Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1256 6. The Nightmare Reappears Belongs To Yes---Monthly Ticket Plus [21/25]

Chapter 1256 6. Nightmare Reappears Belongs to Yes——Monthly Ticket Plus Change 【2125】

While Bu Laike and the seventh black knight Felton were "talking friendly", in the dark and corrosive wind clouds above the sea of ​​​​fel energy, a raid formation was advancing rapidly.

For this raid, the draenei defenders of the Tahamat Temple contributed a few of their precious spirit dragons.

This is the last air defense of the local draenei.

Of course, although these strange creatures are called "dragons", they don't have the majesty of giant dragons at all. They are more like enlarged versions of faerie dragons that accompany the Kaldorei elves in the world of Azeroth.

Like a cross between a winged lizard and a gecko.

Of course the draenei spirit dragons are very cute creatures, they are good companions of the draenei brought from the world of Argus.

These spirit dragons have colorful wings and bodies, curled tails and a pair of cute Kaziran eyes. The most peculiar thing is that spirit dragons, like chameleons, can disguise themselves according to different environments.

In addition to being cute, they can also breathe out holy breath to attack the enemy. They are brave and loyal. Unfortunately, during the massacre of orcs, many spirit dragon nests were also destroyed.

The Draenei don't have many spirit dragon knights anymore.

Now, these few spirit dragons are carrying all the Illidari demon hunters to fly in the air in an "overloaded" attitude.

Not only is the cute and chubby body full of people, but there are also four demon hunters "hanging" under the four paws.

no way.

Although demon hunters have demon bat wings, this thing is not for them to fly.

Except for a demon hunter like Lord Illidan who has been exposed to fel energy for a long time and has undergone physical mutations that can solidify his wings, the wings of others are used for short-range gliding and for them to make some dangerous attack moves.

Led by the mistress of the armored spirit dragon, these loaded spirit dragons moved little by little to the sky above the five ships of the Black Spirit Pirates.

Archbishop Nellie, who was wearing flying goggles, moved her neck and pulled out the sonic spear behind her backhand. She turned her head and said to the garrison officer Cirdan who took up the weapon behind her:

"You stay in the sky and command the spirit dragon to provide us with fire support, and I will conduct a surprise battle with the Illidari! Since Prophet Braike needs these ships, and he himself has undertaken the most dangerous task of luring the enemy, then we must Can't let him down."

"Well, be careful."

Vindicator Cirdan, who also wore flying goggles, had a resolute face. This Vindicator was actually a gentle person. Like Velen, he still sought peace even after being treated horribly.

But this peace is not for demons and their henchmen.

"We hit the vanguard!"

The sufferer, Altruis, pulled out his moonblade and stood up from behind the Spirit Dragon. The ruthless demon hunter commander blew a loud whistle, and in the next moment all the demon hunters were ready for an air assault.

As the victim was the first to jump from the sky, the rest of the hunters followed him into the polluted sea below without hesitation. The bravery and ruthlessness of these blind elves shocked the Draenei rangers.

She also took a parachute behind her back and fell in a leap of faith.

Soon, the rabble on the five pirate ships spotted the raiders fast approaching them in the sky, screaming and running around the ship.

Some people were hastily shooting weapons into the sky, some were yelling on the boat, and some were sleeping with their ears covered, ignoring everything that happened.

Those guys are just crazy!

If you fall from such a high sky, you will die if you fall on a boat, or you will be burned to death by fel pollution if you fall into the polluted sea.

They are dead and don't need extra attention at all.

Its chaotic organization is evident.

Such an opponent made the sufferers in the sky frown. As a demon hunter who had contact with undead pirates, he always thought that Bo Laike's curse words about his group of incompetent and useless pirates were true.

But it wasn't until this moment that the victims realized that the undead pirates under Laike's command were really elite pirates. Look at the scum in front of them.

This is a group of real waste landlubbers.


When falling close to the ship at high speed, the demon hunters opened their bat wings in unison, slowed down for a moment and retracted the bat wings in the next moment, landing on the deck in a sprinting posture.

The victim landed on the ground in a fierce falling assassination posture. The hearts of the two evil orcs in front of him had been pierced by the moon blade, and a group of pirates backed away in panic.

The demon hunter commander raised his head, the corners of his mouth curved to reveal terrifying canine teeth, and a slightly sinister smile. Behind him, the demon hunters trained by Master Illidan have already started the merciless slaughter.

It's like a tiger joining a flock of sheep, unstoppable!


Archbishop Nelly, who came down with a parachute, grabbed the crossbow and pierced the head of the tiger man who was rushing in front of him, and then swung the spear to slaughter a large area fiercely on the spot, beheading several disgusting goren pirates. on the ground.

