Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1311 61. Illidan Is Just Tu Yile

Chapter 1311 61. Illidan is just Tu Yile

"What the hell did you talk about?"

Laike returned to the original place ten minutes later. He jumped down from the back of the sky and saw Miss Hisalie Black Crow wiping away tears, and Maiev Shadowsong with a blank face.

He said with a strange expression:

"Did you beat her? No way, I said that the relationship between me and her is very pure."

"Shut up, disrespectful bastard."

Maiev snorted coldly, reached out and pulled his hood, and said willfully:

"I'm tired, so I won't accompany you to blow the wind at night. Nasa and Sera will accompany me back and keep me from running around by the way. Come back when you're done, and help me squeeze my legs.

The wound started to hurt again. "

After finishing speaking, Madam Warden pulled down her hood, and walked back in the opposite direction under the escort of a group of hidden watchmen.

This kind of temporary dove job behavior makes the pirate look down, but what bad thing can he say to a woman with whom he maintains an improper mutual aid relationship?

So he could only watch Maiev disappear into the night.

He looked back at Miss Black Crow, and asked in a low voice:

"Did she beat you? Seeing you crying miserably, she must have hit hard, right?"

"Shut up! You're not allowed to say that about Ms. Maiev!"

The archdruid with red eyes clenched his fists and shouted at Bu Laike:

"You don't understand at all. You bastard who doesn't know how to be blessed! Hurry up and break off relations with your first mate and your dark little girlfriend! Give me a wholehearted love for Ms. Maiev! Bastard!"

"Are you crazy?"

The smelly pirate looked at the uncharacteristically irritable black crow with weird eyes, and he whispered:

"I really wonder if Maiev has some strange ability like 'Affinity to the Highest Elf', why every female elf who meets her can become her fan in the shortest possible time?

Wow, I really want this ability. "

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

Hisaly replied very irritablely, and this kind of emotional fluctuation made her long burning hair emit more flames.

She turned around and tried to calm herself down, while feeling worthless for Ms. Maiev, such a good woman, why would she have such an enviable love with such a bad man.

Luna, are you blind?

Isn't such a beautiful lady Maiev worthy of the best man in the world to love her deeply?

This kind of blasphemous thought made the moonlight above Crow's head flicker, as if a Luna arrow was poised to hit it, but Lady Elune loved Kaldorei after all, so the waves of moonlight quickly subsided.

"Let's go, let's visit the autistic god of the dark arak people."

Bu Laike shrugged, he had never been able to understand women's weird thoughts, so he could only change the subject and let the crow follow him to work.

This time I really went to work.

The reason why he chose Hisallie Crow to follow was also due to Laike's own considerations, not purely out of malice.

He summoned the sky to float, and said to the black crow:

"Come on, I will tell you the story of old Ansu on the way, you must not know how bloody it is, but I believe that after I finish telling you, you will definitely be happy.

Because it is a tragic story about a peerless dog licking. "

Miss Hisalie Crow had no interest in this, but she still transformed into a beautiful and fantastic flaming eagle following behind the sky in the transformation wrapped in flames.

The flaming form of the black crow is a little different from that of the sky.

After all, she did not use the phoenix egg to reshape her falcon form in the flame rebirth ceremony. After getting the fire of Sulfras and all the divine power of the eagle god Ekilson, her current form is standard The shape of the divine steed falcon reshaped by the flames.

Compared with the full and gorgeous feeling of the phoenix in the sky, Miss Hei Ya is more of a special temperament formed by the superposition of wild freedom and the majesty of flames.

More deterrent, more fighting, and without that flashy sense of nobility.

Overall, the incarnation of Archdruid Raging Flame is definitely not ugly, it is still the beauty of power that is enough to shock people at a glance.

Sky, who was confidently provoking Miss Black Crow before, immediately felt a strong crisis after seeing Black Crow in the form of a flaming eagle.

not good!

This woman can do it!

It seems that if he wants to keep his status as the Eye of the Herd, he needs to work harder.

"When we followed the Arch Druid of Staghelmet to study the power of nature in the Evergrowth Forest, we also heard the name of Anzu from the souls of the Mo Kenasa hunters who were deeply bound to Gorgrond."

Miss Black Crow finally changed her mood and followed beside the sky with a cold face. She stretched her scorching and burning wings and said to Bu Laike:

"It is said that it is one of the three 'wilderness demigods' born from the natural forces of Dellano's world, the ancestor of all birds in this world, and the god worshiped by the arakko people.

But the hunters of Mo Kenasa don't know much about how it fell, and how it made the arakko people fall together. It is said that it has been three thousand years ago.

