Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1310 60. Shadow Song's Prophecy

Chapter 1310 60. Shadow Song's Prophecy

Hisallie Crow was called by the stinking pirates to go to Spiers of Arak together. This request made the expressions of all those who knew about her and Bu Laike's past gossip become subtle.

Not even our ruthless Highlord Ravencrest, who takes no interest in gossip.

The death knight's dark blue eyes also danced with a damn happy look.

He instantly felt that there was something in Bo Laike's words, and the changes in the expressions of the others did not hide the fact that Theasalie Crow, who is now super powerful in perception.

Everyone's ambiguous and expectant expressions made Miss Crow's cheeks flush, but Bu Laike didn't care, he had already left the bonfire with the low-key Ms. Maiev.

"The woman next to him."

Prince Kael'thas watched Bo Laike leave, and whispered to High Lord Ravencrest beside him:

"Looks like a ruthless character? Although she is very low-key, if you don't pay special attention, you won't even realize her existence, but this kind of trait shows that she is a top assassin not weaker than Bu Laike.

But I never met her.

Look at her intimate relationship with Boo Laike, is that another of our Merry Pirates' dire lovers of some origin? "

"You've seen her, you just don't know it's her."

The Lord of Death shook his head.

He hated these unsolicited gossips. He felt that this thing was a waste of time, so he said in an indifferent and impatient tone:

"Don't delve into her origin and identity, Dath'Remar's little grandson, it will bring you terrible results. I am more interested in the ring on your finger. I can feel that it will connect you with this A piece of land, the world is bound together.

So, for the next part of your life, do you want to spend it in this world? "


Kael'thas touched the world ring on his finger, and he said softly:

"Is this probably what they call the 'price of power'?"

"Then it looks like we're getting closer."

Lord Ravencrest let out the death knight's signature creepy laughter. Looking at the Shadowmoon Valley in front of him, he said softly:

"This world will also be the 'blessed land' of the Black Crows, where we will fight against the eternal enemy for a long time, until the day when they are defeated and flee.

Perhaps you could be one of my lieutenants, like your illustrious ancestor Dath'Remar? "

"I am honored, High Lord."

Prince Quel'dorei put his hands on his chest and leaned slightly.

With a smile on his handsome face, he said:

"Being able to join a fateful war with a legendary hero may become a highlight moment in my life. I have summoned my followers, and they may be able to catch up with Ner'zhul's salvation plan before it begins." get here.

Then I will introduce you to my loyal and brave warriors. We will fight under the banner of Black Rook Hold, just as the rising Sunstriders followed your courage ten thousand years ago.

This is a tribute to the great deeds of the ancestors, there is no doubt about it. "

"Summon more people over here."

The death knight high lord suggested:

"Rather than let those mighty warriors die in the power's shameful quest for majesty and Wang Quan, rather than let them die in a senseless war that is about to break out on a frozen sea, let them step into the land of true glory.

Here is the battlefield!

Here is the real savior!

This is enough to clear away all shameful disputes and contradictions, and it is here that you can create true unyielding fighters, and these fighters are the truly reliable backbone of your Sun Dynasty.

Future king, you should also start training your team and your generals.

I heard that the Illidari have also proposed to recruit the Quel'dorei elves to become heroic demon slayers. Although I don't like the close relationship between demon hunters and demons, I have to admit that they are so loyal. The dark warriors who are so brave and astounding are the "white moonlight" in the hearts of all rulers. "

Ravencrest glanced at Kael'thas, and he suggested:

"Maybe, you can try to save your people from the scourge of magic addiction, now is an opportunity, an opportunity to test the Quel'dorei's courage and will.

Do you think that dark warriors like the Illidari can be born among your people? "

"This is too cruel."

Kael'thas frowned and said:

"I don't want my people to suffer such a terrible trial"

"What happened to Azshara should be enough to teach all elf rulers never to make decisions for your people, little prince."

Ravencrest chuckled, and said in a hollow voice:

"You just need to issue a call and give your people a chance to embrace greatness. But if you want to achieve greatness, how can you not go through painful trials?

You also understand that all power comes at a price, and that instead of letting the gifted rot in the mire of addiction, give them a chance to break free and serve their king. "

In the light of the burning bonfire nearby, Kael'thas was silent for a moment, and the handsome and benevolent prince said softly:

"I will consider and try it, thank you for your suggestion, High Lord."


