Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1269 19. The First Weekly Exam Questions Of The Warlock School Of Nazaras Academy Are Announ

Chapter 1269 19. The First Weekly Exam Questions of the Warlock School of Nazaras Academy Are Announced

"A tribal warrior like Rexxar has also been dragged into a terrible abyss by your few words, my dear little master, you are really merciless in cheating your own people."

After Rexxar left wearing the dark battle suit that made Bo Laike very satisfied, by the pool in the center of the evergreen forest full of weird vitality, the stinky pirate smiled like a fox who stole a chicken.

In his ear, Xalatas also said lazily:

"He has resolved not to punish those treacherous people, but to bring them back from the demons with a gesture of salvation.

This might provide a valuable addition to the withered Mo Kenasa, but Rexxar didn't realize how difficult a decision he was making.

Originally, he only needed to please one side, but now he needed to convince both parties. His workload was doubled, and he was really making trouble for himself. "

"Will not."

Bu Laike waved his hands, and said in a firm tone:

"The Mo Kenasa worship the strong.

Their tradition dictates that as long as Rexxar can single-handedly defeat all the traitors and bring them back like a herd of beasts, the remaining Mo Kenasa will be convinced by Rexxar.

On the surface, Leo Rocks, who is as stubborn as a rock, may be angry at the child's disobedience after seeing his stupid son finally understand the trick of being a leader, but he will eventually accept this fact with a smile.

It is impossible for a lion who has always been weak and obedient to become a lion king! Only the male lions who have the courage to challenge the tradition and challenge the old leader are qualified to lead the lion group to continue to grow stronger.

I just taught Rexxar what he has been ignoring.

The tribal prince in trouble rescued his clansmen like a divine soldier in a critical moment. Wow, what a wonderful story! Zhou Zhuo must make a good record, take it back and polish it for Xiao Xingxing, isn't there a theme for her next autobiography?

This kind of story with both exotic and vulgar plots is sure to be a big hit!

The title of the book is "His Royal Highness Little Star and the Rebirth of Mo Kenasa". "

"Just listening to the name, it feels like a big bad movie."

Xalatas complained, then snorted comfortably, and said to the pirate:

"Your Majesty Staghelmet is here to look for you. He is approaching. This piece of Evergreen Forest has fascinated him very much. I just noticed that he was secretly collecting seeds in the forest while the orcs were not paying attention.

He seems to have found something incredible. "

"That's what I want him to see."

Bu Laike put away the bad smile on his face, adjusted his clothes again, and said to Xal'atath:

"Staghelm is determined, but he needs some extra strength to push him to give himself an absolutely correct reason for his next actions.

Although he behaved like a lunatic who didn't care about good and evil, he also longed to be a savior in his heart.

These druids are very hypocritical. "

"Well, it's really hypocritical, just like Hisallie Crow!"

Xalatas said maliciously in the pirate's ear:

"A poor little girl who clearly aspires to be a member of the herd, but insists on leaving for other reasons. When you gave up on her, she almost cried.

She has you in her heart, my little master, you are such a sinful man.

And I discovered another characteristic of you, and I discovered another commonality between you and Dai Lin! You have inherited Daelin Proudmoore's 'female elf affinity', my little master.

Look at the people around you, they are all elves!

Are human females not attractive enough for you? "

"Shut up."

The pirate scolded unhappily:

"What kind of human love do you know as a mother-in-law? I don't want to discuss this damn question with you. Have the watchmen sent out?"

"Look, look! You are in a hurry, and you refuted my statement just now, but now you turn your head and start caring about your elf lover."

Xalatas laughed and said:

"It's been released a long time ago. A group of them went to different areas to look for Maiev and the orthodox watchmen. According to the marks you put on Maiev, she should be active near Shadowmoon Valley.

Sierra rushed over in person.

Even though it has been corrupted by the void, this guy is still loyal to Maiev Shadowsong. It is terrible. Come on, tell me honestly, little master, are you looking forward to the reunion with Maiev? "


Laike refused to answer the question, then stepped forward and made a welcome gesture to the Archdruid Staghelmet as he emerged from the jungle of Everbloom.

He said:

"The archdruid traveled all the way in Dellano, and finally found something he was interested in?"

"There is a problem with the force of nature here!"

Staghelmet ignored the pirate's ridicule, but took out the black seed he found in the depths of the woodland just now.

