Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1246 342. Ah, The Line Of Prophets Is Too Complicated---【11/25】

Chapter 1246 342. Ah, the line of prophets is too complicated——【1125】

Since the Saramani sisters were made into living blades by Laike, there has been a soul-connected relationship between the two swords. As Sharatol and Eremeni continue to devour their hearts and become stronger, the relationship between them The connection has become stronger and stronger.

Through the connection between the two swords, Laike was able to fuse his own consciousness into the will of Varian Wrynn.

This is very troublesome.

But the advantage is that there is no need to use the connection of void magic, and the contactless connection will not leave any impact on Varian's soul.

After all, the Void is not a kind force, especially when Varian is still a Holy Lightwalker. Once the two forces collide, it is likely to cause serious consequences that Laike cannot control.

After all, this is the realm of soul and will. Dean Lanyue dare not say that he has fully understood this mystery, and Bu Laike is not going to try it casually.

Of course, it was also because Varian had a "special status" in the hearts of the pirates, and he was also one of the men he admired back then, so he had to have a sense of ritual.

If other people were here, Bu Laike would have no scruples to directly attack the void at the level of will.

At this time, in Shaw's own "guardian" on the third floor and the outer third floor with the royal guards and SI7 agents, Bo Laike sat on a chair holding the black sword Eremeni in the posture of leaning on a sword with both hands.

Varian sat opposite him leaning on Sharator in the same gesture.

The wills of the two are in contact.

The two sister swords were also humming, and they were also under pressure, but the sword girl who had become stronger didn't care about this pressure, and they were still in the mood to chat.

The content is about Varian Wrynn.

Sharathor said that she had a sense of familiarity with Varian as an old friend, while Eremeni, who had a hotter personality and a second grade, angrily accused her sister of being a traitor, betraying her master and having undue thoughts about other men.

And she, Eremeni, is extremely loyal to Bu Laike Shaw, which is probably why she is the master's favorite sword girl.

The most embarrassing thing is that Varian can also hear the quarrel between the two sword girls because of the sharp sword in his hand, which gave the young king a preliminary idea of ​​the "wonderful life" of the stinky pirates every day understanding.

Look at others, their swords will quarrel with themselves.

"Steady your mind, Your Majesty, don't think about it."

Bu Laike suddenly said:

"In this case, I can see what you think in your heart, so don't think about your private life with Queen Tiffin Ariane, I'm not interested, and I don't want to watch it.

I have now been educated by various iron fists to become a pure pirate with a noble soul. Don't pollute my pure heart with your private life.

Plus, you're thinking right.

Alas, my daily life is so 'colorful'. You two, stop arguing, and don't embarrass me in front of my friends, okay? "

Under his scolding, the two sister swords finally quieted down, and their consciousness contacted more frequently.

Bo Laike is a powerful spellcaster, and he is more skilled at controlling consciousness than Varian, the fighter, so he hardly reveals any information about himself when contacted.

Instead, it was what was in Varian's mind, and everything that should be seen and should not be seen was read all over.

Of course, the acting skills of the pirates are quite superb.

He still maintained his expressionless posture, and soon discovered an abnormal "singularity of will" in Varian's will protected by the holy light.

"Hey, Zela, come out and talk."

Bu Laike first carefully blocked Varian's will temporarily, so as not to let his conversation with Zela affect him, and then he took the initiative to touch the will singularity, and he shouted towards the other side:

"I think you definitely want to see me. When I warned Illidan Stormrage, prevented your further influence on Faol, and now come to interfere with the third 'believer' you chose, you Must be very angry with me, right?

Don't hide.

I know you're here, I can be sure of your existence.

In my eyes, you are not as mysterious as others think, you nasty 'tangram'! "

Faced with such a direct provocation from the pirates, the Mother of Light who connected the mysterious consciousness to Varian Wrynn responded very directly. The golden light bloomed in front of Braike's consciousness, almost covering everything in front of him. All dyed into a sea of ​​golden light.

There is also the crisp sound emanating from the core of the holy light, surrounded by joy like a hymn.

