Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1262 12. What's The Point Of Robbing The Locals? Let's Rob The Devil!

Chapter 1262 12. What's the point of robbing the locals? Let's rob the devil!

In the early morning of the third day, while the Draenei civilians in the Temple of Tahamat were escorted by suspicious vindicators and rangers to the Dark Portal, the demon hunters were also sent to the Hellfire Peninsula with a group of The pirate warlock harassed the fel orc stronghold with demons to buy time for the civilians to move.

Because they don't travel lightly.

The treasures from Ashran have been divided into the first batch of boxes, and these Draenei civilians will carry them to Azeroth with the thunder elephant cart.

It was the idea of ​​the smelly pirates.

One-fifth of these treasures will be used to advance the travel and accommodation expenses of these draenei in Azeroth, and the rest will be handed over to the Yulian Gang as a reserve treasure for the black market.

They have to deliver at Watch Castle in order to get paid by the Jade Lotus Gang.

In this way, it can be guaranteed that the Draenei will not steal the treasures of the pirates, and it will also ensure that these exiles will not be reduced to begging for a living in the new world.

Although this idea was very cunning, the Draenei did not reject it, and the leader of this group of exiles, Amann the Wise, also expressed his gratitude to Laike.

But the pirate could no longer hear the draenei's thanks, because he had set sail according to the time he set.

A total of eleven ships, led by the Seventh Black Knight Felton's flagship Curse, set off from Ashland's pier before the sun rose.

His Majesty the Pirate King of Dellano, who was conferred by Laike himself, sits on the flagship, and the ten new captains under his command lead their "carefully selected" scum from all walks of life to embark on the voyage to the coast of Gorgrond.

The sailors on these ships are basically understaffed.

The useful people screened from the prisoners of war were evenly divided into less than sixty people on each ship, which was only enough to control the ships, and it was impossible to conduct naval battles at all.

But to be honest, with the level of this group of landlubbers, large-scale naval battles cannot be carried out even with a full crew, and the original cannons on these ships are all fel cannons obtained from demons.

It is powerful, but it is completely different from the naval guns used by Azeroth pirates. It requires special ammunition reserves, and the new captains can't figure out how to use these things for a while.

So they gave up the use of artillery for the time being, and each ship has a team of mantid to patrol the danger and deal with possible battles.

And although each ship was full of people, these ships traveled extremely slowly and had a deep draft.

Obviously, there are some very strange "ballast" in the cabins of these ships.

"The sailing time cannot exceed two days!"

In the cabin of the Cursed, Laike looked at the large pile of eggs before him, and the qiraji workers who walked around the eggs to weave the creep.

Rexxar beside him whispered:

"This is the longest time for the larvae to break out of their shells under the push of hormones. These fighting larvae need to eat a lot after breaking out of their shells, otherwise they will die immediately.

Therefore, if Gorgrond cannot be reached within two days, the sailors on the ship will have to be sacrificed as 'food'. "

"It doesn't really matter."

On the other side of Bo Laike, the orc pirate king Maim pushed his black captain's cap decorated with skulls and battle axes. He shrugged and said:

"I didn't expect the landlubbers on the boat to live long. They were just used to make up the numbers. It doesn't make any difference whether they die in the hands of demons or in the mouths of worms."

Such words are somewhat cruel, but they are Maim's true thoughts.

Like the young orc Della Nosh, Maim never expected the scum pirates selected from the Prisoner of War Road to be very powerful.

His fleet had a steady supply of soldiers when he was in Azeroth, and his good big brother Red, who was in Blackrock Mountain, would always pick out the best fighters and send them to him whenever he needed them.

Moreover, Maim also has his own formed army in Azeroth, and he only needs to wait for a while. He doesn't even need to pick recruits in Dellano to have a fleet with extremely strong combat power.

This is why Maim will safely leave the important task of selecting the crew to the fifth orc.

He didn't care at all what kind of weirdo those five young people would choose for him.

Anyway, it's just one-time cannon fodder.

"Two days is enough. This is sailing along the coastline, not an ocean trip. The two places are very close, almost the distance from Kul Tiras to Tol Barad.

And there is no dangerous sea along the way, I even dispatched my elemental warriors to help speed up. "

Bu Laike waved his hand and said casually:

"As long as this group of landlubbers don't cause me to get lost and run aground, even crawling, I can climb to the coast of Gorgrond before the larva breaks out of its shell.

And if they themselves ground themselves.

