Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1291 41. You Marry My Sister, I Marry Your Sister, Let's Discuss Each Other-【1/5】

Chapter 1291 41. You marry my sister, I marry your sister, let's talk about each other-【15】

(To add more to the "Sword of Filio" brothers!)

The Exodar, the draenei spaceship, is a frigate of the starship "Stormhold" fleet that this race uses to escape the attack of the Burning Legion across the stars.

This small fleet is not the property of the Draenei, it comes from the black technology of the Naaru who are now "deeply bound" to the Draenei civilization.

The naaru headed by Adal can be regarded as the "accompanying members" of the draenei, although these naaru have existed for much longer than the draenei.

And this Adal is also a well-known naaru. According to some gossip, it had some cooperation and contact with Zela, the mother of the Holy Light, but the two parties finally chose to part ways.

Probably the split caused by different ideas.

But apart from the Draenei, no one else has much interest in the complicated past of the "tangrams", and they basically avoid talking about it, appearing very mysterious.

Let's go back to the "Storm Fortress" fleet.

This thing sounds very powerful, but in fact it is completely unable to fight against the fleet of the Burning Legion in terms of combat effectiveness.

They have been fleeing all the time, and they could rely on the ancient seven Atama crystals to protect the fleet from damage, but more than two hundred years ago, when the Draenei drove the fleet to the world of Dellano, something happened. Little" surprise.

One of the most important energy ships in the fleet, the "Jinidal", crashed, which made it difficult for the draenei and naaru to start the fleet and enter the stars.

This is why the Draenei finally chose to spend more than two hundred years in the world of Dellano.

Apart from the fact that they were really tired from running away and didn't want to run away anymore, there were also real difficulties that could not be solved.

In short, although the Draenei civilization has spaceships that sound cool, cool and non-magical, they are not much different from other civilizations living on the earth now.

They can no longer return to live among the stars.

Now, the Exodar spacecraft was flying towards Hellfire Citadel at a constant speed, and the members on board were sitting nervously preparing for landing and transferring the wounded.

The death knights at Hellfire Citadel are also preparing to dock with this cool gem spaceship. They need to clear a landing area large enough to allow the spaceship to hover at low altitude.

This is the first time for the living death knights to do this, so it will take a little time.

On the spaceship, the young orc Thrall is taking care of the newly awakened orc warrior Rexxar. Thrall respects this Mo Kenasa-born hunter very much.

Because Rexxar did something great enough to be recorded in the history of the orcs.

However, it is not easy to get Rexxar, a dull gourd with severe social phobia, to speak up, especially when he is still worried about the safety of his pet.

"Eh? Why didn't you see Arthas?"

Thrall gave Rexxar's big bear Misha an elemental treatment, so he got up and wanted to see his human friends, but he couldn't find Arthas when he searched left and right in the hall, which made him a little puzzled .

Just when the young orc shaman was about to use spells to search for it, he was stopped by the orc assassin Garona who suddenly appeared.

"Your human friend is busy."

Garona, wearing a blood-red mask, stuffed an apple into Thrall's hand and said to him:

"You'd better not bother him right now."

"What is he busy with?"

Sal blinked and said:

"Is it related to His Excellency Bu Laike? To tell you the truth, Ms. Garona, I haven't seen Mr. Bu Laike for a long time. I also want to chat with him.

Maybe his dark wisdom can help me with some of the things I've been mulling over right now. "

"Uh, then I suggest you go at least thirty minutes later."

Garona shrugged, folded her arms and said to Thrall:

"Alsace is busy getting beaten up. Thirty minutes is about right, including the time he spent talking to Boo Laike after he was beaten up, and besides, I think you'd better not get involved in what they're discussing now.

It's easy to get you hurt too. "

"The more you say that, the more curious I become."

Thrall took a bite of the apple, touched his Doomhammer, and whispered:

"If I'm just passing by, it shouldn't be a problem to accidentally 'overhear' something, right? After all, Mr. Bo Laike is also a reasonable person."

"Then you can go and see if Bo Laike really 'reasons'. Woohoo, this is the funniest joke I've heard this year, and I'm going to share it with Khadgar.

He must have laughed too. "

Garona let out a weird laugh, took a step back and disappeared, Thrall hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't take the risk, and went back to "exchange feelings" with Rexxar.

In a utility room on the lower level of the Exodar ship, Laike sat on a supply box, wiggling his fingers.

