Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1297 47. The Bastard Boss Always Sets Kpis For Incompetent Employees That They Can't Co

Chapter 1297 47. The bastard boss always sets KPIs for incompetent employees that they can't complete


As the bowstring, shaped entirely by magic, was drawn, the magic that swirled around the pirate converged to form an unreal and sharp elf-style arrow, appearing between Laike's fingers and the bow in his hand.

Pirates can fully feel the energy contained in this magic arrow. The extracted magic power is compressed and condensed under the unique design of this war bow, and the destructive power of magic is concentrated on the arrow, so that this magic power The arrow itself is equivalent to a magic about to be released.

He nodded in satisfaction, and the moment he relaxed the bowstring, the dazzling magic arrow flew out with a whoosh, blasting the stone archery target fifty yards away into powder.

The destructive power of a single blow also made Laike very satisfied.

After all, this is just a normal attack mode.

"Tholidar Starfury, treasure of the Quel'dorei elves.

According to legend, it, like Flame Strike, was once a weapon used by Dath'Remar Sunstrider in the Battle of the Ancients, and after the first Sun King created the Sunwell, it has been placed in the well to absorb the energy of the magic well , so that this weapon, which was born in the period of the Elven Empire, has achieved a qualitative improvement. "

Bu Laike admired the weapon that had just been sent to the world of Dellano, and said to the proud Kael'thas Sunstrider beside him:

"There is also a rumor that this war bow once belonged to Queen Azshara, and it was a gift from her to the most favored nobleman in her court. Is this rumor true?"


The handsome elf prince nodded implicitly, and said softly:

"This is the most proud deed of my ancestors before the outbreak of the War of the Ancients. He greatly promoted the bravery of the elves because he wiped out a group of barbaric trolls who invaded the empire and chased them to the border of the troll empire.

After returning victoriously, he was invited to the queen's court, and was honored by the queen in the eyes of all the great nobles and courtiers.

As bad as Queen Azshara came, it didn't take away from the glorious image of her in the hearts of my ancestors' generation.

After all, before the queen fell into darkness, she was the best ruler in the history of the elves, and she was the real great man who led the elves to rise.

However, it was precisely because of the queen's black history that the ancestors rarely used this powerful war bow after the War of the Ancients, and this weapon was not brought into the mausoleum after his death.

Perhaps, he hoped that the weapons that once represented his feats and valor would remain in the kingdom he established and defend his people and country on his behalf.

This war bow is of great significance to Quel'dorei, holding it is equivalent to the presence of the Sun King.

So, it can only be lent to you. "

His Royal Highness looked at Bu Laike and said seriously:

"Unless you can turn your promise into reality, unless you can help the Quel'dorei civilization to cut off the corruption in the soul, so with this achievement that is enough for us to remember forever, my father and I are enough reasons Give you this inheritance of civilization."

"Oh, don't rush, don't rush, you're already doing it."

Bu Laike pursed his lips, waved his hands again, and said:

"You have already talked to Mother Windrunner, and I believe that General Liresa has convinced you to 'stand by' about this, because of this transaction, you will become the greatest Sun King.

All you have to do now is just be patient.

Alright, go about your business, I need to practice and get used to this powerful weapon. "


Kael'thas nodded.

He is a very open-minded person. He has lent out everything, and he will definitely not have other ideas.

But before leaving, he still reminded Bu Laike:

"The power of Thoridar is not only that it can extract magic power to automatically produce powerful magic arrows, this is just its most basic way of use.

For a powerful spellcaster like you, you can pour your most familiar energy into it to create a 'magic arrow' that belongs only to you.

This method of use is a great burden on the magic pool of the caster, but its destructive power is also extremely amazing. Although this bow shoots arrows, in our opinion, it is actually more like another use of magic Way. "


Bu Laike gestured an OK gesture, watched Kael'thas leave, and then he carefully watched this unique war bow.

Worthy of being a weapon of the elves, its battle bow itself is like a carefully crafted work of art. The bow resembles the posture of a phoenix spreading its wings. On both sides of the bow arms are magical spots created by the magical magic of the elf empire period. linger.

The place where the hand is held is also shaped like an armguard. This peculiar mixture of wood and metal has been carefully crafted by craftsmen to create the phoenix crest of the Sunstrider family, and the end is inlaid with elf gems.