Then it was their own choice that they were eaten by bugs, and they couldn't blame others. "

Stinky Pirate said to Mame:

"Pass on the news that the bugs hatched and ate people two days later, and put some pressure on those scumbags. I think those who have seen the scene of Ashland's nest with their own eyes will understand the terrible things this news represents.

They will encourage themselves to do their best to ensure the smooth progress of the ship, and maybe they will become qualified pirates because of this.

Mame, don't have that terrible thought of treating people like cannon fodder.

You have to know that every life created in the world must have its plan, even a piece of butt tissue or a pair of old underwear must have its use. "

"Well, Captain, you are very good, it really makes sense."

Meme rolled his eyes and said:

"That's what you shouldn't say. You shouldn't treat people as cannon fodder. Every time you say it, I feel like you're telling a classic pirate joke."


Misha, the big bear beside Rexxar, also called out twice.

Orc Batman said in a low tone:

"Misha said Mame was right, and I think Mame was right, if you're joking, Bo Laike, you managed to make us laugh.

Look, I'm actually laughing. "

"Tch, it seems that you are in a good mood to find your old father, my Batman."

Bu Laike pouted and said:

"Now that you can joke around, it shouldn't be a problem for you to be the striker when we get to Gorgrond and encounter the vicious army of demons, right?

According to the news we got before, 80% of the entire Gorgrond wilderness has been occupied by demons, and the coastline has been fortified.

We'll have to fight our way through countless caster camps to get there. "

"I'm OK!"

Rexxar touched the battle ax on his waist, patted Misha who was high-spirited in battle, and took out the animal skin map he carried when he left home, unfolded it in front of Braike and Maim, pointed to an area, and said :

"I'm willing to kill demons or something. But we have to choose a better landing place, here! It's in the middle of the Everbloom Jungle and the Great Swamp in the Heart of the Jungle, near the canyon of the Alpine Corridor.

Here is a hidden coast.

From here, you can quickly reach the mountain fortress of the Mo Kenasa clan, and this road is full of canyons, and the demon army cannot be used at all, which is very suitable for small troops like us to advance. "

Rexxar paused, thought for a while, and said:

"If my people are really still insisting on guerrilla warfare in Gorgrond, which is full of demons, then the area where they are most likely to hide is also here!

I seriously doubt they are hiding in the Everbloom Jungle or the big swamp next to it.

That place is magical.

Although the forest elves guarding there were razed by the berserk Blackstone clan more than ten years ago, that forest was once a sacred place for the forest elves, where the forest is lush and there is a strange power hidden deep in it.

I still remember seeing the Blackrock clan set fire to it, the fire was gone for a week, but within three days, the burned jungle rose from the ashes again.

A vast and dangerous jungle was formed overnight. "

The orc hunter shook his head and said firmly:

"If the raging orcs cannot destroy it, the demons will hardly be able to, unless they pollute the land and drive the wild life out of Gorgrond.

But that takes time, a long time.

I'm not bragging, but in the entire world of Dellano, only we Mo Kenasa can survive in the mysterious and dangerous Everbloom.

They can persist in fighting for so long without being wiped out by demons, they must be near the magical woodland. "

"So, if we launch a big operation here, maybe we will get the support of your people?"

Rubbing his chin, Bo Laike asked:

"Do you think the lonely Mo Kenasa hunters will show up to help us?"

"As long as we fuck the devil!"

Rexxar nodded solemnly and said:

"Although the Mo Kenasa people are lonely, we have a deep affection for our hometown. Since the emergence of our clan, none of the Mo Kenasa people have chosen to leave this wild land that supports us.

I am the first.

Probably the last one too.

We Mo Kenasa will not allow demons to destroy our homeland, for this reason, we are willing to unite with all enemies of demons.

As long as we make a lot of noise in the nearby caster camp, I can guarantee that as long as my people are there, they will show up to help. "

"very good!"

Bu Laike stretched his fingers and said to Meme next to him:

"Did you hear that? My Dellano Pirate King, our looting target has been determined. It's in the Casting Demon Camp near the landing site, and we're going to make a big fuss there!

Go and organize the sailors who can fight into the Marine Corps, and attack with me when the time comes.

Those who dare not go directly throw it to the worms as food reserves! As you say, dying at the hands of demons or in the mouths of worms is no different for dead people. "

"Yes, Captain!"

Maim grinned wildly, gave a pirate salute to Laike, turned around and strode away, leaving Laike and Rexxar talking in secret in the cabin.

The smelly pirate picked up his pipe, glanced at the orc Batman, and whispered:

"I remember when you taught me Mo Kenasa's hunting tactics before, you said that your father hates the clan's knowledge being known to outsiders, and you threatened me that once I learned your Mo Kenasa's fighting skills, I would Be regarded as the prey that must be killed by your father.

