a low profile. "

"As expected of you, you thought of everything for me."

Bu Laike laughed, and made an OK gesture to Xiao Er, he turned and left the palace, which was simply surprising, especially Xiao Er, who looked at the departing pirates in astonishment.

What happened to this guy today?

After doing something, you don't even talk about remuneration? Did he change his temper or did he take the wrong medicine?

But in the next moment, Xiao Er understood.

Bu Laike is not without compensation.

He must have reached a private agreement with His Majesty the King. Either he has already received the reward, or he has saved it in the form of a debt of favor for later use.

Think about it too, how can a guy like Bu Laike make a loss-making business? I just don't know what kind of agreement he reached with His Majesty Varian? Will it have a bad impact on the Stormwind Kingdom?

Shaw was thinking like this, and his eyes fell on the sleeping king again, and a comfortable and comfortable smile appeared on Varian's cheek in deep sleep, as if he had dreamed of something beautiful in a dream.

Such a smile has not appeared on the young king for a long time.

Perhaps, Bo Laike really pulled out the biggest trouble in his heart for him.

As expected of a stinky pirate, his work is reliable.

As for Laike, after being "escorted" by the royal guards to leave the palace, he boarded a low-key carriage specially arranged by SI:7 and drove out of the city along the busy city streets in the afternoon.

Shore also thoughtfully arranged a "guide" for Bu Laike.

"Have the grade requirements for agents and agents recruited by SI:7 dropped so low?"

The pirate sitting in the carriage looked up and down at the little girl in the spy leather armor in front of him. He raised his eyebrows and said:

"You are at most thirteen years old this year."

"I'm twelve years old."

The little girl agent sitting across from Bo Laike corrected:

"But don't underestimate me just because I'm young, Master Bu Laike, I've already accomplished three reconnaissance missions and one assassination mission with distinction."

She patted a long-barreled musket with a dwarf scope on her hand, and proudly said to the pirate:

"If this continues, I will be able to become an 'index finger' by next year."

"Your name is Anbo?"

Bu Laike narrowed his eyes and threw a scout at the little girl in front of him. The information returned made the pirate raise his eyebrows, and he said:

"Amber Gilney?"

"Hey! How do you know?"

The very proud little girl said in surprise:

"I also specially changed the nameplates of other people on my body, just to avoid revealing my identity, my father taught me this way, but they all said that you are a very powerful prophet.

I kind of believe it now.

Can you really see a person's future? "

The little girl blinked at Bo Laike with an innocent look on her face, but her hand was always on the sniper rifle beside her, which meant that the girl was more vigilant than her age.

"Oh, so it's a family tradition."

The pirate didn't care about a girl's vigilance and temptation. He glanced at Xiao Anbo's sniper rifle and said:

"This kind of high-precision sniper rifle specially designed for long-range assassination can't be made in Stormwind City. From the inscription on the scope, it can be seen that it was made by a dwarf gunsmith.

Being able to have such a weapon proves that you have an extraordinary background. It just so happens that I understand the situation of the R8 unit under MI7. It is not difficult to know your name and identity.

Also, about fate.

In fact, I can't see the future of everyone, because the life and death of most people will not have any impact on fate, except for some special people.

They will be favored by fate and endowed with unique 'responsibilities'. Because of their actions, they will leave their own traces in the past history and the future.

When prophets face these people, they can often use their lives to peep into the future world.

But such people are very few.

Fewer people can be seen hundreds of meters away in the scope than when you are on a mission. "

"Is that so?"

Little Anbo nodded. She felt that what the pirate prophet in front of her said was quite reasonable. Her father who had participated in many wars and now retired told her the same.

On the battlefield, only a few people can become heroes, and most of them are cannon fodder.

"So am I one of those special people?"

The powerful little girl tilted her head to look at Bu Laike, and she asked expectantly:

"Will my existence and my future affect the fate of this world? Can I do great things in the future and become a hero?"

"you guess?"

Bu Laike also tilted his head and replied, making little Anbo frown immediately.

Outspoken, she hated the Riddler's behavior, but as an agent, she knew the answer meant that Laike didn't want to discuss the issue.

The carriage fell silent.

Soon it drove out of the city and into the countryside of the Erwin Forest, followed the uneven road to Goldgloss, and then changed its way from Goldgold to Northshire Abbey deep in the forest.

"How many people are here?"

Bu Laike looked out through the car window, and he saw a lot of dusty travellers, many of whom were sitting outside the hotel and eating, as if they didn't want to waste a moment.

And the famous Lion King's Pride Hotel specially prepared tables and chairs for these travelers outside the hotel. From the traces on those tables, it can be judged that they have been used many times.

This proves that the number of travelers to and from Goldshire is quite impressive.

When the carriage left the town and entered the forest road leading to the Northshire Abbey, the pirate saw many people resting in the forest, and there were many tents set up on the flat ground among the trees, which looked like a hiking camp.

But for the observant pirate, he clearly sees more.

"The ones with the swords are Asora travelers, the ones with the tall hats are the Gilneans, the Alteracs with the hairy bodies, and the high-nosed ones are the Lordaerons.

There are also salty old sailors and elven farstriders from Kul Tiras."

Bu Laike, who was sitting in the carriage, was amazed. He said to Anbo in front of him:

"Are all these people here to pay homage to Lothar's holy coffin?"


When this question was mentioned, the little girl's expression became serious, and she said with a tone of mourning for the great man:

"Since Marshal Lothar's coffin was sent back to the Northshire Abbey, there has been a steady stream of pilgrims from all over the world, most of them are retired veterans and lonely people who lost their families in the war.

Some people who were rescued by Marshal Lothar came to give thanks.

