Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1294 44. Smelly Pirate, You Still Say This Is Not A Personal Grudge? -【4/5】

Chapter 1294 44. Smelly pirate, you still say this is not a personal grudge? -【45】

(Add more for the "Sword of Xiang Fei Liou" brothers)

The black technology engineering of the Draenei people is still very powerful.

As a civilization that has developed for more than 50,000 years, when the Draenei were still Eredars and lived happily in the world of Argus, they had already entered the development stage of star exploration, otherwise they would not have encountered them passing by The ancient naaru in the world were also gifted with artifacts.

But since then, Eredar civilization has started to take the two routes of technology and magic.

Their own engineering level is extremely high, coupled with the help of naaru's magical black technology, the level of this group of draenei technicians is almost ten times higher than that of their counterparts in Azeroth.

Also, the mechanical gnomes who have also begun to master the black technology of Titan can compete with them.

But seeing that everyone can control the Naaru spacecraft skillfully, even if the mechanical gnomes invite back the black technology genius King Mechagon who has turned into a data ghost, they may not necessarily be the opponents of the Draenei.

In short, with the full efforts of these old technicians, after two hours, the legion communicator that was removed from the Karabo Temple resumed its operation.

After the sufferer Altruis and the high-level hunter Arantine personally contributed their own fel energy as the starting energy, this rough machine with a very demonic style finally started to operate.

This news immediately alarmed a group of bigwigs who were "drinking tea and chatting", and the powerhouses of Velen and Azeroth rushed over to watch the conversation across the star sea.

"Argus, our homeland, the ancient world far beyond the boundaries of the stars and separated by countless galaxies."

The gentle prophet is a very personable leader.

He easily gained the friendship and favor of difficult guys like High Lord Ravencrest and the cynical Old Buckhelm in just two hours through conversation and his own temperament.

Under the gaze of a group of people, the old draenei who is said to have lived for 30,000 years sighed and told the ancient story in a nostalgic tone.

"I still remember the day when I left our homeland with my people who were devoted to the light, and that day happened to be the most important summer festival for the eredar.

It was supposed to be the busiest day in the whole world, but darkness chose to fall at that time. "

Velen said sadly:

"When we saw the stalwart figure of the Dark Titan appearing at the end of the world, his dark aura even obscured the light of the sun and the stars, and when it bestowed the blessing of darkness on the sky of the world of Argus, we knew that we would forever lost our world.

It was disaster day.

That is the common painful memory in the hearts of all Draenei. "

The Prophet made a gesture of prayer, and the people around him could also feel the undisguised pain from his words. Put yourself in their shoes and think that if such a thing happened in Azeroth, they would suffer as much as the Prophet .

No, they didn't even have a chance to recall the past with a painful tone.

After all, Azeroth does not have a black-tech spacecraft that can carry a group of exiles to escape to the stars.

The world of the well-to-do Draenei is called "bankruptcy" if it is occupied, and the situation where Azeroth is captured by demons can only be called "poor".

If you think about it this way, the mourning in everyone's hearts will be even higher.

"Uh, if you have to talk about painful memories, wouldn't the massacres in the past ten years be counted?"

In such an atmosphere of mourning, Bu Laike complained blankly:

"I'm really curious, Your Excellency Velen, what kind of mentality are you in to choose the policy of non-resistance when the orcs set off a massacre?

Others will just mindlessly bash you for being weak.

But I'm also a prophet. I know that you couldn't have foreseen this terrible future. Is it because you have noticed that once the Draenei choose to go to war with the orcs, it will lead to the success of the fraudster's evil plot? "


Velen didn't think Laike's question was an offense, maybe he had heard such accusations over the past ten years, and he didn't try to justify his weakness.

After a long silence, he looked at Turalyon and the elves beside him, and said:

"The invasion of the orcs alone has severely damaged Azeroth's vitality. If you add a group of Draenei who are infused with war and fel energy into that world."

As the grand knights and archmages who had personally experienced the orc war and had just seen the black technology of the draenei, they were shocked.

