Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1288 38. Copy Without Healing? Can You Play?

Chapter 1288 38. Copy without healing? Can you play?

"what is that!"

The sky above the Karabor Temple was filled with wind and clouds, and the silver-white moonlight piercing through the cloud of fel energy and enveloping the earth almost immediately caused chaos in the temple occupied by demons.

On a mountain peak outside the temple, Akama commanded his Ashtongue Deathsworn to look at the bright moonlight splashing on the dark land in amazement.

The former Archbishop Shengguang couldn't understand the power in front of him.

But he was shocked.

In this troubled Dellano world, how long had he not seen such a shocking power of order? Is this the confidence that those crazy outsiders dared to sneak into the devil's stronghold for assassination?

Could that pirate with a dark aura all over his body be a well-hidden defender of order?

"That's Bo Laike, an amazing guy."

Beside the greatly shocked Akama, the old Gani who emerged from the mist shook his head and let out a weird laugh. It gave a weird smile, which looked very serious at first glance, but it insisted on a very serious tone. Say:

"A guy who is paid attention to by Luna and Void at the same time, two forces that cannot coexist at all have achieved unity in him, which is why the god has been paying attention to him.

He is a guy who will bring miracles. After having enough fun in Azeroth and coming to Dellano to make troubles, there is always a lot of fun to watch with him.

I said, my new great scavenger, you must grasp his precious friendship.

Well, it's on, it's on!

It's my favorite part of watching people fight again, let's take a bet, Akama, let's take a bet, how long can this doomsday overlord Kazak last in front of Bo Laike?

I guess, ten minutes? "

Amidst the cheers of old Ghani, the chaotic villain who is afraid of chaos, Kazak, the powerful doomsday overlord, has indeed met the challenge on the dome platform at the highest point of the Karabor Temple.

But the demon hunters who challenged it were forced to do nothing.

Didn't you say that you should work quietly, and don't shoot guns?

How did this smelly pirate come up with such an exaggerated thing all of a sudden?

The moonlight covering the entire temple was purifying the evil energy of the temple, which instantly alarmed Kazak sitting here, and the demon hunters bit the bullet and got it.

But fortunately, where the moonlight shines, not only the demons are weakened by the divine power of order, but these warriors who fight against the demons have been blessed by Lady Elune.

Although this blessing is not as obvious as that of the Wardens, the feeling of being strengthened still makes the Illidari feel that they have a great advantage.

While Kazak roared and called the demon to "save him", the victim rushed out from his hiding place in the first place.

The moment he appeared, he exploded with the power of inner demons, shaping himself into a tyrannical tyrant who has no wings but is covered with ferocious bone spurs on the back.

This is a very special demon form. It has almost no anti-air ability, and sacrifices agility and explosive power, but it has extremely strengthened the power of melee and defense.

With a loud "boom", the giant sword raised by the doomsday overlord was punched crookedly by the victim, and then those demon hunters who also erupted with their inner demon power rushed out to hack and kill.

The watchmen under the moonlight enhancement are also very fierce, but they did not join the attack hastily, but showed the professional characteristics of the watchmen.

Nasa led several of the most powerful wardens to activate the watchman's cage at the same time. Under the simultaneous restraint of more than a dozen vengeful spirits, Kazak, the upper demon of the demigod, was also forcibly restrained on the platform and could not pass through. Teleport away.

"Misha! Follow me!"

Rexxar also raised his twin axes and rushed out. The orc Batman was full of fighting spirit at this moment, and he roared loudly:

"This is the moment of supreme glory! Use the head of this demon in front of you to announce Dellano's indomitable spirit to the Burning Legion! No one can destroy my world!"

When he rushed out, the beastly rage was aroused, causing the big orc and his war bear to increase in size several times in an instant, and the herd gallop of Rexxar's iconic "zoo" was also aroused.

Porcupine King and Falcon King yelled and charged with their masters, and other Mo Kenasa hunters also released their pets to join Rexxar's herd, in order to strengthen the herd's extreme destruction.

But the only regret is that Shadowmoon Valley was the first place to be invaded by demons. Almost all the beasts here were killed, and the rest were also infected by evil energy and turned into half-demons.