Not to mention being a believer of the Holy Light, even a guy who has no faith here will be fascinated by this scene.

This is no cheap illusion or false pretense.

Zela's appearance ceremony has always been so exaggerated. This guy does have the strength and decency to call himself the "Mother of the Holy Light", but her scenes can't impress the well-informed stinky pirates.

With a sneer on Varian's momentarily shut-off level of consciousness, Laike watched Zera's astrological projection appear in the light before him.

Varian said that he had seen mystical symbols and golden geometric lines accompanying the voice of guidance in his dreams, but his description was not accurate.

Because Zela, a strange creature "naaru" born in the holy light, does not only have symbols and lines, they have entities, but their shape is also like the "tangram" that Laike said.

Using the very thin and thin energyized holy light to shape the torso that spread out like glass, and guided by a bright core, it continuously rotates.

Their bodies are indeed shaped into very mysterious symbols, and most of them have both simple and complicated shapes, which are indeed fantastic and sacred enough in the eyes of mortals.

But in the eyes of the pirates, this guy is more like a strange magic weapon than a real life.

"Welcome to you, the great Mother of Light, the first naaru born during the Great Order of Light and Darkness, the ancestor and former leader of all the naaru, the totem of faith of the Holy Light Legion, and the most troublesome enemy of the Burning Legion .”

Bu Laike spoke a long list of Zela's titles, which represented his understanding and familiarity with the "magnificent debut" Holy Light Naaru in front of him.

"I have no intention of confronting you, mysterious prophet of Azeroth."

Zerah didn't care much about the pirate's hostility.

With the rotation of her holy and gorgeous golden body and those looming hymns, she switched her language and said to Bu Laike in a very gentle human language:

"Your past proves that you do have the ability to see the future, but I don't know where your hostility towards me comes from. I never wanted to harm your world and your people.

Everything I do is to fulfill the mission given to me by the Holy Light, which is to protect the stars. "

Zela's voice is peculiar.

It's not that kind of very holy royal sister's voice, on the contrary, it sounds like a baby's voice when you listen carefully. This strange contrast makes the pirates hate Zela even more.

He waved his hands to express his attitude towards the statement of the Mother of the Holy Light in front of him.

He said:

"Everything is fine with you, I believe you have no malice towards my world, and I also believe that your 'guidance' to Faol and Varian is out of the idea of ​​helping.

The only problem lies in the mission you are attached to!

Your starting point is evil and wrong, and the more you do on this road, the more wrong you will be. Everyone eats the 'prophet', so I don't hide it anymore.

I don't know what you saw when you were born in the era of the Great Order of Light and Darkness among the stars, but I will tell you directly that it is all false!

An illusion concocted by a bastard right in front of your eyes.

He did this only to encourage you not to bow to the Burning Legion, and let your obstinate nature guide those warriors who could have escaped to remain on the battlefields of Argus, waging a hopeless war.

I can tell you clearly right now, Illidan Stormrage is not the 'son of light and darkness' as you imagined!

Elune has never made such an outrageous prophecy about this strong life!

You are being used.

The mission you have insisted on from birth to the present is just a lie woven to promote war and death.

Although it will make you very sad to say this, but my dear Zela, it is time to turn around, before you are crushed by the doomed person."

"No reason!"

Bu Laike's "persuasion" made Zela, who was still gentle just now, furious. It seemed that when it was about the "mission" she insisted on, this gentle naaru became so stubborn and unreasonable.

She spun her elegant and holy body, and yelled at the pirate who made a prophecy:

"That's what I saw with my own eyes. At that time, the stars had not even appeared! Your world was born in accordance with the prophecy of fate, and Illidan Stormrage's life perfectly fits the description of "Children of Light and Darkness"

I have seen the truth!

But you asked me to choose between facts and prophecies to trust you more? "

"Oh, good words can't persuade the damn ghost."

Bu Laike shook his head, he said:

"When you see that everything is developing downward like the 'prophecy', don't you doubt that this 'prophecy' itself is also arranged?

You are an unqualified prophet.

