Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1298 48. Everyone Is Lord Sargeras' Dog! Why Should A Dog Command Another Dog?

Chapter 1298 48. Everyone is Lord Sargeras' Dog! Why should a dog command another dog?

Kil'jaeden's Zaun output made Aridin very unhappy.

In his captain's cabin, after finishing his "conversation" with the Trickster, the angry Black Knight leader grabs the beautiful cup on the table and wants to slam it on the ground to express his displeasure.

But the moment he smashed the cup, the curse force in his body forced him to calm down.

This cup studded with precious stones is also a treasure.

They were the funerary goods they stole from the great tomb of Auchindoun of the Draenei. All valuable treasures should be kept safe, and all treasures must be presented to Lord Sargeras!

This is a curse that the Black Knights cannot break, and it forces them to never actively destroy any treasure.

However, this kind of coercive power is not without benefits.

Eredin, who was emptied of anger for a moment, immediately calmed down. He put the cup he was clenched tightly on the table, and sat on his captain's chair with a gloomy face, frowning and thinking carefully.

His fingers caressed the two domineering and evil sailor knives at his waist, and when his fingers touched, there was a scorching feeling of evil energy, and he could even faintly hear the evil laugh of the fraudster.

These two weapons are undoubtedly powerful.

The dark weapon carefully crafted by the demon artisans ordered by the Deceiver has already drank blood in Dellano, and Aridin used it to kill Draenei garrison officers and orc wolf cavalry.

It was even used to behead a fallen arakkoa's Chosen Priest while pilfering into the Auchindoun Necropolis.

That is basically the most powerful opponent that Eredin has killed in his dark life.

However, this record is very difficult to take against Brad Laike Shaw, who the fraudster asked him to deal with, which also proves how hopeless the gap between the two pirates is.

However, what these two knives brought to Eredin was not only good, but also bad, bad things.

For example, when he carried this evil weapon with him, he couldn't get rid of the fraudster's shadowy monitoring, and his every move would be watched by the big devil.

Occasionally, the deceiver uses the double blade to control the mind and body to do something he doesn't want to do.

"Tch, do you really think of us as pathetic puppets?"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the leader of the black knight under the helmet.

He was thinking about how to fulfill the death order ordered by the fraudster, but thinking about it, in his evil and dark heart, a "pretty scary" thought suddenly popped up.

And as soon as this idea, born of dark thinking, popped up, it immediately expanded uncontrollably like a burning flame.

It even made the hands and body of the leader of the black knight tremble.

Not out of fear, but out of excitement.


Well, in fact, there is still fear.


Eredin took off the double blades at his waist, slapped them on his desk, stood up and moved his body, and walked out of the cabin unsteadily.

He threw his powerful magic blade in the captain's cabin, and left his ship without any weapons, and went to this hidden island.

He is going to discuss with his brothers, this process does not need to be "watched" by the fraudster.

The base of the Black Spirit Pirates in Ashland was forcibly occupied by Braike, causing the Black Spirit Pirates who were developing well to be beaten back to their original form.

Three of the nine black knights were killed, and the size of the Black Spirit Pirates has shrunk by a third. In recent days, there have been pirate servants who have been secretly fleeing on this island.

Even those who didn't run away were all panicked.

Eredar walked around the island, and even a guy like him who is not good at commanding could see the cowardice and uneasiness in the hearts of these Dellano pirates.

The reason why they haven't run away is because they are afraid of the power of demons, not because the career prospects of the Black Spirit Pirates are so attractive to them.

It stands to reason that such a damned scene should make Aridin, the leader, very angry, but today he accepted all this in a rare and calm manner.

Probably because of the change in mentality, he can accept his own weakness

Speaking of which, Eredin and the others didn't want to be pirates in the first place, and their weird fate is also an example of being influenced and distorted by the damn Braike.

They are also the "victims" after the Pirate Prophet changed the direction of the world.

If it develops according to the original timeline, the black knights should still be living a happy life in Azeroth, killing people and seizing treasures.


As Aredin, led by a few loyal pirates, walked into the camp of other black knights, his brothers rose to say hello to Aredin.