If what the prophet said really came true, I am afraid that the human civilization in the Eastern Continent would be gone by now, and the whole of Azeroth would be reduced to war.

Velen looked at Bo Laike again with a weary look, and he said:

"Because we are all prophets, we all know where the only hope of defeating the Burning Legion lies. If I choose to lead the people to exterminate them like the orcs exterminate us, then I will only destroy the only hope with my own hands.

My people have been horribly slaughtered, and I will not deny my guilt for that.

I will live in this pain every day for the rest of my life, until I return to the afterlife of the draenei, spurned by everyone.

There I will be judged by my people.

And no matter what punishment they give me, I will gladly accept it. "

"They will not punish you, Lord Velen."

Bu Laike shook his head, he said:

"Based on your mixed life and the terrible disasters caused by you, I think you will be thrown into an inescapable tower after death, where you will suffer the most horrible tortures as the birth of stars. Infuse your power with the conspiracy that started at the moment.

You may be right in thinking.

But there is no doubt that you are also a pawn on the chessboard of this ancient conspiracy. You have sent more than a million dead souls to the world of death with your own hands.

You tip the scales of life and death.

But how should I put it, if even the Burning Legion is a pawn, then it's not your fault that you can't escape this fate. "

After speaking, the pirate took the initiative to end the topic.

But as a prophet's intuition, Velen heard a different taste from the pirate's words when others only felt that Laike's words were emotional and cloudy.

Bu Laike seemed to be warning him, but also seemed to be explaining him.

There was no doubt that the Pirate Prophet had just made a prophecy for him just now, but Velen had to spend a long time deciphering these obscure words.

"Come on, let's contact Lord Illidan and see what he is doing now."

Bu Laike turned back and gestured to the draenei technician. The latter hesitated for a moment, glanced at the prophet, and after getting the permission of the other party, he stretched out his hand and pulled down the opening lever of the legion communicator.

This stupid, black, thick and strange machine immediately started to work, and the few demon hunters who were powering it immediately groaned in pain.

To complete the communication between distant stars, the required supply of fel energy is undoubtedly an astronomical figure.

"Be patient, if it doesn't work, take turns."

Bo Laike stepped forward to speak to Altruis and Arantine.

The two shook their heads, just signaling him to speed up. The pirate didn't hesitate to step forward and grab the communicator, which was like a microphone, and put it near his mouth.

He coughed twice, and then shouted in a very pure devil language:

"This is Dellano, the frontline world of the Legion. I am Laike the Slayer, the lieutenant of His Majesty the Doom Overlord Kazak! Contact the Krokuun Legion camps at the communication point of the Temple of Karabor!


A cunning spy disguised as Nathrezim has infiltrated the Legion's battle lines through a damn trick. His Majesty Kazak has received the exact news. Inquire about the important information of the Legion.

In the name of His Majesty Kazak!

I demand that all Krokuun Legion locations arrest any dreadlords you see immediately! No matter their status, no matter their rank, no matter where they come from!

Don't listen to their rhetoric!

Those bastards are the best at deceiving people!

Burn them with the hottest evil flame! Throw them into the Matriarch's lava pool! Let the demon hounds gnaw them! Humiliate them by letting the imps burn through their knees!

Torture them until their true identities are confirmed!

For Lord Sargeras and the Legion's conquest, all spy bugs must die! Beat those dreadlords hard, demons! You are serving the great cause of the Legion!

All the consequences of this action will be borne by the evil and mighty His Majesty Kazak!

Let it go!

Communication alert ends here.

reply received! "

After finishing speaking, Bu Laike dropped the demonic microphone in his hand under the stunned gaze of the "audience". Soon, reply codes appeared one after another in the fel light curtain above the legion communicator.

"You! Are you a demon in disguise?"

The great knight Turalyon exclaimed:

"Why are you so skilled! Is this really the first time you have used a demon communicator?"

"Yeah, I'm starting to doubt your identity too, Bo Laike."

Ravencrest, the Lord of Death, also said in a strange tone:

"In the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago, even the most cunning elf spies could not disguise themselves as demons and give such evil orders like you.

