Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1272 22. Behavior Of Fans, Please Don't Become An Idol

Chapter 1272 22. Behavior of fans, please don't become an idol

"Not bad, although the concentration of magic power in the body is very low, but the manipulative magic power is well mastered, it seems that you have practiced intentionally this week.

Not bad, keep it up. "

Laike, who was wearing the Corruptor robe, took his two swords and slipped leisurely in the propped up demon dispelling barrier, like an old man wandering around, with his hands behind his back, commenting on those around him from time to time. The magic manipulation skills of the sorcerer apprentices who stand on the casting node and continuously inject magic power into the magic circle.

If you don't consider the ferocious demons charging all over the mountains and plains around the big enchantment around the hillside, this scene is very similar to the gentle and peaceful teaching communication between the instructor and the students.

But in fact, tens of thousands of ferocious monsters of various colors are roaring around the current dispersing magic circle lying between the devil's mine and the devil's fortress.

This exaggerated scene made the apprentices in the barrier tremble.

No matter how talented they are, they are just a group of little warlocks who only took a one-week course. Where have they seen such a big scene?

Look at the scenes of the demon army sweeping away everything, is this really the place where these little warlocks should come?

Everyone has this suspicion.

The pressure of death forced the little warlocks to squeeze the magic power in their bodies and continuously inject it into the magic circle under their feet to maintain the operation of this enchantment.

But it turns out that the Warlock school still has two brushes.

The magic circle they designed is like a super-sized water pump, which continuously absorbs the evil energy from the ground, so that the concentration of evil energy in the enchantment rises rapidly, and at the same time, it creates a weak area of ​​evil energy in a huge range around it.

The largest number of low-level demons such as demon hounds and imps will feel painful when they enter it, which forces them to bypass this area. Coupled with the air blockade of the flaming phoenix above their heads, the number of demons in this large area is higher than other places Much rarer.

This effect visible to the naked eye gave the apprentices the confidence to persevere. They divided themselves into six groups to recharge the magic circle in turn. The replaced apprentices were very tired, as if their bodies were drained.

But they must immediately begin to restore their magic, and must overcome the pain of exhaustion.

No one knows when the demon hunters in charge of the main attack will end the battle. If they delay for too long, the little warlocks may not be able to persist.

Moreover, the warlock's method of recovering magic power is quite wild compared to the traditional spellcaster's meditation. After discussing with the apprentices, they planned to release the demon dispelling effect in one direction.

Let the imp and the demon hound rush in a part, and then they are imprisoned in place by their confinement magic.

Immediately afterwards, a group of tired little warlocks pounced on them, and began to use magic power extraction techniques to extract the magic power with evil energy from these low-level demons.

Fel energy will have certain effects on their bodies and minds, but this is something that warlocks have to do sooner or later.

Under the gratifying gaze of Laike, the little warlocks successfully chose the correct method to "replenish the magic" and save themselves under the pressure of death.

This proves that the theoretical knowledge they have learned in this week is very solid.

Although there are a few unlucky ones who have drawn too much evil energy and have already shown signs of insanity like convulsions in place, but for warlocks, this is also a risk that must be taken to gain strength.

"Xieyan class, Zalak class, and Kanresad class, all add 10 points!"

While the demon dispersing ceremony continued, the stinky pirate happily announced:

"The mentors are not lazy, and you are also learning quickly. I am starting to like you, rookies. Do you want to challenge your limits? Let another team of demon guards come in and let you practice your hands?"

Pointing in one direction, he shouted to the apprentices:

"Look, there are a few elite vanguards among the demon guards over there, these are 'rare characters' that you can hardly summon with soul stones in the lab.

Their talent and growth rate are stronger than ordinary demon guards, so they can be regarded as SR, and these guys are limited characters in the 'Gorgrond Demon Mine Card Pool', which cannot be found elsewhere.

As warlocks, don't you feel moved? "

"But we haven't learned the spell to contract the felguard yet."

A female orc warlock who served as the temporary squad leader was a little moved, and said something helplessly.

Bu Laike curled his lips and scolded:

"As a warlock, isn't it a good virtue to eagerly learn forbidden knowledge? You are all waiting for the teacher to teach you. When will you be able to become a teacher?

Are there so many libraries in the college just for decoration?

You who are spellcasters are really too tired!

come on.

Let's make an exchange. "

His Excellency the Great Warlock sneered, and said to the nearby apprentices with a loud voice:

"As long as you have the courage to step out of the dispersal ceremony and beat down a demon guard, I will teach you the spell to contract them on the spot. I just happen to have enough ritual materials here.

Now let's see if you have the guts, rookies.

You must know that any demons that step into the range of the dispelling ceremony will be weakened. If you are united and brave, defeating the demon guards is not impossible. "

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said to a group of apprentices:

"Hey, I've said the conditions, now it's up to you."

