Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1245 341. Hello, How Long Has This Symptom Been Present? ---Monthly Ticket Plus Update【10/25

Chapter 1245 341. Hello, how long has this symptom been present? ---Monthly ticket plus [1025]

"Well, the authentic wild west wild stew is really delicious and filling, after eating such a hot piece, the whole body is warmed up.

There is also the pickled cucumber that goes with the meal, which is crisp and refreshing. It should be from Sardin Farm, right?

The taste is very positive. "

In the small restaurant in Stormwind Fortress, there was a rather large and delicate pot on a small table, and the various stews in it exuded tempting flavors in the rich soup.

Bo Laike put a lot on his plate, and picked up the steaming pork liver pie.

He was not as restrained as the others at this small banquet, he ate in big mouthfuls, and even took a sip of the fragrant Millie family wine in his hand.

Not at all dignified as His Royal Highness.

But it fits the rude image of pirates in people's minds.

This scene amazed the royal servants who served beside them. As loyal servants serving the Wrynn family, they have not seen such a "free" guest in the palace for a long time.

Although the pirate's food was terrible, it was really delicious, and even King Varian, who had already stuffed his stomach in advance, moved his throat.

Speaking of which, since he became king, he hasn't tasted country delicacies like Westfall stew for a long time.

After all, the king must have the face of a king.

"Haha, eat whatever you want, do you still have to put on a show in front of a pirate?"

Bo Laike seemed to notice the movement of Varian's eyes. He wiped his mouth with a napkin, laughed and said:

"I used to be the same as you, Varian. When I was your age, my biggest wish to get up every day in Proudmoore Fortress was to have envoys from other countries come to visit His Majesty the King.

so that i can taste dishes from other places

Kul Tiras is good for everything, and the people there have a lot to brag about, but even the most cunning sailor can't show off his fish and chips in front of others.

Shore, my friend, what are you still doing?

Serve a bowl of rice for your king. "

Braike blinked at Shaw who was standing next to him, and the intelligence officer glanced at His Majesty with a subtle expression, then shook his head, waved the servants to leave, and then offered the young king the tempting country delicacy .

"Well, it's still the taste in memory."

A few seconds later, Varian made the same exclamation, saying:

"I still remember this stew being the last meal I ate in Westfall when I followed Bolvar and led his people away from home.

The taste is still fresh in my memory.

But this time it tasted a little sweeter, maybe because I had just lost my father when I left and thought I would never return to my hometown.

And now, I'm back.

I did not disappoint my father. "

"It's just a meal, don't you need to feel this way? Your Majesty."

When Varian sighed, Bo Laike had already eaten his share. He leaned on the chair with his legs crossed, holding a glass of wine in his hand, and while sipping the wine, he said to Varian:

"If the Westfall stew can make His Majesty so emotional, then after the first batch of Pandaren Farstriders come to settle in Stormwind City, His Majesty's daily emotion will definitely be indispensable."

"Speaking of the pandaren, I would also like to thank Mr. Bo Laike for taking care of the Stormwind Kingdom in Pandaria."

Varian blinked, raised his glass and said to the smelly pirate:

"Being able to establish good diplomatic relations with the Pandaren is very important to the future of the Stormwind Kingdom. This makes us owe you another heavy favor."

"Can you pay back what you owe me?"

The pirate laughed, waved his hands, and said:

"It doesn't have to be you, it's just that the other kingdoms of human civilization are too disappointing. They don't pay much attention to their relationship with me, which makes me very dissatisfied.

Speaking of which, Advisor Woking has been watching me, what's on my face? "

Bo Laike suddenly changed into an extremely orthodox troll language with a few Zandalari accents, and looked at the young troll standing on the other side of the king. This question was a bit direct, and the young man named Vol'jin was caught off guard.

But his reaction was quick, and he replied in a troll language very decently:

"No, Mr. Laike, your demeanor is very decent, full of chicness and freedom from your own heart. I'm just curious, what kind of qualities of human beings can be paid attention to by Lord Bwonsamdi."

"Then have you discovered the qualities in me that allow Bwonsamdi to pay attention to me?"

Bu Laike switched back to human language and asked, and Vol'jin also replied in human language without an accent:

"I seem to have discovered that you seem to be a magical person who can bring everyone what they need. You have an instinctive intuition for the needs of others, and you can satisfy all those who come with requests. .

