Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1292 42. Please, My Little Devil, But I Really Need This Cool Thing-【2/5】

Chapter 1292 42. Please, my little devil, but I really need this cool thing-【25】

(Add more for the "Sword of Xiang Fei Liou" brothers)

Bu Laike's attempt to turn Alsace into "Alsace" failed in the end, mainly because Lord Maraad, the Holy Light Chosen who came here suddenly, opened the door of the storage room.

The indifferent and responsible garrison officer heard the screams and begging for mercy from the utility room, and when he knocked open the door, he saw the little Alsace begging for mercy with a panicked face tied to the supply box , while Braike next to him was nervously wearing a white coat, trying to move a knife to the place where little Alsace was.

Such a brutal act is not allowed to happen on the Exodar spaceship, so Maraad sternly drinks Bu Laike back, and saves the little prince who is in danger.

This behavior made Bo Laike very unhappy.

He dispersed the Shadow Flying Knife in his hand, folded his arms and looked at the God of Light in front of him. He complained:

"If you rushed back to Telmo City back then at one-tenth of the speed you rushed to disrupt the situation today, maybe the people in that city who were protected by you would have survived.

Lord Vindicator, I am in the way. "

This seemingly ordinary remark fell into Maraad's ears, and immediately made the garrison officer change his face. He turned his head and stared at Bo Laike, and the stinky pirate stared back without fear.

He curled his lips and said again:

"It is said that Lord Maraad has eyes to distinguish good from evil, but in my opinion your eyes are not sharp enough, for example, you didn't even discover the true identity of the young orc who stayed with Arthas.

Did you know that his father's name is Durotan

It was one of the culprits who caused the destruction of Telmo City by the orcs. Unfortunately, your sister was also captured in that disaster.


Vindicator, have you also been taught by the Holy Light to learn to forgive? If even a butcher like Durotan can forgive, why not your niece?

Garona came back to this world with the intention of reuniting with her family, but you treated her as a shame. Don't you see her eyes exactly like your sister's? "

"Everyone I talk to in Azeroth is telling me that Bu Laike Shaw is a nuisance."

Maraad suppressed his anger and replied coldly:

"Now I understand their emotions. You are a good person, but unfortunately you have opened your mouth. I won't bother you about my family affairs, Your Excellency Bo Laike.

The Exodar is a peaceful area, and all types of private fighting are prohibited here!

Any conflicts between you and His Highness Alsace, please leave this ship and resolve them yourself. "

After finishing speaking, Shengguang Shenxuan glanced at Alsace with a happy expression on his face. He turned and left in silence, but kept clenching his fists.

Obviously, Laike's vicious provocation had accumulated anger in the Vindicator's heart. He just followed the teachings of the Holy Light and did not explode on the spot.


Watching Maraad leave, the stinky pirate looked at Alsace coldly again, and he warned:

"Put away your little thoughts! Otherwise, no one will save you next time."

"Then make it clear first!"

Alsace is also going all out. As a Juggernaut, he possesses the trademark straightness of warriors, unwilling to evade questions, and only wants to get answers.

The little prince gritted his teeth, poked his neck and asked:

"Are you not allowing me to associate with Jaina? Or do you want to test me like testing other people? I declare in advance! I have already embarked on the path of Juggernaut, and I do not allow any weakness in my heart.

I will definitely pursue what I believe to the end! No matter how dangerous it is, sir. "

"Hell, you're only thirteen."

Bu Laike slapped his face with a slap, and said in a desperate tone:

"Seeing the younger age of neurotics really makes me feel hopeless about the future of human civilization."

This answer made Alsace's eyes light up.

He seemed to be much smarter than other fighters, so he immediately asked:

"So... as long as you are an adult? Eighteen years old?"

"No, the legal age is twenty-two, you idiot!"

Bu Laike waved his hand very irritably and said:

"You can only start formal contacts when you are eighteen years old. If you want to set a lifetime, you must be twenty-two years old. Don't ask me why.

You just need to know that if you dare to take a step beyond the taboo before then, no matter where you are, I will finish what I didn't finish today.

I'm not the stubborn type either.

Especially after I saw the two of you entangled in almost every possible future, I knew I couldn't fight fate even if it was magical.