The archbishop saw the ferocious demon hunter's gesticulations in front of him, so he wanted to provide fire support. He took a few high-explosive grenades made by draenei craftsmen from his belt and was about to throw them out.

But as soon as she raised her hand, the silent human hunter with a strange hood grabbed her wrist.

Rexxar shook his head at her, and said in a deep voice:

"Blaike needs these ships, can't risk fire with bombs. You may not be familiar with Bo Laike's style of doing things, let me explain to you.

Don't make him angry when you don't have a good enough relationship with him.

Especially when there are so many treasures on board. "

"Oh, I made a mistake."

Archbishop Nellie nodded, put away the grenade, and followed Rexxar and his giant bear Misha into the cabin deep in the deck in front of her. The chief ranger of the Draenei looked at the silent humans in front of her. strange feeling.

This very powerful guy in front of him is hiding something.

"Hey, that orc with camouflage magic! Come here! Come here!"

Just when Rexxar and Nelly swept to the lower cabin of the "Curse", a sudden sound made Rexxar suddenly raise his head. In the depths of this dark cabin full of various boxes, there is still There is a cage.

And in the cage, there was actually a Quel'dorei elf with scars all over his body!

How could Dellano have elves from Quel'Thalas?

"Don't look, come here!"

That elf was more anxious than Rexxar, regardless of the injuries on his body, he coughed with difficulty and said:

"Quick! Send the news back to Azeroth, to the royal family of the Sunstrider, the Sacred Relic Association has lived up to expectations, we have found a powerful relic for our motherland!

But the Black Knights are after it.

The power from Dellano's world core cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of demons, it is related to the future of this world, hurry up! Send the message back!

We need support, Spellbreakers, Legion of Farstriders, Phoenix Guardians! No matter who it is, it must be! must"

The elf was so excited.

In addition, after being tortured for a long time, I couldn't even finish talking under the excitement, and fainted as soon as I rolled my eyes.

Rexxar hastily hacked open the cage with an ax and carried the elf out, but as soon as he turned his head, a spear blade shining with cold light touched Rexxar's neck.

Archbishop Nellie in front of him stared at him indifferently, and said:

"Are you an orc?"

"Yes, I am, but I have no malicious intentions. Can you put away your cold and radiant weapon? Now is not the time for infighting, Misha!

Take it easy! "



"I already knew that the Black Spirit Pirates stretched their hips, but I didn't expect you to pull your hips like this."

On the coast of Hellfire Peninsula, Braike pulled the wolf's blade back from the twitching skull of the smashed-headed second draenei. The soul of this fallen man wanted to escape, but he was caught by the stinky pirate live.

The fingers were "grinded" to pieces during the movement.

Before Laike's eyes, the Black Spirit Pirates' five ships were already in disarray from the successful raid, and he could even see the panic-stricken fools massacred by the demon hunters frantically jumping into the polluted sea to escape for their lives.

Behind him, all the captain's guards brought by Felton had been killed.

Their corpses fell on the cemetery in the ruins of this small fishing village, their blood soaked the dirty ground, their souls were howling, but trembling because of the dark power of the Great Warlock, they could only be touched by the flying black and white swords Another piercing obliteration.

Felton was still fighting.

The seventh black knight was slapped back by the bear's paw with the big horn, while the cunning frost claw appeared from the darkness, and tore off the black knight's leg armor with the sting of a surprise attack from behind.

But the big wolf was disappointed to find that the black knight didn't have a solid butt that could be smashed, so he could only vent his anger on Felton's neck and head with his claws.

The seventh black knight was filled with fear.

He thought he would be fearless by becoming a legendary pirate.

But it turns out that although they are both legends, his legend is really not at the same level as that of Bu Laike.

"It's not that I said to you, since you are a pirate, you have to do what you do and love what you do. When choosing cannon fodder sailors, you have to choose something good.

Look at the trash you picked"

Bu Laike turned his head with a disappointed expression, looked at the beaten black knight who was blocked by two war beasts in front and back, he picked up the head of the wolf, and said:

"Looking at your hip-stretching strength, I know that monopoly is not a good thing. Monopoly will make you not want to make progress. When you were bullied by me in Azeroth, you still had some power to fight back.

You guys were kind of interesting back then.

But now, you can't even touch me in front of me, so what's going on like this? What can I most admire, Lord Sargeras, expect you trash to do for him? "

"Stop being arrogant! Bu Laike!"

The black knight didn't lose when he lost, even though he was beaten by two war beasts, he was still stubborn.

