Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1283 33. The Deceiver Is Also A Great Demon Of Asashi

Chapter 1283 33. The Deceiver Is Also a Great Demon of Asashi

"Look at that cunning bastard!

She actually gave me a map of the Karabor Temple, trying to let me pass through the demon fortress that was guarded by the elite of the Kazak Commander Legion from the front.

It was an attempt to lure me into a terrible trap by treating me like a love-mad beast.

I'm sure they have someone in the Karabor Temple, and if I step in there, they can get Kazak to notice me and pin me down there.

whispering sound.

Dealing with these guys is exhausting.

They have to turn several corners in a sentence, which is annoying. "

Bo Laike was still on the shores of Hellfire Peninsula, sitting on the weathered stones and smoking a pipe, but Xal'atath had ignored him.

The stinky pirate's feelings for another woman hurt the feelings of the little dark girlfriend, which is not a problem that can be solved by coaxing and hugging.

So now it's Bu Laike's twins who are listening to his complaints.

Seriously, the look of the eredar twins now means that they don't want to listen to Bo Laike's complaints at all, but there is no other way, and the smelly pirates are in a bad mood and force them out.

They stayed beside the pirates in the form of spirit bodies, and they couldn't do without listening.

"Then why don't you act now?"

The high-ranking warlock Aureses couldn't bear it anymore, she urged:

"Didn't you say that woman took away part of your life? It sounds like a big villain, and she is a perfect match for you. You must not miss such a beauty.

Hurry up and set off to save her.

You're just wasting our time here complaining. "

"I'm not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?"

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said:

"You know it's a trap, so you have to be prepared before stepping in, right? If I die in the plot of the Dreadlord so aggrieved, won't I be laughed at by those bastards when I send it back to Azeroth?"

"Then you can't solve the problem by complaining here now."

Queen Saloras, the Shadow Witch, whispered:

"Get ready.

The two of us should also go back to your heart to prepare strength, and we can help you fight when the time comes. Speaking of which, the woman you like is really bold. She dared to go alone to spy on the forbidden past of fraudsters and prophets.

All the stars who have done so are dead.

J. "

"Who told you I'm only here to complain?"

Bo Laike snorted and took out his dwarf pocket watch to check the time. He said:

"I'm shaking people, understand? They should be back soon. I'm going to kill a bunch of demons, and if I don't bring demon hunters with me, they will be very angry.

Moreover, Jin Tessa's words revealed a piece of news. There is a legion communicator in the Karabo Temple that can directly contact Argus. Demon hunters will definitely like this news.

For that, they must be more than willing to go to hell with me.

Well, I feel the fleet of the Dellano pirates approaching, the damned world! The power of the elements is too weak, and it is so difficult for me to sense the tide of the sea.

Come on, while there is still time, let's chat about Kil'jaeden and Velen's forbidden past."

"Do not!"

The eredar twins simultaneously refused:

"We haven't lived enough yet. We don't want to discuss this. If the deceived know we are dead."

"Hey, look at you cowards, I really despise you, you dare to call yourself a genius of the Burning Legion with your guts?"

Bu Laike pouted and said:

"Is there anything you dare not say? Isn't it that Kil'jaeden is passionately attached to Velen, but Velen ruthlessly abandoned him when he needed support the most.

I'm more familiar with the past of these two leaders of Argus than you are, but what I'm curious about is"

The pirate looked around, coughed twice, and said in a low voice:

"Did the two of them have a cough? You know, it's the kind of behavior that is more intimate than sticking. Velen has a wife and children. He should be a straight man of steel.

Not so for Kil'jaeden.

Come on, talk about it.

As Kil'jaeden's lieutenants, you should know the answer very well, right? "

"Dirty pirate!"

Aureses scolded:

"How can you think of such a dirty thing! The deceitful and the prophet are pure spiritual companions! They have a deeper emotional bond than brotherhood, and they have never crossed the taboo bottom line."

"It is precisely because of this intense and deep feeling that Velen's betrayal is so hateful!"

Queen Saloras also retorted angrily:

"Before Velen abandoned the Deceiver to face the darkness alone, Lord Kil'jaeden still hesitated, but after he left mercilessly, the Deceiver fell into the abyss of darkness because of his brother's abandonment and betrayal.

It can be said that Velen single-handedly created the current demon king who rampages all over the world and destroys stars! "

"Really? This is too exciting."