He frowned and said:

"The vitality here is violent and aggressive, and it is incompatible with all the natural forces I have seen in my life. It is like the opposite of peaceful nature, representing another manifestation of the force of life at the aggressive level.

Although both are pure power of nature, its performance in Azeroth and Dellano is completely two extremes.

Since I came to this jungle, all the sights I have seen have subverted my understanding of nature, which is worth studying, and the land here cannot be polluted by evil energy.

I just traced back to the source of vitality here, and this strange woodland is connected with Dellano's world heart.

It is weak and it represents the "life force" of this world. Once it is corroded, Dellano will have no hope of recovery. "


Bu Laike blinked and said:

"What is the archdruid going to do?"

"I'm sending a message to the Cenarion Order."

Lu Helmet touched his beard dotted with flowers and plants, and said in a deep voice:

"The druids must send an expedition to Dellano, stationed in Everbloom to study the life force here and the complex relationship of this world.

If the orcs are not going to abandon their homeland and want to heal it, then this jungle is the key! This is a great cause to save the world, we nature walkers are obliged!

I need to borrow the world-wide communication network of the Uncrowned, Lord Laike. "

"Of course, I'd love to help."

Bu Laike shrugged and said;

"The world is in such a mess. If you want to make things right, the more people you have, the better. As far as I know, the expeditionary force organized by the Church of the Holy Light is already ready to go.

It seems that someone finally listened to my reminder.

This is really great. The people of justice gather here to start a war of contact and awareness with the devil. Zhou Zhuo must also record this.

What a great piece of promotional material. "


On the other side, Azeroth, on the island of Tol Barad.

It was night on Dellano's side, but it was just after noon on Azeroth's side. It was supposed to be a lunch break at Narsalas College, but today's college was extraordinarily lively.

Students from other colleges are "watching the fun" under the Warlock School's dormitory building.

They gathered together and watched the warlock apprentices who had just entered school for more than a week packed up the travel supplies that the academy had just sent out one by one, and replaced their magic robes with hooded hoodies like those of the traveler.

There are also elected monitors and tutors in each class to count the number of people.

The human warlock apprentices were full of complaints, but the orc warlock apprentices were very excited, and the warlocks of other races were the crowd.

The warlock trio, who are the normal administrators of the college, are discussing the opening of the portal with several mentors from the Mage College.

As the second-in-command of the Warlock Academy, the Enlightenment Master Sakir, leaning on the Usales scythe, stood majestically in front, waiting for the counting of the number of people to be completed.

In the crowd next to him, there were students from other academies frantically spreading all kinds of unknown gossip.

"Hey, have you heard? The Warlock School is about to start the weekly exam."

"The weekly exam? Our college passed the exam yesterday, why did they start now? And what is this outfit for? Is the weekly exam of the Warlock School an actual combat?

Is this too exaggerated? They've only been in school for a week. "

"No, it's much more exciting than actual combat! I heard from a fellow student of the Warlock Academy that they were going to another world to fight a group of terrifying demons.

This is their weekly exam content.

I heard my compatriots complain that the instructors have already said that if they die in the weekly exam, the college will not be responsible.

It's horrible! "

A dwarf mage apprentice murmured in a low voice:

"Fortunately, I applied to the Mage Academy. I originally complained about the strict requirements of the tutors and the excessive homework, but now seeing what happened to the warlock apprentices, I feel that I am as happy as I am in heaven.

We study hard, and they study hard.

Tsk tsk, it's too scary. "

"What's the matter?"

Another civilian elf apprentice from Suramar secretly drank the magic wine distributed today, and he whispered:

"Isn't that the way warlocks are? Life is their battle resource, whether it's someone else's or their own. When these bad guys set foot on this road, they should know what will happen to them."

"Yes, yes, the school of warlocks has a lot of accidents in the first week of school."

The naughty dwarf apprentice snapped his fingers with the happy gesture that a melon eater should have said:

"On the first day, two guys were burned, and on the third day, a guy was beaten to death by an out-of-control demon guard. The most outrageous thing was the sixth night. I heard that three unwilling bastards took the risk of summoning the succubus, Almost sucked dry on the bed.

If it wasn't for Instructor Nittier's timely discovery, the three of them would not have been rescued. "

"Whoa, what a happy way to die."

The apprentices of several other students around showed a look of "men can understand", and gave out strange smiles.

