Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1257 7. The Legend Of The Lord Of The Rings---Monthly Ticket Plus [22/25]

Chapter 1257 7. The Legend of the Lord of the Rings——Monthly Ticket Plus [2225]

Bu Laike stood on the purged Black Spirit pirate ship, the "flagship" named "Curse" in his eyes, just like the sampan used by children to play.

In addition to the relatively good wood for shipbuilding, the design and construction details of this ship are rotten to a mess.

The Stinky Pirate felt that he was insulting himself by being on such a ship.

If he sailed on such a ship in the ocean of Azeroth, he would definitely be ridiculed by his fellow pirates and make the Kul Tiras navy laugh to death.

He and his toy boat will definitely become an enduring "classic joke" on the endless sea in the next three years.

But considering that this ship is already the "highest standard" in Dellano's shipbuilding industry, Laike can't expect more, and he has more important things to deal with now.

"Did she really accidentally fall and hit her head, so she fainted?"

In the "luxury" captain's cabin of the Seventh Knight Felton, the pirate was playing with two display cabinets full of various antique treasures, while looking at Archbishop Nellie who was lying unconscious on a chair.

And the orc Batman Rexxar standing there silently next to her.

The latter's camouflage magic has been dispelled, and there is an obvious, knocked out big bag on the back of Archbishop Nellie's head. Facing Bu Laike's questioning, Rexxar shrugged and said:

"Yes, she knew that I was an orc and attacked me very angrily. As a result, she accidentally fell down and fell into a coma, avoiding an unnecessary fight."

This clumsy remark made Bu Laike blink his eyes. He looked at the mature sister Yujie in front of him and asked curiously:

"Then where did she fall?"

The orc was silent for a second, and said:

"Unfortunately, she fell on Misha's bear's paw. Don't ask any more questions, okay? Let me just say that it's not a good idea for me to appear in front of the draenei."

"Okay, okay, I won't ask."

Bu Laike waved his hand and said;

"You can get ready, we will rest for an hour, and then set off to the port built by the Black Spirit pirates in Ashran, I heard that there are many good things there.

There are still a lot of bastards attached to the Black Spirit Pirates, evil orcs, etc. It is said that there are a lot of people, so get your Ayamis ready. "


Rexxar nodded, and he strode out of the cabin.

Bu Laike glanced at Archbishop Nellie, who was unconscious on the captain's chair, and said to himself that this little girl is really "hateful". Fortunately, she provoked the good-tempered Rexxar.

Otherwise, the stinky pirates will now have a headache explaining to the draenei of the Temple of Taharamar why their ranger archbishop accidentally died in a raid with a great advantage.

He pouted, then turned his head to look at the corner of the captain's cabin.

From there was a hard plank bed on which the black knight rested, and on it lay a miserable Quel'dorei.

This guy had obviously been tortured, only seven of his ten fingers were left, his legs were brutally broken, the blood in his body was reduced by one-fifth, and half of his hair was burned off.

And the cheeks that should have been handsome were also carved with bad scars.

These injuries are enough to prove that the elf in front of him is a tough one, and the elf-like pattern and cumbersome phoenix emblem on his blood-stained clothes prove his identity.

This is a high-ranking archaeologist of the Reliquary, possibly a leader.

This made Bu Laike have a strong interest in his experience. The relic society came to Dellano to work or it was suggested by the stinky pirates at the beginning, it was to get closer to the Sunstrider family.

That was a very successful transaction!

Bu Laike exchanged Dellano's lost knowledge and the news of the ogre artifact from Prince Kael'thas in exchange for a legendary weapon, helping him survive his weak youth.

After that, the pirates paid no particular attention to the movements of these elven archaeologists, and only learned a little from the paladins who entered Dellano with them.

It is said that the Reliquary's explorations in Dellano are going very well.

And looking at the Quel'dorei elf archaeologist tortured by the black knight in front of him, Bo Laike immediately felt suspicious of their so-called "smooth career".

There is still a glimmer of expectation.

Being able to be spotted by the black knight who is good at treasure hunting shows that the elves have indeed found something extraordinary in the last city of the ogre empire.

"Hey, wake up."

Bo Laike stood by the bed, patting the cheek of the guy in front of him with his hands, and the fingers with void stimulation were impacting his weak mind when they touched the weak elf.

The latter let out a miserable howl.

The moment he opened his eyes, he felt a hard, cold, and sulfurous thing was stuffed into his mouth, which made the elf think that he was going to be tortured again.

