Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1282 32. The Demon King Of Fear Who Can Be Fallen To Death While Walking Is Really Too Despi

Chapter 1282 32. The Demon King of Fear Who Can Be Fallen to Death While Walking Is Really Too Despicable

Bo Laike appears on a hidden shore in Hellfire Peninsula.

He gestured to the sky, and the sky flying there let out a worried hiss, stepped back a little while Laike wagged his fingers, and began to patrol the surrounding area.

A private conversation ensued, and the pirates obviously didn't want anyone else near them.

While waiting for the "unseen guest" who had delivered him a message, Laike mentally sensed the death beacon he had placed on Maiev again.

He could feel that the other party was still alive, but the other party's heartbeat was as weak as the last time he felt it in Azeroth.

He once thought that it was because of the weakened induction due to the distance, but now it seems that this is not the case. No wonder Sera led a group of fallen wardens to search around Dellano, but failed to find Maiev.

The stinky woman is in trouble?

Tsk tsk, this is really an unchangeable fate. It seems that the magical world of Dellano is really not a good place for Maiev Shadowsong.

The stinky pirate curled his lips, put aside the slight worries in his heart for the time being, took out the jug and took a sip, then sat on the weathered stones on the coast with a pipe in his mouth, waiting for the other party to come to the appointment.

"Those dreadlords are probably trying to mess with your mentality."

Xal'atath whispered in his ear:

"You should have some confidence in Ms. Maiev, whom everyone hates. She is powerful and has worked as a spy for ten thousand years. She is not so easy to be caught.

Besides, didn't you always hate that woman's attitude towards you? I think this is a good opportunity, so just leave her there and let her suffer.

At the most critical moment, the little master, you, descended from the sky, and a hero came to save the beauty. This is the perfect script! "

"Well, I thought so too."

Rubbing his chin, Bu Laike breathed out:

"The premise is that this matter does not have anything to do with the dreadlord, and what Varimathras just said, it said that the stinky woman accidentally stepped into a trap that was not intended for her, and provoked the wrath of the fraudster .

It made me think of some really bad things.

If she really intervened in Kil'jaeden and Velen's "personal grievances" recklessly, then things would become very troublesome. Her strength is only close to a demigod, not a real demigod.

There are ways for an existence like a fraudster to deal with her, and the brilliance in Ms. Elune's world is not bright, so there is no way to give her much help. "

"Hey, you're just worried about her! And you gave so many reasons."

Xalatas complained with a resentful tone:

"We have worked so hard for you, but in the end we still couldn't bear the news that Maiev was injured and captured. As expected, those who got it didn't care, and those who were loved felt confident.

This is smelly men, what you can't get is always the best, right? "

"How many lemons have you eaten?"

The smelly pirate said with a headache:

"There's no need to get involved in this, right? Calm down, okay? You're an ancient venerable. Seeing you like this, the mantid will definitely abandon you, a shameful god."

"You don't care about me, hum."

Xal'atath dropped an angry sentence, then suppressed his consciousness, and stopped paying attention to the playful stinky pirate, making Bo Laike also look helpless.

Seeing that she is so angry, if she doesn't prepare a big gift, it seems that things will be hard to recover. A jealous Xalatas is much more difficult than a crazy Xalatas.

"Tsk tsk, the legendary Bu Laike Shaw is a severe schizophrenic. I have received information more than once that Lord Bu Laike always likes to talk to himself when he is alone.

It seems that the rumors are really unbelievable.

But if you can put a dangerous void essence into your mind carelessly, your situation is not much better than schizophrenia. As a friend who has never met, I sincerely suggest that you quickly find a better psychiatrist take a look.

After all, from my experience, this symptom cannot be delayed any longer. "

A woman's voice with a bit of sarcasm and ridicule emerged from the shadow behind Bu Laike, followed by a cold wind blowing.

The pirate exhaled the smoke ring and looked back at the people behind him.

Not a dreadlord, but a demon hunter veteran.

Like other demon hunters, she wears close-fitting battle armor, her arms are covered with hunting magic patterns, and there are Kaldorei's battle patterns on her slightly thinned cheeks, her eyes are covered with black cloth strips, and her forehead grows Curved and delicate corners.

"If I remember correctly, your name is Arantine?"