On the other side, on the mountain road leading to the peak forest of Alanka, Bu Laike and Maiev walked slowly in front as if traveling in mountains and rivers. The two dogs and men were still in the mood to comment on the weird peaks protruding from the ground under the night.

But Miss Hisalley Black Crow, who was following behind, was not in such a mood at all.

She looked at Bo Laike with complicated eyes, and then at the hooded woman next to him. Miss Crow really wanted to express her anger.

A stinky man who has a complicated past with himself, showing affection with another woman in front of his eyes, this kind of behavior is really too contemptible. It shouldn't be a problem to rush up and slap him twice, right?

But Miss Black Crow suppressed her impulse with great willpower.

On the one hand, she already knew that Bo Laike's nature was such that he had an inappropriate relationship with his first mate and the dark essence in his heart all year round.

This guy is just a sentimental and reserved bastard, there's no need to get mad at the nature of a stinky pirate.

On the other hand, the identity of the woman beside him also made Miss Hei Ya feel a lot of pressure.

That's Lady Maiev Shadowsong!

That is one of the high-level faction leaders of the night elves, and one of the few big figures in the Elune sisterhood who can compete with Tyrande Windtalker for qualifications.

More importantly, Elune, the moon god, has only two Chosen in Kaldorei.

Maiev is one of them.

A chosen one of the true god, in a country of belief like the Luna Kingdom, can almost be regarded as the spokesperson of the gods walking on the earth.

Not only is their age and qualifications far superior to Miss Black Crow, but even their identities are vastly different, not to mention their appearance, which can be said to be a "dimensionality reduction" blow.

Just look at the glamorous and unparalleled Ms. Tyrande. How could there be an ugly guy in Luna God's Chosen?

This made the Archdruid, who had always been confident and never felt inferior, feel an irresistible sense of frustration. Moreover, a very embarrassing thing happened just a few days ago.

It was exactly the thing Lorewalker Lao Zhou mentioned before.

At noon that day, Miss Black Crow finally mustered up the courage to talk to Bu Laike about their relationship, but at the door of the smelly pirate's room, she heard some very "voices".

What she heard completely overturned the high-cold impression in her mind of Ms. Maiev, who was also considered mysterious in the Kaldorei. Did these two dogs and men have gone so far?

This also made her feel the "magic" of Bu Laike.

His lovers include a dead bronze dragon wraith, an Old God essence from the Void, and now even the noble Elaine Chosen has fallen under Laike Shaw's sinister allure.

It is said that Queen Azshara has also expressed her appreciation for Bu Laike on various occasions

Hiss, this is really frightening to think about.

"Hey, girl, I feel like you're thinking something very rude."

Miss Theasalie Crow's wild thoughts caused her to relax her perception of her surroundings. When she regained consciousness, Bo Laike and Maiev had already blocked her way one after the other.

Behind her, the hooded Maiev put a hand on Crow's shoulder, a movement that made Crow's body tremble a little.

However, she noticed that Madam Maiev's right finger was wearing a gorgeous gemstone ring that was so gorgeous that even an ascetic druid like her would be thrilled.

It's not the kind of accessory a low-key Warden would wear.

"I don't!"

Miss Black Crow immediately denied it.

"You have, you have been with me for so long, you have seen with your own eyes the new ability I got from Y'Shaarj in Pandaria"

Bu Laike in front of her flicked her fingers and said slowly:

"I can sense your chaotic heart, Black Crow, is it because you 'accidentally' saw and heard those things a few days ago?"

"I don't!"

The archdruid was horrified by the puncture, but after denying it, she realized what kind of bastard she was trying to disguise her secret in front of.

"Don't speak out."

Madam Maiev was not too angry, she just warned in a low voice:

"Not a word about everything about me and Boo Laike."

"Hey, your request is too difficult."

The smelly pirate complained:

"The ambiguous story between me and you has basically spread throughout the Watcher system, and I guess Malfurion, who sleeps all day long, knows it all.

Coupled with the fact that Xiao Xingxing, that idiot, keeps adding some shameful and cryptic 'hints' in her book, now probably most of the world knows that you are having an affair with me.

The sales of her 'books' are terrifying.

There are crazy fans of her all over the world, and they are happy to find some small details that make people feel happy between the lines. "

"Shut up! Men don't interrupt when women talk!"

Maiev scolded:

"Let's go, let's explore the way first, I have a few words with the little girl Hei Ya, no eavesdropping is allowed!"

