Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1268 18. This Rexxar Is An Inferior

Chapter 1268 18. This Rexxar is an inferior

"The operation will start tomorrow night. The target is the two demon commanders of Gorgrond, Agonar, the king of the abyss, and Varimathras, the fear lord. Perfect line for diving."

Braike, who returned to the Everbloom at midnight, summoned Altruis the Sufferer and Rexxar the Hunter. By a quiet pool in the depths of the never-ending Woodlands, the pirates cast their fel The crystal floated up and shared the map and information marked in it with the two of them.

He emphasized:

"This is also a sneak hunting operation. We must kill or expel the demon leader before the arrival of local demon support. To kill a thick-skinned abyss king in a short period of time is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

So I'm going to give it to Demon Hunter.

According to the information I got, Agona is the strongest of the Anishran demons, and his strength has reached the level of a demigod. Can you handle it? "

Faced with the pirate's question, the demon hunter commander nodded, and didn't say whether it was okay, but said in a serious tone:

"Even if we fight to the last person, we will definitely complete the task."


The pirate responded with silence, and after a few seconds he sighed and said:

"With a group of blind men who are desperately trying to move, I am really under a lot of pressure. Forget it, I will find a way to provide you with some support, so that Illidan's elite will not be buried here, and let him cut me with a knife after he comes back. .

Setting up a large-scale fel isolation barrier should be enough to weaken Aggonar to a weak point. Another demon expulsion barrier will buy you enough time to assassinate. "


The victim blinked, and he asked:

"Where do you get so many warlocks to set up two high-level barriers at the same time? And to suppress a demigod demon, ordinary warlocks can't handle it, at least a legendary warlock, and more than one."

"My power is different from the Illidari who are ready to fight at any time. I pay attention to the cultivation of talents, so some people can be transferred. You just need to be ready to assassinate."

Bu Laike snorted triumphantly, and didn't intend to announce his plan.

The victim is not the kind of person who likes to ask too much.

If Lord Illidan could trust the pirate in front of him, so could he.

After discussing some details, the victim strode away to announce the "good news" to his Demon Slayers. After 10,000 years of imprisonment and a short recovery, the Illidari are about to start their righteous cause again. .

While watching the victim leave, Bu Laike looked at the silent Rexxar again, and he whispered:

"I'm going to preside over two large enchantments, so it's okay to leave Varimathras to you, right?"

"I do my best."

Rexxar didn't guarantee it, he whispered:

"But before I get rid of the demon, I have to complete the mission given to me by the Mo Kenasa clan. That traitor, Magda, I have to get rid of him with my own hands.

Bring back my straying brethren to the clan. "

"Magda the beast king, well, I saw him in a prophecy dream."

Bu Laike shrugged and whispered to Rexxar:

"There is no need to feel sorry for his betrayal. It is his destiny to betray his people. No matter in which future, this talented young hunter will always be confused with the word betrayal.

Even without you, he would still embark on this path of rebellion.

This is not your problem. "

"That's my problem!"

Rexxar squatted in pain beside the lake in the forest where the moon shadow was reflected clearly, he scratched his forehead, and said in a sad tone:

"Magda has worshiped me since she was a child. He is five years younger than me. He has been hunting with me since he was a teenager. I can see in the child's eyes that he is following my example.

I also regard him as a brother, because of my father's stubbornness, I rarely have the experience of talking with my family, but I will tell Magda all my thoughts.

His secrecy is as good as his hunting talent.

He also tried to run away with me. He felt that my choice was correct, and that child was too deeply influenced by me. Like me, he believed that the tribe had no future in the barbaric Gorgrond.

He is the only one in the whole clan who supports me.

But I didn't take him with me when I left that night, not because I doubted his ability, but because I knew my leaving was an adventure.

I'm not even sure I made the right choice to join the old tribe, I'm not sure I'll survive the war to the New World, and he's too young.

Perhaps staying in his hometown is a better choice for him.

It turns out that my concerns were correct. "

Rexxar paused, touched the black wolf fur helmet on his face, and said in a sad tone:

"Hals' death proved that the old tribe cannot be trusted. I chose to leave again. Not letting Magda follow me was the most correct choice I made in my life.

His character may be influenced by the old tribe to become a butcher who lost himself"

"Huh? What are you talking about by yourself?"