Your tone of voice, your posture, and even the content you convey are all in line with the behavior of the demons, and they will not even doubt it.

But why the Dreadlord?

Did they bother you? "

"Look what you're talking about?"

Bo Laike scanned everyone in front of him, he couldn't be sure if there was a higher dreadlord in disguise in this group.

Xalatath and he have been studying how to distinguish these damned guys since they couldn't see through the disguise of King Tessa, Queen of Dread.

It's just that there hasn't been much progress yet.

So the pirate spread his hands and said softly:

"I don't have any personal grievances with the Nathrezim. It's just that I used them just because I thought of them. Moreover, with the vicious and cunning character of the Dreadlords, once other demons attack them, they will definitely attack them." Will do my best to fight back.

There's a lot of chaos going on in the Krokuun area, and it's going to open up opportunities for Illidan, who really likes to act in disguise as the Dreadlord.

After all, among the weird-looking demons, only the Nathrezim looked human. "

"Are you sure this is not a personal grudge?"

Miss Hisalley Crow, who had been silent in front of Bu Laike, suddenly said:

"Seeing the joy in your eyes, why do I feel that this is a personal grudge? You can't hide it from me."

"Hey, hey, don't bring personal emotions in formal occasions, Arch Druid."

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"This will make you look very unprofessional. Huh? There is news so soon?"

There was a strange sound on the demon communicator beside him, which meant that there was a demon stronghold on Argus' side actively contacting him in reverse.

Bu Laike grabbed the demon microphone and connected. Soon, a familiar voice sounded from the other side that made all the demon hunters present couldn't help cheering:

"This is the outer front of the Naslax Fortress in the Krokuen area. I am the vanguard of the Legion, the Betrayer. I have ordered the arrest of the nearby Dreadlord, but the group of bastards have launched a resistance to the Legion.

This is enough to prove that they have ghosts in their hearts!

I am now reporting to the Carabor Temple, the front line of the Dellano Legion War, please describe in detail the information of the alien spies who sneaked into the Legion Front, and assist us in arresting them.

Waiting for reply. "

"Hush, hush, be quiet, countless demons are listening."

Bo Laike turned his head to silence the Illidari who were too excited to cry, but couldn't because they were blind.

He coughed twice, and replied in devil language:

"It is reported that the bastard is a very cunning dog, he did not know how to sneak into Argus, and is preparing a terrible conspiracy there.

Now we are interrogating his countrymen to get more information about when and where he started his plot and what it was about.


Did any of the dreadlords you captured reveal anything worth noting? "


The traitor's distorted voice came from the microphone, and he said in the cunning and brutal tone that a demon should have:

"According to the confession of the suspected spy bastard we caught, he is not alone in Argus, and he still has a very dangerous weapon in his hand, trying to wait for an appropriate time to activate it.

But this plan needs the support of his compatriots, and it is said that he wants to find a legion portal that can directly lead to the world of Argus.

Or a daemon warship with the coordinates of the stars of Argus.

This is the information currently available.

The superior is coming to personally supervise the torture work, so the communication is over! "

After finishing speaking, he simply "hanged up" the communication over there, probably because Illidan didn't want to waste too much time and wanted to leave his position as soon as possible.

But everyone has already got enough information.

Bu Laike made a gesture to stop the demon hunter from recharging, and then swung his sword and slashed at the communicator in front of him, completely destroying it so that the demons could not track it back.

He turned to the people behind him and said:

"Did you hear that?

We need a portal that can lead directly to Argus or capture a demon warship from Argus. This job is very difficult, very difficult.

But we have to do it! "

"We will definitely do it!"

Altruis the sufferer said in a deep voice:

"Lord Illidan risked his life to find hope for us in the devil's stronghold, we must not let him down!"

"Well, not bad, very energetic."

The pirate praised him, and then glanced at Velen who was frowning and discussing with Maraad in a low voice. A strange light flashed in the pirate's eyes, and he whispered to Altruis and Arantine:

"Get ready, maybe we will get this opportunity soon, and then you must go all out."

(end of this chapter)

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