No matter how the outside world looks at it, the internal relationship among the nine black knights has always been very harmonious.

Although they come from different places and have different hometowns, they are really like brothers to each other.

Long before they were punished and cursed by the Dark Titan for their daring to sell fake goods to Medivh, they were the famous "fraud gang" in the Eastern Great Lu Yuan.

Those days were not too long ago, that is, twenty or thirty years ago, but to the current black knights, it seemed as far away as the previous life.

Each of them misses the "simple and happy" days of cheating at that time very much. Although they are always hunted down by all kinds of bitter masters, they are occasionally put in jail, and even their lives are in danger a few times. Stuff to make a living.

But at that time, at least they don't have to worry about becoming an accomplice of the devil, being killed by righteous warriors who don't know where they come from, and they don't have to be cursed all the time to remind them to find treasures for the dark master.

Compared with this fucking life now, the hard life of these nine not very good liars when they were businessmen was as happy as heaven.

"Is the resurrection ceremony for the third, seventh and ninth child arranged?"

Aridin waved his hand, signaling to the rest of the brothers not to be so polite. He let all the other pirates in the tent go out, and only the black knights were left, and sat down on a pile of treasures in an unseemly manner.

He casually picked up a sun lantern in the style of the Arakkoa and played with it in his hand, then looked at his brothers with gloomy eyes.

Facing the question from the boss, the fourth black knight raised his head and said:

"The ashes for resurrection are already being prepared. They can be resurrected tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Ah, very good."

Eredin nodded, and then he said:

"Pause the resurrection, fourth brother, take our brother's ashes back to Azeroth! Dellano can't stay anymore, the sixth and eighth will share the island's treasures and hold a sacrificial ceremony tonight.

Dedicate all the treasures we find to Master Sargeras. "


As soon as Aridin's words came out, the other black knights were startled.

As Aridin's most powerful assistant and adjutant, and the second most powerful black knight besides him, he said sharply:

"You are crazy! Such a small amount of treasure is not enough to pay for our crimes. If we don't take back Ashran's treasure, we will be severely punished by Lord Sargeras!

The Dark Titan may not care for these mortal treasures, but he will not allow us to be so weary. "

"Just do what you are asked to do. Where is there so much nonsense?"

Eredin replied very unhappily:

"I've said it all, this is just the beginning of the sacrifice. When we return to Azeroth, we will dig out the treasures we hid in the Red Ridge Mountains and Westfall and sacrifice them together.

Those amounts should be enough to satisfy the owner for the time being, and make us more comfortable for the next year or two.

Look at this feeble and barren world! "

The leader of the black knight scolded:

"The things we can collect here are far inferior to our hometown in terms of quantity and quality. Azeroth is the place we want to go back to, and only there can we find things that make the Dark Master feel happy.

Also, I'm here to tell you some very bad news. "

Aridin sighed, and told his brothers the death order just issued by the fraudster, and the black knights were blown up in an instant.

"This is too much! It's okay to drive us like dogs before, but now we are clearly asked to die!"

The second brother of the black knight said indignantly:

"It's not even pretending! The fraudster is such a dog!"

"It's a bastard!"

The other black knights also clamored:

"There is still the face to say that we are incompetent? Who completed Dellano's first wave of demon invasion? Is it easy for us to circle this world and set up portals everywhere?

For the cause of the Legion, each of us died at least twice! Is it not enough?

How could it be so easy to invade Dellano without us, just relying on its mentally retarded demon spies?

This is killing a donkey! "

"Yeah, what a jerk."

Another guy also complained in a gloomy tone:

"Are you saying that Bu Laike Shaw is also a pirate? Is the bastard a simple pirate can sum it up? Even a big man like the polluter has been crushed by him.

We saw it with our own eyes that day, in Dalaran, when Braike played around with the Defilers!

I think it's nothing more than that even if the fraudster came over in person, and that guy also assassinated Kazak, is that an opponent we can deal with?

If you think about it with its damn devil heel, it should be the opponent of a big devil like it. It doesn't dare to show itself, so it will let us die?

