Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1289 39. What Is Real Eye Contact? Do You Understand Now?

Chapter 1289 39. What is real eye contact? Do you understand now?

For those who are exposed to the mysterious animal power for the first time, they can easily lose their minds.

On this point, the druids have a great say, especially the feral druids. If they want to become beasts for a long time, they have to understand the power of beasts from the animal level.

And this often leads to very bad consequences.

The blending of humanity and bestiality will even make them forget their emotions and memories, forget that they were once human beings, and live like beasts until they are awakened by others.

And for the Beastmaster hunters who have mastered the power of beasts, they will face the same problem every time they activate the beasts to fight.

Bo Laike was once lost in the bestiality and lost his mind.

The result of that encounter was not bad, but for a smelly pirate with a strong desire to control, he didn't like the feeling of being out of control.

But just as the old beast king Leo Rocks once warned him, he will always encounter problems that cannot be solved with wisdom, and at that time he must choose to explode with his strongest strength.

such as now


The invincible doomsday overlord Kazak fell on the platform of the Karabor Temple like a collapsed mountain, and his blind eye revealed extreme inconceivability.

It seemed that until this moment, it didn't think that this group of damned mortals could resist the powerful power that Lord Sargeras had bestowed on it.

But it turns out that a group of mortals from a magical world can always create all kinds of incredible miracles.

The body of the doomsday overlord full of evil energy is now riddled with holes. It's like jumping into a river full of piranhas to take a bath.

In the arms, waist and abdomen, you can even see thick bones through the torn wounds, and the recurved legs are even more miserable, and all the flesh and blood have been gnawed off by the crazy beasts and demons.

It can no longer even support its heavy body.

The self-healing ability of the twisted flesh and blood that the demon race is proud of is useless at this time, because the speed of self-healing is simply not as fast as the speed of being destroyed.

Not to mention the damned moonlight in the sky weakening its power.

It shouldn't be like this!

Kazak, who was seriously injured, struggled. It tried to stand up again, but the soul fire wrapped in the void hit Kazak's forehead hard, breaking its demon horn and making Kazak finally efforts failed.

The remaining eyes of the doomsday overlord turned to look at the man in front of him.

Bu Laike Shaw is the only man who can stand on this cruel battlefield so far, and everyone else has fallen to the ground in a mess.

Everyone has terrible fatal wounds.

He could only hold his last breath with the "blood lock hanging" and moonlight blessing attached to the soul link of the herd.

Kazak's violent force cuts down nearly everyone who challenges it, but fueled by bestial rage, these lunatics continue to fight even with their teeth.

This created the tragic scene in front of me.

Every fight that took part in this assassination took its last breath, but they did it!

The strongest demon in the world of Dellano, the most violent lieutenant of Kil'jaeden, the powerful commander of the Burning Legion, and the loyal demon empowered by the dark titan Sargeras were defeated by their successive attacks.

This guy is definitely the strongest opponent that Laike has faced since his debut.

Except, of course, Queen Azshara.

But even if Azshara came here personally, it would not be so easy to deal with the berserk Kazak.

"This is impossible."

The doomsday overlord looked at the stinky pirate who was limping towards it, and the powerful demon neighed like a defeated dog at this moment.

it growled:

"This is impossible! How could a group of bastards be able to defeat the power of the invincible legion!"

The pirate walked forward, he reached out and grabbed his owl helmet, took off the helmet covered with scorched fel energy, and threw it at his feet. Amid the crisp collision sound, the blood-red animalism in his eyes was fading.

In this battle, Laike also played miserably, almost in a state of exhaustion.

The black and white swords buzzed and followed their master, and the two sword girls tried their best not to howl, even though they had reached their limit.


Bu Laike waved the wolf's edge and slammed it on Kazak's big face, without any tricks, just like pure venting, he cursed as he smashed:

"Ignorant fool, you don't know anything about 'possibles'. You bastard, look at you, you've exhausted my comrades, and we're sore from chopping you!

but it does not matter!

Your guy's got a fancy head too, I'll take it off, treat it well and leave it on my boat. Well, your head is sure to be the best stern of the Naglfar!

But I also don't want to hear the whining of your defeated dog.

It's noisy! "

The pirate dropped the head of the wolf, and stretched out his hand to grab Salameni who was closed beside him.

Clutching the hilt of the sword with both hands, he pierced forward fiercely, piercing through Kazak's eyeball, and pouring the power of the void into the blade, smashing the brain of the doomsday overlord who was seriously injured and dying.

"You...will die too!"