But soon, these melon-eaters who laughed loudly were noticed by the cold mentor Derianna.

"Hey, you three, you must have finished today's homework by smiling so happily, right? Then come help, we will open at least seven large portals within 30 minutes, you go and send the Apprentice called to come and move things!"

The elf ghost instructor folded his arms and said indifferently:

"Give you five minutes of assembly time, go! What are you still doing in a daze? Do you want me to give you some more homework to wake you up?"

The three guys who were laughing happily couldn't laugh anymore.

They ran back to their dormitories in desperation. If others knew that the precious lunch break was taken up because of the three of them, there would be another "little mage boxing champion" in these three dormitories tonight. competition".

This is a fine tradition of Dalaran, and it must be carried forward.

"Okay, okay, be quiet!"

Seeing that the preparations were almost done, the old man Saqier, who was the supervisor of the "weekly exam", raised his hands to calm down the disgruntled apprentices in front of him.

The burning skull coughed a few times and pulled its hood down.

The scene in front of him actually makes the old man Saqier very nostalgic. When he was in Argus 30,000 years ago, he also talked to the apprentices of the Mystic Academy in this way.

Alas, tens of thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye, so this old guy has to sigh with emotion.

"Apprentices, I know that you have been hearing all kinds of damn gossip since last night, making you restless. Our warlock mentors are also adapting to their roles, and they are not professional enough.

So, before I set off again, I want to tell you the real topic of this weekly exam, lest you feel fear and at a loss because of the unknown.

Listen to me now!

I only say it once! "

Sakir's voice was transmitted outward in the magic vibration, making the whole square quiet.

While the mages sent envoys to communicate with Dalaran, and mobilized magic power to open the portal to Fort Watch, the cold voice of the enlightener also revealed the answer.

"The content of this weekly exam is not for you to fight the devil. Your level is still far behind."

Sakir yelled.

This sentence made the warlock apprentices cheer, and made the surrounding melon eaters sigh in disappointment, but then, the old man sneered and said:

"The real question of the weekly exam is that you are required to maintain two large suppression and weakening barriers until the end of the battle under the siege of a conservative estimate of 100,000 demons.

The two barriers are to suppress a demigod-level abyss lord and a dreadlord known for his cunning and conspiracy.

And fighting alongside you are the Demon Hunters.

I think your teammates are more dangerous than your opponents! Always be alert to those blind men who hate fel energy, and remember to tie soul stones to yourself at all times.

In this way, if you are hacked to death, we can recover your souls in time.

In addition, all the warlock mentors under my command will join in the attack on the demons, so your command will be the dean of the Warlock Academy, that is, His Excellency Bu Laike Shaw, the legendary great warlock.

You all know his name, you all know his deeds, if you let him down hehe, believe me, being eaten by a demon is a good thing for you. "

The second sentence made the warlock apprentices scream in horror, and the melon-eating crowd around them were satisfied and even frightened, and they all fell silent.

"Do you understand everything?"

Your Excellency the Enlightener looked around and asked with a scythe blowing in the wind:

"Before departure, is there anyone who is not feeling well and wants to withdraw from the operation?"

When he asked this question, some human beings really wanted to raise their hands, but was stopped by the instructor in charge of this class, Kanrethad Abe Locke, with murderous eyes.

Really desperate!

If you want to escape, choose a good time, right?

Didn't you see that old man Sakir is missing a bloody head to 'invigorate' the morale of the army?

This is rushing to death, this guy can't be taken anymore, such a stupid warlock is doomed to have no future.

"Very well, it seems that everyone is facing the weekly exam with a positive attitude, which makes me, the vice president, very pleased.

You have studied Warlock lore for a week. If you study carefully in class, your knowledge is enough for you to pass this exam. "

Sakir waved his hand and flicked his draenei tail and said:

"Everyone, pack up your gear! After our brother academy prepares the portal for us, head to Watchfort and pass through the Dark Portal.

Dean Bu Laike has prepared the summoning ceremony at the destination, you can avoid the twists and turns of the journey, but if anyone dares to fall behind or desert

Hehe, then there is no need for demons to punish you. "

After speaking, he coughed and said in a serious tone:

"Then now, I declare!"

"The first weekly exam of the Warlock School of Nazaras Academy, start!"


The leader of the brothers "Xiangfei Liou's Sword" Gageng is on the 21st, and I want to save some manuscripts. . . Love you guys

(end of this chapter)

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