Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1271 21. Principal Lanyue, Save Us! Our Dean Is Crazy

Chapter 1271 21. Principal Lanyue, save us! Our dean is crazy

The group of third-rate warlocks in Dalaran were sent away, and Bu Laike and Rexxar also set off.

Rexxar took with him nearly all the remaining warriors of the Mo Kenasa clan who were still able to move, but he didn't need these hunters to hunt for him.

They were just "spectators" and "witnesses" of Rexxar's war ceremony as warchief, which was an idea given to him by Bu Laike.

Since you want to do good deeds, you must let people see it.

If others don't see you doing good deeds, isn't that the same as not doing it?

When the two left the Everbloom Forest with a group of wounded hunters, Rexxar looked back in the evening light, and he could vaguely see his "clan" standing at the exit of the jungle on the hill.

It seems to be saying goodbye to them.

Orc Batman also found his stubborn rock-like father in it. The old beast king Leo Rocks kept silent as before. He just looked at his son and his clan with a prudent and farewell look. people.

No need to say goodbye.

For they are long gone.

The gap between life and death is a sad gap, a moat that cannot be bridged by emotion, as Leo Rocks himself said.

He is already dead, and what remains here is only a ghost who uses his name and identity.

As he wished all his life, he has integrated with the land under his feet that has raised the Mo Kenasa clan for countless years, and he and his clan have become a part of this land.

They can't leave, and they don't want to.

"Don't look, I can't go back."

But this scene should be very warm and somewhat sad, but it can't make the stinky pirate's heart feel a little more turbulent. Bu Laike whispered to the black-clad Rexxar:

"They represent a past that cannot be changed, and you represent a present that needs to be worked on, and the conflict between you is an uncertain future.

You are standing in the present and having a dialogue with the past, you can only move yourself but cannot change the reality. Instead of wasting time here to say some sensational words, it is better to show them with practical actions.

Prove to them that you will win a future that is a hundred times better for what you and they are protecting together than they can imagine.

What's more, if you are sensational here, you will only be called a jerk by your father.

To deal with rocks, you have to use a sharper pickaxe! "

"I know."

Rexxar nodded.

He took one last look at the Everblooming Forest behind him, and said:

"I will not come back. After this battle, I will take them out of here. This wild land is the cradle of Mo Kenasa, but our clan cannot stay in the cradle forever.

I will spread the name of Mo Kenasa across both worlds, and then through the stars!

I swear! "

"Very well, keep this momentum, let's go quickly."

Bu Laike, riding on the back of his phoenix, urged:

"I still have a group of useless apprentices who need to be taught. Although they have memorized the knowledge of enchantment the day before departure, no matter how well prepared they are, they will always be in a hurry for the first time.

This is true of everything.

I'm ready for that bunch of scum to wipe their asses. "

"Are you sure you're wiping their asses instead of kicking them into hell?"

Rexxar snorted and said:

"I understand that students should be strictly taught, but ... letting a group of apprentices come to this place is no longer 'strict'. To be honest, I seriously doubt that you want them to be cannon fodder."

"What are you talking about, I'm a mentor! Do educators understand? Do you understand curing diseases and saving lives?"

Bu Laike retorted.

The stinky pirate straightened the collar of the Corruptor vest that he specially put on today, and said:

"Even if we win the decisive battle of the Burning Legion's large-scale invasion by chance, the demons scattered in the two worlds will take at least ten years for everyone to unite to expel them.

So, I just let them get used to the life they will face every day for the next ten years.

If you can't even stand this, go back and change careers as soon as possible.

I heard that Old Ghani is also recruiting people. That guy probably wants to learn from the Genie and expand his trash picking business in Dellano.

Therefore, if my apprentices are eliminated this time, don’t be afraid, it’s also very suitable for them to be a trash guy. "


Spending the night in the wilds of Gorgrond where 80% of the area is demon-occupied is no fun.

Although I didn't suffer from any demons during the night, and I didn't even see a noisy hellhound that likes to run around. This night was surprisingly peaceful, but it also attracted a group of warlock apprentices who came to Dellano to participate in the "weekly exam" They were so scared that they didn't sleep well all night.

When heading towards the Demon Mine early the next morning, 90% of the apprentices were yawning, with a loveless expression on their faces and dark circles under their eyes.

But the journey went smoothly.

The route personally chosen by Mr. Bu Laike·Xiao is really awesome!

On the way through the entire alpine corridor to the Devil's Mine, I didn't encounter a single devil.

On the way, they came across a few demon-casting camps, but there was no one there. According to the information the warlocks found in the camps, the demons here seemed to be temporarily transferred away to prevent the Mo Kenasa clan from attacking.