By the way, you can collect generous rewards from them, far exceeding the help you give. "

"Smart! As expected of the youngest Shadow Hunter ever seen by the Darkspear Clan."

Bu Laike exclaimed:

"Although my friend Shaw told me that your father, Chief Sen'jin, sent you to Stormwind City to express his sincerity to form an alliance with His Majesty Varian, but I guess that the person who really heard the oracle of Bwonsamdi is yourself.

And the decision to come to Stormwind City is also based on your own thinking, right?

I'm curious, why are you doing this? "

The pirate put down the wine glass in his hand, took out the jade pipe and filled his hand with shredded tobacco. He lowered his head and asked:

"What made a young troll with great prospects in his own clan, risking being killed by his former enemies, to come to the human kingdom from a thousand miles away?

What are you looking for here?

Most importantly, did you find it? "

Facing the series of questions from the pirates, Wojin felt that this guy was embarrassing himself, but Shaw's eyes became serious.

As a person who is very familiar with Braike's style, he rarely sees pirates attaching so much importance to a foreign race when they meet for the first time. The last time I saw such a situation, I should have discussed Grom Hellscream and Kane with him. · When the blood hooves.

In other words, in the eyes of the pirates, could this young troll, who served as an advisor to King Varian on alien affairs, be as important as those two powerful warriors?

This is a bit interesting.

"I came to Stormwind because I received an oracle from Bwonsamdi, and I'm not lying about that."

The young troll adjusted his mentality, touched the fangs around his mouth, and replied politely:

"I thought I would be treated coldly in this city, and I was even ready to be expelled from the kingdom, but to my surprise, although the owner of this city is younger than me, he has a tolerant heart. heart of.

His Majesty Varian personally led me to tour the city and explained to me the grievances and grievances between the Stormwind Kingdom and the trolls. He also asked me the same question.

I'll answer you with the same answer I gave him, Mr. Pirate.

I came here looking for a hope that could protect my people before disaster strikes. Bwonsamdi once showed me in a dream the destruction that would be brought about by the demon invasion of this world.

I was terrified.

But in this city, I feel peace of mind. "

"Very good, what you said is great. If I hadn't seen you more than once in the future prophecies concerning the world, I would have believed this sincere statement."

Bo Laike exhaled the smoke ring, and while the rising smoke obscured his vision, he looked at Vol'jin and said:

"You're going to do something big, young troll, and you're going to reach heights you can't imagine yourself.

In the future I see, Varian Wrynn beside you will get all the power of the alliance. He is honored as the "High King" by humans, dwarves, gnomes, elves and draenei.

But even he will need to talk to you on an equal footing someday.

Of course, that future has evaporated.

But the ebb tide of fate does not mean that the former protagonists will withdraw from the stage of history. You will still do great things, but maybe not in the way I am familiar with.

You are a cunning troll, Vol'jin.

You're only telling half the truth.

And the most coincidental thing is, I have some friendship with your god of death, and I also have my eyeliner on the island of Zandalar. I just need to go out and find a garbage dump to ask, and I can get the truth.

So, I ask you.

Have you ever met Darkseer Zul? Did he guide you to Stormwind? "

Under the pressure of the pirates, Vol'jin's slightly ferocious troll face showed a defeated expression. He shrugged and responded with a grin like a troll:

"Well, you are as difficult as the rumors say, Mr. Pirate. Yes, after Bwonsamdi sent the oracle, I went to the holy place of all trolls.

In the golden city of Zandalar, I met Zul, the dark prophet. He gave me a prophecy. He said that his eyes were about to go blind, and the once clear future was blurred in his eyes.

But he said that this is not a bad thing, at least there is no darkness in front of his eyes.

He told me to come to Stormwind City and stand with the lion in the light. Maybe my people cannot be saved, but at least we can have the greatest possibility of surviving the disaster.

Besides, he asked me to tell you a very curious thing.

He asked me to say to you for him:

you are welcome. "

"Well, I knew it, prophets are a bunch of nasty guys."

Bu Laike instantly understood what the Prophet Zul meant.

The latter refers to the incident with Thor, the Zandalari trolls who have the knowledge to resurrect Thor, they could have revived him before Bu Laike killed Thor under the guidance of the Dark Seer.

But Zull didn't do that.

As the pirates said before, this is a tacit understanding between the prophets.

Zuul made Boo Laike a favor.

"I never intended to thank that old, ugly, brutish, rude troll wand."