As expected of a demigod demon, under such a terrifying injury, it didn't die immediately.

It bears the terror and torment of death, and casts its final curse on Laike and his henchmen:

"You are the bravest people in this world but if you die here, what hope is there in this world? Haha, my death will win the victory for the Legion!

Long live Lord Sargeras!


kill them all! what! "

In the twitching desperate cry of the doomsday overlord, the power of the void quickly invaded Kazak's weak soul under the manipulation of Xal'atath, making it impossible for him to escape back to the Twisting Nether to be resurrected.

There was no way Bo Laike could just let it go.

Said to let it die here, it will not give it the possibility of resurrection.

It's hard work, but not impossible.

Especially in the case that Xalatas has "transferred" to the ancient venerable, it is only a slightly difficult "challenge" to go all out to corrupt a weak soul that is dying.

"It's hot, bastard!"

The terrifying scorching heat from both arms represented the huge heart energy pouring into the pirate's body, which made him utter a strange cry rarely. How terrifying is the anima of a demigod demon?

This is probably the richest "big meal" that the stinky pirates have had this year.

"Eat, eat hard for me!"

He slapped the humming Saramani, let the sister swords help him share the pressure as much as possible, and threw Kazak's anima fragments into the experience slot of his legendary career of the watchman, which was almost full.

But he has also challenged a lot of powerful enemies during this time, especially the "experience" he gained from the remnants of Sha Demon after wandering around Pandaria has brought the Watcher profession to level 11, which is only one step away from the full level.

Now Kazak's heart energy poured in, swiftly pushing Laike's attainments in the Way of the Warden to perfection.

On the character card shaking in front of his eyes, the career template of the watchman has also changed from "elite" to "leader", which means that the door to a more advanced career path has been opened to him.

He has already met the prerequisites for the mythical profession of "Moon Night God of War".

But now, the pirates are too tired.

All the bones in his body were whining.

He really couldn't get up the energy to think about the following things. After taking out Kazak's heart energy with difficulty, Bu Laike sat down on the ground.

He looked at the orange-yellow anima ball held in both hands in front of him.

This thing seemed rare at first glance, but Laike didn't bother to care about it, casually threw it into a special anima container, and leaned against Kazak's still hot head, intending to close his eyes and take a little rest.

But soon, the moonlight that shrouded the temple dimmed and dissipated. Without the purification of the moonlight, the evil energy that polluted the place regained the upper hand.

The pirates could tell from the vibrations on the ground that the demons in the entire temple were rushing towards them.

He glanced back and saw that the guys lying all over the ground were unconscious and seriously injured, and even a tough guy like Rexxar was unconscious in Misha's arms.

And the big bear Misha's leg was broken, and this meeting was also on the verge of collapse.

This battle is really too miserable.


Maiev's figure appeared in front of the pirate's eyes. When he landed, he staggered and fell forward, lying in the arms of Bu Laike.

She was already injured, and she only briefly activated the power of Moon Night God of War during the moonlight blessing, and this battle completely exhausted all the energy of the warden lady.

She can hardly even speak now.

"The demons are coming to kill us."

Bu Laike looked at Maiev's bloody face in his arms, and said:

"Why don't you stand up and kill them all, you strong smelly woman? I'll applaud you here, aren't you amazing?"

"You go."

Maiev said weakly:

"We assassinated Kazak, which was enough to give Dellano's rebels a short period of time to strengthen their strength, which is a great thing, and it would not be embarrassing to die here.

and also

The Tricksters are advancing a plot against Velen, you must not. "

Before the warden could finish his sentence, the pirate covered his mouth with his hand. Laike stared at her, and put his other hand tremblingly next to his mouth, making a silent motion.

He blinked and said:

"I have an agreement with some very bad, very bad guys. This matter cannot be said. Just treat it as the reward I need for coming to rescue you this time, and you must keep it a secret!

Until the moment I was looking forward to. "

"You are crazy."

On the increasingly noisy dome platform, Ms. Shadowsong whispered:

"Once Velen is in crisis, the whole Dellano will be in crisis because of it, you don't even know they are planning"

"No, I know, it's just Frostmourne."

The pirate snorted and put his arms around Maiev's back.

He leaned on Kazak's huge demon horns, and whispered in Madam Warden's ear:

"I know this better than you, and you mustn't say it! Because it will do us no harm. As for Velen, he will be fine. Also, you owe me too much.

After we get out of here, you must tell me what I want to know!

