Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1261 11. Trash, Sing The Pirate Song And Open The Barrel! Let's Go On An Adventure With

Chapter 1261 11. Trash, sing the pirate song and open the barrel! Let's go on an adventure with Bu Laike Shaw

Maim, who was evaluated as a "smart orc" by Laike a long time ago, learned the fine tradition of undead pirates from his old boss immediately after learning about Ashran's current situation.

With a false smile on his face, he turned his head and announced to the first mate, second mate, third mate, bosun and gunner behind him:

"You have all heard the orders from Chief Bu Laike, I am the commander of the Dellano fleet, and you are all captains now, congratulations, now hurry up and choose your own ship and crew.

I'll go around the island first to see what changes we need to make in our future base camp. "

"Hey, Mame, you bilge rat don't want to leave this dirty work to us and go enjoy yourself!"

As a result, it turns out that Maim's skill of throwing pots is still far from catching up with Laike.

His first mate, an old orc pirate who was blind, had broken hands and legs, but was replaced with mechanical dwarf prosthetics, put his battle ax in his hand very annoyedly, and cursed:

"If you want to do dirty work, do it together! No one can run away. If something bad happens, everyone has to carry it together! We will beat whoever runs away!"


Seeing the rebellious old pirates surrounding him, Maim also had a headache, he thought for a while and whispered;

"Then let's pick a boat first, it's an easy job."

"But what about this group of landlubbers who look like rubbish and soft eggs?"

His first officer spat to the side in displeasure, and said:

"I saw them as I saw us when we got into the water for the first time, the same stupid, the same cowardly, the same pathetic, the same rubbish.

It's like teaching a group of little girls to fight, it's a headache. "

"Then there are still young people."

Maim looked at the fifth little orc, his eyes gleamed with cunning and gloat, and he said in a long voice:

"Young people should practice more. This kind of difficult work is most suitable for young people to challenge themselves. Don't you think so? Guys."

"That's right, that's it!"

"Hellscream and the Saurfang family are legendary families of orcs. You young people should not be afraid of difficulties."

"Yes! The Dead Eye family is famous among us orcs for their sharp eyes! It's right to entrust them with this job."

A group of old silver coin pirates suddenly became noisy.

They gathered around Maim, and you and I helped the five Orcs set their goals, and they laughed and laughed and surrounded the newly appointed "Dellano Pirate King" and walked towards his firewood fleet.

"Hey, a bunch of bullying bastards!"

Knowing that he was cheated, Shaoxia Hou leaned on his battle ax and stared fiercely at the old pirates in front of him. He gritted his teeth and said:

"Sooner or later, they will be hacked to death!"

"Think of the good, Garrosh."

Yolin Deadeye beside him is still wearing the robes of the Warlock school, and he will say bitterly:

"We have our own ship anyway, don't we? Now that we return to our hometown, we can be regarded as fighting for our own world. No matter how good Azeroth is, it is not home.

Hurry up and get to work.

I also wanted to drive my own boat back to Galadar to see Grandma Gaiaan. We were kidnapped and left so suddenly, and I don’t know how worried Grandma should be. "

"Yes, we can't let these old sea dogs underestimate us."

Sola, a woman who also came from the Saurfang family, raised her big ax and said in a cold tone:

"Isn't it just picking people? What's so difficult about it?"

"Sola, stop making sarcastic remarks."

Agna, the blue-eyed orc shaman, clutched her head.

She had already had contact with the elements of Azeroth, and now returning to Dellano, a world where the elemental forces are weak, made her very upset and uncomfortable.

She whispered:

"The elements are telling me that the island in front of me has just experienced terrible things, and the captives in front of me have been terrified, and they all have dark and vile souls.

It is difficult for us to pick suitable people from a group of trash. "

"cannon fodder!"

Della Nuosh, the calmest in Wuxiaoli, accurately stated the location of the group of guys in front of him, and he whispered to the other four:

"The Mag'har compatriots in Galadar are more trustworthy, they are the main force we really want to recruit, these guys are just used in the early stage.