The apprentices were only excited about their good luck, but the several warlock mentors who led the team had already discovered that something was wrong.

Especially the Warlock trio.

Leaping from their wyvern saddles, they stayed close together, discussing their guesses and discoveries in low tones.

"I thought the captain was just joking when he said he'd arranged it, but now it seems that he really arranged it in advance!"

The evil eye who carried the magic shield made of crystallized Gul'dan's heart narrowed his eyes and whispered:

"The demonic aura in these casting camps didn't even dissipate. They were mobilized and left for no more than 20 minutes. There must be a captain's 'eyeliner' in that demon fortress, and the level is definitely not low!

That guy is obviously acting in conjunction with our actions. "

"More than that, look at the concentration of evil energy on the ground around you."

Zarakla said in a long voice:

"There must have been a lot of demons going back and forth between this alpine corridor and the demon pit for a long time, but now they can't see any of them, and there is a terrible hole in their defense.

And we walk in this loophole.

The demon hunters also took this path. They were going to assassinate Aggona, the king of the abyss who ruled Gorgrond. This seemed like a 'special lane' specially prepared for this assassination.

If we hadn't followed the captain for a long time, I would have doubted whether the captain had really joined the Legion, and this was a trap set for us. "

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Kanresad, who is the youngest but out of blue, scolded:

"Why would the captain set up traps for us? If he joins the legion, he must have his reasons. We just follow along. There are so many complaints.

In my opinion, this is an "armed outing" specially organized by the captain for this group of apprentices who have never seen the world.

As long as they are not afraid, don't run around, don't mess around, and complete their work as required, they will be able to pass the weekly exam safely and gain insight by the way.

Tsk tsk, what a gentle mentor the captain is. "

"Yeah yeah."

The other two guys were also feeling emotional, and then Xieyan complained:

"Then why didn't we enjoy this kind of tenderness when we followed the captain? My memory is only the taste of the captain's fist and whip. Alas, it's too miserable."

"Can that be the same?"

Kanresad rolled his eyes and glanced back at the apprentices behind him who started to commotion because they were approaching the devil's mine. He scolded a few times, and then turned back to the two guys and said:

"If the captain's character is gentle to me, I would be afraid, it means that I may be sent away as cannon fodder, and that gentleness is the last comfort for cannon fodder.

I would rather be scolded, at least he is willing to spend time scolding me, right? "

"Well, that's true."

The other two warlocks nodded repeatedly, but while they were chatting, they saw a burning phoenix descending from the sky, and Bu Laike jumped down in mid-air, landing in front of the three warlocks, and cursed:

"Still chatting here? Don't die, right?

The Demon Hunters are on the move! Hurry up and help Sakir stabilize and suppress the enchantment! Kill that damned demon here, and if you mess up, you'll be skinned! "

"Yes, yes, we're going."

The warlock trio was scolded and ran away. Before leaving, Xieyan said to Bu Laike:

"Captain, where is the enchantment that the apprentices are responsible for?"

"Is your remaining eye blind too?"

Bu Laike stomped his feet, exhaled a smoke ring, and cursed:

"Isn't it right here?"


Xieyan froze for a moment, then grabbed the reins of the Wyvern and lifted off into the air.

After reaching a high enough height, he looked down and saw that the entire Demon Pit and the ancestral land of the Blackstone Clan next to him had been shaped by demons into a fortress. On the hillside in the center of the fortress, there was a large ring-shaped enchantment all over the place. .

With his evil-eyed sorcerer's magic attainments, he could tell at a glance that this enchantment was used to disperse demons.

As long as it is activated with enough magic power, it will instantly cover the entire demon fortress and half of the demon mine, and temporarily create a "pure" area while extracting the evil energy from the ground.

The reduction in the concentration of fel energy will completely drive away low-level demons, and it will also make it very uncomfortable for high-level demons to stay.

This thing was originally created by the Warlock School of Nazaras, and it was inspired by the "Great Dispel Magic" of the priests.

But the problem is that the layout of such a large enchantment requires a lot of manpower to complete. When the captain came to Gorgrond before, he only had a group of garbage pirates under his command.

They simply can't play with such a thing that requires professional knowledge to arrange.

And the warlocks just came here last night, and they were marching all night, and there was no time to set up such a magic circle. After many calculations, Xieyan got a frightening, surprising and unbelievable conclusion in his heart .

this thing.

It is very likely that the local demons made it last night!

Only they have enough manpower and materials to produce such a large-scale magic circle effect.

But are the demons out of their minds? Why do they do this? Do they feel that they are too comfortable to stay, so they plan to challenge themselves?

"The captain said it all, and he 'arranged' everything."