The wood at both ends of the bow arm has turned into blue magical crystallization, which is the manifestation of the weapon's nature change in the material world after it has been moistened in the sun well for nearly seven thousand years.

The bowstring it used to have dissipated in a long time, and now it no longer needs such a thing as a bowstring.

It has broken away from the scope of the war bow, and is more like the embodiment of the power of the sun well.

This can also be seen from its attribute entries:

Name: Thoridar Starsfury

Quality: Excellent·Legendary [Divine Power·Arcane Enhancement]

Attributes: Excellent piercing, excellent swiftness, excellent fatal blow, excellent magic adaptation, excellent multi attack

special effects:

1. Sun forging:

When Thoridar's magic bowstring is drawn, it automatically creates magic arrows. The arrow will be endowed with different effects according to the different magic attributes of the area where the holder is located.

Users can also pour their own magic power into the war bow to cast their own magic arrows.

Current user magic attribute: Void/Shadow.

Currently available unique magic arrow types: Void Spike/Shadow Edge

2. Wrath of the stars:

Every time Thoridar makes an attack, he will draw magic energy to store up, and after every ten shots, the next shot will be accompanied by [Star Shock].

This attack will automatically search for the enemy within a range of 100 yards. According to the nature of the power of the bow and arrow, it will cause a huge amount of magic damage to the enemy and at the same time apply different negative forces.

But it must have the effects of [Sunder Armor] and [Silence].

3. Divine Blade:

The magic power of Thoridar Stars Fury in the Sunwell has been strengthened for thousands of years, making its power adaptability reach the highest level. This bow is a rare weapon that can carry divine power.

After the divine power is added, Thoridar's weapon attributes will also change until the next divine power is replaced.

Current bow form: Thoridar · Stars' Fury [Arcane Power]

The current holder has divine power attributes: Void/Natural/Bright Moon.

The current form of the war bow can be converted: Thoridar Void Apostle / Thoridar Nature Punisher / Thoridar Moon Warblade.

Item description:

It was shaped in the blessing of the Well of Eternity, and thrived in the light of the Sunwell. It is not only a weapon of magic, but also a witness to the history of elves.

Now, it is in your hands, use it to your heart's content, and bring the nightmare called "Thoridar" to the enemy!

"If I knew it was such a unique weapon, I should have launched a raid on Silvermoon City long ago. If I had such a thing in my hand when I was fighting against Azshara, how could I have fallen to such a miserable state? what."

Bu Laike raised the radiant war bow in his hand, kissed it on his lips, and poured his masterly controlled void divine power into the magic war bow.

In the dim flashing light, Solidar, who was originally full of arcane power, quickly put on a dark purple "battle suit". Not only did the gems on the bow emit a deep light, but even the bow arms on both sides The crystallization of magic power also turned into a more aggressive stance of spikes.

Although the appearance hasn't changed much, this weapon, which originally looked like a phoenix spreading its wings, at this moment looks like the claws of an evil ghost.

As the pirate pulled away the invisible contribution again, the cold void energy gathered at his fingertips, and he could feel the strong mental impact and flesh corrosion attached to the arrow without careful perception.

"Being bitten by this highly poisonous thing, even a powerful demon will cry for a long time, right?"

Bu Laike let out a cold, wicked laugh. The moment he let go of his fingers, a purple streamer flew out of the bowstring, and when it landed silently, it outlined a large shadow crack infected by the void.


The stinky pirate blew a whistle. He put away his war bow and looked towards the sky again. He was looking forward to meeting the interstellar hunter hired by the fraudster more and more.

"You should probably use the power of Elune"

Maiev's deep voice sounded on the stairs behind the pirate, and the priestess who regained some energy said:

"The power of the bright moon is more in line with that war bow, and it will raise Thoridar's power to a higher level."

"Yes, I know."

Bo Laike picked up his pipe, looked back at Maiev, and said:

"But how can anyone be king bomb at the moment of playing cards? Good things should always be saved for the last. Don't go out for a walk if you are a sick person. There are many terrible things hidden in this fortress.

Take good care of your body.

Maybe I still need your help at that time, seeing that you are depressed all day, maybe a hunt can make you feel better.

Speaking of which, are you interested in 'discussing' something that happened 10,000 years ago with me today? "

Faced with the stinky pirate's malicious questioning, Maiev gritted his teeth at him and turned away indifferently.