"Okay, okay, ladies, talk slowly, I, a stinky man, will go ahead and find out the way for you. But please be more sensible and decent, both of you.

We are all our own people, don't fight and let others see the joke. "

Bu Laike shrugged, unexpectedly did not fight back with a poisonous tongue, but picked up his pipe and summoned his flaming phoenix baby egg sky, and let it carry him to the peak forest of Arak under the night.

Black Crow also noticed that before taking off, Sky made a provocative and proud look with its burning eyes, as if to say:

"You, a former scout bird, have done a good job, but now you have retired! Your place in the herd belongs to me, and there is no place for you here anymore.

You may have been his beloved baby egg before.

But right now, I'm his favorite bird. "


As expected of Bo Laike's beloved bird, the sincerity is really despicable!

Watching the stinky pirate disappear into the sky under the firelight under the night, Maiev shook her head, she walked a few steps and sat on a rock, and waved to Miss Crow, who lowered her head and her heart was in a mess.

The archdruid didn't know what expression to use to face Ms. Maiev, so she could only show an embarrassed smile.

After she got closer, Maiev looked at the ring on her finger and whispered:

"You have also followed him, you should be very clear about the 'origin' between me and him, right?"

"Well, I know some, ma'am."

Apart from the chaotic relationship between Maiev and Bu Laike, Miss Crow still respects Maiev, the commander of the watchmen who has defended the Kaldorei civilization for more than 10,000 years.

She whispered:

"I know that Bu Laike will go back 10,000 years ago in the future, and your relationship with him will start at that time, and I can actually understand your complicated feelings now.

So you don't have to worry about my contempt for you because I accidentally heard those unseemly voices.

Put yourself in my shoes, if I were you, I wouldn't be able to refuse a lover from 10,000 years ago in this situation, that villain is just using your feelings to blackmail you, ma'am.

You don't have to be ashamed of this. "

"I'm not ashamed of it, in fact, I initiated it that day.

In fact, in most of the "mutual aid" relationship between me and him during this period, I took the initiative. You also know that guy has a conspiracy theory explanation for everything in his mind.

He has actually been trying to maintain a relatively independent relationship with me, trying to learn from me the details of 10,000 years ago.

But fortunately, I found a 'solution' that effectively blocked his endless problems. "

Maiev glanced at Crow, and she said:

"Also, the word 'Nie Yuan' is a good use, I like it."

Madam Warden's frankness made Crow's eyes widen, and then she heard Maiev say to her:

"But you are right. When facing him, my emotions are very complicated. I think that after 10,000 years of tempering my faith, it is enough for me to face all emotional and emotional challenges.

But it turns out that 10,000 years is far from enough for a love engraved into the soul.

I couldn't maintain my majesty as the warden in front of him, and I could even feel my soul begging my will to take the initiative to satisfy all his desires.

It may be difficult for you to understand this twisted psychology, but how to say

I always have a feeling. "

Maiev raised her head and looked at the dim moonlight in Dellano's world, she whispered:

"He and I belong to the past era, what remains in the present is only the echo of those beautiful memories from 10,000 years ago, and I am just chasing an illusion of the past.

And my story probably ended 10,000 years ago.

I might.

There is not so much time to spend with Bo Laike anymore.

It's an odd idea.

But my soul is so eager to leave an eternal imprint on his heart.

This seems to validate my idea.

He's a prophet, but he can't see my destiny, and neither can I. But I know that this is the will of the Moon God, whether it is the longing in the past or the debauchery now.

This is Elune's will.

I will accept it bravely, and I am not seeking enlightenment when I say this to you, I just want to ask you one thing, my people. "

Miss Black Crow is already stupid now.

She heard grave ominousness from Madam Maiev's words.

She stepped forward, grabbed the lady's wrist, and said in a deep voice:

"Don't worry about this, Ms. Maiev, all the Kaldorei will protect you. You have spent ten thousand years for us, and we will not let you down."

"No, I don't need it, those are all voluntary."

Maiev held Hisalley's hand instead, and she said to Crow seriously:

"If one day I really encounter misfortune, please be my eyes and continue to pay attention to his life and his future instead of me. I know that I will meet him again in the past, and I know that I will enjoy my life ten thousand years ago. happiness.

I can accept such an outcome frankly.

But in the future that belongs to him, there is probably no place for me.

Please replace me and witness those future glory.

I know you won't say no, poor little girl, it must have hurt you a lot to fall in love with him.

What a sinful man. "

(end of this chapter)

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