Now, we've come this way now.

Let me know, can your father kill me?

Just to prepare me a bit. "


Rexxar hesitated for a moment, and said tactfully:

"In our small world of orcs, there is no such thing as 'half-god'. Gron is the most powerful creature that can be born in this world. One-on-one, an adult Gron should be able to kill an adult dragon.

And my father has hunted gorons alone as a pleasure and a habit since he was young. If it's not obvious enough for me to say that, let me give another example. "

Orc Batman stroked the stubble on his chin, and said:

"B Rocks Saurfang, once the first warrior of the orcs, represented Blackhand in his prime and came to the Mo Ke Nasa clan to recruit us to join Blackhand's tribe.

To convince the Mo Kenasa clan, he performed a private mak'gora ceremony with my father.

But the Mo Kenasa clan didn't join the Horde in the end, and Blackhand and Gul'dan didn't send anyone to destroy us, you should know how capable my father is.

When he was still a young man, he followed Kargath Bladefist to overthrow us from the enslavement of the Ogre Empire. The powerful head of the Ogre Empire was strangled to death in chains by my old man himself.

The head of the ogre is still placed in the ancestral land of the Mo Kenasa clan.

Of course, now that he is old, his strength must have declined.

But he is Dellano's best hunter, and he knows how to make up for what he lacks in strength with experience. "

"Then if your father wants to kill you, what are your chances of winning?"

Bu Laike asked while rubbing his teeth.

Rexxar thought about it seriously, stretched out two fingers and waved in front of Laike's eyes.

"Well, do you have a 20% chance of winning?"

The pirate regained his spirits all of a sudden, blinked his eyes and said:

"Then I, who is stronger than you, have no chance to defeat him."

"Do not!"

Rexa emphasized:

"What I mean is that I have a 20% chance of escaping from him. If the Wyvern King he tamed since childhood is old and dead, I have an advantage in long-distance raids.

But if he has a new flying beast, then..."

"Okay, okay, I know what you mean, I don't need to emphasize it anymore, I can only outsmart it, right? I understand."

The pirate waved his hand.

He seriously suspected that Rexxar had deliberately exaggerated the strength of Mo Kenasa Chief Leo Rocks.

But considering in his memory, after Dellano's big bang, the whole world fell apart, as an old orc of the Black Hand generation, Leo Rocks still led his clan to stand firm in the world turned upside down after the big bang .

And it seems to be alive and well.

Thinking about it this way, the strength of that old orc is understandable.

This also made Bu Laike look forward to seeing Rexxar's father even more in his heart. He really wanted to see how far the strongest hunter bred in Dellano's world could go. ——

After a day and a half, the sun is not blazing in the afternoon.

The ships of the Dellano pirates finally appeared on the coast of Gorgrond under the acceleration of Bu Laike's elemental guards. Under the guidance of the local Rexxar, they accurately found a beach suitable for landing.

But the scene in front of me was somewhat desperate.

Right in this valley suitable for landing, a large demon camp stands there. The towering demon engines are constantly making noises and emitting dark green polluted gas into the sky.

A large number of mephits and fear demons are flying around in the sky, and there are patrolling demon guards and large groups of hellhounds everywhere on the ground.

To attack such a casting camp made a group of waste pirates tremble, but their captains were full of fighting spirit, and the strange, scalp-numbing sound of insect swarms could already be heard in the cabins of almost every ship.

The newly hatched worms are very hungry.

They can't wait to devour flesh and blood.

Maybe the flesh moistened by fel energy will taste spicy or sweet?

Braike stood on the bow of the Curse, and he glanced at Rexxar, who was going to be the vanguard beside him. The latter was putting on armor for Misha. Obviously, he also realized that this was a hard battle, and he had to give his beloved Beasts do all the defenses.

The war bear armor has a distinct Black Iron dwarf style, rough and ferocious, it should be a gift from the very manly Chief Red to Rexxar in private.

Jolin Deadeye, who just completed the Deadeye Ritual, is using a summoning ritual with several orc warlocks to "pull" the demon hunters from Hellfire Peninsula over.

The victim Altruis became energetic the moment he stepped on the deck.

This demon hunter had already smelled the presence of a large number of demons, which made him feel a little hungry. After careful calculation, he hadn't eaten lunch at noon today.

"come on!"

Bu Laike, guarded by a group of mantid, held out his hand to Altruis, saying:

"The feast of demons is just around the corner, let's have a good time!"

(end of this chapter)

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