He struggled with a groan, and as a result, he pushed his chin and forcibly chewed the thing in his mouth. In the next moment, pure vitality exploded in the air, and the healing effect from the healing stone made by Bu Laike was exerted.

The weak elf suddenly felt alive again, he coughed, and turned his head with difficulty to look at Braike Shaw standing in front of him, his green eyes suddenly burst into ecstasy.

He clearly recognized the identity of the stinky pirate, mustered up all his strength and grabbed the pirate's wrist, and said in a difficult tone:

"Great, Lord Laike, it's great to meet you in this nightmare place, please help us, help the Relic Society."

"I came into this damn world to help my friends."

Bo Laike patted the elf's wrist hypocritically and said:

"Don't worry, my elf friend, Bo Laike Shaw is here, your suffering is over, come, drink a glass of wine to moisten your throat, and then tell me what happened to you.

Did you guys really find the ogre artifact in Highmaul?

Or you can introduce yourself first. "

He handed a glass of Winterspring fire wine to the weak elf in front of him, and poured the wine down the latter's throat somewhat roughly.

This kind of alchemy wine that the wood-maw bear man used to motivate the soldiers was very effective, and the moment it was poured down, the weak elf suddenly "spirited".

He felt that his strength was returning, and his mental state was much better, but this was just the illusion of being stimulated, so that he could maintain his sanity in the following questions and answers.

Faced with Bu Laike's question, the elf covered his disfigured face, leaned against the head of the bed, and said with a sigh:

"My name is Remy Stargazer, I am a high-ranking observer of the Relic Society, and I am also the second commander of the expedition team commissioned by the Sunstrider royal family and the leader of the society, His Excellency Tathelan Bloodwatcher.

Because of the valuable clues you provided, we wasted no time after entering Dellano a few months ago, all the way to the ruins of Highmaul in the Nagrand Grasslands.

The first month of excavation was disappointing. The ogre city had already been destroyed in the world massacre caused by the orcs, leaving only a ruined wall.

We did find some mysterious runestone shards, but struggled to find the big find we imagined.

Just when we were desperate, a group of mysterious "white ghosts" living under the ruins of Highmaul helped us a lot. Those should be orcs infected and mutated by the void.

They are chatty but communicative.

They enthusiastically share that damned corrupt lore with us.

We wanted to expel them, but when we explored their crypts, we accidentally discovered that these white ghosts have hidden valuables in the ruins of the city underground. "

Observer Remy also became excited when he said this.

He clenched his fists and said to Bo Laike:

"We have found the legendary knowledge you gave, which is the precious wisdom inherited by the ogres from Dellano's ancient times. We have spent nearly a month researching the runes that are most likely originated from the world's birth. Learn about decryption.

The result is delightful.

The ogres have long resonated with Dellano's elements and world powers, upon which their runestone magic is based.

It is said that the wisdom was given by the arakkoa, so we went to the peaks of Arakka and searched for clues in the collapsed sky temple of the arakkoa empire, and finally found what we dreamed of.

A ring that represents the whole world!

It was the ultimate expression of Dellano's eternal power. "

Having said this, the elf took a look at Bo Laike, the pirate seriousness had emerged with an undisguised light, which made the elf cough, and he said to Bo Laike:

"Because this great discovery came from your initial guidance, we would like to share it with you.

But after the Sacred Relic Society forged the first "World Ring" with the help of the ancient sun power of the Arakkoa on Tongtian Peak, it was attacked and hunted down by the terrible black knights.

I entrust the mighty ring to my friend Bay Locke Brightblade and his wife, and the remaining members lure the Black Knights away at the cost of their lives.

We need help to bring back to our country the greatest thing the Reliquary has ever found to dedicate to our Sun King.

I am sure that the enthusiastic Mr. Bo Laike will never let us down. "

The pirate blinked.

He understood the implication of the elf's words very well. He snapped his fingers in front of this guy, and Sera Moonguard, who had been hiding beside the pirates, quietly reappeared.

"Sera, send a message to Warlord Val Locke. I need him to take the Mag'har orcs to the Spiers of Arak to search for the fleeing Quel'dorei scholars. Be sure to protect their lives.

At the same time, a sister was sent back to Azeroth to inform the Sunstrider royal family of the discovery of the Reliquary through the news channel of the Uncrowned. "

Bu Laike stared at Remy Stargazer in front of him, and he said:

"But our report has to be meaningful. My dear elf friends, tell me exactly what you found, so that my subordinates can better inform your Sun King."

