Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1284 34. Bastard, Shoulder Your Responsibility To Ms. Maiev!

Chapter 1284 34. Bastard, shoulder your responsibility to Ms. Maiev!

"Why did you leave so suddenly?"

On the top floor of Hellfire Citadel, the high lord Ravencrest, who was busy coordinating the military affairs of various forces, frowned and looked at the orc commander Maim wearing a pirate costume in front of him.

He said coldly:

"This is so irresponsible!

It was he who summoned us to come to the meeting, and he also sent a call to the prophet Velen. As a result, when there were only three days left to start the meeting, he actually ran away ahead of schedule.

Where did he go? "

"Well, it can't be said, high lord, the captain said to keep it secret, and he assured that this is a temporary operation that will not do any harm to the Dellano war situation."

Maim pushed his pirate hat, and explained to the captivating death knight lord in front of him:

"The captain also asked me to tell you that if everything goes well, he will come back before the meeting starts. If the prophet comes here, please receive him."

"I came to Dellano to fight! Not to be his adjutant, this Bo Laike, is getting too much!"

Lord Ravencrest said something dissatisfied, but in the end he did not refuse the request.

He asked Meme to leave first to help other forces explain their actions in Gorgrond, but as soon as Meme walked out of the Shattered Hall, he saw a guy wearing a hood and carrying a straight-edged sword walking towards him.

"Yo, isn't this Lantrasso?"

Maim greeted enthusiastically, but only got a cold look from the orc sword master.

But the shameless pirate didn't care about this. When Lantresor lived in seclusion in Tol Barad, everyone knew that this guy had such a boring personality.

"I said, Dellano has become like this. Are you Fire Blade Masters still coming out to help?"

Meme stood there familiarly and chatted with Lantresso. The latter didn't want to talk to this guy, but when he heard Meme's question, the silent Juggernaut frowned.

After a few seconds, he said:

"Samuro is bringing people back. He and his apprentices will defend Havalor. They have always wanted to rebuild the Burning Blade Clan and pick up the glory of the way of the Juggernaut. Perhaps now is a good opportunity."

"Yes, yes, the former Burning Blade Sword Master is so admirable."

Meme rubbed her chin with the burn mark, and said:

"I'm not afraid of your jokes, my big brother and I dreamed of becoming a majestic sword master when we were young, but unfortunately, that disaster changed the fate of too many people.

By the way, I heard you work for Prophet Velen now? "

The orc pirate grinned and said:

"When those draenei saw you, didn't they pick up their weapons and try to kill you? When they killed them, it was your Burning Blade clan who killed them hard."

"I'm not like them."

Lantresor didn't want to talk about it, he shook his head and said:

"Where is Bu Laike? I bring the greetings of the Prophet."

"Uh, the captain is not here for now, but you can report to the high lord, he is now the captain's adjutant."

Maim reminded, then turned and left to get busy.

The orc sword master didn't waste any time, and went straight to the top floor of the Shattered Hall, only to collide with Turalyon who came out holding the map when he turned the corner.

The moment the two met, they held each other's weapons, but quickly let go.

The hatred between orcs and humans made the two very unhappy with each other, but in this place and the current situation, it is really not a good time to draw a knife.

So they walked past each other, pretending not to see each other.

"Hey, are you a sword master?"

After taking a few steps, Turalyon turned back and asked:

"Have you seen a blond-haired human teenager in your holy land Havalo?"

"You want to ask Prince Arthas Menethil?"

Lantrisso snorted, tugged at his hood, and said:

"Don't worry about him, that kid has proved himself, he has lost his weakness and become a real warrior Arthas passed the extremely difficult test of the flame blade, and miraculously beheaded a demon warlord with his own hands.

He tempered his blade with devil blood, and he is already the first true sword master born among you humans.

You'll see him soon. "

This answer gave Turalyon some peace of mind.

In addition to the mission of the church, he came to Dellano this time, and he also received a personal order from King Terenas, asking him to bring back Prince Alsace who had been away for almost a year.

As a grand knight, Turalyon was well aware of the conflict between the father and son. Although he stayed away from politics, he admired Alsace's choice very much.

Although this child has lost the favor of the Holy Light, it seems that he has now embarked on his own path of destiny. This is really the first good news I have heard in this terrible world.