Bu Laike, who was standing next to Rexxar, put down the warlock communication stone in his hand. He looked blankly at Rexxar who had said a lot, and said:

"Sorry, I was busy with mine just now, I didn't hear it, do you want to say it again?

As a big guy, with a weak posture like a woman, and then give me the apology you feel for the little brother in your heart, who doesn't care what kind of good past you have, and what terrible future you will have. The Stinky Pirates again? "

Bo Laike had a malicious grin on his face, he patted Rexxar on the shoulder, and whispered:

"Or, do you really think I'm a good one to confide in? Do you really think I care about the fate of a bastard who has to die by your hands?

Do you think I'm such a sentimental, kind, big brother guy? "

"Sometimes you really make people want to cut you down!"

Rexxar gritted his teeth and said:

"Just like now, I really want to give you two hits with an axe!"

"Wow wow, Rexxar, the warrior of the Horde, is coming to kill me, Proudmoore, I'm so scared, what should I do? Is it too late to kneel down and beg for mercy?

My dear friend, do you need me to lick your shoes to calm your anger? "

Bu Laike jumped a few steps like a monkey, his eyes were "frightened" and said:

"Seeing that you are destined to take at least one Proudmoore's life, this may be the fate of our two races."

"Stop playing, let's get down to business."

Rexxar shook his head helplessly, he looked at the blue water in front of him, and asked:

"I asked the clansmen about Magda's betrayal, the night he left with the clansmen who were willing to go with him, what he said to the rest was to imitate my departure.

Although we all know that a large part of his departure is due to witnessing my father's death and mysterious resurrection. He knows that the result of keeping the tribe in Everbloom is that the whole Mo Kenasa will become a terrible 'living dead' '.

it's my fault.

Cloth Laike.

As the father said, I planted the seeds of weakness in the child's heart.

He couldn't understand my pain when I left my hometown. He only learned that I chose to escape in the face of disaster.


I don't want to kill him, he is still young, he can still be saved, but for the sake of the last tribe, for the tradition of Mo Kenasa, I have to kill him.

This confuses me.

Can you help me? Laike, use your legendary dark wisdom to give me the best of both worlds, use your dark wisdom to convince me to make a choice.

Even the best choice for you. "

"Oh, what day is it today?"

Boo Laike whistled, blinked and said:

"The hunter who has always been strong and independent is weak like a child who is at a loss and wants to ask a bad guy for help, while he who has always been restrained is greedy like a damn pirate.

While you want this, you are also unwilling to give up that. You know that there is no such thing as perfect in this world that can give you the best of both worlds, right? "

"I know, but I also know that you can always have the best of both worlds, that you can always find the balance of the impossible, that you can always bring miracles to yourself and others."

Rexxar rubbed his head and whispered:

"This multiple-choice question is so hard, Laike, please teach me."

His voice was low, as if praying.

After confirming that Rexxar was not joking, Braike looked left and right, flicked his fingers and threw out his void magic power, wrapping the place where the two were located, in a thin barrier that could isolate consciousness detection and eavesdropping, He sat on the stone beside Rexxar, didn't speak immediately, but picked up his pipe.


The pirate glanced at his big orc, pointed to his pipe, pouted his mouth, and said:

"Are you asking for help, and you turned out to be so indifferent? Is this the attitude of asking for help?"


Bu Laike's arrogant gesture made Rexxar want to pick up the ax and give him a blow, but in the end, the orc Batman stood up, took out the flint he carried with him, and rubbed it in his hand to help the pirate light the tobacco.

This action satisfied the stinky pirate very much. He hummed comfortably, and after exhaling the smoke ring, he said in a long voice:

"Are you still angry if I call you 'Batman' from now on?"


Rexxar put on a stiff face, wanting to refuse but finally chose to remain silent.

"Very well, Lord Batman, your loyal Alfred is about to serve you."

Seeing that the big orc didn't refuse, Laike immediately rubbed his hands happily, took out the black "Batman suit" he had carefully prepared for a long time, handed it to Rexxar, and said:

"Go ahead, put it on, and fight in this from now on!

Let me tell you, this thing is amazing. I made it out of the black dragon hide I collected and the carapace of the mantid hero and the lord of the swarm. It was tanned by the best leatherworker in Suramar, and I added source quality to it. Chain armor made of steel.

Every part of this thing is an epic armor, and if worn in a set, it is legendary quality! That's you, I won't give it to others if they want it.