Bu Laike was holding the owl helmet in his arms, and his fingers kept tapping on the anima stone inlaid on the helmet.

The spiritual aura that only he can see is shining, spreading invisible bewitching in the hearts of his two little foolish demons.

But without malice.

He just wanted to gossip about it.

"Come on, let's talk a little more."

Bu Laike urges:

"You two students who are close to Kil'jaeden, you must know more exciting inside information, tell me, I'm listening, anyway, it's boring to be here."

"We can't say any more."

Gemini shook his head and refused.

But they couldn't stand the pirates' increasing psychological interference, and they also felt that it was a pity to keep these taboo secrets in their hearts, so under constant inducement, they said more things that shouldn't be said.

"Archimonde is just a bastard who betrayed his master! He is not qualified to lead the eredar. Of the three-member ruling body in the world of Argus, the polluters are the least powerful.

The true rulers of the world are Velen and Lord Kil'jaeden.

And the relationship between them is very, very complicated. They grew up together, served in the fleet of Argus together, protected the people together, and explored the galaxy together.

Velen was wise and far-sighted, Kil'jaeden rational and mentally tough.

They were elected as consuls to lead our civilization forward. That was the most beautiful time of Argus, but it is said that on the night Velen and his wife got married, Lord Kil'jaeden was so sad that he wanted to kill himself. .

It was Velen who left his new wife aside and ran to save his brother. "

The Flame Witch spoke first.

The gossip that made Bo Laike stare at the very beginning, she wagged her tail and whispered:

"But these things could not be discussed openly even in Argus, which was open and civilized back then. They were taboo."

"The infusion of fel energy strengthened the complex emotions in Lord Kil'jaeden's heart, making him more stubborn and stubborn."

The Shadow Witch also spoke afterwards, wagging her tail as if sharing a secret, and whispered:

"The eredar lords of the Legion know that the Deceiver's service to Lord Sargeras may be purer than that of the Defiler's foolish pursuit of destruction.

He doesn't care how many worlds are destroyed, and he doesn't care whether the Legion wins or loses.

Before he personally captured his beloved brother back to Argus and completed the fel infusion of Velen, he could not devote himself wholeheartedly to the Burning Crusade.

Rather than bring destruction to the stars with his own hands, the Trickster hopes to find his brother back, just like the past countless years, let him accompany him.

This is also the main reason why the Deceiver must capture Dellano. He could have attacked Azeroth now, but he didn't.

He must first complete the end of the twisted fate of himself and his brother

Alas, the fraudster is actually a very infatuated and gentle person.

It's just that his gentleness seemed too terrifying.

Velen himself knew that he had failed his brother, that he had chosen the damned Light over his ardent friendship with Lord Kil'jaeden, that he was ashamed of his past and could feel the wrath of the Trickster.

He knows the fraudsters won't let him go until they get him, and that's why he stays in Dellano to await his fate.

Hehe, even though Velen may have made up his mind to die, if he knew what kind of 'surprise' the fraudster had prepared for him, he would be so terrified that he would pray to the weak Holy Light to take him away. God, I said it all what?

hell! "

At this moment, Queen Saloras suddenly woke up.

Realizing that she had said something terrible, she turned her head to Laike suddenly, and before she could speak, Shi Shiran, the stinky pirate, took out a rune stone that could record sound.

Bu Laike tapped lightly on it, and what Sarolas and Aureises said just now were released in the original, and the two little demons who heard it embraced each other in anger and fear.

Even the little tail hangs down.

"Guess, if I give this stone to a fraudster, what will happen to you two cuties?"

Bu Laike let out a weird laugh. He tossed the Philosopher's Stone in his hand up and down, and said to the desperate twins:

"You said it yourself, this is the biggest taboo in the minds of fraudsters, right? Anyone who dared to discuss it before was 'physically terminated' by the fraudsters."

He put on the attitude of a big villain, put his hips on his hips and laughed loudly and said:

"The two ladies don't want this to happen, do they?"


Aureses shook her hand, pointed at Bo Laike and cursed:

"You actually use seduction magic on your own demons, you are so bad! You are too nasty!"

"Hey, is this the first day you know me?"

Bu Laike snorted and said:

"Now we are grasshoppers on the same rope, you'd better be honest, don't make some small tricks in secret, I won't treat you badly.