Faced with the promise made by the dean, a group of warlock apprentices looked at each other, and finally a few orc warlocks bravely grabbed their staffs and touched the edge of the dispersal ceremony.

This scene made Bo Laike nod slightly.

As a warlock, one must understand the principle of seeking wealth and wealth.

Of course, if these guys fail unfortunately, he can also use this to tell others that as a warlock, he must learn to judge the situation and not rashly pursue power beyond his control.

Anyway, whether they succeed or fail, Laike can tell the truth, and the other apprentices can learn the truth.

This wave is called win-win.

And when the warlock apprentices began to take risks under the instigation of the lunatic dean, the pirate looked back at the burning demon fortress behind.

A huge amount of fel energy was burning on the blasted dome at the top of the fortress, and the roar of the abyss lord could still be heard. The blind men have already started the planned "saturation assassination", and they don't know how long it will take In order to kill the king of the abyss.

Bo Laike rubbed his chin, he had no doubts about the success of the demon hunter's assassination, he was thinking about another thing now.

On Rexxar's side, his battle should have started, right?

It's interesting to think about the duel between guilty idols and fans who have gone the wrong way. Oh, it's all these rookie apprentices who need him to take care of them, so he can't come to the scene to eat melons and watch the show in person, which is really regrettable

"Dean! We did it!"

Just when Bu Laike felt sad because he couldn't read the gossip, several orc warlocks who ran out before happily ran back holding the head of a demon guard who was killed by a sneak attack.

They were a little injured, but all of them looked happy, with the pride of the victors.

The pirate frowned and looked at the smashed demon's head, thinking that such a good collection was destroyed by these rookies, what a waste of things.

Shouldn't the first spoils of life be disposed of properly, and made into a beautiful skull and placed on the bedside as a souvenir?

But he still fulfilled his promise and taught these guys the spell of the contract demon guard, and this scene also gave courage and encouragement to the other apprentice warlocks.

After they took turns to maintain the barrier, they also began to attack those demon guards in groups in exchange for knowledge.

This scene made the smelly pirate even more gratified.

This kind of vitality, the scene of everything bursting out is right in front of you! The enthusiasm of the apprentices was completely mobilized, and the desire and greed in their hearts had overwhelmed the fear of death.

This is the style of the warlock school of Narthalas that Laike hopes to see.

Well, he was so happy, full of a sense of accomplishment that was completely different from plundering. This is probably the joy of educators after seeing their disciples become talents.

Well, of course, it would be even better if these guys could complete the challenge without getting hurt.

Alas, beating a weakened demon guard can hurt, these guys have to continue to practice.


In the demon fortress where the king of the abyss, Aggona, is located, fierce battles are going on on the upper floor, and fierce battles are also going on in the hall on the lower floor.

The hunters of the Mo Kenasa clan roared and drove the herds to attack the traitors, and the orcs who had turned to the demons also called on the demon hounds to fight back.

But they were beaten and retreated steadily.

Because there are several legendary beast lords on Mo Kenasa's side to help out.

Misha, who was wearing the battle bear armor, took the lead, smashing the heads of those demon hounds with a slap, Hoffer the Porcupine King was charging, and Spyley the Falcon was scratching his eyes everywhere.

Ayamis, the lord of flying insects, led the swarm of insects whizzing across the battlefield, and every time he could make a brutal massacre.

In addition to these guys, there are ghost wolf Frostclaw and ghost bear Bighorn who come to help (watch) (play), they are all wearing heroic armor tailored for them by the stinky master Bu Laike, and they are criss-crossing the dark battlefield Back and forth, the demons were defeated.

And in the center of this chaotic battle, in the circle deliberately set aside by everyone, is the decisive battle between two Mo Kenasa beast kings who came from the same clan and were once called brothers.


Whirling axes were crafted from goron bones in the air, and swirled by fel-enhanced spears.

The collision of weapons brought dazzling sparks in the air, and the thrown tomahawk spun back to the user's hand, and was turned around and swung, a powerful massacre slammed down and slashed down, causing the opponent to retreat three steps.

Wearing a black bat suit, Rexxar had no expression on his face. He was holding a double rune axe like a silent lion, attacking and sweeping forward, hitting the Beastmaster Magda who was wearing demon armor on the opposite side.

The latter is bigger than Rexxar. He was strengthened by the king of the abyss, Aggona, with fel energy, making his eyes glow with green light, and the muscles of his arms are filled with demonic runes. With chaotic damage.

But just this is not enough for him to challenge Rexxar, the warrior across Azeroth. The strength and skills of the two are completely different.

As soon as the battle started, Magda was suppressed head-on by Rexxar.