Bu Laike took off his pipe, looked at the female demon hunter in front of him, and said:

"You are one of the first batch of veterans who followed Illidan Stormrage 10,000 years ago. You have made outstanding achievements and are deeply trusted by Illidan and Altruis. You are an important figure in the leadership of Illidari.

So what I'm curious about is, did you die 10,000 years ago and have your identity taken over by the Dreadlord? Or was it unfortunate that I was killed by the Dreadlord after being released by me in the Watcher's Crypt? "

"The answer may be beyond your imagination, Lord Laike, not at all! The real Arantine is still active in Shadowmoon Valley, and I'm just using her identity to act.

It's not time to completely replace her, isn't Illidan still coming back? "

The female demon hunter in front of her covered her mouth and let out a hoarse laugh. Her disguise was so superb that even the pirates couldn't detect her true identity for a while.

The information projected from the character card clearly states that this is "Senior Hunter Arantine".

It was the first time for the pirates to encounter such a situation. The all-important character card identification was actually concealed, which made Bu Laike raise his eyebrows.

"Your Excellency Jintaisha is worthy of being the queen of the Nathrezim. The emperor really gave you the best power. Show up and speak."

Bu Laike nodded and said:

"It always feels weird to be like this. If this continues, the next time I see Ms. Arantine, I may not be able to resist pulling out my weapon."

"No, no, I'd rather talk to you in the faces of the victims, Lord Laike."

The Queen of Fear in front of her didn't show her real body. She said in a dark tone that perfectly fit the style of a demon hunter:

"And before we get down to business, I feel like I need to say something, this isn't actually our first meeting, Boo Laike.

In the past period of time, I have also traveled to Azeroth several times, and you have ruined one of my disguise plans by accident.

At that time, I wanted to incarnate as a blue dragon, lurk in the magic center guarded by the blue dragons, and observe the legendary magic net artifact focusing rainbow up close.

But the target I carefully selected was taken away by you in advance, which caused my perfect latent plan to fail completely. "

Kin Tessa said in a complaining tone:

"That's the perfect candidate that took me half a month to pick."


Bu Laike blinked and said:

"Then I'm really honored, let me guess, the target you choose from the blue dragon can't be a little star, right? Her personality is difficult to imitate perfectly even if she is a dreadlord.

And there are only a few female blue dragons that I have intersected with, I guess. Sienigosa? "


Jin Tessa showed a strange expression, and she asked:

"Why do you think it's her? Why can't it be Eldagosa, the first blue dragon you know?"

"Because Cianne was trapped by an evil black dragon to do a terrible experiment when she was a young dragon, this experience led to a drastic change in Cianne's personality after she was rescued.

She is the most withdrawn among the female blue dragons, with a sensitive and strong personality, always shrouded in the shadow of her childhood, and she is also a real "problem child" among all the neurotic blue dragons.

The blue dragons would not suspect any strange behavior of such a poor thing, and most importantly, Malygos trusted her very much. "

Bo Laike flicked his pipe and said:

"If I were the Dreadlord and had to choose a blue dragon as a disguise, I would choose her too.

With her disguised identity, you can easily influence the mad Spellweaver to cause conflict in Azeroth, causing a world war on magic and arcane.

Am i right? "

"Hehe, the legendary dark wisdom is really extraordinary. I admire it very much. It is worthy of being a mortal favored by the emperor."

Jin Tessa laughed and admitted Bo Laike's guess.

But soon, she looked around suspiciously again, moved her nose and sniffed, and asked:

"You are stained with the blood of the dreadlord. Where is Varimathras? It should have come with you."


The pirate rolled his eyes and made a sad expression, and said:

"Your Excellency Varimathras accidentally fell in Hellfire Citadel, but he hit his head and fell to his death. I tried to rescue him, but I couldn't save his dog's life.

Really sorry. "

Kin Tessa frowned at this answer, and she said:

"Are you kidding me? It's not funny."

"Okay, okay, I really can't hide it from you, you deserve to be a cunning dreadlord."

Bo Laike gave a thumbs up and waved, showing a "lie has been exposed" expression, he picked up his pipe again and said:

"The real situation is that His Excellency Varimathras was dazzled by the good news, and walked around in front of a group of strong men I invited, but his camouflage skills were not as strong as yours.

He was unlucky to be discovered, and then those guys swarmed up and killed him.

Tsk tsk, it's a tragedy to die.

