Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1258 8. I Must Gather My Army First---【23/25】

Chapter 1258 8. I must gather my army first——【2325】

Bo Laike and Archbishop Nellie conversed secretly for half an hour, and then the Ranger Archbishop left the Black Spirit Fleet with Vindicator Cirdan and their spirit dragons.

The pirate commanded the demon hunters to gather a group of Dellano scum who had survived the chaotic battle, and let them barely start the five ships, and headed towards Ashland, an island off the Hellfire Peninsula, at a very slow speed.

A few hours later, another group of assembled Draenei garrison officers and elite rangers flew from the Taharama Temple, which was already most of the guards on the other side of the temple.

This also represented that the draenei began to fully help Laike advance his goal.

"There are still a few people, but it's not a big problem."

In the captain's cabin of the "Curse", Bo Laike held a map of Ashran found on the ship, and said to Cirdan, the leader of the garrison, and the victim, the commander of the demon hunter, in front of him:

"As long as you obey my command and complete my instructions perfectly, we will be able to occupy Ashland by midnight at the latest, and completely eliminate the harassment of the coast by the Black Spirit pirates, so that the civilians of Hellfire Peninsula can safely pass through the Dark Land. The door is open."

"But there are thousands of people on that island!"

The Draenei garrison officer looked at the confident Bu Laike, and he said in astonishment:

"With only two hundred people on our side, can we really win?"

"quack quack"

Facing Cirdan's question, Bo Laike didn't even bother to answer him.

Sitting on the command table holding an orc-style bone flute and playing with it, the little murloc Bombalba rolled his eyes and sneered at the draenei in a mocking tone.

This big man in full armor looks mighty, but he is less courageous than a murloc!

"Pirates can't fight tough battles, every world is the same, they just rely on the number of people to win the battle, and once they encounter an unexpected blow, they will collapse quickly.

Their morale, like the warrior's intelligence, is basically something that doesn't exist. "

Bo Laike, who was smoking a pipe, exhaled the smoke ring and said to the draenei garrison officer in front of him:

"Do you know the reason why you draenei have technology thousands of years ahead of the orcs, but are still slaughtered by the orcs? It's because you lack imagination, you have been in exile for too long and you have developed a character of avoiding, and you don't believe in miracles." exist.

But today you just have to obey orders.

Don't think too much, follow your feelings, and there is one point I must emphasize to you draenei. "

The pirate pointed to the map in front of him, drew a circle on the coast of the island, and said:

"This one is up to you first, the draenei garrison officers are notoriously rough-skinned and thick-skinned.

The blessing of the Holy Light makes you not afraid of harm. You should charge as the vanguard, disrupt the situation at the pier to attract attention, and create opportunities for the demon hunters to assassinate the pirate commander in the rear.

I also know that the Holy Light teaches you to be kind and kind, but tonight you are going to be able to handle it. "

Bu Laike emphasized:

"No matter who stands in front of you, regardless of gender, regardless of race, let me ride your thunder elephant and run over! Don't stop until you pass through the pier!

If you can't do this, then I won't play with you in the future.

I'm serious.

And after you log in, no matter what you see, shut up and don't tell what you saw tonight, or I will cut your tongues off! "

Sedan nodded.

This kind-hearted garrison officer knew the current situation, and in order to protect his own clansmen to go to Azeroth, a rare indifference appeared in his eyes.

Bo Laike didn't need to stress this to the demon hunters, Illidan's minions were tough, and it would be more to their liking if the pirates summoned demons on the island.

This will definitely give demon hunters an "enraged" and "warrior" buff.

The pirates told everyone to prepare that it might take them an hour to reach Ashland, according to the bad charts found in the cabin.

He walked out of the captain's room, turned around on the deck, and looked back to find that several ships following behind him had seriously yawped.

This made the pirates furious.

This group of slag landlubbers can't even steer a boat well, maybe a few people should be hung on the mast to deter the tired sailors.

But soon Laike calmed down, and he found that it wasn't all due to Dellano's scumbag sailors, but mainly because the construction of these ships was also faulty.

The keel is too light, the bottom of the ship is too flat, and the position of the mast is completely wrong, so that they can't get all the wind when they raise the sails. It looks like a third-rate ship made by amateur pirates like black knights.

Let Dai Lin evaluate this thing, and the admiral will definitely say viciously that they are only suitable for burning firewood.

"Go and share the treasure on the ship."