Apparently, she didn't want to discuss it.

And she has already seen through Bo Laike's bad intentions. If it were before, she would definitely pick up the knife wheel and teach this bastard a lesson.

But a few days ago, under the torment of illness and weakness, he opened his heart to the stinky pirate and told his thoughts, which made the relationship between the two people quite weird and embarrassing.

She knew she liked the man in front of her, but the bad guy seemed more interested in her body than in the sincere feelings and thoughts of the past.

Ah, Elune, please forgive my weakness.


While Bu Laike was "flirting" with Maiev, another conversation closely related to Bu Laike was going on simultaneously on an island off the coast of the Spiers of Arak at the southern tip of the Dellano continent.

But compared to Laike's leisurely life, the situation here is very bad, and the atmosphere of both sides of the conversation is also very depressing.

The leader of the Black Spirit Pirates, the Black Knight Eredin, is standing in the captain's cabin of his flagship, in front of a legion communicator.

On the projection of the fel energy light curtain in front of him, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, the leader of the Burning Legion who sits in Argus and commands hundreds of millions of demons, is full of coldness on his grim face.

And there was undisguised anger in his dark green pupils.

"Kazak is dead, Magtheridon is dead, and Aggonar is dead. I don't understand why Dellano's situation deteriorated overnight?"

The deep voice of the Trickster echoed in the captain's cabin full of all kinds of treasures.

It said to Aredin, the black knight who spoke not a word:

"I heard that this is all because of a pirate from Azeroth? This makes me feel unbelievable. Can your colleagues really do such a thing that shocks me even as a demon? Eredin.

And what I'm even more curious about is that he's a pirate, and you're a pirate, too.

He can do such a thing that makes the legion angry and the stars astonished, why can't you even do the simplest provocation? Is there such a big difference between the upper limit and the lower limit of the ancient industry of piracy?

Is Bu Laike Shaw too powerful?

Or are you too trashy?

I really want to ask why you can't do what he can easily do? If you have one-tenth of his power, you are enough to become the pride of the legion.

Unfortunately, you don't. "

"I can explain."

The embarrassed and helpless black knight Eredin wanted to refute, but was interrupted by the fraudster in a cold voice:

"That's enough, I don't want to hear any more bad excuses you made up! No matter how nice your words are, it won't change the fact that the Black Spirit Pirates have been wasting time.

Your languidness disgusts me, your cowardice disgusts me.

I had had enough of your incompetence and greed, I rescued you from the Twisting Nether, I gave you new powers, and I bestowed upon you the weapons I crafted.

But how did you repay me?

I've had enough of the bad news about the connection, and I'm getting impatient with your delays! Now, whatever you are doing, set sail now!

Go find Bo Laike Shaw and fight him in a peer-to-peer contest"

"We are no match for him! Although he is reluctant to admit it, in the business of pirates, he is already the true uncrowned king, and we are still lacking."

Eredin didn't care about face at this time.

He looked up to Kil'jaeden and said:

"With the little force we've built in Dellano, there's no way we can beat him."

"Defeat? Who gave you the courage to say such arrogant words?"

The fraudster let out a series of sneering smiles, and after the laughs, the dark red cheeks with ferocious claw marks changed into a cold and heartless posture.

It tapped its finger that was haunted by evil fire, and said:

"I don't expect you to beat Brad Laike Shaw at all, I don't even expect you to entangle him, I just need you to do a good job of baiting him out of hiding.

Hunting and killing such difficult things should be left to the 'professionals'. I have dispatched the invincible hand and the deadly hunter among the stars chosen by Lord Sargeras to deal with that pirate.

They will bring back Bo Laike Shaw's head, and you.

You just have to do what you do best.

Using your various and extremely rich failure experience to win a hearty victory for the Legion, this is probably the most powerful contribution you can make to the Legion.

After all, what else could I expect from you scumbags? "

The fraudster waved his hand and turned off the communicator. The moment the fel energy light curtain dissipated, it said in a contemptuous tone:

"It's a waste of Lord Sargeras' dark power to be entrusted to you, if you can't even do this little thing, you are not entitled to this curse.

The Dark Titan has never needed weak and incompetent minions.

You black knights are really not qualified to be dogs! "

(end of this chapter)

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