Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1295 45. Did I Say I Would Put A Collar On You? -Add More Updates For The Sword Of Xiangfei

Chapter 1295 45. Did I say I would put a collar on you? -Add more [55] for the brothers of "Xiangfei Liou's Sword"

Illidan's news has been obtained, which makes the pirates calm down.

Facts proved that Illidan Stormrage was indeed the magical man in his memory, and he was still flying in the devil's stronghold.

The pirates suspected that Illidan might have regained his "excellent tradition" there, and incorporated the broken ones who remained in the world of Argus.

Otherwise, it wouldn't explain how this guy was able to move back and forth freely in Argus, where the demons were everywhere. He must have received the help of some power to lurk in the demon's stronghold for so long.

And when it comes to living under the eyes of the devil, what is more powerful than the indigenous people who have lived in that world for more than 20,000 years?

But Bu Laike didn't explain much.

Although he knew the situation in the world of Argus very well, others didn't know about it. Even Velen didn't know the situation in his hometown very well, so it was not good to say too much about this kind of thing.

While it's true that you have to play tricks every once in a while, leaking too much information won't make people like him more, so why bother?

The biggest advantage after contacting Illidan is that the morale of the demon hunters in Illidari suddenly broke through the peak.

After hearing Lord Illidan's voice with their own ears, these blind men who followed Laike to another world finally calmed down their restless hearts.

After confirming that Lord Illidan did have some secret plans with Bu Laike, the Illidari no longer resisted working temporarily for Bu Laike.

They presumably identified Bo Laike as a "human extra" of the Illidari.

Well, while he's not blind and doesn't use fel a lot, he also has hunting maggots and is always walking in the shadows.

Let's just treat him as one of our own.

In addition to gaining the full command of the Illidari justifiably, Bu Laike also successfully gained a lot of prestige with the Dellano Expedition and the Draenei because of this wave of "space dialogue" with Illidan.

On the one hand, he has consolidated his "good reputation" as a prophet, and on the other hand, he has also demonstrated his ability to others, letting others know that he has a "plan" in hand.

This allowed Bu Laike to virtually take the lead in the subsequent conversations with various forces.

After all, facing the current Dellano situation and the demons of the Burning Legion all over the world, no one can come up with a complete and effective rescue plan. It is better to follow the pirates all the way to the dark.

At least people really planned this matter seriously.

No matter how bad the plan is, it's better than nothing. What's more, Laike's legendary experience in Azeroth has already told everyone in front of him, but all the plans that come from him are excellent.

"So, the next most important thing is to transfer all the Draenei civilians to Azeroth before the demons sent by the Burning Legion to replace Kazak commander Dellano arrive.

this point is very important. "

In a specially cleaned-up room in the Shattered Hall, Bu Laike sat at the conference table, playing with a fragment of devil horn that he got from nowhere, and said to everyone in front of him:

"It's not just about reducing the risk to the innocent in war, it's not just about boosting the morale of the draenei warriors, it's about warning the stubborn fools of Azeroth.

Before, Magtheridon invaded Azeroth and almost destroyed the Fortress of Watch. Later, a group of draenei civilians tortured by demons showed up. I believe that no matter how stupid a guy is, he should seriously consider the possibility of demon invasion .

Sir Velen, can your spaceship pass through the Dark Portal? "

The pirate looked at the Draenei prophet, and Velen nodded. He wiped his well-groomed white beard and said:

"Storm Fortress also has the ability to jump through space, and it has a large internal space, not only can it take away the civilians of Shattrath City at one time, but also the civilians of other races.

Our spaceship needs to be close to the Dark Portal to capture the coordinates of the world rift and Azeroth, and it can use the last stored energy to complete a one-time transition.

However, after our spacecraft has passed, it cannot change its position. "

The Prophet sighed and said:

"We have no choice but to stay in Dellano. After the crash of the Genidaer spacecraft, our fleet was severely damaged and we have lost the ability to travel between stars.

Before finding a suitable replacement energy and finding the materials to repair the spacecraft, this is probably the last time the Storm Keep will be activated. "

"The location is good."

Grand Knight Turalyon spoke on behalf of the Church of the Holy Light:

"Pontiff Faol has been running for the Draenei settlement in the human kingdom, and there is also a large uncultivated area in the eastern continent for the Draenei settlement.