"Don't come here yet!"

At the same time, on the coast of Shadowmoon Valley, Bo Laike had just stepped off the boat with his carefully selected operation members, and saw several demon hunters who had been deployed in Shadowmoon Valley walking towards him.

The leader was the high-ranking hunter Ms. Arantine whom he had just "seen" before.

Bo Laike raised his hand and scolded, this action made Arantine in front of him and Altruis the victim behind him frown.

The pirate ignored this, he patted his forehead and said:

"Hey, my dear sweetheart, work!"

"Tch, call me 'little sweetheart' when you need me, and think about Maiev when you don't need me, right?"

Xalatas snorted unhappily, but did not refuse.

A cloud of colorful smoke swirled out of Laike, covering the high-ranking hunter in front of him.

Of course, a powerful hunter like Arantion, who has experienced the battle of the ancients and is valued by Illidan, would not let this seemingly uninteresting thing approach.

She was about to dodge when she heard the pirate say:

"You're being targeted, ma'am, and the dreadlords are trying to use your identity, so you better be honest, if I can't identify you here, I'll have to send you back to the Vault of the Wardens. "


The sufferer Altruist immediately became vigilant.

As a group of fighters who knew demons best, he couldn't understand Dreadlord's elusive and almost flawless camouflage ability very well.

Once the Illidari had the dreadlords in the mix, it would be pretty serious, and Bo Laike couldn't be joking about it.

The next moment, Altruis yelled to Arantine:

"Get checked immediately! You know it's necessary."


The high-ranking hunter Arantine nodded silently. She put down the moonblade in her hand and let the colorful Sha energy swayed by Xalatath cover her body.

In the next second, the high-level hunter with weakened steel will held her hair and cried out in pain. She felt that her soul was about to be pierced by the cold void.

She held on until Xal'atath withdrew her power.

"No problem, it is indeed genuine."

The dark essence said in a lazy voice:

"Strong-willed, with a slight sign of subversive inner demons, he is a qualified hunter soul. It would be even better if he could restrain the fanatical and distorted love for Illidan Stormrage in his heart.

My poor sister, such a sincere dedication is destined to not have any good results. My sister and I are a clear and pitiful example. Smelly men are a bunch of big pigs. "

"Well, you know you can actually skip the second part of the sentence."

The pirate pouted and said:

"Don't be angry, well, I promise to find you a new dress when I go back to Azeroth, I swear!"

"Hmph, I don't believe your man's mouth."

Xalatas sneered and said:

"Let's prove your sincerity with actions, playboy pirate."

After finishing speaking, the dark essence disappeared into Laike's heart in an angry manner, and the pirate coughed a few times, nodded to the demon hunter in front of him, and said:

"Your identities have been confirmed, but it's best to make an appointment with other comrades in advance for a program that only you can recognize, so as not to cause major problems in time.

Especially you, Ms. Arantine.

I was not joking just now, you have really been targeted. "

"I'll pay attention."

The indifferent huntress in front of her nodded, and she reported to Altruis about their actions in the past few days, including assassinating Magtheridon's adjutant and setting up a safe place nearby that would not be discovered by the demons.

Finally, Arantine provided a very important piece of information:

"Just last night, a group of watchmen who were active in the local area found us."

The huntress said with some doubts:

"They asked us for help to enter the dangerous Karabor Temple to perform an important mission, but no matter how I asked, they were unwilling to tell me the content of their mission.

They behaved rather strangely, very agitated, and completely lacked the calmness that the watchmen were so proud of. "

"Needless to say, we are also here for this matter."

Bo Laike waved his hand and said to Arantine:

"Go to your hiding place and meet the watchman first. In addition, you should be familiar with the local area. I need you to help me 'invite' a 'guest' back."

The pirate pointed to a certain mountainous area in the doomsday land that was shrouded in evil energy, and said:

"My brother Rexxar and his Mo Kenasa hunters will follow you, and in that valley there are some special clans of the Broken who operate.

I need you to find their leader and bring him back.

That person is called Akama! We must find him, which is very important for our next actions. "

"You mean those crazy Ashtongue Deathsworn?"