You have begun to convince yourself.

you are hopeless!

The Legion of Light you lead travels through different worlds ravaged by demons, fighting all the way in different time streams. In the legends of some worlds, you have fought against demons for nearly a million years.

Don't you just think about it, behind every difficult victory of the Holy Light Legion, how many souls were sent to the world of death by your own hands?

Of course, I'm not saying that fighting is bad.

I mean, if you only have war in your eyes, you will only be reduced to the best pawns in the hands of conspirators. That's fine, I won't discuss this with you, fate will eventually reveal the truth to you.

I just have one request! "

The smelly pirate raised his head and shouted to the projection of the Mother of Light in front of him:

"There is also a problem of territorial division among the guys who set up fortune-telling stalls on the same street. Look at the politeness of the Dark Prophet Zurdo, and then look at you!

The impolite guy, again and again, casually interferes with my planned personal and world destiny in Azeroth. I think we should clarify this issue.

My suggestion is that you leave my world immediately with all your prophecies!

And I'll give you a friendly farewell in return, what do you think? "

"The fate of the Legion of Light is closely related to Azeroth."

Zara said softly:

"This is something you, a mortal prophet, cannot stop. If you really believe in fate, you should cooperate with me."

"I can't stop the Legion of the Holy Light from dying everywhere under your leadership, but you don't have to worry about the fate of Azeroth."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes, snapped his fingers and said:

"And I think I can help you solve the 'right to live' issue once and for all, for example, I can tell some 'enthusiastic' demon friends I know about your stronghold in Krokuun.

Another example is the news that you have been trying to block from the members of the Legion of Light.

Deep within the ruins of Mac'Aree's Praetor's Seat lies a truth that would break the Legion of Light's members. Guess what I would do? "

Zara was silent.

Such silence was expected by the pirate. He sneered and said:

"As someone who goes deep into the realm of void, I also have some research on the strange life of Naaru, and I know that you also have the concept of 'life and death'.

Even you, Zela.

You also make a pleasant knocking sound the moment your death strikes, and then it becomes something 'very funny'.

Everything you tried to hide is meaningless. The other Naaru leader who has parted ways with you long ago, His Excellency A'dal, is very open about this issue.

It has never shy away from Naaru's "light-dark duality", but you care about the cruel answer that you don't want to face, which fully proves that you are a stubborn person and a hypocrite at the same time.

So, make a deal between prophets. "

Bu Laike coughed, pointed in the direction casually, and said:

"Before I say the word 'fuck', get out of Azeroth with all the 'junk' you've collected, and never come back! Of course, with any luck, we'll meet again soon.

I mean, the face-to-face kind, close enough for you to clearly see the disgust and disgust written on my face, you failed prophet.

You are a disgrace to our profession. "

After a long silence, Zela made a sound like a sigh and whispered:

"I just want to help."

"I know, I understand your sincerity and dedication to the Holy Light."

Bu Laike spread his hands, seeing that Zela subdued, his tone became much gentler.

He said:

"If you weren't attached to that stupid mission, maybe we could be friends. But your biggest problem is being too determined, so stubborn, so stubborn.

You believe too much in what you see with your own eyes, and you turn a blind eye to well-intentioned reminders.

That is an Achilles' heel for prophets like us.

You see, you still don't understand why your fellow naaru would rather flee with Velen through the stars than continue to follow you.

Before you figure out the reason, I really dare not be friends with a person like you who doesn't take your own life seriously.

Your stubbornness will kill me.

Go away, give Varian his sanity back, and the next time we meet, I don't mind describing to you your current situation and the terrible conspiracy that envelops it all.

The premise is, if you are still alive. "

Bu Laike flicked his fingers, and when the golden holy light dissipated in front of his eyes, he reminded again:

"Don't try to smuggle that core of light that's still floating among the stars into Azeroth, and if you do, I don't mind smashing it myself!

I'm serious.

The fate of the whole world is planned by your excellent colleagues, and there is no place for other prophets in this plan! Azeroth can only have one true prophet.

that's me!

It can only be me! "

(end of this chapter)

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