Such beasts are difficult to be recruited, and it is also difficult to make a majestic posture of roaring beasts.

But it doesn't matter, this row is enough for now.

The overlord Kazak had no idea that there were so many "rebels" who coveted his life hiding next to his resting place. The moment they rushed out, Kazak was really taken aback.

It also thought that Dellano's strong men gathered together to kill it, but after getting over the panic at the beginning and adapting to the discomfort of being weakened by the moonlight, Kazak was also relieved.

These guys who came to assassinate it are very powerful, and they can be regarded as good hands among all mortals.

But the quantity is too small!

With just such a few people, you still want to provoke the commander of the legion?

It's Kazak!

It is the doomsday overlord!

It is the first doomguard to surrender to Lord Sargeras!

It is the direct line of the dark titan diehard!

Its power was bestowed by the Dark Titan himself. They are the loyal dogs and servants of Lord Sargeras in the Burning Legion, and they are the closest and most trusted "guards" of the Dark Titan!

If it weren't for the doomsday guards' general IQ arrears, Kazak, as the commander, would not be a smart guy in every sense, otherwise there would be fraudsters and polluters?

However, guys with low IQ are generally good at cutting people.

Kazak is all kinds of leaders.

This breaks through the demigod completely with personal strength, and the doomsday overlord, who is also considered a top powerhouse in the Burning Legion, sneers and throws a group of shadow arrows to force back the surrounding besiegers, and raises the scorching blade made entirely of fel energy to fight Hack and kill.

Even Altruis, the sufferer, incarnated as a demonic tyrant, couldn't resist Kazak's ruthless slash head-on.

To be honest, this guy's strength is a bit beyond the upper limit that a demon hunter can deal with.

Even during the War of the Ancients, under the leadership of Lord Illidan, they had to pay huge casualties to deal with such a ruthless character.

And now that Lord Illidan is away, this group of cautious demon hunters led by the stinky pirates actually launched a death charge against their completely invincible opponents.

Are they secretly brainwashed by stinky pirates?

Otherwise, it cannot be explained that they did not have any ideological objections in accepting this crazy plan.

At the moment when he was trampled away by Kazak's fierce and violent hell, this nonsensical idea suddenly appeared in the victim's mind.

Had the demon hunters, by their subtle influence, made Bu Laike Shaw as credible as Lord Illidan?



"I am the overlord of the doomsday! I am the death god of all worlds! I am Kazak! You waste, this sad moonlight can't save you! Die!"

Kazak, who killed the top, roared and waved his huge wings, allowing himself to rise into the air and at the same time gather evil energy to collide, summoning the crazy evil energy all over the platform to turn into meteorite bombardment.

There is no way to avoid this wave of full-screen attacks, and they can only rely on everyone's defense to resist.

Fortunately for the watchmen, they were wearing plate armor after all.

Their moon god's blessing can also help them resist part of the evil energy erosion, but the blind people will be very miserable.

In order to pursue the ultimate agility, these guys choose leather armor, and they can only rely on their own evil power to forcibly resist damage in the form of a demon.

As a result, Kazak's explosive attack caused seven or eight blind men to withdraw from the battlefield.

Thanks to the blessing of the moonlight, these guys would not die if they were injured, but this made a gap in the power to besiege Kazak in an instant.

The result of a problem with the combat system is fatal, especially when facing demigods and demons, the doomsday overlord laughed and triggered liquid hellfires to fall from the sky, along with those titans that are more brutal than ordinary hellfire structures around the platform Standing up, the warriors who had surrounded Kazak were unexpectedly surrounded.

What's more terrible is that the demons in the Karabo Temple have already rushed towards this side, and the watchmen who blocked the demons in front of the staircase gate can't stand it anymore.

Seeing that the assassination attempt was about to fail and everyone was preparing to do their best, Bu Laike finally arrived late.

The stinky pirate carrying something appeared from the moonlight, looked around at the miserable scene, blinked his eyes, and instantly summed up the main reason why everyone made such a miserable situation.

"Oh, this is the result of the dungeon with only T and DPS, but no milk! I made a mistake, I should have brought Akama or Velen together.

Powerful treatment is not available, so they can only fight with their lives.