At that time, the orcs had not yet been born, and in Dellano's world there were only the original Maglon and Gron, as well as ogres, arakkoa, and elves.

It was a wild and great era, but it is a pity that it has gone. "

"Guys, you Druids really need to strengthen your ability to collect information. What is this all about?"

Bu Laike complained:

"There are so many mistakes in just a few sentences. I really doubt how many regrettable mistakes and omissions there are in the books and knowledge you hide in Moonglade.

Come on, let Mrs. Bo Laike give you a lesson, you poor student, listen up. "

The stinky pirate flew towards the ruins of Tongtian Peak, the highest point of the Arakkoa Empire, with the black crow, coughed a few times, and said in the tone of a lecturer:

"First, the Arakkoa was not created by Ansu.

Although the arakkoa do believe in Anzu as a god, the ancestor of the arakkoa civilization is Rukhmar, one of the three deities of Dellano, the "spirit of the sun".

The Sunlight Flying Eagle demigod is also the goddess Ansu has been licking. She is the most beautiful creature that can be born in the form of all life forces manifested in the stars.

Compared with her, both you and Cang Qiong are as ugly as bald chickens. "


Bu Laike's words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the sky!

The proud Flaming Phoenix didn't believe that there was a more handsome and beautiful Flaming Firebird in this world, and Hisalley Crow also showed a very suspicious expression.

She also doesn't really believe in Bo Laike's exaggerated statement. If you really want to say that he is handsome, is there any bird that can compare to Master Chi-Ji?

And her thoughts were quickly guessed by Bu Laike.

The smelly pirate snorted and said:

"Rukmar's beauty is comparable to Chi-Ji's handsomeness, and you probably understand when I say this. I know you think I'm lying, but now I can't provide any more evidence. After all, Rukhmar has been dead for a long time.

Let's talk about the second mistake.

Dellano's three-and-a-half gods Ansu, Rukhma, and the dark wind snake god Saitai's grievances and grievances are not just a matter of three thousand years ago, since the three of them were conceived by Dellano's life energy, there has been an irreconcilable relationship contradiction.

Both Anzu and Rukhmar are winged birds and demigods, they can soar freely in the sky, but Saitai, as a wind snake, has only short and tough wings, it can only fly at low altitudes, and even climbs tall mountains. not up.

And Ansu is certainly not as beautiful as Rukhmar, but as the guardian of crows and all crow-like birds, Ansu's appearance is definitely not bad among the demigods.

Seite is ugly.

It is inherently connected with the mysterious void, but unfortunately not every void energy user is as lucky as me to be able to guarantee a handsome and handsome appearance.

Over the years, Saitai has been corrupted by the Void, becoming stronger and uglier at the same time, and the whispers of the Void have also magnified the dark side in its heart.

Let it treat its followers of the wind snake no more lovingly than Rukhmar treats the birds, nor as respectful as Ansu treats the crows.

It ruled Dellano's serpents in such a cruel way that it almost caused Dellano's serpents to become extinct. You figured it out too, didn't you?

The voice of wind snakes is rarely seen in this world. This is what Saitai did thousands of years ago. "

Bu Laike snorted and said disdainfully:

"Saitai was full of jealousy for the beautiful and noble Rukhmar, and a terrible idea gradually sprouted in his heart. He wanted to kill Rukhmar to take her power.

However, it wasn't all due to the twisted heart of Saitai, the ugly guy. Rukhmar's sun-like arrogance also accounted for a large part of the reason.

This is probably the common shortcoming of all beautiful goddesses.

They are born beautiful and can soar in the sky, so they are naturally full of contempt for all the "weaker races" crawling on the ground. Rukhmar never even let his noble feet touch the ground before the catastrophe.

Her arrogance can be seen from this. If I have to use a metaphor, she is probably the Queen Azshara of the world of Dellano. "

"and then?"

Although Miss Black Crow said that she was not interested in the stories of the demigods, she couldn't help asking after hearing this:

"Saitai is definitely not Rukhmar's opponent, right? You just said that Rukhmar is the strongest demigod bred by Dellano. What does this have to do with Anzu's depravity?

Could it be that Ansu also participated in Setai's evil plot against Rukhmar? "

"Of course it was involved."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said:

"How can a licking dog be indifferent when seeing a beloved goddess in danger? After Saitai explained its evil plan to Ansu, Ansu agreed immediately.

But after changing hands, he told his beloved goddess about Sai Tai's evil plan, and offered to set a trap to kill Sai Tai!

Ansu's cunning and viciousness can be seen. This guy's fall may have been due to an unexpected disaster, but the darkness in his heart existed long before his fall.