The North County Abbey now receives nearly a thousand visitors every day. The king once asked the town of Gold Shining to provide the necessary carriages and food for these travelers, but they refused.

They considered their journey to be sacred, a sacredness that required them to walk with both feet to the marshal's casket, to express their gratitude and respect to the great man of mankind.

Many people came all the way from their hometowns, and I heard that some people died on the road, but this did not stop more pilgrims from all over the world, just to see the Marshal.

Not humans, dwarves, gnomes and elves are often seen too. "

Having said that, the little girl also bit her lips, and she whispered:

"When I was a child, I often went to the monastery. At that time, I couldn't understand the concept of 'holy place', but now every time I come here and see these sincere people, I will be full of respect for His Majesty the Marshal.

Northshire Abbey is once again sanctified because of him. "

Bu Laike nodded and didn't say much. He just looked out the car window at the tired but silent travelers. After driving for half an hour into the forest, they were still nearly two kilometers away from the monastery. Laike had already seen the waiting line of three.

They were waiting for the opportunity to enter the monastery for an audience.

As Anbo said, the small North County Abbey now receives nearly a thousand people every day. It is completely understandable to form such a long queue, and at this speed, the people at the end of the queue now have to wait at least three days to enter In the monastery.

Those who camped in the forest had to wait even longer.

Outside the queue, there are veterans wearing leather armor and unique badges to maintain order, but no one is making trouble here. There is almost no sound in such a long queue, and everyone has a solemn expression on their faces.

Others were reciting psalms and ballads in low voices.

"Brotherhood of the Iron Horse"

Seeing the badges on those veterans, Bo Laike pursed his lips and said to Amber:

"Hasn't this organization been disbanded?"

"It's disbanded."

The little girl pouted and said:

"But the veterans didn't want to leave at all, they volunteered to keep watch for the marshal, even if the kingdom stopped providing them with supplies, they didn't fall apart.

Every day, passionate boys from all over the world apply to join the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse just to inherit the legacy of Marshal Lothar, but only the best of them are eligible to become members of this glorious group.

More than a dozen warehouses have been filled with materials voluntarily donated to the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse by people from all over the world. These veterans are definitely the most prosperous civilian military organization in the Eastern Continent.

However, they transferred all donations to the monastery and distributed them to the surrounding poor.

They said it was what the marshal wanted to see. "

"Let the carriage stop, and we will walk over."

Bu Laike suddenly said:

"At this time, even I don't think it's appropriate to engage in privileges under such circumstances."

"Are you going to line up?"

Little Anbo said in surprise:

"At least three days to wait! Aren't you in a hurry?"

"No, we'll sneak in like an assassin."

The pirate winked at the little girl, reached out and grabbed her wrist, and jumped into the shadows the next moment.

"And my 'Claire'!"

The little girl screamed:

"It was given to me by my father."

"You name your sniper rifle? Does it respond to you when you call it?"

In the shadows, the smelly pirate looked at the little girl in surprise and made a joke.

Amber frowned and said:

"Claire can't talk, of course, but he will use bullets to help me greet those annoying people who make fun of me."

"Then you are miserable. When I call for my sword, they will all say good morning to me."

The pirate laughed, reached out and picked up the rifle named "Claire" and threw it to little Anbo, scratched her head again, and said:

"As expected of a person who shoulders the future, he has been so different and promising since he was a child."

"Wow, you finally said it!"

Wrapped in a veil of shadow by Laike, Amber hurried to Northshire Abbey and said joyfully to the pirates:

"So, I'm one of those unique people too, right? Can you tell me what big things I'm going to do in the future?"

"can not say."

The pirate put his hand around his mouth and made a silence, saying:

"It's useless to talk about the future, but I can remind you that no matter what you do, no matter where you are, you should stay away from the sewer.

You're going to be a great assassin, I've seen that future. "


The little girl who got all the information was very satisfied.

She also felt that such things as the future should not be known, otherwise it would be very boring.

Under the leadership of Bu Laike, the little spy who was supposed to be a guide followed him all the way into the well-ordered North County Abbey. In the hall where Lothar's holy coffin was stored, a group of elf couples had just paid their respects and left.

When the pirates stepped into it, the two Valkyries guarding the holy coffin raised their golden spears with red ribbons in unison, but when they saw Braike appearing from the shadows, the two The Valkyries, who were extremely noble in the eyes of mortals, withdrew their weapons and continued to maintain their duties as guardians of the Holy Spirit.

"I have never seen Valkyries treat a mortal with such respect."

Little Anbo stared at this scene with wide eyes, and she whispered to Bu Laike:

"So, is it true that you went to the Hall of Valor and had a long talk with the King of War?"

"They still want to call me 'commander'."

The pirate shook his head without explaining the problem too much.

He stepped forward and looked at the sacred coffin with golden runes shining in front of him. Odin's power wrapped around this sleeping bald old man, maintaining his life between life and death.

Lothar in front of him was still wearing a military uniform, his body was covered with scars from the flames of Deathwing, his hands were on his chest, and he lacked a sword that belonged to him.

And this terrible scar did not weaken the majesty of this old man, but made him look like a commander who had just stepped down from the battlefield.

"The people waiting in line, the loyal imperial guards, and the guards of the Valkyrie. Seriously, transforming your sacred coffin into a golden toilet for you to sit on will be enough to get you going."

Bu Laike caressed the holy coffin, causing ripples on the golden streamer.

He whispered:

"I hope you've slept enough, I don't know if you can hear, you're still yearning to end your war, your people are still calling for you.

They see you as a symbol of hope and justice.


You are no longer.

Take time to rest, bald old man.

When I come back, you will be busy again, an eternal war is calling you. "

(end of this chapter)

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