Thank you for your hard work. "

The stinky pirate curled his lips, watching Kazak, the doomsday overlord with an invincible attitude, descending from the mid-air arrogantly flapping his wings, and he threw the thing he was dragging over violently.

There was a loud bang.

The severely burned and smashed head of Demon King Kruul rolled on the ground like a football and finally stopped at Kazak's feet.

The moonlight pouring down on the ground made it look extremely clean, so the dark green bloodstains drawn by this head on the ground looked so dazzling.

Kazak looked at the head of his most loyal and capable lieutenant, the pain before death remained in the only remaining eyeball, which can be understood by looking at the scars on its face.

To be able to make such an expression on a powerful demon proves that Krul must have suffered some terrible torture before he died.

But the problem is, Kazak didn't feel Kruul's soul returning to the Twisting Nether.

"Hey, are you looking for this?"

Bo Laike waved his hand.

The void tentacles lingering in his palms are entangled and tearing at Kruul's painful soul. The demon soul of this doomguard blessed by fel energy has been mostly infected.

This means that it is no longer a pure demon creature, which also means that the BUG-level "resurrection mechanism" of the Burning Legion no longer works on this poor demon.

"Do you know whose name it called before it died? Kazak?"

Bu Laike let out a wicked laugh, and in front of the fire-breathing Kazak, he gathered his five fingers and mobilized the void power, like an invisible mill, quickly tearing and crushing Kurul's demon soul.

Amidst the mournful wailing, this sad and cruel guy was sacrificed to the will of the void by the pirates himself.

it died.

Really dead.

There is no longer any possibility of resurrection!

"My dear Lord Doomsday Overlord, don't feel sorry for the death of your loyal dog leg, there is no need for any regrets, because

You, too, are going to accompany it soon.

The road to the Void Hell is so tough, having more people means more happiness and warmth, and you have such a good relationship with it, you can't bear to see it go on the road alone, right? "

Bu Laike drew the Wolf's Edge and slapped it on the shoulder.

When he raised his head, the eyes under the black owl helmet were full of blood-red brutality, and behind the pirate emerged a light interlaced with nature and evil energy, and his herd of beasts was being summoned.

Frostclaws, great horns, screaming sky.

Clinfran, Daglop, Glazer, and four looming vengeful spirits forged by the souls of the mogu kings.

The black and white swords flew from both sides of the platform steps with cheers, and their blades were still stained with miserable blood and flesh. With a face of reluctance, but there is no way to retreat, and the Eredar twins who have no choice but also emerge from the entanglement of flames and shadows.

The power of the herd is growing.

Let these guys who responded to the call be endowed with enhancements that only belong to the glory of the black emperor, so that Bo Laike has a wolf pack that can tear everything apart.


Is it just that?

No no no, of course more than that.

At this moment, Laike released the hunting secret gifted by Mo Ke Nasa, the old beast king Laio Rocks. His herd of beasts was expanding, and all the people who were still fighting on the entire platform heard the call from the wilderness.

"Hahaha, you learned it, you finally learned it!"

Rexxar, who was covered in blood, covered his arms and let out a hearty laugh. He patted his war bear Misha and responded to the call without hesitation, and the herd expanded again.

Then came the Void Wardens under Commander Sera Moonguard, the blind Illidari under Altruis the Sufferer, and finally the Orthodox Wardens under Commander Nassa.

One after another, beasts roared in everyone's hearts, and the power of beasts dissipated like a halo.

There is a beast in everyone, so why not fight like a beast? Under the leadership of the cruel, dark, evil and cunning beast king, he turned into a herd of crazy beasts and shredded everything in front of him.

"It's so lively, come on, let me give you a status!"

Xalatas also came to join in the fun.

The power belonging to the ancient venerable swayed, and the will of hatred, anger and violence took root in the heart, making the roaring herd even more eager for blood.


The back of Kazak's neck, who was completely attracted by the attention, burst into blood, and the Moon Night God of War, who appeared in the moonlight concealment, slashed his war halberd into the body of the great demon.

It's like blowing the horn to fight back.

The pirate raised his head and looked at the shining moonlight above his head.

He felt a familiar will merge with the herd.

Well, this is probably the first time that the proud Ms. Maiev bowed her head in front of a man, right?

(end of this chapter)

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