Especially after you personally cut off your own escape route, now, what should you call me? "

Under the oppression of the stinky pirates, the Eredar twins looked at each other in despair. Of course the Flame Witch and the Shadow Witch were not convinced, but there was no way, the secrets they told were enough for them to die several times.

And it is precisely because they know the Deceiver deeply enough that they know that once the Philosopher's Stone in Bu Laike's hand is sent to the Legion, the two of them will immediately be regarded by the Deceiver as a hidden danger that must be eliminated.

What they said to Bo Laike is something that many eredar lords don't know

This is a real betrayal of the fraudster!

The twins looked at each other, and after a few seconds of silence, they bent down and said to Bu Laike respectfully:


"Hahaha, that's good."

The pirate held out his hands and let his demons return to his heart.

His mood improved a lot, and he turned his head to look at the sea that was filled with evil energy embellishment in front of him.

At the end of the line of sight, the fleet of Commander Maim has appeared on the sea full of corrosion, and on the bow of that ship, Rexxar and the group of Mo Kenasa hunters in black bat suits can still be seen them.

Ten minutes later, the ship docked.

Bu Laike greeted Maim and asked him to separate several ships to go back to Ashland to rest, and by the way, he took the five little orcs to Hellfire Citadel to prepare for the meeting.

After finishing the arrangement, the pirate didn't waste any time, and turned to Rexxar and the victim and said:

"Choose some uninjured elites and go to Shadowmoon Valley with me. The incident happened suddenly, and we must resolve it quickly."


The sufferer frowned and said:

"Didn't you say that the talks should be completed before moving the battlefield? Why did you temporarily change the plan?"

"Because I've been informed with certainty."

Bu Laike exhaled the smoke ring and said:

"There is a communication device in the Karabor Temple that can contact Argus, and Magtheridon who sits in the Karabor Temple has been killed by my ingenious tricks, and now there is only one doomsday overlord Kazak left.

Although that guy is also difficult to deal with.

But in terms of absolute strength, now is the time when Karabo Temple's defense is the most empty, and we must seize this opportunity. "

"Is it finally possible to contact Lord Illidan?"

The victim, who was always indifferent, smiled for a moment, but he quickly restrained his expression, nodded to Bo Laike, and turned around to gather his soldiers without any nonsense.

The Demon Hunters have been fighting since entering Dellano.

They were tired and in desperate need of rest, but after hearing about the action involving Lord Illidan, all the hunters participated enthusiastically. Such a loyal heart really envied Laike.

As for Rexxar, the silent hunter was ready to set off again without any question, and he also stuffed a scroll made of animal skin into Bu Laike's hand.

The pirate opened it and found that it was a hunting experience written in orc characters, which should have been completed recently.

Signed is Leo Rocks.

"My father asked me to give this to you."

Rexxar took out the petrified gem-like Magron Heart that could control the Goron and handed it to Bu Laike, saying:

"A dozen Goron cubs from the Everbloom Forest are also on board. Their growth is a long process and they need a relatively gentle environment, so I suggest you send them back to Azeroth."

"Let your clansmen do this."

Bu Laike says:

"Sending those old and weak back by the way will also allow the soldiers to stay in Dellano to fight more at ease, so send them to Blackrock Mountain or the Tauren city in the barren land.

I will arrange the route. "


Rexxar nodded, looked around, and said in a low voice:

"I feel that your animal nature is a little irritable, what's going on? Is it related to Shadowmoon Valley?"

"I'm going to save someone."

Bu Laike didn't hide from Rexxar, he sighed and said:

"A nasty woman who always likes to get herself into trouble. Calculate carefully. This is the second time I have rescued her. Hey, this time I must put her on a dog leash and keep her by my side. She is not allowed to run around. Already!"


The orc hunter laughed, patted the pirate on the shoulder, and said:

"When are we leaving?"

"Aren't you asking about the details of the operation?"

The pirate rolled his eyes and said:

"If you follow me so recklessly, you may die."

"If you dare to go, I will."

Rexxar shrugged and said in a solemn tone:

"Under the circumstances that you haven't lived enough, I don't think you will seek your own death, and I urgently need to kill a few demons to vent the animal restlessness in my heart

After all, I'm not happy to see my hometown being so devastated. "

(end of this chapter)

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