Just your ship. Is it as huge as the Exodar we just saw? If it is such a 'ship', it is really not easy to hide. "

"Quickly put away your hopeless imagination of paladins."

Bu Laike sneered, stretched out his hands in a big gesture, and said:

"The Exodar is just one of the frigates of the 'Ark' in the Storm Fortress, and the Draenei's ark is more than ten times the size of the Exodar.

Its internal volume is already equivalent to the area of ​​Stormwind City plus a third of the area of ​​Elwynn Forest when it is fully expanded. It is a huge flying object that has never been seen in Azeroth.

If it weren't for the fact that it can be directly transmitted to the inside of the world through magical black technology, I wouldn't dare to let it approach our world from the stars.

The gravitational chaos caused by a spacecraft of that size close to the ground is enough to cause permanent damage to the continental shelf of the eastern continent.

I also forgot to tell His Majesty Faol.

There is no need to find a foothold on land for the Draenei. They are a racial civilization that travels with their own 'country', and they only need to delineate an area on the endless sea.

Where their fleet landed, a permanent archipelago would form, and there would be the country after the Draenei. "

Bu Laike's description did not surprise the High Lord Ravencrest too much. This old elf who fought in the War of the Ancients also saw the battleships of the Burning Legion during the war.

Although he comes from a magical civilization, he is no stranger to those giant battleships that are more than ten kilometers long.

But this description made the eyes of human paladins and archmages widen, and the draenei in front of them just laughed and said nothing.

It is clear that the description of the pirates is not an exaggeration.

People really have this strength.

This also dissipated the contempt and pity that a group of humans had for the Draenei who were slaughtered by the orcs. The background of this race is really terrible.

But it also made them have new doubts. How could the draenei with such powerful black technology be harmed like this by the orcs of nomadic civilization?

However, this issue is not the focus of today's discussion.

"I suggest you land in the South China Sea."

Bu Laike took out a map of Azeroth from his arms, spread it out in front of Velen, pointed to the large area of ​​the South China Sea and said to the prophet:

"The climate here is mild and the environment is peaceful. It is very suitable for your civilians to recuperate. The most important thing is that it is close to Pandaria, a famous grain-producing area. You can buy enough food and drinks at low prices from the friendly pandaren.

Furthermore, the South China Sea has the most developed commercial system in the entire Azeroth, and you can quickly integrate into our world by relying on those merchant ships traveling north and south.

In fact, Beihai is better. It is my territory and there is no sovereignty dispute. But the problem is that my compatriots are planning a war of expulsion against me.

So the North Sea is not suitable for peaceful draenei. "

Velen nodded, put away the map in front of him, and said:

"I will discuss this issue with our archbishops, and thank Azeroth for hosting our homeless group. But in addition to the incidents of civilians, we must also consider the situation in the Dellano world.

I mean, this war! "

The prophet emphasized his tone and said to the others in front of him:

"Before you came here, I have been trying to build a joint force against the demons, but the grievances between us and the orcs are too deep.

The clansmen are unwilling to cooperate with the orcs, and the orcs are also afraid of us. Although I have discussed it with His Excellency Ner'zhul, who is currently the leader of the orcs, we cannot reach an agreement on this issue.

Perhaps your presence is an opportunity.

Led by a third-party force like you, we can create a buffer between the draenei and the orcs. Only when we unite can we hope to keep this world. "

"We're already doing this."

Turalyon, the interim leader of Dellano's expedition, took a look at Bu Laike, who was wandering off and wondering what he was thinking, and said:

"We humans and orcs also have blood feuds, but as far as I know, Lord Bu Laike has channels to communicate with orcs in Azeroth and Dellano."

"We can do it for you, too."

Hamuul Runetotem, the silly bull, wagged his tail and said:

"If you are inconvenient, I can go to Shadowmoon Valley as an envoy from both parties. It is said that the orcs there have been advancing a mysterious plan. If we can participate in it, then"

"It's not possible, it's not possible, but it's necessary! Shadowmoon Valley must be involved, and every faction present can't escape. What Ner'zhul is planning is related to the existence of Dellano, a very important matter."

Bu Laike suddenly came back to his senses, he stood up and said to the others:

"Let me be in charge of the contact with the orcs. Let's first discuss the Azeroth camp's action plan in Dellano, using Hellfire Citadel as the base.

