Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1281 31. I Have Good News For You, Maiev, Whom You Have Always Hated, Is Going To Be Killed!

Chapter 1281 31. I have good news for you, Maiev, whom you have always hated, is going to be killed!

The other leaders of Dellano's expedition were entertained by Deathlord Ravencrest on the upper floor of the Shattered Hall. At the same time, Bo Laike's new apprentice, the first member of the Dark Templar, Draenei Assassin Cirdan introduced them to the current Dellano the state of the world.

And next to the banquet hall, in a small room that had been used as a laboratory by a demon warlock, Bu Laike was secretly talking with Kael'thas.

The topic they discussed was about the Dellano "World Ring" wrapped in arcane light that Laike was holding in his hand.

"To be honest, when I sold the magic-casting mysteries of the Ogre Empire to the Society of Relics, I really didn't expect that you could really forge the core power from Dellano's world.

It turns out that I underestimated the perseverance and strength of the elves. "

The stinky pirate sat on a chair and smoked a pipe. He put the golden ring forged with the mysterious sun gold of the arakkoa empire that had been destroyed by the orcs before his eyes.

The purple crystal inlaid on the surface of the wide ring is like an eye, and if you look at it for a long time, it will produce the illusion that a magic vortex wants to swallow the soul into it.

In front of Laike's eyes, the light floating on this beautiful and elegant ring is red, which means that he is holding a real "artifact" in his hand.

Its attribute entries shone brightly before the pirate's eyes, as if tempting him to make a terrible decision.

Name: Wisdom of Dellano Nisamus the "All-Seeing One"

Quality: Artifact [Power of the World]

Wearing requirements: arcane power users and related extended occupations/legendary magic control/legendary creature mana pool

Attribute: slightly

Item effects:

1. The all-seeing one:

When wearing the ring, you can unlock all the arcane powers that currently exist in the world of Dellano at the same time, and master the knowledge of the [Titan Rune Magic] system.

The wearer will be endowed with [All-seeing Halo], increasing the magical destructive power of all spellcasters identified as allies within 500 yards of the wearer, with a maximum increase of 300%.

This effect is a permanent passive effect, cannot be dispelled, cannot be purified, and cannot be removed.

2. The power of Nisamus:

When the user actively activates the World Ring, they will gain the status of [Arcane Absorption] for 30 minutes.

Make it absorb all the absorbed arcane energy within 1000 yards around it, greatly improve its self-casting ability, and endow all magic with [ignoring divine defense] true damage.

After the arcane absorption state is over, the World Ring will launch an arcane ray to the target, draining all the magic power of the user and all the arcane energy around it, causing a terrifying explosion and damage.

3. Titan Messenger:

The spellcaster who wears Nisamus the All-seeing will be regarded as the spokesperson of the Titan of the Pantheon, the guardian Aggramar, has the spokesperson authority in the Titan Guardian system, and has the qualification to open or enter all Titan facilities in the stars.

4. The wisdom of Dellano:

Nisamus the All-seeing represents the arcane rules of the Dellano world. When the wearer is in the Dellano world, his vitality, spellcasting ability, and magical destructive power will be permanently and greatly strengthened.

After leaving the world, the enhancement effect disappears.

5. Elemental Blessing [Sealing]:

Nisamus the All-seeing is Dellano's system of world power, through which the wearer can communicate with the elements of the world to achieve various special abilities, but currently the power of the elements in the world is in a chaotic state, so this effect cannot take effect.

6. World Artifact:

Nisamus the All-seeing can be regarded as the embodiment of the original power of the Dellano world, and its various magical effects will grow with the strength of the Dellano world.

It is far from the final form at present.


Just because the world ring is connected with the fate of the world, once Dellano's world falls apart, the ring will instantly lose all its magical effects.

Item description:

Wearing this ring represents not only glory and power, but also an oath and contract. The wearers of the world ring must fight for the fate of the Dellano world!

This series of exaggerated amplification effects made the pirates' eyes light up every time they saw it.

And when Braike told Prince Kael'thas about the power of this ring as a "Master of Treasure Appreciation", Kael'thas's handsome face also showed undisguised shock and excitement. stunned.

Even though he was born in a glorious magical kingdom, Kael'thas had never seen such a powerful magic item.

No wonder the archaeologists of the Reliquary call it the key to the rise of Quel'Thalas.

This evaluation is not an exaggeration at all. If a spellcaster like Kael'thas holds such a ring, he will be reborn in an instant, and even have the strength to rival demigods.