Bu Laike said to the little murloc following behind:

"Put away the most valuable ones, and pile up the rest in the cabin. When the Draenei go to Azeroth, let them take these back to the Yulian Gang.

It just happened to be the first batch of goods that the black market opened. "

"quack quack"

The chief treasure hunter of the undead pirates, Mr. Murloc, rubbed his murloc claws, gave a pirate military salute to Bu Laike, and rushed to the cabin to start his new career in the new world.

Bu Laike also walked into the cabin. He pushed open the door of the cabin where Rexxar was, and saw the orc hunter feeding his flying insect lord.

"The Hunter" Ayamis has changed too much from the last time the pirate saw him in Pandaria.

Its size expanded again, and the horny armor on its body "evolved" into a thinner but tougher mantid carapace.

Under the two pairs of sickle blades on the chest, there are also predatory sickle-shaped insect limbs similar to those of the mantid, and the originally plump abdomen has become even fatter.

Even a little bloated.

This means that the flying insect lord is ready to lay eggs.

"My mantid servants passed through the Dark Portal an hour ago, and they will fly directly to Ashran to join us. This time, four heroes and hundreds of elite fighters have come, and they will be in charge of Ayamis. Food hunting and guarding during spawning."

Bu Laike reached out and touched the more ferocious and imposing Qiraji lord in front of him.

The latter neighed in fear, and Ayamis felt the sleeping Xalatas in Bu Laike's soul, and it obediently bowed its head to its dark god.

"The supplies on Ashland Island are not enough for the swarm to reproduce."

Rexxar whispered:

"At most, the first batch of flying insects will be hatched and the insect nest will be converted. Where do you plan to go next?"


Bu Laike struck the Qiraji flying insect lord's sturdy head with a crisp sound, and he replied:

"I promised to help you find my father, but I can't break my promise, and Gorgrond is quite rich in products, and the wild terrain there is very suitable for a large insect nest.

I also want to see which one is more powerful, the Qiraji or the demons that reproduce on a large scale. "

"The winner with a high probability will be a demon."

Rexxar shook his head, and the rammed orc Batman said:

"Although the Qiraji swarm has obtained the superior genes of the mantid, their evolutionary level makes them far from demons in terms of quality, even if they are not necessarily comparable in quantity.

Unless you move all the lords of the entire Qiraji empire here, it will be difficult for them to fight the demons on their own.

Just because I know them well, I know their pros and cons. "

"It doesn't matter, they still have time to evolve slowly. The ancient genes of the Yaqi Empire are not yet complete, and the combination of the Qiraji and the mantid is just to recover the incomplete power."

The pirate was not disappointed. He gently patted the flying insect on the head and said:

"They still have the most important power that has not yet been recovered, and the dark glory of the Yaqi Empire will naturally not come to them, but it doesn't matter.

Confronting demons on the world of Dellano will allow the Swarm to accumulate valuable experience, which Ayamis will share with other Swarm Lords.

Mentor Liresa is planning an operation that will bring the swarm together.

Perhaps, when the demons come to Azeroth, they will face the real aqir swarm.

Those are the fallen descendants created by the ancient gods themselves, a group born for war, but maybe I shouldn't have too much hope for them. "

Bu Laike curled his lips and said with disgust:

"A civilization that can be defeated by trolls, no matter how strong it is, it may not be much stronger."

"Hey, little master, you are wrong to say that."

Xal'atath whispered in Bu Laike's ear:

"When the troll empire and the Aqir swarm clashed, the Aqir swarm didn't have an Old God commanding them. You have to know that the Swarm without the guidance of the Old God is like an undead pirate without you. Same.

It belongs to rubbish that can be crushed at a pinch.

But this time, the Aqir swarm under my command will definitely bring a big surprise to the demons.

Let's get this over with, and go to Gorgrond, where my dear 'mother' is still struggling with the loss of her daughter.

I really want to see what kind of life those black dragons who were abandoned by me live in this world. "

"Well, I forgot if you didn't tell me, our dear black dragon queen, His Majesty Sinestra, is still fighting the demons in Dellano."

The pirate showed a smirk, and he said solemnly:

"The black dragons who betrayed their noble mission 10,000 years ago have joined the cause of fighting against demons in another world, which may prove that the black dragons are not hopeless.

Although they didn't fight the demons willingly, they did protect the world where the titans came, and the dragonflight who came to see this scene will also feel relieved.

If the black dragons are determined and brave enough, maybe the dragon army will absorb them again.