I won't stop your future, but you also give me treats!

Now, in the name of the way of the warrior and the Menethil family, swear before me that until the age of twenty-two, you and Jaina can only be friends! "


Although Alsace was still a little dissatisfied.

But considering the identity of the person in front of him and his strength, the little prince felt that it was a very happy ending for him to win the current treatment.

But before he raised his hand to swear, the precocious little prince asked in a low voice, coyly:

"That. What is the scale of your so-called taboo?"


This dangerous question made the expression of the pipe-smoking pirate gloomy again. He glared at Alsace and scolded:

"It's taboo from the neck down! If you hold hands up, you'll be beaten! Please restrain yourself when it comes to kissing, hugging and holding high, and you can't stick it. Do you understand?"

"Isn't this too strict?"

Alsace despaired.

But under Laike's "friendly and amiable" gaze, he still swore obediently. At the moment when the oath was fulfilled, the little prince felt a cold force pouring into his body, and then he saw Bo Laike smiling.

"very good."

The pirate raised his finger, and a cloud of faint purple light danced on his fingertips.

He said negatively:

"This oath was jointly witnessed by the 'Ancient Venerable' and her handsome and humble human servants. It is a void oath imposed on your soul. You can violate the oath at will, as long as you can afford the price, I have no objection."

"I'm not the kind of duplicity!"

Arthas folded his arms like Bo Laike, and he declared with a certain reserve:

"Although I have left the Holy Light, I have always abided by the Paladin's code, and I will not break the promise I made willingly. However, Lord Laike, after talking about me and Jaina, we should also talk about you It's about my sister.

Being meddled by you, coupled with the bad incident of Deathwing before, it is estimated that it will be very difficult for my sister to marry in her entire life.

I also don't want her to be wronged.

You must give my sister an explanation! "

"I don't care about the adult's business, you little brat! Go, go and play wrestling with your orc friends."

Bu Laike drove in a vicious voice:

"Hurry up and tell him that I 'accidentally' leaked his life experience to Maraad, and told him to be careful when he comes in contact with the Draenei later, so as not to be knocked down from behind by the sneak attack of Holy Light and Justice.

You have to know that the harm his father caused to the Draenei back then cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences. After careful calculation, Garona actually had enough reasons to stab Thrall in the dark.

Both her and her mother's tragedies had something to do with Sal's father. "


Alsace said in surprise:

"But Thrall himself doesn't seem to know this."

"He knows shit!"

The smelly pirate snorted and said in a strange tone:

"It's good for an orc raised by humans to return to his compatriots, but can he be expected to figure out what his father did in such a short period of time?

Tch, Thrall will spend his whole life repaying the debt owed by Durotan, well, hurry up and get out!

Don't bother me here. "

Alsace, who was driven away by Bo Laike's vicious voice, left the utility room. Seeing the door slam shut behind him, the little prince curled his lips in displeasure.

But when he thought of finally getting the approval of His Royal Highness Derek Proudmoore, his mood became better again.

Although he is only thirteen years old now, there are still nearly ten years before he turns twenty-two.

But it doesn't matter, he can afford to wait!

After all, this is the burning and firm will of a warrior of pure love.——

"The little guy was still humming a song before he left. He was in a really good mood, so happy."

Xal'atath whispered in Bu Laike's ear:

"However, if he knows what you did to the oath just now, he probably won't be happy. Dare to swear a soul-related oath in front of an ancient venerable, this little guy doesn't look very good. Smart."

"It's just to prevent him from doing something he shouldn't do, and it doesn't mean anything malicious."

Bu Laike snorted, sat in the dark utility room, and said indifferently:

"It's best if he keeps his oath, but if he's a duplicitous villain, I'll let him know what cruelty is. Hey, do you need a knife to castrate something like this?

The void impact erupting in the depths of the soul is enough to completely turn him into little Jaina's "best friend" from the cognitive level.

Well, let's not talk about them, it's really annoying.

Let's get down to business. "

The pirate exhaled the smoke ring, and took out the anima container from his luggage. He didn't have time to look at the "good things" he got from Kazak until now.