In front of his eyes, Prince Alsace, who had several fist marks on his face, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth in displeasure, and clenched his fists into a gladiator posture.

There was undisguised anger in his eyes.

"What the hell did you do to my sister! You bastard!"

Arthas roared:

"you answer me!"

"Didn't I answer everything?"

The pirate was smoking a pipe, and said with a displeased face:

"Use your fist to give a very detailed answer. Didn't you understand? You can't even understand this. I'm starting to question the gold content of you, a human sword master."


Hearing Laike's nonchalant answer, Arthas' anger soared, he jumped into the windwalk, and punched the pirate twice in the face as fast as lightning.

If other people were here, it would be difficult to avoid the surprise attack of a qualified sword master, but could Bu Laike be an ordinary person?

He didn't even get up, sat there and shook his body for a while, let Alsace's fist rub against his cheek, and took advantage of the gap when the little prince returned to defense, counterattacked with a sharp "throat-cutting hand", like It was a superficial tap on Alsace's throat.

This monk skill from Shado-Pan Monastery is very useful.

Alsace, who was hit immediately, took two steps back while clutching his throat. His throat was hit hard, making him feel like he couldn't breathe.

"If you want an answer, I'll give you the answer."

Bo Laike seemed a little irritated by Alsace's entanglement. He stood up, took down his pipe, exhaled a smoke ring, rolled up his sleeves and moved forward, saying:

"Your older sister, Calia Menethil, is the most famous beauty princess in the human kingdom, and I am a greedy and lustful stinky pirate. You should not have forgotten that before the outbreak of the Dalaran incident, your older sister and I Had a few days of personal interaction.

I will tell you.

All the things that should be done and should not be done, the things that are gentlemanly and not gentlemanly, the purest and most impure things between men and women.

I've done to her the most decent and nasty things your little mind can think of.

Does this answer satisfy you? "

Arthas' throat was hit so hard that he couldn't speak for a while, but he proved his determination to defend his family with actions, and the blood-red Lionheart Slayer jumped into his palm.

The little prince stood where he was, holding his sword in both hands, in a posture that looked like a Jedi knight preparing to fight.

The light in his blue eyes meant he wasn't joking.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to use the knife, I'm afraid."

Bu Laike shrugged, raised his hands, and said helplessly:

"I don't know where you idiot heard the gossip, but what I want to tell you is that your sister and I are just a purely political alliance.

I push her to be the queen of Lordaeron, and she provides me with the necessary benefits.

For such a high-end transaction, it is very troublesome to have a physical connection, and your sister agreed to my condition because I also agreed to her request.

At a suitable time in the future, with my help, she will return the throne to you.

But looking at you now, it seems that you have no interest in becoming a king. Your enthusiasm and anticipation for fighting make you a lone wolf.

You enjoy your life, I can see it in your eyes.

Put down your sword, idiot.

I don't want to have to rack my brains to explain to my political partner why her stupid brother lost a hand or a leg. "

"Is everything you said true?"

Hearing Bu Laike's explanation, Arthas put down his sword suspiciously. He rubbed his throat and said in a very uncomfortable voice:

"My gut is telling me I should probably trust you, but my reason is saying you can't be trusted."

"Then don't play with your reason, it's a bad friend who will ruin you. Trust your intuition. For the Juggernaut, whose life and death are always between seconds, intuition is your trustworthy good partner."

Bu Laike took a few steps back, leaned against the supply box behind him, folded his arms and said:

"You tell me first, where did you get the information about Azeroth? Also, how did you know about your sister and my relationship? Only your father should be able to vaguely guess this matter.

The reason why he must launch an attack on our fleet in the North Sea is also due to this factor.

The old king felt that my private involvement in Lordaeron Wang Quan's inheritance offended his dignity, so he decided to give me some color. "

"My sister wrote to tell me."

Alsace did not hide his news channel. He threw the Lionheart Slayer, who drank the blood of demons today, back into his bag, sat on a supply box and said sadly:

"Through Old Garni's information channel, my sister and I keep in touch with each other once a month. I can feel the secrets hidden in my sister's heart, and her letters will reveal many complex emotions.

At first she was reluctant to say it, but then she probably was too stressed and told me everything, but she didn't talk about your political dealings with her.

It's just that she is not free now, and the source is you.

She thanks you for saving her from Deathwing's clutches, but she doesn't like her life now, and she wants me to go home and inherit the throne, but as you said."