After Deathwing's death, of course. "

Having said that, Bu Laike and Xalatath laughed eerily at the same time, making the orcs feel creepy.

After all, from his point of view, Bo Laike was talking to himself in a weird way. If he didn't know the character of the stinky pirate, he would have thought that the guy might have gone crazy.

An hour later, the crooked treasure fleet approached the Ashland Peninsula.

At this time, it was completely dark, and the evil orcs standing guard in the base established by the Black Spirit Pirates in the eastern waters of Dellano noticed the fleet returning.

He did not notify the high-level officials on the island, but directly turned on the light at the lighthouse to guide the fleet into the port.

This island was once developed by the Draenei. Although it has also experienced the baptism of orc violence for thirty years, most of the buildings on the island have been damaged, like a ghost island, but the dock facilities on the island are still very good. ready.

On the bow of the night ship, Bu Laike, wearing the Moon Night Battle Armor, looks out. There are other toy ships docked in the pier. Although most of them are transport ships, there are quite a lot of them.

And the defenseless posture on the pier in front of him, the loose sailors wandering around, and the slaves of all ethnicities who were whipped to work all proved how bad the management here is.

The seventh knight, Felton, who had been killed before, hadn't been resurrected yet, so the third and ninth black knights stationed on the island naturally couldn't get the terrible news of Laike Shaw's haunting.

They and their useless subordinates were unprepared for what was to come.

It was like a treasure house full of wealth was placed in front of Laike with the door wide open, which made the pirates feel the excitement that they were about to start a big plunder.

"It's like a naked pretty girl who has spread her legs in front of the mob."

Xalatath said a harsh metaphor.

While vulgar, it was perfectly appropriate for the situation at hand.

"Where's the mantid?"

Bu Laike asked.

The dark essence groaned lazily, and then said:

"Flying around in the sky, I told my loyal servant, the Supreme Korfan, that I asked him to send the hero who can fight the most and has no bottom line.

It fulfilled my order perfectly.

The famous murderer 'Gluttony' Kanotz among Yingjie is happily waiting for a bloody massacre.

Carl, the ruthless researcher in "The Cutter", sharpens his knife and prepares to start the precise and deadly dissection of Dellano's native species.

The order I just gave them is 'Extinction', and they sincerely love this order, but wouldn't it be too cruel to do so, my little master? "

Facing Xalatath's deliberate "fishing" question, Bu Laike shrugged his shoulders, and looked at Ayamis, the colossal creature behind him carrying Rexxar into the night sky silently.

He said softly:

"The swarm needs food, and we have to. But after we come to Dellano and get our own fortress, some people will be left behind to drive the ships.

I need handpicked sailors to form a new faction in Dellano for the Undead Fleet, and muster my forces before heading out on the great expedition to Gorgrond. "

"But where is your army? Little master, I haven't seen anything."

Xalatas deliberately asked:

"Are you dazzled?"

"Isn't that all?"

The pirate pointed to the coast of the pier that was getting closer and closer in front of him, and pointed to the group of black spirit pirates commanded by the black knights.

He moved his fingers and said:

"They can obey the hip-pull black knight, why can't they obey me?

If I had to choose between being eaten by bugs and a more powerful boss, as long as these Dellano race scumbags had a higher IQ than a heel, they would know which one to choose. "

After finishing speaking, Bo Laike looked back at the draenei garrison officers and elite rangers assembled on the deck behind him, and he made a "ready to assault" gesture in the dark.

The Vindicators then took hold of their magical reins, ready to call upon their thundereleph mounts to run them over as they charged into the docks.

The demon hunters have already begun to circle back, the mantid in the sky are also lowering their altitude, and the pirates seem to have smelled the bloody smell of the battlefield in advance.

He took a deep breath.

The moment the ship docked, his figure flashed onto the pier with a whoosh, and the black and white swords flew out to kill several evil orcs in front of him.

At the same time as the blood burst out, the draenei howled and jumped off the ship. In the flash of holy light, huge and heavy thunder elephants with armor pendant with gemstones were summoned.


Bu Laike also turned over and jumped onto the thunderbolt of the Cirdan garrison officer. In the flashing light of the paladins, Bu Laike shouted loudly in the language of the Draenei:

"Today, the draenei set foot on the land that was taken away again, and we will take back our heritage under the leadership of the mighty pirates! The holy A'dal connects us!"

"Templar, show your blade! Charge forward! Crush them!"

(end of this chapter)

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