This may not only be because Rexxar is skilled in combat and experienced many battles, but also because Magda felt ashamed in her heart after seeing Rexxar appear.

He's not afraid of Leo Rocks.

But he couldn't keep his cool with the man in front of him.

"You shouldn't have come back!"

Magda panted and summoned her own legendary beasts, and the dire wolves, thunder elephants, and wyverns strengthened by fel energy rushed into the battlefield screaming, and were quickly beaten back by Rexxar's beasts.

It's not just Beastlords fighting, their beasts are also dueling each other.

"You should stay in your beautiful world and forget about this doomed hometown, Rexxar! Just like you left us and left, you are such a ruthless person.

Now running back and trying to be a hero? "

The evil beast king roared and attacked forward, then taunted:

"After I learned from you and betrayed the clan, you, a warrior, are going to kill me to complete your inheritance of the clan? What a disgusting guy."


The weapons of the two collided again, and the surging force blew up the dark cloak behind Rexxar. Under the wolf helmet, the big orc's brown eyes showed no emotion.

He whispered:

"I never thought about it that way, Magda, in my eyes you are still the child who followed me and learned how to hunt from me, and you are still the brother I recognize.

This won't change just because you're ugly now.

You yourself know that you are on the wrong track.

You have never harmed a single clansman during the period of time you took refuge in the devil, which proves that you still have a little conscience. Put down your arms and we can talk. "

"Who wants to talk to you!"

Rexxar's persuading him to surrender instantly enraged the Fel Beast King. The latter's eyes seemed to spew out flames. He roared and exploded with his own evil energy, and swung his halberd to push Rexxar back.

He roared:

"It's because of you, if you were still there, if you were still there when we were surrounded and slaughtered by demons, how could we be reduced to the point where we can only survive as dogs for the demons?

Leo Rocks is dead!

I saw with my own eyes that he was torn to pieces by demons, but he was reborn in that damn woodland, and he tried to turn his people into ghosts like him!

Both of you, father and son, are of the same trade!

I won't be deceived by you again"

"They said that when you left with your clansmen, you meant to imitate me. You hoped to sacrifice yourself to find a place for them to stay. I don't know if you were lying at that time."

In the fierce battle, Rexxar shook his head with ease, he said:

"But in addition to turning to the devil, you have other ways to go, Dellano may be hopeless, but there is a new world that can accommodate us.

That's why I'm here, stop it, Magda!

There's a horrible man out there waiting, and if you don't want to talk to me, you'll just be reduced to one of his horrible collections. "

What responded to Rexxar was a flying flaming halberd, hitting Rexxar's feet right now.

As the bricks and rocks splashed, Magra pulled the chain of the spear and jumped over. He swung the sharp blade at Rexxar's head and was blocked by the latter with a dexterous monkey counterattack.

It is difficult to use weapons in this kind of close combat, so the two burly guys fought into a ball with their fists. Compared with Rexxar's ease, the younger Magda in front of him seemed to be chaotic with anger. Fist.

Soon, he was knocked to the ground by Rexxar. While the cloak of the bat suit was swaying, Rexxar held down the struggling brother. He stared at those burning eyes and said:

"That's enough! Take it easy! Mo Kenasar can't fight anymore, we are left with so few people, if your beast heart is still beating

Stop it! "

"Why did you come to save me?"

The suppressed Magda seemed to give up resistance, he said in a low tone:

"After my heinous betrayal, why should I be spared?"

"Because you look like me."

Rexxar was very frank at this moment, he whispered:

"It's similar in every way, from talent to will, from struggle to action, we all did wrong things."

"Then why did you abandon me in the first place?"

Magda asked in a roaring tone:

"When I was going to go with you, why did you have to leave me? You know, I have been loyal to you for a long time, and no one is more suitable to lead us than you!"

"Because you are too much like me."

Orc Batman sighed, and said:

"My immaturity caused me to lose Harps, my soul mate, if you leave with me, the younger and more impulsive you may become a butcher like those warriors of the old tribe.

I choose to join them, not because I like them.

It's not because I don't care about you that I abandon you.

You have been learning from me, but look at the fruits of your learning. We all made mistakes, Magda, my brother, and we set out again to rebuild Mo Kenasa's herd.

And I need your help. "

Rexxar stood up, he let go of Magda, and stretched out his hand towards him:

"Come on, I won't abandon you this time."


Push a very interesting new book, "A Certain Unscientific Bourne Shadow", please take a look at the fantasy seedlings, and one vote, one vote will help it grow. The number of words is still small, but it can be seen that the author wants to write a good story.

Speaking of fantasy slots, that's where I fought at the beginning. In short, please support me, every collection is the best encouragement for seedlings!

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(end of this chapter)

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