Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1299 49. From Deleting Database To Running

Chapter 1299 49. From Deleting Database to Running

Bu Laike, the "senior warden", has just brought the prisoners he personally "imprisoned" back to the pirate base in Ashland from the Hellfire Peninsula to "preside over the overall situation".

As a result, before the ass was hot, a cyclops orc pirate came to report that an old friend who claimed to be Commander Bo Laike was waiting on a small island on the edge of Ashland.

"What? There are still my old friends in this bloody world?"

The smelly pirate sat on the main seat and blinked his eyes, looking at the messenger below, he held an apple and asked:

"What's the background of that group?"

"I don't know, Captain. In short, they are mysterious. They all wear big hoods, wishing to wrap themselves from head to toe."

The one-eyed dragon orc said emphatically:

"They are sitting on a pretty good boat, such a regular boat is rare in Dellano, and they have a large row, it seems that they have a lot of background.

Asked Laike Shaw to meet them by name, and said there was an important discussion about your life. "

"Well, that's very loud."

Bu Laike became a little interested. He rubbed his chin and said to the prisoner Maiev next to him:

"Do you want to go and see together?"

"I'm a prisoner now, can I decide where to go?"

Maiev raised her hands with a stern face, and the magic handcuffs on her wrists creaked, which seemed to represent her current situation.

But no one would think that such a small lock can trap the famous warden of the watchmen, and for those "knowledgeable" people, this is Ms. Warden playing some games with her "little boy" again. Intimate game too.

She was wearing a simple elf robe today, and she no longer had the tough look of being the leader of the watchmen. If she didn't have the "toy" handcuffs on her hands, she would really look like a weak woman going out for an outing.

But there are at least six watchmen lurking beside this "weak woman"!

Anyone who dared to plot against her would be attacked by Kaldorei's shadow female warriors before he even made a move.

Of course there are also Void Wardens hanging around.

In addition to protecting Lady Maiev, Sera Moonguard also received orders from Bu Laike to prevent Maiev from leaving alone without permission.

In this regard, the warden of the watchmen has a criminal record.

Walking in the sun with her true face makes Ms. Warden a little uncomfortable, but since Maiev has always worn a full set of owl armor when going out in the past 10,000 years, this has led to the "no makeup" Maiev In addition to the high-level circles of elves, few people have actually seen it.

She is now being taken around by Laike, as long as she keeps quiet, not many people will recognize her true identity.

Considered from another angle, isn't this an exquisite "disguise"?

As expected of Master Watcher.

"Isn't it because I'm afraid you'll talk nonsense, so I took you out to relax."

After Maiev complained, the pirate snorted, took a bite of the green apple, turned to the Cyclops in front of him and said:

"Go and invite my 'guests' here, and ask me to meet them on my territory, isn't it a bit shameful? If it spreads out, people will say that we immortal pirates don't understand etiquette."

"But what if they don't come?"

The one-eyed orc scratched his bald head, and said with some confusion:

"That guy looks very powerful. Just by the tone of their voice, they seem to be very dark and evil characters. I'm afraid I'm a little confused."

"Is the knife in your hand and the musket in your belt a decoration?"

Bo Laike snorted, rolled his eyes, picked up his pipe again and said impatiently:

"Besides, what does it matter to me if you can figure it out? Am I going to prepare everything for my incompetent subordinates? Are you the master or am I the master?

As I said, I'm going to receive my guests here!

You must invite them here, and if you are killed, I will surely avenge you. "

This unreasonable statement made the orc pirates shrug their shoulders, do a pirate courtesy with a playful smile, then limped and left.

Working in the Undead Fleet, such treatment is commonplace.

No one in Azeroth knows that their leader, His Excellency Bu Laike, is very reasonable in other situations except when he is unreasonable.

"If you do this, aren't you afraid that your subordinates will have deep resentment towards you?"

Maiev, who witnessed the conversation throughout, whispered:

"Always assigning tasks to subordinates that they can't accomplish at all is not like what a good leader would do."

“I call it motivating their subjective initiative, forcing them to use their rusty brains to solve problems in more creative ways.

The brain often degenerates without being used. I already have a vivid example around me. "

Bo Laike exhaled the smoke ring and looked Maiev up and down.