When it was decapitated by Grand Knight Turalyon, the blood splattered on me and ruined my favorite robe, which is disgusting to think about. "

The stinky pirate pinched his nose and made a disgusted expression. He said in a long voice:

"But it doesn't matter, anyway, demons can be reborn in the Twisting Void, and the strange demons like the "spirit and flesh" like the Dreadlord can be reborn faster.

It only takes a few months, and it can return to the battlefield full of vigor, and then... I will kill it again! "

Bu Laike's voice suddenly became cold.

He exhaled a smoke ring and said to Jin Tessa:

"Next time, don't let that poor bastard who doesn't know the art of speaking come to 'announce'. I suddenly found that I hate the color of its wings. If it dares to appear in front of me again, I will definitely give it a big 'surprise'.

You may not know it clearly, Ms. Jin Tessa, but the screams of your dreadlords when their souls are corrupted by the void are really sweet.

Okay, don't make that bad face.

Isn't it just a waste subordinate who died.

Take it easy, in this ever-changing world, life and death are normal.

Come on, let's get down to business. "

He exhaled a mouthful of thick smoke, covering his face. From a vague perspective, the stinky pirate asked:

"Where is Maiev? What will I have to pay to get information that will help me?"

"No, you don't need to pay anything, Boo Laike."

Jin Tessa adjusted her mentality and put the fact that her right-hand man Varimathas had just been killed by the pirate in front of her mind behind her. She said calmly and indifferently:

"Actually, I will send you this important news for free only because you have created an excellent opportunity for us. Your meeting in Hellfire Citadel gave us the possibility to be close to Velen again.

This is a personal favor.

You and I both know that debts of favor are difficult to repay, so I will use the news of Maiev Shadowsong to repay this favor. But everyone is serving the Great Emperor's great cause, and everyone is working hard for one goal.

You also claim to be a loyal servant of the Emperor, so I don't want to see "accident factors" like Garona and Khadgar appear again. "

"So, are you threatening me with the life of that stinky Maiev woman, Ms. Kim Tessa?"

Bu Laike blinked and said:

"It's too difficult in this world to accomplish something, but for a humble person like me, it's so easy to destroy it, I urge you to think again about your wording.

After all, I am different from you. You can only follow the path of Emperor Denathrius to the dark.

But I have other options. "

"I don't mean to threaten you in any way, I'm just telling the truth."

Jin Tessa laughed and said:

"Maev Shadowsong sneaked into Dellano a few months ago to investigate the situation of the legion and at the same time carry out assassination operations to delay the strategic deployment of the legion. I have to say that she was very successful.

The Legion has been unable to eliminate the stubborn Shadowmoon orcs and their chief Ner'zhul in Shadowmoon Valley, thanks to the activeness of the Wardens.

Maiev's own veil of information, which our scout can barely penetrate, could have continued this delightful cat-and-mouse game, but Maiev's curiosity is too strong.

She accidentally learned about some secret past between the Deceiver and the Prophet Velen. She may think that this is a piece of information that can be used, so she chose to take a risk.

Then, she saw what she shouldn't see and heard what she shouldn't hear. "

The Dreadlord let out a weird laugh and said:

"Secrets are not good things. There is a price to pay for knowing a terrible secret. In the case of the fraudster himself, Ms. Maiev's counterattack seems a bit insufficient.

Just yesterday afternoon, she was captured by Kil'jaeden's most trusted lieutenant, Doomsday Overlord Kazak.

You should act sooner, Lord Bo Laike.

She is being tortured.

She's a staunch spy who won't reveal anything, and in my patient experience with demons, she'll probably be executed soon. "


Jin Tessa threw a map made of weird leather and said:

"This is a map of the place where she was held, and the situation where the demons are stationed, and this is where our sincerity lies."

"I have seen your sincerity, and I am very satisfied."

Bu Laike looked at the map in front of him and said:

"I won't get involved in your 'friendly interaction' with Velen, but it's only the last time, as I said before, I gave you enough time to show your dark and evil.

But Velen still belongs to the Light now, doesn't he?

Just because I am a loyal servant of the Great Emperor, I have been doing my best to serve the great cause of the Great Emperor to promote war and distort the balance of life and death. I cannot sit back and watch precious time be wasted like this.

I have given you a stage.

Put on the show, dreadlords.

But if you still fail this time, I will take over all actions related to Frostmourne.

make a deal? "

(end of this chapter)

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