The ones from 10,000 years ago, huh? "

When Bu Laike mentioned the key word ten thousand years ago, Maiev suddenly raised her head and bit on Bu Laike's lips fiercely.

The pirate was going to push the crazy woman away.

But his hands and his mouth obviously had a mind of their own, so when a group of violent demons howled and rushed into the dome platform to save their commander, it was a very strange picture.

There were assassins lying dying everywhere.

The invincible Kazak was already dead, and while the blood was flowing all over the ground, his huge lifeless head was still repeatedly cut around the neck by two black and white swords.

And in front of Lord Kazak's head, a man and a woman were hugging and kissing in a very unseemly gesture. The two people were covered with blood, but the dog and man were obviously very involved.


The woman's legs were wrapped around the man's waist.

Tsk tsk, is this something us demons can watch without paying?

Hey, if you do this, we shameless and violent demons will cover our eyes.

You bastards are still doing this in battle, it's a bit too arrogant, it's too much!

"They're watching, be serious."

Groups of demons surrounded him with the determination to avenge Kazak, scorching fel energy was spreading, and Bu Laike panted and pushed Maiev, who was also panting heavily, away.

He whispered:

"It's not like you're dying, why are you in such a hurry? I'm not interested in performing this in front of a group of demons."

"I just don't want you to keep asking those questions. I won't say it, and I don't want to say it now. I know you won't die here, but I don't have to."

The weak lady warden wanted to pick up the thorn knife wheel at hand, but she didn't even have the strength to raise the weapon, so she could only watch those ferocious demons rushing up from around the stairs.

They just approached Kazak's body so cautiously because they felt the destructive power of these guys in front of them.

But once they discovered that Boo Laike and the others had indeed reached their combat limit, they would kill without any hesitation.

"We seem to be dead."

Maiev seems to have given up too.

She closed her eyes, dropped her weapon, and lay down in the pirate's arms in a different position. She hugged Bo Laike tightly with both hands, and buried her head on the pirate's chest, showing a posture of weakness she had never had before.

Perhaps she was in a desperate situation, she said softly when she was dizzy and about to faint:

"But Lady Elune will be proud of us. This is the most glorious day of the Wardens. We have won hope for a world with our own blades.

Most importantly, it feels good to have you by my side at this time. "

"I'm not planning to die today."

Bu Laike hated this kind of unlucky words, he patted Maiev on the cheek to wake her up, in her current state, once she fell asleep, she might not be able to wake up.

He looked up at the darkened sky again.

A cloud of gloomy fel energy enveloped all light, and it seemed that all hope was gone.

"Hey! Velen! You're embarrassing me like this."

As the demons approached with weapons in their hands, the smelly pirate shouted to the sky:

"It's now! If you don't come, I will be teleported away! You can clean up this mess yourself."

The pirate's frantic yells made the savage demons around him laugh out loud, admiring the mortal man's dying ugliness.

Shout, shout, no one will come to save you if you shout your throat!

Lord Kazak is dead, someone must be responsible for it, your souls will be thrown into the forge of the legion and burned for thousands of years, or fed to the most humble hellhound


A sudden bright light interrupted the beautiful fantasy of the demons.

In the dazzling light curtain where the golden streamer is blooming like the morning sun, a waterfall full of holy light erupts from the sky above the dome platform. The dazzling scorching light makes the demons howl and back away, and also makes Bu Laike laugh like a howling wolf. Voice.

He looked at the huge spaceship above his head that emerged from the strange light curtain.

The weird crystal-like hull was forged from gem-like material, and it was suspended in the sky under the support of Naaru's charging, casting a huge shadow on the platform under the holy light released by Velen himself.

They eventually caught up.

And also dispatched their last "bastion of war".

Well, judging by the shape and color of this spaceship, this should be "Exodar", right? It's really beautiful without the naaru spaceship before it crashed because of the draenei's blind sailing.


In the golden teleportation streamer, a large number of draenei garrison officers were transported from the spaceship to the platform full of demons. They shouted the name of the holy light and rushed towards the cruel demons. Flew down, and poured out their wrath upon the demons upon their ancient cities.

Bu Laike shrugged his shoulders, stood up with difficulty, and pulled up the wide-eyed Mavell again. With the shouts of reinforcements shining golden above his head, he moved his tired body, and said to the lady warden beside him:

"Look, this is the cooperation of prophets and prophets. Now that the problem of draenei and demons has been temporarily resolved, it's time to talk about the matter between me and you, Maiev

Hey, don't pretend to be dizzy, you! wake me up! "

(end of this chapter)

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