He quickly noticed the necklace on the neck of the white-haired female elf, and he pouted and said:

"Didn't you say you don't need to wear it? Are you really using it as an ornament?"

"You put this collar with void power around my neck without permission, and you didn't tell me the secret word to untie it at all. In my current weak state, as long as I try to untie it, I will touch the restriction.

This void force will attack my sanity while trying to corrupt my body. "

Maiev said with a surge of anger:

"You bastard has the upper limit of everything Elune allows you to do to me, you're a cunning bastard, but do you think I want to wear it?"

"Hahaha, don't tell me, it's pretty pretty."

Bu Laike made a laugh.

He leaned on his chair, admiring the impotent and furious look of the stinky woman in front of him. This aggrieved and angry posture was completely two extremes of her previous cold and arrogant attitude.

It makes the pirates laugh every time they look at it.

Maiev also seemed to feel that the weakness she revealed would make the pirates feel happy.

The bastard was just making fun of her, and soon his face was serious again, and he turned his head to look at the view of Ashland Island through the window.

The room fell silent for a while, and Bo Laike was smoking a pipe, wanting to say some pirate jokes to cheer up the atmosphere, but as soon as the idea came up, he was scolded by Xal'atath, who was always monitoring:

"Hey, is Lord Bu Laike going to do the most disdainful dog-licking behavior you have ever done? This is a rare pirate who is trying his best to please girls.

Tsk tsk, we haven't been treated like this before.

No wonder, Sefiel and I both posted upside down. You have never been in such an embarrassing situation. Our lives are really hard. "

"You are enough! What does it look like to be so yin and yang?"

Bu Laike scolded in his heart:

"Stop making these dangerous remarks, it makes me feel like you have studied under Master Wan Xueliu at the Shado-Pan Temple for a long time, and you already have the smell of punching.

Besides, you have been watching, and there is no sign of further development between Maiev and me.

Now it's just a purely intimate relationship of some kind. "

"Does that mean that the kidneys are not distracted?"

Xalatas saw right away that the stinky pirates were secretly changing concepts, and she sneered:

"If you are really a person who only loses his kidneys, I will feel relieved.

It's because I know you that I'm worried about what's going to happen next. With a love like yours, as long as Maiev asks softly, you'll do a lot of crazy things for her.

Like stop being a dark bad baby and run to save the world or something.

I believe that you can do such a thing.

I have to say, in terms of being in love with female elves, you really inherited your father Dai Lin's 'excellent bloodline'. "

"You two should know"

Maiev, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said:

"Because of this 'necklace', I can hear the obscene conversations between you and that Void Lady about me, right? Do you two think it's appropriate to talk about this in front of me?"

"Tch, stop being arrogant!"

Xal'atath, who was angry in his heart, immediately changed his target and fired at Maiev:

"You are now the debauched prisoner of the evil pirate! Recognize your identity, stinky woman, believe it or not, I will project your 'excellent performance' that night into your mind and let you appreciate it?

Don't mess with me, I warn you!

I am the ancient venerable, as long as I want, I can completely replace the other side of your soul, so that you are willing to wear the "dog leash" prepared by Bu Laike for you, and follow him through the streets! "

"You can try it, evil!"

Maiev snorted, posed an elegant posture of an elf lady on the chair, picked up a green apple from the fruit plate at hand, and played with it between her fingers.

She whispered in the dangerous tone that belonged to the warden of the watchmen:

"It seems that the lesson I taught you last time was not enough. On the battlefield of will under the moonlight, you are just a defeated opponent. Is this your attitude towards the winner?"

"Don't stop me! Boo Laike, I'm going to teach this little bitch a lesson!"

Xalatath is on fire.

She roared to appear in the form of seven-colored smoke, and beat up the arrogant Maiev in front of her. The pirate stretched out his hand to restrain the escaping smoke from his body in great headache.

After a few seconds, he yelled:

"You two, please be quiet! That's enough! Didn't you see that my guest is coming soon? Can you talk about housework in private? Don't embarrass yourself in front of outsiders!"

"whispering sound"

Xalatas snorted, and obediently returned to Bu Laike's body, while Maiev, the white-haired female elf, lowered her head and took a bite of the apple, saying indifferently:

"Who is doing housework with you? Don't use this kind of expression next time, it will make others misunderstand."