"With such powerful rings, there are five in Dellano World?"

Kael'thas played with the royal gold staff in his hand, and he said to Bo Laike:

"And my people forged one of them after untold hardships, what should we do with the remaining four?"

"As expected of His Royal Highness, you immediately saw the essence of the problem."

The stinky pirate laughed and praised. He put the world ring in his hand on the table between the two of them, knocked on the table and said:

"This is the focus of our discussion. Your clansmen are very stubborn. Even if I rescued them, they are still unwilling to hand over the ring's forging plan and craftsmanship to me.

They tried to bargain with me, they tried to get more benefits for the Quel'dorei.

They are really loyal, but His Royal Highness thinks that with the size of Quel'Thalas, is it really appropriate to want to occupy three or two of the five rings? "

"Of course not."

Kael'thas Sunstrider shook his head, this handsome guy who overshadowed Bu Laike said in a gentle tone:

"To take so many treasures is just a way of death. The Quel'dorei elves only need this ring of wisdom, and the rest may be handed over to other civilizations that need it.

I will persuade my people to share the forging blueprints and crafts with you, Mr. Bu Laike, after all, you were the one who gave us the news of this artifact.

Although we have already paid for it, such artifacts are too expensive, and you have the right to a piece of the pie.

However, what I am curious about is that when you described the magic of this ring to me, you mentioned the Titan. Is the origin of Dellano's world also related to the mysterious Titan?

Did the power of these rings come from the noble spirit named 'Agramar'? "

"Well, it does have something to do with it, but not much."

Bu Laike explained:

"The world of Dellano is different from Azeroth. The origin of this world is not so magical and great, and the attention it receives from the Pantheon is far less exaggerated than Azeroth.

Aggramar has indeed left his power in this world. Maybe you don't believe it, but the green-skinned orcs are actually descendants of the Titan Familia just like us humans.

But they are crooked.

But that's another story.

You have to pay for what you want to hear, Your Highness.

Well, let's not talk about this, let's talk about the transaction. "

The stinky pirate exhaled the smoke ring, reached out and pushed the World Ring to Kael'thas's hand. This action made His Royal Highness blink, but he didn't reach out to take it immediately.

Instead ask:

"You are so generous, I am a little panicked. This may mean that you have to make a terrible request. Let me talk about your request first, Mr. Laike, otherwise I am not at ease."

"What kind of image do I have in the hearts of you bastards?"

Bu Laike complained:

"Don't be so pretentious, take it with you if it's given to you, as for my request, it's very simple, and it doesn't even require Quel'Thalas to pay money or treasures in exchange.

I just need you!

Kael'thas Sunstrider, before the demons invaded Azeroth, stayed in Dellano to help the world and at the same time adjust your connection with this ring and the world, so that you can become stronger as soon as possible. "


Faced with this request, Sunstrider immediately frowned.

After a few seconds, he looked up and said:

"You mean, I have to stay in Dellano, and no matter what happens in Azeroth, I can't return? Are you so unwilling to let me intervene in the war in the North Sea?

It doesn't have to be, Mr. Bo Laike.

I have been persuading my father not to rashly start a war with the undead pirates. We Quel'dorei elves have no advantage in the sea, and intervening in this war between the alliance and the pirates will not do us any good. "

"I know you are a pacifist, Your Highness."

Bu Laike waved his hand and said:

"But I also know that you are also a Quel'Dorei supremacist in your heart. No matter how peace-loving you are, once your country and my fleet go to war in the North Sea, even if you don't want to, you will definitely convince yourself to join it .

Then we will become enemies.

No matter how good our personal relationship is, we still have to have a life-and-death confrontation on the battlefield. To be honest, even a guy like me would not want to kill such a handsome friend with his own hands.

So, for the sake of our precarious friendship, you must take this oath in the name of the Sunstrider! Otherwise, even if this ring is destroyed, I will not give it to you.

Also, in order to convince you to accept my opinion willingly, I will show you this. This is a very good plan that I have been pushing in the dark. "

The smelly pirate took out a scroll from his arms and handed it to Kael'thas.

The latter took a look in his hand and stood up instantly.

This reaction showed the excitement and shock in Kael'thas' heart. When he saw this artifact ring just now, he was not so excited.

"The fruit of Arcandor can really cure magic addiction without any side effects?"

Kael'thas held the scroll tightly in his hand, looked at Boo Laike hopefully, and said:

"Why didn't you tell my father and me about such an important matter in advance? If this is true, let alone asking us not to intervene in the North Sea War, we can even openly support the undead pirates

If it's true, we, the Quel'dorei, will give as much as you want!