Felton shouted:

"I am immortal! Your humiliation will only make me stronger. I will laugh at the pain you have brought me. I will draw strength from the pain. Until one day, we will make ten times the humiliation you have brought us." Give it back to you!"

"That's right, that's the feeling, that's the taste! That's right."

Bo Laike grinned and said:

"In the past, every time I killed you, you would make such villainous declarations like 'I will come back again'. This kind of unyielding spirit of repeated defeats and battles is the Black Knight I am familiar with.

Come, come, tell me quietly, what good things have you 'treasure hunters' found recently?

Give me some, maybe I'll let you go when I'm in a good mood, right? You know, I'll find it if you don't tell me, so why ask for trouble? "

"Go away! You greedy devil!"

Bu Laike's "reminder" finally made Felton realize something more terrible than death.

He recalled the horrific humiliation they were subjected to by the smelly pirates in Azeroth.

The treasures they collected so hard to dedicate to Lord Sargeras would be swept away by this stinky pirate every time, and the sense of powerlessness that was more terrifying than death returned to their hearts.

Azeroth's nightmare has reappeared in Dellano!

They're going to be Bo Laike's "self-propelled cash machines" again.

Damn it!

You must tell your brothers the news, you must prepare Boss Aridin, and you must hide the treasure they looted!


Must be hidden somewhere the stinky pirates will never find it!


Felton took the initiative to meet the head of the wolf raised by Bu Laike, and the spikes on the war halberd pierced his heart with a tragic gesture.

With a howl, the seventh knight's body quickly dissipated like black quicksand, leaving only a set of tattered armor on the spot.

"Yes, yes, that's it, even death is exactly the same as before! Back! Everyone's back! The good old days are back, I feel it.

This trip to Dellano has become more interesting.

I actually began to look forward to the day when I opened the Black Knight's treasure house, tsk tsk, this feeling of getting something for nothing is really fascinating. "

Bu Laike stood there nervously, the little murloc rubbed his eyes and jumped out of his waist pocket, poked around in the pile of armor under his feet, and soon found a dark crystal-like amulet.

The little murloc threw the talisman to Bo Laike, and the pirate picked it up and saw that it was a "Shadow Moon Emblem" that could provide magical and physical protection for the user.

Nice magic item.

In the past, it would definitely make the stinky pirate scream excitedly, but now his coffee position no longer cares about this thing.

He grabbed Felton's magic steel sledgehammer again, and purple light bloomed in front of his eyes. Braike whistled, summoned his crazy angry guard Clin Fran, and took the Shadowmoon emblem and the tyrant in his hand. Throw the sledgehammer to it.

"Take it and play."

The pirate waved his hand, and said to the angry guard who was happy to get new weapons and accessories:

"Go, find a way to infiltrate the local demon circle, you don't need to inquire about any news, just find out the evil orc forces nearby.

It would be even better if you can help me kill a few bosses. I will let Daglop serve as your dog-headed military adviser. This time you two cooperate well, and I will be rewarded for your work. "

"Obey, my generous and wicked master."

Crazy Clin Fran liked this order. Holding a heavy and destructive hammer, he asked in a low voice:

"I know you don't like it, my lord, but can I eat the flesh and soul of my enemies here? The evil of this world makes me restless.

I can no longer bear the cruelty in my heart, it is howling longing to kill and be killed. "

"As long as you have the ability not to be beaten to death, you can eat whatever you want, this is not a beautiful Azeroth, so don't ask me stupid questions that can only be asked by demons with a bottom line.

In a chaotic and disorderly world, the only way to live better is to let yourself abandon the bottom line of all troubles. Let yourself go and let yourself go, no longer need to be suppressed.

We have to get used to this fascinating law of the jungle.

We have to learn to transform ourselves into the desired beast.

There is no light here, no nature, no elements, no lunas, no annoying rules, no rigid order, nothing here, no hope here.

Tsk tsk, I'm starting to like this disgusting world, but it needs some more advanced dark accents to be more beautiful. "

Boo Laike waved his hand.

Let yourself, the tyrannical and brutal guard of anger, hurry up and engage in massacres, and don't disturb his next operation to find treasure on the black knight's ship.

He glanced at the black knight armor under his feet, then looked at the several ships that had been completely controlled in front of him, shook his head, and said:

"Oh, black knights, you still don't understand, only if you send me more treasures, can you cute and charming comedian pirates live better.

There is no future in being a dog for Kil'jaeden!

That guy is not going to try to rescue you miserable losers, that bastard is the worst boss in the stars, far worse than me.

Are you right, my lovely, indifferent and desperate demons? "

(end of this chapter)

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