The little prince sighed and spread his hands:

"I'm really not interested in that seat now.

I just want to complete my Juggernaut trial in Dellano, return to my hometown with strength, and protect my people and my family with the sword in my hand.

Just like the life of His Excellency Thalorian Dawnseeker, the "Guardian Swordsman" of Quel'Thalas, that is the example I want to learn from. "

"Why study him?"

Bu Laike pouted and said:

"A coward who chose to bury his love for the sake of the country and the people! If he had had more courage when he was young, he wouldn't have allowed Dai Lin's wild boar to bury such a good Chinese cabbage.

My stupid sister can live a happier life because of it.

Now, little fool, I've told you all the truth now, don't bother me in the future, the inheritance of the throne of your Menethil family is your own business.

I don't care who sits on the throne, my share of interests must be guaranteed, that's all.

Your sister is so tired, why don't you find her a good husband to help her, there are many heroes in the human kingdom, such as Grand Knight Turalyon, and General Danas Trollbane.

If your sister doesn't mind the age gap, Prince Liam of Gilneas can also consider it, and Genn will definitely agree with it. "

"It's easy for you to think."

Alsace glared at the stinky pirate, and complained:

"Who dares to marry my sister when she has a political alliance with you? What's more, the deathwing incident has not yet passed, and my sister's reputation in the northern Xinjiang aristocratic circle is very bad.

There are vicious rumors everywhere that she is a 'Dragon Rider'. "

Having said this, the little prince stopped suddenly, he thought of a good idea, and looked at Bu Laike in front of him with a strange look.

That look was so weird that even the stinky pirate could feel it.

He scowled and said:

"I feel that you are thinking about some very rude things. I advise you not to continue thinking about it, so as not to be beaten again!"

"You marry my sister! Bu Laike. No, Your Highness Drake."

Arthas jumped up with bright eyes, and said to Bo Laike:

"Your status and status are all right, and you are in the right family, and before you encountered the disaster of war, my royal father and your father did have a private communication, and they wanted to marry my sister into the Proudmoore family.

This is a very suitable marriage!

Besides, my sister's reputation has spread throughout the human kingdoms, so it's not an insult to you!

Don't you care about your interests?

If you marry my elder sister, you will become Lordaeron's rightful prince, your interests will become our common interests, and everyone will be satisfied!

Even my father.

Although he may be very angry, but after he calms down, he will definitely be satisfied. "

"You're crazy!"

Bu Laike scolded with staring eyes:

"Give your own sister to a notorious pirate with your own hands! What the hell did you get infected with orc magic in Dellano? Did you sacrifice your own brain to the Burning Blade clan in exchange for this sword master legacy? ?

Or, no matter how smart a guy is, he will become so stupid after becoming a warrior?

and also!

How did you know my real identity? "

Bu Laike asked:

"Although this fact is already known to everyone who should know it, but you have been enjoying yourself in Dellano during this time, so old Gani will not tell you this in such a rude manner!

It scared me to death.


Who told you that? Is it Velen? Or wait! "

The smelly pirate suddenly thought of a very scary possibility.

His face turned gloomy in an instant, and he flashed before Alsace's eyes with a whoosh, lifting the little prince from the spot with his neck strangled.

He scolded:

"You're still in touch with little Jaina? Did she even tell you this? Damn it! Did you forget what I told you when you left Azeroth?

Do you just want to experience the joy of walking on crutches for the rest of your life?

I can satisfy you right now.

You idiot!


There was a strange light in your eyes when you suggested me to marry your sister just now. Well, you, Arthas, it seems that Dellano's travels have taught you a lot. "

Bu Laike threw the little prince on the ground sinisterly, gathered a shadow throwing knife in his hand with a swish, and stuck out his tongue from the corner of his mouth pervertedly to lick the blade shaped by the shadow.

He said to Alsace:

"You're thinking something terrible, little prince, you've been contaminated by the evil god called 'Slaanesh', but don't worry, Doctor Bo Laike is very experienced in this area.

I will use a masterful amputation to restore you to the pure Light.

When I was chatting with Calia last time, I remembered she said that she really wanted a younger sister. It’s awesome that Her Royal Highness Princess Calia’s wish will come true today.

From now on, you will be called Her Royal Highness Princess Alsace Menethil.

Don't be afraid.

It just hurts a bit, bear with it and you’ll be fine.”

(end of this chapter)

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