In order to protect its goddess, it can definitely drag the world to be buried with it.

In short, after a great battle, Saitai couldn't resist Rukhmar's sunfire and Anzu's sharp blade wind even if he tried his best.

It was permanently deprived of its wings, and fell into a muddy mud. Ansu swallowed its eyes in anger, and tore its body with sharp claws.

But Saitai is not just for dry food.

Seeing that he was going to die, the bastard got angry and started to open the void rift in Dellano to sacrifice this damn world to the will of the void.

At the most critical moment, in order to protect his own group and the goddess, Ansu ate Sai Tai, including the meat and bones, into his stomach under Rukhmar's shocked gaze.

It used its own body as a carrier to seal Saitai's final curse.

But such insane conservation comes at a price.

Ansu's body was also completely distorted by the power of the void, its wings could no longer soar into the sky, and it lost its noble appearance and became ugly.

It seemed to know that such an ugly self was not worthy of Rukhmar, who was as noble as the sun, so it struggled to hide in the shadow created by itself amid Rukhmar's mournful screams.


See that valley covered in blood rain below?

That is the place where Sai Tai fell, and it was also the place where Ansu fell. "

Bu Laike pointed to a hidden valley below, and said something to Miss Black Crow.

The archdruid looked down, and he saw a valley surrounded by mountains, and it was shrouded in a bloody and bloody wind, which looked like a terrible place.

"Then what happened to Ansu in the end?"

Miss Black Crow asked:

"It made such a sacrifice for Rukhmar, how could Rukhmar not despise its ugliness?"

"Rukmar doesn't hold back."

Bu Laike sighed and said:

"The inspiration of the sun received Ansu's fiery heart that Ansu never said, she accepted Ansu's love, flew around the entire Dellano for more than ten years, and called for the return of her lover with the most gentle voice.

This is how dog licking finally found a good home.

But how can you say that Ansu is the king of dog licking?

Facing the goddess' initiative to show love, it shrank shamefully.

It felt that it was too ugly and corrupted by the void, and being with Rukhmar was like a 1.9-meter long-legged beauty with a 1.4-meter ugly kobold next to it.

It is ashamed of itself.

So he endured the incomparable longing in his heart, hid in the dark as before, silently guarded the goddess, and wished the goddess a perfect destination, but fortunately, Rukhmar finally had a conscience.

After realizing that Ansu was hiding from her actively, she decided to do something for Ansu despite the pain.

So she used her life essence to transform the most beautiful group of Kalibirds in Spiers of Arak into intelligent life, which is the origin of the arakkoa.

She lovingly called the Arakkoa her and Ansu's children.

She made a motherly sacrifice for the arakkoa, and gave her last vitality to these thriving children, and finally died on the Sun Peak, the highest point of the Arakkoa Forest, in the mourning of the arakkoa.

That's where she and Ansu had been.

Ansu would always silently guard her in the shadow of the sun, and dying there would make her feel at ease.

This is the story of a big licking dog who could have had everything but gave up voluntarily, and his beloved goddess who has a conscience but can't ask for it. "

"But Ansu is still alive, right?"

Miss Black Crow asked in an angry tone:

"That coward just watched his lover die alone? Didn't it even show up when Lord Rukhmar was dying?

What a shameful fellow! "

"I said, the mouths of you beautiful girls are really poisonous."

Bu Laike raised his eyebrows and said:

"Doesn't Ansu not want to go back to accompany his goddess to complete the final journey? Believe me, it is more painful than anyone else, but it can't go because it was helping the arakko people against the invasion of the forest spirits.

If it left the front line, the arakkoa civilization, which was still in its infancy at that time, would definitely collapse in an instant.

Its goddess bore it a child.

Although not born with it.

But it did take over these children, treating them as its own heirs.

It knew what its goddess wanted, and it gave everything for the arakkoa.

A licking dog can do this step!

A beautiful girl like you still thinks it doesn't do enough. It's too miserable to lick a dog. How much do you have to pay for a dog to be satisfied? "

The stinky pirate was filled with righteous indignation, shaking his body in anger, pointing at Miss Black Crow and saying:

"What's wrong with this world? Can dog licking survive? You bastards, I really want to punch you twice to discourage you."


What is a knife?

Why can't I understand the question you discussed yesterday? Why do you think Maiev wants a knife? No no no I can't reveal too much of the plot lest it lose its appeal, but Maiev will have a good home, trust me.

Then, about double this month.

I have consulted, and there should be some, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and then I will add more, and then everyone will look at me and act.

(end of this chapter)

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