Lord Ravencrest took over from me to preside over this meeting. I suddenly have something important to do, and the following discussion is not something I, a pirate, should be involved in.

So farewell, folks. "

After speaking, the stinky pirate left the table.

This decisive style stunned the Draenei, but everyone in Azeroth was not surprised. They all knew that Laike was such a "free and easy" guy.

And in his absence, everyone was more relaxed.

After all, there is a Master Assassin sitting next to him who has a world-wide news network, and no one knows that if he says something wrong, he will shake out some terrible black information.

In this regard, Laike has always had a criminal record.

But there are also people who are very curious about what the stinky pirate left this meeting that he initiated.

Is it really important? ——

"Hey, where are you going?"

In the lower level of Hellfire Citadel, outside a very quiet house, Maiev Shadowsong in "hospital gown" had just tiptoed out of the room when Bo Laike appeared in front of him with an expressionless face.

The pirate looked at the weak and receding lady warden in front of him, and said with a sneer:

"I knew it, you were pretending to be seriously injured again."

"I'm not pretending."

Maiev shook her head, and she said:

"I'm really tired, but I don't want to be here."

"It's not a question of whether you want it or not, ma'am."

Bu Laike flexed his fingers and said:

"You still owe me a lot of questions, and I should have said it earlier, don't try to tell Velen what you know? Why are you so misbehaving?

Ms. Elune is letting me act. She has judged from my previous behavior that giving me great autonomy is not harmful to the order camp.

The Shendu you believe in has acquiesced, why do you, a little priestess, have to be so persistent? "

Maiev bit her lip.

She looked really bad, her lips were all gray.

Her weakness was not a disguise, but facing Boo Laike's questioning, the warden was silent for a few seconds, and looked up into Boo Laike's eyes.

She said very seriously:

"Tell me honestly, will the things you prepare kill many people?"


Bu Laike did not hide anything, and said frankly:

"Not only will many people die, but the peace of those who have died will also be broken, and all civilizations, including the Kaldorei, will suffer greatly.

I want to start an eternal war!

Filling in the gaps on his chessboard for a schemer, breaking the balance of life and death among the stars, causing the world of the dead to open its doors in the physical world.

A time of turmoil is at hand, and it will be pushed aside by my own hands. "

"Why do you want to do this?"

Maiev shook her body and asked again.

"Because. Only in this way can I enter the realm that belongs to him."

Bo Laike said something in a low voice.

Maiev wanted to listen carefully, but just as he bent over, the stinky pirate grabbed his wrist, and in the latter's light movements, he was put on a very strange thing.


Madam Warden touched the necklace on her neck in astonishment, but it was actually something worse. She looked angrily at Bo Laike, who shrugged.

Over Xal'atath's wild laughter, Bo Laike whispered:

"Before in the Karabor Temple, I told you that I would wear a collar for you, right? Don't think about running around this time, Maiev, come, tell me, what happened ten thousand years ago?"

Maiev remained silent.

Laike took a step forward, and she took a step back.

The two returned to Maiev's lounge like dancing. The room was very dark, with only one small window, through which a faint ray of moonlight shone in, becoming the only light source in the room.

"You know, there are many ways I can ask."

Bu Laike whispered:

"Don't make yourself suffer, okay? If that's my future, I feel like I have a right to know, tell me, what did I do 10,000 years ago?"

He questioned, and Maiev hid in the dark, until the third questioning from Laike, when Madam Warden finally made a move.

She threw herself in front of the pirate with open arms, hugged him and whispered in his ear:

"I won't say it. You should die. You asked me to keep it a secret from you when you cruelly left me. I just obey your orders."

"What if I must know?"

The pirate asked back.

Maiev brushed her white hair, breathed gently in his ear, and whispered:

"There are only the two of us here, and when you faced me who was powerless, did you just ask the truth about 10,000 years ago? Do you know.

Ten thousand years after you left, I faced countless moons every lonely night, thinking of the same you? What I'm more curious about is, did you miss me in the ten thousand years before you were born?

Cloth Laike.

And your ridiculous collar, it doesn't have to be!

As early as when you left me, you had already hung that invisible chain around my neck.

hang in my heart.

You annoying guy, I know you are not the one who loves me deeply, your feelings for me are complicated, I know it all.

but now.

Don't ask any more, let me act to prove my thoughts, okay? "

(end of this chapter)

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