Bo Laike ignored the quarrel between the two women.

He put on an unruly look in the room that a stinky pirate should have, with a pipe in his mouth, looking gloomyly at a guy with a hood who walked in under the leadership of the one-eyed dragon orc.

He recognized him immediately.

"Yo, look who this is."

The stinky pirate elongated his voice, and said in a weird tone:

"The crotchless commander of the weak Black Spirit Pirates walked into my territory so bravely, he even dared to call himself my old friend, and threatened my subordinates that his great and handsome captain was in danger of his life.


Look how frightened my incompetent subordinates are by your nonsense?

But I only care about one thing now, my dear Lord Aridin, did you leave a will before you came to die? Most importantly, is the beneficiary of the will written in my name? "

"Very good pirate joke, Mr. Bo Laike. In order to express my goodwill and sincerity, I will laugh as you wish, so that the situation will not be too cold at the moment."

Aridin was not angry.

He let out an emotionless laugh in the indifferent tone that a black knight should have. In the next second, he raised his head, not wearing the black knight armor for the first time, which exposed him to the true form of the black knights.

Like a cloud of black smoke that was forcibly molded into a human shape, or like black quicksand that is constantly flowing and reuniting, their shapes have long been obliterated under a terrible curse, and these evil things are the only ones left in this world. last echo on.

Under the hood was an anthropomorphic face of quicksand, and the face of the living Aredin could be vaguely seen, but the features were not very clear.

only those eyes

It was filled with a light that made Bo Laike frown.

This sharp and wild gaze, which seemed to be unconstrained by any rules, was completely different from the weak and clumsy black knight he remembered. So, what exactly did Aridin go through to have such a change?

Did they find some awesome place in Dellano to complete the "enlightenment" of the pirate profession?

The one-eyed dragon orc pirate who led Eredin into the room saw that his captain didn't drive them away, so he turned around and walked out very interestingly, and closed the door by the way.

This made the room suddenly quiet.

"Kil'jaeden sent killers to kill you, Lord Bo Laike."

Eredin was business as soon as he spoke.

Apparently he wasn't here to have fun.

"Oh? So what?"

Bu Laike raised his eyebrows. He looked at Eredin in front of him with a very interested look. He leaned forward and said:

"I already know this news. It seems that the intelligence network of the Black Knights should be upgraded."

"The Trickster sent me as bait to figure out a way to get a fel beacon on you so that killer can target you when he enters Dellano."

Aridin continued unaffected:

"In addition, apart from the star hunter on the bright side, I learned from my sources that the most powerful demon assassin under Kil'jaeden has also set off.

I guess you don't know the news. "


Bu Laike snorted and said:

"What on earth do you want to do? Just put a demonic beacon on me so openly? Do you know what the end of this will be? Are you so loyal to the fraudster?"

"No no no."

Aridin took a delicate fel crystal from his bosom and crushed it in front of Boo Laike.

The magic power belonging to the Deceiver dissipated in the air, but the fel energy beacon it was supposed to complete failed to capture the target before dissipating, and the meaning of this action made the stinky pirate even more interested.

He laughed and stood up, clapped his hands, and said to Eredin in front of him:

"Nice try!

You guys have finally learned the essence of the pirate business, which really touches me, just like watching the crane tail of the same grade finally pass the final exam with difficulty.

Speak, Black Knight, how will you betray the Trickster? What else do I need to do? "

"This is not betrayal. I want to correct you, my dear colleague."

Aridin reached out and pulled his hood, and said in a hoarse voice:

"From start to finish, the Black Knight has had only one master, and that's not the eredar bastard! What shall we say?

We just chose to return to the original starting point after being lost in a long time in another world, and we just want to live a simpler and happier life of robbery.

And the cheater has become an obstacle to our return to our hometown, and everything in it keeps us from being happy.

That's all.

It humiliates us, it slanders us, it tortures us, it treats us like worms that can be discarded at any time, then we must use practical actions to let it know

Bug bites can be painful too!

I've got a great project and I need your help, best of the best.

In return, I will bestow upon you the treasure you desire, and a glorious victory over the Burning Legion! So, Boo Laike Shaw, do we have a deal? "

(end of this chapter)

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