Even if you move the palace of Sorata Yangzhijing, no one will show any dissatisfaction! "

"Well, this is the most embarrassing part."

Bu Laike shrugged and said helplessly:

"I can be sure that the fruit of that tree is useful, but I have no way of proving it until the tree actually bears its first fruit.

Even if I use the title of a prophet to lobby you and the Sun King, do you think you will believe it?

And it is clearly stated in the scroll that in order for the tree of Arcandor to grow, we need to build a magic well similar to the sun well in Tol Barad to recharge it.

We need the blueprints for the construction of the Sunwell, but that thing is the lifeblood of your Quel'dorei, do you think your father would give it to me because of a prophet's nonsense?

My other identity is a pirate.

So, don't say such naive words, my prince, if this world is really filled with love and peace, you Quel'dorei wouldn't need to flee across the ocean back then.

And your civilization's famous tradition of infighting will completely ruin this great thing. In this regard, there is no need to question the destructive power of politicians.

You just listen to me!

Honestly put on this artifact ring and stay in Dellano to resist the demons.

Do not intervene in the war in the North Sea.

Don't tell your father what you know, so as not to affect the scheme of stealing blueprints that the Windrunner family is secretly promoting. Once the news is leaked, I won't give it to you until the Arkandor fruit is planted! "

Pirates threaten:

"If I can't get the blueprint of the Sunwell, I can still steal the blueprint of the Nightwell of Suramar, but your civilization will rot under the threat of magic addiction without the Arkan'dor fruit.

Even if you don't believe me, you should trust Mother Windrunner, uh, General Liresa, don't mind my title, it's an intimate way to express the relationship between master and apprentice.

General Liresa is in charge of this plan, and you should trust the loyalty of the Ranger General who gave everything for Quel'dorei to his people. So what's your answer?

His Majesty the future Sun King. "


Kael'thas was thinking hard. He rubbed the ring of the world in his palm. After a few seconds, he sincerely said to Bu Laike:

"Give me some time, okay? It's impossible for you to make a decision on such an important matter within a few minutes! I still need to talk to General Liresa."

"what ever."

Bu Laike threw a communication runestone used inside the Hidden Passage to Kael'thas. He stood up with a pipe in his mouth and said:

"Before Prophet Velen comes to the meeting, you have plenty of time to think and judge, Your Highness, but remember what I said, the conversation between us today and everything I have shown you need to be kept secret!

If you really think about your people, you should shut your mouth before the bright future comes, and quietly pray for the blessing of fate.

That's it, my lord, besides, hurry up and ask your followers to give me the forging blueprints and crafts of the other four world rings.

Before we truly begin to fight for Dellano's fate, I will equip my warriors with the sharpest weapons.

Good night, then, Your Highness.

Sweet dreams. "

After finishing speaking, the stinky pirate bid farewell politely, and even made a very lazy and mocking aristocratic salute. He did not forget to lock the door when he went out, so as to leave a quiet space for His Royal Highness to think.

No way, smelly pirates have always been such a polite person.

After walking out of the room of Prince Kael'thas, Bu Laike sauntered about to go to the banquet hall to have a look. He passed the corner of the broken hall, and a death knight saluted him.

Bu Laike nodded arrogantly and coldly, and after taking two steps, amidst the sharp sound of the weapon cutting through the air, Salameni roared and pressed against the death knight's neck behind him.

The pirate turned his head, looked at the stunned man, and said:

"There is no need to play this kind of game in front of me, right? My dear Lord Varimathras, do you know that when we met last time, I have already left my mark on you?"

"Your words are disgusting!"

The Nathrezim Dreadlord disguised as a death knight curled his lips and complained:

"But I didn't mean to provoke you, bad guy, I came to convey our goodwill. Our leader, Ms. Jin Tessa, asked me to convey an important message to you."


The pirate snorted, and withdrew his sword.

The Dreadlord in front of him let out a deep and playful laugh. He stared at Bo Laike's face, as if expecting a certain expression, and said:

"That's good news.

The woman you hate the most, the Warden Maiev Shadowsong who has been pestering you, is about to die.

The mighty Lady Shadowsong's super-curiosity leads her to step into a trap that wasn't meant for her, prompting the Trickster to fly into a rage and vow to take her life.

Now she is being hunted down by a scary guy.

Congratulations, Lord Laike, your serious problem is about to end. Hey, why don't you smile when you hear such good news?

I came here to announce the good news. "

(end of this chapter)

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