You don’t need to change the helmet. Your helmet already smells good. By the way, wash it by the water. Look at the oil. Good guy, you haven’t washed it in the past few years, have you? "

"I don't understand, why are you so obsessed with this mess?"

Rexxar looked at the bat suit with an exaggerated cloak in his hand, he couldn't bear it and had no choice but to say very curiously:

"What the hell is this 'Batman' you keep talking about? Why do you want me to be that weird guy you imagined! I guess he's not a strong fighter, maybe a mentally ill clown or something of."

"Why do you say that!"

Bu Laike stood up unhappily, as if facing those bastards who don't believe in "light", he shouted:

"That is my favorite powerful warrior, with a dark attitude to enforce the justice of not killing!

Uh, although criminals would be brutally broken by him and then thrown into the madhouse, he never killed anyone! No matter how dark things are, he has salvation in his heart.

Look, isn't this exactly who you are now? "

"Oh, the more you hear it, the more you sound like a lunatic."

Rexxar unbuttoned his tribal armor and said sarcastically:

"I don't see any strong fighters fighting in a costume, it's more like those lonely teenagers who can't find friends and can only walk around in their mother's basement under the sheets.

Even the over-the-top owl suits worn by the Wardens are meant to be a gesture of faith and hunting, but yours doesn't feel that way."

With a sound of "click", the orc clasped the gauntlet on his wrist, and put on the black suit with great reluctance but nimbly. Braike ignored Rexxar's crazy words, and he put on the armor with his own hands. The black dragon wing cloak was put on top of the battle suit.

Then he took a step back, looking at the completely new Rexxar in front of him, he nodded in satisfaction, rubbed his chin and said:

"Not bad, not bad, except that the body is a bit taller and the waist is always not straight, it already has some feeling. Next, follow me, let me say something, you say something.

Come on, say, O love Batterman!

Remember to keep your voice low and hoarse, just like the dark sound effect of a big villain, come on, come on, the battle suit is on, don't struggle.

You know, I always get what I want. "

Bu Laike took out his dwarf camera, and while focusing, he said something to the expressionless Rexxar, and the latter repeated it in a hoarse voice with great helplessness.

"Cool! That's it!"

The Stinky Pirate was finally satisfied.

He snapped several photos, and said to Rexxar who was feeling uncomfortable in front of him:

"I'll prepare a few more sets of battle clothes for you, and you will wear this in the future."

"If I didn't know that you like women, I would already have goose bumps all over my body."

Rexxar complained:

"Hurry up and use your dark wisdom to advise me. I hope the humiliation I have received today is worth it, otherwise even if we are friends, I will definitely teach you a lesson!"

"No hurries?"

Laike rolled his eyes, and threw two hunting axes to Rexxar. These two hunting axes were also made into black bats, looking dark and hideous.

Rexxar is a master of weapons, and he is not jerky at all with such a shaped throwing axe. He took the ax and put it in his waist, staring at Laike, waiting for his answer.

The stinky pirate took out a bottle of wine, bit off the cork and took a sip, then wiped his mouth and said:

"You are Mo Kenasa people, I will use your familiar metaphors to solve your entanglement, in fact, it only needs one sentence."

He stared at Rexxar, and asked softly:

"Will a young male lion who will become the king of beasts continue to obey the teachings of the old lion on the eve of becoming the king of beasts?"

Rexxar froze for a moment.

He quickly realized what Laike meant, blinked his eyes, and asked:

"You mean, I should be right, I can make my own decisions, but the tradition of Mo Kenasa."

"That's a Leo Rocks tradition!"

Bu Laike waved his hands and said:

"What does it have to do with you, a 'traitor' who left? Do traitors still need to abide by the tradition? If you insisted on obeying, why did you leave in the first place?

Do you still remember why you left the ancestral land? "

"To find the future for my people and clan!"

Rexxar said something in a deep voice as if repeating his oath.

"Then the future you want, have you found it?"

Bu Laike asked back.

The young Beastmaster nodded.

At this point in the conversation, he has fully understood what Laike meant, and the entanglement in his heart that was pushed to the new world by the pirates was swept away, and a long-lost smile appeared on that big face.

It seemed worth it to wear these terrible costumes tonight.

"Very good, I helped you, you have to help me too, remember to put some water when hunting Varimathras"

The pirate casually exhorted.

Rexxar nodded and said:

"I'll definitely do my best to kill it, I'll definitely huh? Wait, what did you just say?"

(end of this chapter)

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