With a soft click, the heart energy container in his hand was opened, and the beating hot heart energy bloomed in front of the pirate with an orange light that made him feel happy.

The words that dance on the character card are a testament to how powerful it is:

Name: Kazak's Last Curse

Quality: legendary

Requirements: Fel/Arcane/Shadow, Warlock/Spellcaster related professions

special effects:

1. Doomsday:

All the user's attacks will inflict the [Doomsday] curse on the enemy, and after the one-minute countdown ends, the magic power of the enemy will be drawn to summon the [Legendary] Doomsday Guard to join the battle.

If the enemy has no magic power, it will absorb life force instead, and exert a huge amount of destructive power in the enemy's body that ignores defense.

The number of curses that can exist at the same time: [9/9].

2. Titan Transformation:

The user can use Kazak’s power endowed by the dark titan Sargeras to complete the [promotion] of life forms. After accepting this power, all life forms will be transformed into [legendary races, Titan casting, demons], And has all the spellcasting and combat talents and some related abilities of the doomsday overlord Kazak.

The number of times this effect can be used: [1/1]

Item description:

The loyal Kazzak once guarded the demon cage Mardum for the Pantheon, but when the Dark Titan came, he convinced himself to devote his loyalty to Sargeras.

As the first doomguard commander to join the Burning Legion, Kazak's loyalty has been supremely commended.

Additional Notes:


Because it has the highest level of life transformation effect, this heart energy cannot be inlaid, and forcibly inlaying it will cause the special effect of [Titan Casting] to lose its effect.


Braike fondly played with the scorching anima in his hands. This was the first time he had encountered a "transformation" type of anima. The effect of this thing is amazing, falling into the hands of a group of warlocks can make them laugh in their dreams speak up.

As long as you use it, you can have the talent and vitality of a demigod demon without any pain. This kind of tyrannical effect is like a "transformation item" that can only be obtained by krypton gold bosses.

Just for this effect, how come you have to spend 9999999, right?

"Things are good, but I can't use them."

Laike had a little headache on how to deal with this thing again. If it can't be socketed in the socket of the Luna armor, it means that the pirates need to use it.

But once the stinky pirate transforms his life form into a demon, it means that he will lose the favor of the moon god Elune in an instant, and because of the possession of evil energy, he will lose his connection with the will of the void.

This is a result that the pirates cannot accept anyway.

"It's a bit too wasteful to just throw it to other people. The shameful warlocks under my command don't deserve such a good thing."

Bu Laike stroked his chin, and a few seconds later, he waved the eredar twins out.

After the twins appeared, they put on a lying face that was more mournful than heartbroken. They had been tricked by stinky pirates before, which made them unable to gain a foothold in the legion.

The fate of being caught made them unhappy.

Even suffering from jade jade disease.

"What are you doing with a bitter face? It would be a good thing to be able to get rid of that bastard's rule of Kil'jaeden. Just smile, and see that I have prepared gifts for you."

Bo Laike grinned and split the heart energy in his hand into two.

This action looks exaggerated, but in fact it just changed the shape of the ball of anima, and the true power of this thing will not dissipate just because of the shape change.

"Come, half of each person, eat it."

The pirate handed the two balls of anima to Gemini, and Gemini accepted the scorching anima blankly, and they smelled the scorching fel energy from this strange thing.

There was also a call to power, which made the twins look at each other, although they were extremely wary of what Laike was handing, the two sisters were indeed a little moved now.

When girls are in a bad mood, they have to eat something good to adjust.

And Bu Laike also said persuasively:

"Eating it will allow you to reshape a stronger demon body, and the blessing of Kazak's combat talent will also make the strength of the two of you soar.

In my estimation, when you fully grasp the power of this anima, you will not be far from becoming a powerful demigod.

You see, I am really much more generous than Kil'jaeden, and I won't treat you badly if I do things for me.

Oh, and an important point! "

Bu Laike stretched out his hands, waved his fingers in front of his demons, and emphasized:

"When you shape your body, you must remember to make beautiful wings. I don't want to let myself experience the embarrassing scene in the Jade Forest again.

In some occasions where I am in style, I really need a pair of huge and mighty wings to add momentum to me.

So, my dear demons, I leave this to you. "

(end of this chapter)

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