Seeing Xieyan in a daze, Zarak drove the Wyvern over and said to his good friend:

"Why don't you trust the captain's connections? He has friends in the void world. Isn't it normal to have a few high-level demon friends in the Burning Legion?

Don't think too much, just go, those blind men have already rushed into the fortress, hell, they can really fight, they are crazy. "

Under the urging of Zarak holding Gul'dan's head, the warlock trio holding important items quickly flew to the already "lively" demon fortress.

The stinky pirate watched them leave, and then gave some instructions to the sky flying around him happily. The latter flew into the sky screaming, inflated his body and began to patrol in place.

The demon fortress where the king of the abyss Aggona is located is under attack, which is equivalent to a general attack blooming in the center of the enemy.

The demons really don't understand why the "cunning" enemies suddenly appear in the core of their ruled area without warning, and they can directly enter the fortress where the demon commander is without disturbing any outer defenses.

But they heard the startled and angry roar of the king of the abyss, which means that all the demons must immediately go to the fortress to support the battle!

"clap clap"

Bu Laike clapped his hands, making the eyes of hundreds of apprentices around him look at him, and the Grand Master in the robe of the Evil Corruptor announced in a cold voice:

"Everyone, you are all talented apprentices carefully selected by the Black Scythe Priory, and my warlock subordinates think that you are very talented on this dark road.

As long as you can live to the day when you make contributions, you will surely gain fame and success.

And right now, it is your first test on the path of warlocks. "

Although Laike's voice was calm and magnetic, the apprentices here would not be in the mood for a tirade from the mad headmaster of their house.

Because the entire Demon Mine is rioting!

Under the call of the king of the abyss, at least one hundred thousand demons flocked to the fortress where the battle had already begun. Although most of them are low-level demons in charge of labor, who has seen this formation?

It's like an ocean of demons rushing towards them. Although their position deviates from the front line of the demons' charge, they are not safe on the flanks!

Some timid guys were already squatting there trembling with their heads in their hands.

"Well, my apprentices, this is your weekly exam.

In front of your eyes is a demon expulsion circle invented by this instructor himself. It needs at least 50 low-level warlocks like you to charge it every time it works.

In my estimation, just fifteen minutes of each node is enough to drain all your magic power, and there are almost three hundred people here.

This means that you need to take turns to activate this magic circle, it can protect you from being approached by demons! "

Bu Laike's voice sounded again, but this time it brought hope to the desperate apprentices. Everyone looked at him, looking at the eyes full of hope in front of them, the evil master shrugged, and he said:

"Unfortunately, this ritual was 'slightly modified' by me. As long as one person stops the supply of magic power, the dispelling effect will be reduced by 10%.

If the five people stop the supply of magic power, the dispelling effect will be greatly reduced.

Ten people stop the supply of magic power, and within two minutes a large group of demons will rush in and eat you cuties for lunch.

This is where the difficulty of this weekly exam lies.

You must supervise each other's classmates, and scold him not to be lazy so as not to kill everyone.

You also have to encourage each other to persevere until the end, constantly tap your potential, and then pray that your Demon Hunter Uncles are strong enough to end the battle before you are completely drained of magic power. "

The smelly pirate shrugged and said loudly:

"There is no failure in this weekly exam, because the end of failure is that everyone dies here,

Either pass them all or fail them all!

What a touching unity, isn't this the purpose of our Narsalas Warlock Academy? Either be the best, or die the most handsome!

My dear apprentices, the first batch of demons will rush over in five minutes, it's time for you to show your real skills!

Come on, let me open my eyes.

Oh, by the way, don't expect me to help you.

At best, I will let you die a little more happily. This is the last kindness I give to the apprentices.

Come on, everyone! "

"Bu Laike Shaw! You bastard! If I'm eaten by a demon, I won't let you go if I turn into a ghost!"

As soon as the pirate finished speaking, there was a heart-piercing curse from the crowd.

The curse made Bo Laike's eyes light up, and he waved his hand and shouted:

"Kan Rui Sadban, plus ten points! This sentence is really good, but it's a pity that it would be perfect if you were a little more angry. This is the wisdom I want to teach you, you must remember it.

Warlocks never respect authority. The first enemy you will encounter as a student is your mentor. Of course, you must also be in awe of power.

So, whoever dares to scold me again, I will kill him before the devil arrives! "


A loud bang exploded in the devil's fortress in front of the apprentices, causing soaring evil energy to pour into the sky. In the background of the big explosion, the smelly pirate took out a pocket watch and looked at it pretendingly.

He declared aloud:

"The weekly exam has officially started! What are you still doing? Activate the magic circle, apprentices, didn't you see that your great teacher was trembling with fright?

Hurry up to work so I can have some time to calm myself down. "

(end of this chapter)

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