"Okay, okay."

The weak elf got the assurance from the pirates, and he was relieved immediately. The power of the Winterspring fire wine was fading, and he felt dizzy, but he still coughed hard and said:

"Thorasus the Heart of the Rock, Nisamus the All-Seeing, Malus the Blooddrinker, Sactus the Immovable, Iserarus the Eternal!

Here are five names we've gleaned from the ancient lore of ogres and arakkoa, and they are most likely great concepts from the world's ancient past.

They represent the five forces of Dellano's world origin.

Corresponding to infinite power, infinite wisdom, unparalleled acuity, unyielding tenacity and eternal healing respectively, that is the power originating from the heart of the Dellano world.

It is the power of the world that only exists in this world!

According to the ancient knowledge, we have forged the 'Nisamus the All-seeing' who represents wisdom.

The power of its birth in the light of the sun shook the entire Spiers of Arak, and we clearly heard the cries and cries of this dying world.

We were going to send it back to our homeland as a symbol of wisdom.

Although the crown of wisdom has been claimed by the Quel'dorei, there are still four world powers to pursue! The blueprints and knowledge for forging them are right here at Bay Locke, don't let them fall into the hands of black knights and demons!

please. "

After finishing speaking, the elf tilted his head and passed out again.

Bu Laike pursed his lips and looked at Sierra Moonguard next to him, and said to her with a pursed mouth:

"Go, send word back to Quel'Thalas that the Sunstriders hasten to send men to receive their relics, and if I find those men first, don't blame me for taking Dellano's laurels of knowledge. "

"Is it really that powerful?"

Sera did not leave immediately, but asked suspiciously:

"Dellano's world is so small, there is only one continent, and there are not many creatures raised. This world is not prosperous, how could such a legendary power be born?

Is this elf tricking you? "

"Don't underestimate Dellano, you arrogant elf."

Bu Laike snorted, looked at the unconscious Remy Stargazer in front of him, and said:

"This world, like Azeroth, can theoretically be regarded as one of the worlds concerned by the Titan Pantheon. Although it is not as important as Azeroth or Argus, it still breeds many miracles.

I can tell you that the discoveries of these elves are true. The five forces he mentioned do represent the origin of the world, and they are very powerful, powerful enough to shock people.

Most importantly, these five rings are not just for the improvement of users, their ownership can indeed affect the future of a civilization.

It is something that must be obtained!

It's a pity that no matter how powerful a person is, he can only choose one of the five shocking powers. Otherwise, how could I give the elves this chance? "


Sera had no doubts about Bo Laike's words. The pirate's prophetic ability has been confirmed by countless events. She turned and disappeared into the shadows to deliver orders.

And Bo Laike threw a healing spell on the loyal Quel'dorei in front of him, then turned around and looked at Archbishop Nellie who was still unconscious on the chair.

He drew his voice and said:

"If you pretend to be unconscious again, I'll throw you off the boat. Your acting skills are terrible."

"I should probably give you an arrow, Lord Bo Laike."

Archbishop Nelly rubbed the back of her sore head and stood up. The royal sister glared at Laike viciously. She wagged her tail and said:

"You brought a dirty orc bastard into our temple!"

"Rexxar is not dirty, but as long as you know more about Mo Kenasa, you should know that when the orcs slaughtered the whole world, no one from the Mo Kenasa clan joined them.

These Revenant hunters have their own code. "

The pirate pouted and said:

"I can understand the draenei's hatred of the orcs, but you have to be reasonable. To be honest, Rexxar has been my friend for much longer than you.

Okay, let's not talk about this, did you hear what the elf said just now?

Don't tell me that you, as the archbishop, can't even understand Elvish, but you have come into contact with them. With the wisdom of the Draenei, it is not difficult to learn the Thalastian language in a short time. "

"I understood."

Archbishop Nelly asked with some anxiety:

"What do you want to say?"

"Don't the draenei have a thirst for Dellano's world power?"

Bu Laike whispered:

"Strength, wisdom, agility, tenacity and healing, any one of them can greatly improve the current situation of the Draenei, and I also want to get one of them.

But now I can't separate myself from chasing these things.

So, do you want to cooperate?

I'll get the blueprints done, and you guys will provide people and materials. When it's done, we'll be the same? "

(end of this chapter)

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