Demon hunters who have been active in Shadowmoon Valley for a while have obviously heard of this name. Ms. Arantine frowned and said:

"They are almost a legend in the local area. Even the orcs of the Shadowmoon clan are not sure of their existence. It is said that they are very exclusive and withdrawn.

Although they also fight demons, they never cooperate with anyone. "

"Trust me, he will cooperate this time."

Bu Laike said categorically:

"Just tell him that I can help him take back the Karabor Temple, and he will understand what I mean."

After finishing speaking, the pirate nodded to Rexxar, and the latter silently led a few capable Mo Kenasa hunters and followed the demon hunters on a camouflaged big mephit, and flew towards the distant mountains quickly.

The rest of the people, led by Arantion's followers, went to the hideout of the demon hunters. On the way, Laike also summoned the Void Wardens currently scattered around Dellano to join them.

With the help of the power of the void, they can pass through the cracks above the real dimension, which allows them to move much faster than the orthodox Warden.

"Yo, Ms. Nasa, we meet again."

When Laike stepped into the hideout of the demon hunters, he immediately saw the watchmen who were resting and preparing for battle in the underground pit hidden in the valley.

There are quite a few of them.

It seems that Nasa, who is the leader of the team, also temporarily gathered all the watchmen of Dellano, preparing to break into the Karabor Temple to save Maiev.

After seeing Bu Laike appearing, Nasa stood up suddenly. Although she couldn't see the expression under the owl helmet, Bu Laike could guess that this lady who was loyal to Maiev must have a look on her face. A pair of gritted teeth.

She hates Bo Laike.

Both of them are very clear about this.

"What are you doing here? Nasty guy."

Nasa said something in a cold voice, and the other watchmen also surrounded Laike and the demon hunters behind him in an unfriendly gesture.

"What do you think I'm here for?"

The pirate didn't care about the watcher's hostility, he deliberately lowered his voice and said to Nasa:

"Of course it's my little lover who came to save me. You don't think I don't even know about her distress, do you? I'm telling you quietly, I left my mark on her."


The warden's adjutant scolded.

But when she heard that Bo Laike was here to rescue Maiev, her attitude was not as indifferent as before. She waved her hand to stop the hostility of the watchmen, and said to Bo Laike:

"Very good, you have brought so many people, it is enough for us to launch a round of attack on the Karabor Temple."

"Hey! Don't tell me, are you going to rush in?"

Bu Laike frowned and reprimanded:

"Has your loyalty and worship to Maiev made you lose your mind? That temple gathers the most powerful group of demons in Dellano, and they are commanded by a real superior demon.

The doomsday overlord Kazak is a loyal loyalist of the fraudsters, and his strength ranks among the top in the entire Burning Legion.

With just a few of you, if you throw it all in, you won't be able to make a splash.

Your condition is no longer suitable to be a commander.

You need to calm down! "

The pirate looked at the watchmen in front of him. He pulled back the cloak covering his body to reveal his luna armor, and put his black owl helmet on his head, saying coldly:

"Now I will take over the command of the watchman! Do you have any objections?"

"I answer for my sisters, who have no objection, Captain."

Sierra Moonguard, wearing the dark purple owl armor, came out from the shadow of Braike. She waved her left hand, and the Void Wardens who had just been assembled also appeared from the shadows, turning the Orthodox Wardens upside down at once. surrounded.


When Nasa saw the appearance of the sisters who had been missing for a long time, she immediately exclaimed.

But Sera strode forward, grabbed Nasa's battle armor collar in a fierce gesture, lifted her up and slammed her into the nearby mountain wall with a bang.

This action caused the orthodox watchmen to draw their weapons one after another, but the void watchmen also coldly pulled out the moon blade or knife wheel, forcing their sisters back.

"I'll give her to you!"

Sera gritted her teeth and scolded her companion:

"When I left, I asked you to protect her instead of me! Is this how you do things? You let her fall into the trap alone! You are too tired, Nasa!

You have betrayed my trust, I should teach you a lesson."

The scene in front of him made Laike sigh again. Illidan has a loyal Illidari, Maiev has a loyal watcher, and even Velen has a group of loyal defenders.

I only have a bunch of unfaithful junk pirates

Alas, what a failure.

(end of this chapter)

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