You don't have to be selective, you will be eliminated sooner or later anyway.

Before the old sea dogs come back, we pick out the most 'useful' ones, such as cooks, blacksmiths, and other guys with special skills.

They belong to us, and the other lesser bastards will be handed over to them.

Anyway, our 'Dellano Pirate King' personally gave us this power, and they have nothing to say when they get a guy who is not so easy to use. "

"Yes, Della Nosh is right."

Hou Shaoxia's eyes lit up, and he, who has always been regarded as the leader of this small group, clapped his hands and said:

"That's it! And since we are captains, we also have the right to recruit the crew, right? The Warsong clan still has some clansmen in Dellano.

Dead Eye, this destroyed Tanaan Jungle used to be the territory of your Blood Ring clan. There should still be members of your clan here, right? We have three days, why don't you take a trip to the mainland?

It's time to meet at the coast.

Don't have too many people, just enough. "

"Well, I'm leaving now."

Jolin Deadeye glanced in the direction of the distant continent, touched his right eye, and whispered:

"It just so happens that I want to go back to the Vault of the Blood Ring, where I will complete my Dead Eye Ritual, and see what fate will give me."

"Would you like me to go with you?"

Sora held the battle ax and said:

"You little warlock may be in danger. There are many evil orcs there."


Jorin glanced at his violent female orc companion, and whispered:

"That... Although my title of spellcaster is only an apprentice sorcerer, you must know that I have been studying with Master Xieyan for a long time.

I'm pretty good at riding demons and stuff.

And there are few other things in this world, and there are a lot of demons. I mean, I don't mean to be provocative, but I am the strongest among the five of us in this world. "

After assigning the task, Yolin quickly found the Draenei defender who was still on the island.

Although the draenei wanted to hack him to death, in the end, for the sake of Bo Laike's sake, they lent him their Spirit Dragon to use, allowing Jorin to quickly travel between Ashran and Hellfire Peninsula.

And on the pier, the intense selection work will begin immediately.

Under the gaze of a group of bleak mantid warriors, the prisoners of war lined up in four teams, and were selected by the remaining four of the five orcs.

The selection process is very interesting.

"What are you good at?"

Della Nosh glanced at the tiger man in front of him.

This guy is very similar to a werewolf, both have a humanoid body with a beast head on top, but Dellano's tiger man is obviously more deterrent than a werewolf.

It's a pity that their number is too small, and breeding is difficult, and they have no respect in front of the terrifying wolves.

"I can cook, I'm the best cook in my clan!"

The Khajiit pirate with all kinds of spice bags on his body slickly boasted:

"It's not me, I can boil the dark bones of the arakkoa into a fragrance, if you don't mind tasting your compatriots, I can make you a pot of orc skull soup on the spot right now.

Let me tell you the taste, it's absolutely amazing! "

This answer made Della Nuosh almost tense.

He ran his fingers over his axe, shook his head again, and said:

"Very good, you passed, go and stand over there, and don't talk about the topic of orc brain soup, or I will kick you into the sea to feed the fish.


What will you do? "

The next one was a red-skinned ogre. This guy scratched his head and said naively:

"Uh, I'm good at eating."

"All ogres are good at eating, this is not an advantage that can keep you alive."

Della Nosh rolled his eyes and said:

"Think again, I'll give you a minute."

"Uh, how long is a minute?"

The ogre asked again.

This time the young orc didn't bother to answer it. He just turned the small hourglass on the table upside down and watched the quicksand fall. Even a stupid ogre realized the seriousness of the problem.

It thought hard for more than ten seconds, and then whispered:

"Well, I will, I can grind crystals! Apexis crystals, I was apprenticed to the sages of Ogrila when I was a child, and I can grind those powerful crystals into arrowheads.

Although the sages always say that my grinding is poor. "

"Yo, I didn't see it, he's still a craftsman."

Della Nuosh glanced at the stupid ogre unexpectedly, he nodded and let the ogre stand beside him.

The next one to come up was an evil orc with red eyes.

He gasped and hoarse, trying to scare the orc cub in front of him, he said:

"I will kill."