Isn't our life our life?

It's hard to be resurrected every time after death, bastard! "

This statement was immediately echoed by the other black knights, and everyone began to complain, and their reactions satisfied Aridin who had been watching.

It seems that the brothers are still as united as before.

Very good, great!

"Okay, be quiet! Listen, I've got an idea."

Aridin stretched out his hand to stop the brothers from making noise. After the camp quieted down, the leader of the black knight coughed a few times and said in a strange tone:

"Kil'jaeden satirized us as dogs, yes, we are dogs!

But we are the dogs of Lord Sargeras, the Dark Titan, and we serve our master. When the Dark Titan cursed us, he didn't give us an order to assist the Legion.

The order we got from the master was pure, to search for the treasure for the master.

That's our main business.

Kil'jaeden is also the dog of Lord Sargeras. Seeing him show off his power and command the legion, he looks arrogant, but so what? "

The black knight sneered and said:

"Everyone serves as the Dark Titan, and there is no distinction between each other's responsibilities. We gave up our main business and ran to help the devil. That is the friendship between 'colleagues'.

But instead of thanking us, Kil'jaeden wants to use us as cannon fodder, so don't blame us for turning our faces and denying people.

Guys, we're about to start cutting with the demons.

The power of Azeroth has entered Dellano, and the righteous people of the two worlds have become one. It can be seen from the assassination of Kazak by Braike. Regardless of the fact that the legion is having a good time, whoever wins and who loses in a real fight Not sure yet.

It would be foolish to recklessly attribute yourself to the devil right now.

I mean, it's time for us to go back to our old business, and we should be more serious about fulfilling our mission instead of being the victim of the Burning Legion's war with Azeroth! "

"Boss is right!"

"That's it. I'm stupid and can't say it, but what the boss said hit my heart. Let the demons go to hell, I quit, and I have the ability to complain to the Dark Titan!"

"Yes, the boss is right. We are all Lord Sargeras' dogs. How can one dog command another dog?"

These shattering shouts represented the final unity of opinion of the black knights. Eredin snorted, stood up and said to his brothers:

"So do as I say, the second, the fourth, and the fifth come with me to Hellfire Peninsula and meet our outstanding colleagues.

What should other people do. "

"Boss, what about these brothers?"

Black Knight Old Eight pointed to the Dellano pirates outside the camp, and he whispered:

"Although they are useless, everyone has worked together after all. Isn't it good to leave them like this? Besides, we need manpower to go back to Azeroth for development.

I think there are still some guys who have some skills, so it's a pity to leave them like this.

Also, the group of black dragons who came to contact us before."

Black Knight Old Eight paused, and said in a softer voice:

"There is a neurotic black dragon called 'Kazakus' who formed a cult called 'Dark Gold Sect' on the island these days. It said that it also wanted to experience the feeling of being a pirate, and said that it would not be with us. Fight for control of the fleet.

I think that black dragon is indeed a bit abnormal.

It is said that he was captured and tortured by demons in Gorgrond before, and was finally rescued, and then he wandered alone in Dellano. "

"Then take them with you!"

Eredin thought for a while, waved his hand, and said:

"It's time for us to reflect on our failed pirate career.

It's time to let go of your pride and learn from your excellent colleagues. It is precisely because of the various talents and talents under Laike's command that the career of undead pirates is flourishing.

We should also gather some potential guys.

Contact the dragon secretly, saying that we are going back to Azeroth for development. If it wants to go together, then it will be a brother who eats in the pot from now on.

Hehe, if our black knight has a mouthful of food, he will have a bowl brush.

With the power of treasure hunting we have been given, hehe, we will definitely not treat them badly. Ah, what a relief to be rid of the greedy fool Kil'jaeden.

We are pirates, what we want to pursue is freedom!

Among the stars, only Lord Sargeras is worthy of our allegiance to Kil'jaeden, hey, what eredar dog is worthy of being the master of the black knight?


Let's drop our weaknesses, let's embrace our madness, and let's really start doing great things!

Long live Lord Sargeras!

Long live the Black Spirit Pirates! "

(end of this chapter)

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