The pirate pouted and said:

"He is not so generous that he will send me a victory, so what is his request?"

Vol'jin shrugged this time, and said helplessly:

"Your Excellency Zuer said, you have guessed it."

"Well, I did guess that."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers.

Under Xiao Ermu's stern gaze, his shadow twisted to form the body of Sera Moonguard, and the fallen watcher stepped in front of the king in uniform. This scene was enough to make the timid shout for protection.

But Varian didn't care.

Although he is no longer a warrior, the bravery in his heart has not faded in the slightest.

"Send a message to Northrend."

Bu Laike didn't shy away from the crowd in front of him, and said to Moon Guard:

"Tell Sefiel again that my bodyguard Tur doesn't need to follow me to Northrend. He has to go back to the Grizzly Bear Hills quickly, bring the elite bearmen, and escort the loa priests of Zandalar for me in Zulu. Dak lands and moves.

Make sure to keep them safe.

This is my response to a favor from Darkseer Zul, Lord Vol'jin.

You can send this news to Zandalar in a letter, telling the Dark Seer that we are even. "

"I will."

Although he still doesn't understand why the Zandalari Golden Dynasty sent priests to Northrend, Vol'jin also feels the importance of this news.

He nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, Braike set his eyes on Varian again. He stretched his neck, stood up, pulled out the Salamani battle sword with a bang, pushed the plate on the table outward, and moved the elf god in his hand. The sword was placed on the table.

He said to Varian:

"Your Majesty, I've eaten the meal and the warm-up is over. It's time to solve your problem. Before that, let's taste this sword first. Does it feel familiar?"

"It's hard for me to say."

When Varian saw Saramani, he felt an inexplicable feeling, as if in a forgotten dream, he once charged into battle with such a mighty sword.

At the invitation of the pirate, he stood up, stretched out his hand to caress the blade of the divine sword with cloud patterns and runes in front of him, the coldness of the weapon made him blink.

He raised his head and said to Bo Laike:

"this sword"

"I can't give it to you."

The pirate shrugged and said:

"This is my favorite thing, and you have deviated from your own destiny, this sword is no longer compatible with you, but today, it may help you truly recognize your heart.

You know what I mean.

That's why I came to Stormwind City, at least it's one of the reasons. "

Bo Laike took down his pipe and put it close by. He looked into Varian's eyes, as if to see the soul through them, and said:

"When did you start hearing the voice calling itself the Will of the Light? After the Battle of Silithus?"


Varian also seemed to be tortured by this question, he did not hide it, nodded and said:

"Just after Faolmian returned to the northern border from the desert, I was able to see some fantastic patterns in my dreams, which were simple but full of mystery.

It is a pattern born of light, representing the first ray of light piercing the darkness among the stars.

That holiness cannot be deceived. "

"I didn't say she was lying, Your Majesty."

Bu Laike shook his head and corrected:

"Zera never lied, which is probably her only advantage, but she knows people's hearts well, and like me, she has the ability to weave lies out of truth.

And for all creatures of the holy light, the 'light' emitted by Zela has an irresistible attraction for you.

For example, I know that even though I have told His Majesty Faol to be careful, he is still in contact with the Mother of the Holy Light, and I will not comment on this behavior.

This is a matter between you believers of the Holy Light.

I don't believe in the Holy Light.

This has nothing to do with me. "

"Then why are you so obsessed with helping me get rid of this sound?"

Varian asked suspiciously.

Bu Laike pointed to the sword in front of him, he said:

"She can seduce other people at will, but some people just can't! And I don't like to owe favors, my young majesty, I took what belongs to you.

I have to give you something back. "

The stinky pirate blinked, motioned for Varian to take Saramani's sword hilt, and said:

"And this can also make you owe me a favor. At some point in the future, when you are angry and want to hack me to death, maybe the help I give you today can calm you down before you actually do it.

I'll save my life for this

See, this is the correct use of favor.

Are you holding tight? "

Braike asked, and Varian, who was holding the elven sword upside down, nodded, and then Braike grabbed the lower end of the hilt and pulled it out gently. Under Varian's surprised gaze, Saramani nodded. for two.

He holds a white sword, while Bo Laike carries a black sword.

"Open your heart, Your Majesty.

I want to use your soul as a window to have a good talk with our dear Zera. She can take away your faith, but your soul must stay here! "

(end of this chapter)

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