"Who wouldn't?"

Della Nosh rolled his eyes, gestured, and said to the mantid guard next to him:

"This is useless, pull it out and chop it."

A few seconds later, a bloody human head was thrown at Della Nosh's feet, which greatly strengthened the deterrent force of the young orcs, and made the remaining prisoners of war immediately submissive to the point of weakness.

"Hey, you just sent a bunch of rubbish into the trash can with your own hands. I think you should have a sense of pride in 'killing relatives with righteousness'. Considering his race, this pride should be doubled."

Words with strong sarcasm sounded beside Della Nuosh.

The orc glanced to the side. Bu Laike, who had slipped away just now, ran back at some point. He was sitting on the stone next to him, holding a flagon in one hand and a battle helmet in the other, admiring the work of the fifth little orc.

No pride shone in the pirate's eyes.

Even his precepts and deeds made these five young boys and girls who could still be called children have the decisiveness and control they have today.

"This is what you taught us."

Della Nuoshi responded with a hidden needle:

"Perhaps it is you who should feel proud, my dear captain."

"Actually, I think you are the most suitable to be the leader among the five of you, do you know that?"

Bu Laike ignored the young orc's provocation, took a sip of his wine and whispered:

"Garrosh is too reckless, too emotional, he has inherited his father's bravery and talent, he has already made his mark as a warrior, but he is better suited as an overseer than a leader.

Red's orthodox tribe will eventually return to this world, and you will eventually regain Dellano's ancestral land. Maybe Red can live for a long time, but he still has to consider the issue of heirs.

After experiencing what happened with the Great Chief of the Black Hand, I don't think Red will pass the position of Great Chief to his son. In essence, Red was just pushed into that position by me.

He is a man who has no big ambitions but was forcibly instilled by me with great ideals.

He's holding on, but I don't think he'll last long.

Red is also smart.

He knows exactly when he should retreat from the current, and he is even clumsily planning for that day to come, and at that time, it will be the time to test you young people.

Whether you like it or not.

You, Garrosh, Jolin, Sola, Agna, and Thrall who is far away but has an advantage over you, who will be the next warchief?

Who will lead the tribe back home?

Where will he lead the tribe?

Will the throne be stained with blood?

I'm really looking forward to it. "

The smelly pirate gave a weird smile, and after a few seconds, he whispered:

"Tell me, Della Nosh, you have no interest in that throne at all?"

"Blackhand is Warchief, and he's dead."

Della Nosh sneered at this and said:

"Orgrim Doomhammer became Warchief, and he died too. If it weren't for your protection, Rend Blackhand would have died long ago, it is not a throne at all!

It is a torture tool that will send people to hell, whoever loves it will be it!

I just want to return to our hometown with my father, hunt with him on the grasslands of Nagrand, and send him through the last journey of his heavy life.

Finding another lover and continuing the bloodline of the Saurfang family, there is no other extravagant hope.

If it weren't for this damned war, I'd rather be a farmer or a swineherd. "

"Well, it's amazing."

Bu Laike let out an odd exclamation, Garrosh looked at him suspiciously, and the stinking pirate shrugged and said:

"I just asked Garrosh, and he told me the same. It seems that I did change him, but I couldn't change you, which really makes me deeply honored and disappointed at the same time.

But there are some things you just can't do if you don't want to, Dellanosh Saurfang.

Remember the prophecies of MY Prophet.

Remember to send me an invitation letter when you ascend the throne of the Great Chief"

"What did you say?"

The young orc widened his eyes and was about to ask a question, but was kicked by Bu Laike.

The smelly pirate said coldly:

"three days left!

Remember, at dawn three days later, I want to see you sailing to the coast of Gorgrond with me in full gear!

This is the first appearance of Dellano's fleet of undead pirates on this withered world.

If you ruin my grand entrance, you and all the trash in front of you are waiting to become the nourishment of the swarm! There's never enough food for them anyway!

So, let me give you a piece of advice, it's best to behave decently to me.

You have to put on a show too. "

(end of this chapter)

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