Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1312 62. So You Want Me To Use A Beauty Trick On A Licking Dog?

Chapter 1312 62. So you want me to use a beauty trick on a licking dog?

Ansu's story is painful to hear.

From the perspective of pure love, this story is really a poignant sadomasochism.

If Xiao Xingxing hears about it, she will definitely be eager to write a slightly exaggerated art novel about the love between old Ansu and Rukhmar, and it may be a big hit.

But in the eyes of a thorough pragmatist like Laike, Ansu's life is really quite boring.

I don't know if it cried out in pain and sorrow when it betrayed its brother for the sake of a woman. But judging from its vicious behavior of eating up Saitai's flesh and blood, it obviously doesn't think that Saitai, who was born together, is its brother.

In other words, Saitai can't even compare to a feather of the goddess Rukhmar in its heart.

As for Ansu's unconditional and unilateral devotion to Rukhmar, in Bo Laike's view, it is even more boring self-moving.

Judging from Rukhmar's moving performance after seeing what Ansu did for her, this sun spirit must have a good impression of Ansu. If Ansu confessed his feelings from the beginning, the two of them will also be the same. It can be done.

After all, there are only three demigods that can be bred by the vitality of Dellano's small world.

If he didn't choose Ansu, Rukhmar would have to choose Sai Tai, an ugly monster with a sinister heart.

From this point of view, Laike believes that Ansu's low self-esteem and silent behavior are the root causes of all these disasters. If he had been braver from the beginning, these bad things would not have happened afterwards.

But after Braike told Hisalley Crow his true thoughts, he was reprimanded by the archdruid as a heartless straight man, which made him very depressed, and he told Salata his thoughts s.

As a result, his dark little girlfriend called him an evil fool who didn't know how to behave.

This makes people very uncomfortable.

Hisallie Black Crow and Xal'atath rarely stood in the same camp, which made Bu Laike wonder if the world really went crazy?

Or is he the normal sober person?

"It's here, it's here."

The sky swirls and falls on the highest peak of the Arak Forest, where the crowmen have created a "city in the sky" with their astonishing skills.

They call this place Tongtian Peak, which represents the yearning and nostalgia of the Arakko people for the sky.

However, when Laike and Miss Crow landed on the castle on Tongtian Peak, all they could see was a miserable ruin.

The once majestic Sun Tower collapsed as if struck by a huge force, and the gorgeous palaces carved with patterns praising the sun also turned into black rubble in the raging fire.

The holy altar that the noble arakkoa priests used to preach and preach the way of the sun was desecrated by the brutal orcs commanded by Kargath Bladefist with demonic blood, making this glorious place never regain its former glory.

This place is like a "cemetery in the sky" far away from the ground, and the dead silence makes people panic.

"I don't even need to look, I can just feel the howling of the dead from the cold wind here, the Black Crows will definitely like this place.

But it's not good for us to stay here for too long.

The souls of the tortured dead are eager to avenge the living, and they will soon gather. "

The stinky pirate stood in front of the altar desecrated by the devil's blood. He stroked the ugly ruins where the orcs hung up all the gold. He didn't look back at the black crow Drew who was silently chanting the language of nature and praying behind him. Yi said:

"We have to get this done quickly and avoid some unnecessary massacres."

"Did the orcs really destroy all this?"

Miss Black Crow nodded, but she had new doubts after seeing the wreckage of Tongtian Peak with her own eyes. She looked at the collapsed tower high in the palace, and said softly:

"From my experience, Tongtian Peak is so high from the place, and the arakkoa are good at flying and controlling the power of the sun and storms, it is impossible for ordinary orc warriors to rush into this fortified city of the sun under their noses.

The war to destroy the arakkoa civilization must not be that simple, right?

Moreover, I have also heard of the deep hatred between the pure-blooded high-level arakkoa and the exiled degenerate arakkoa in Gorgrond. Perhaps, you can tell me a little more about them? "

"You weren't such a talkative guy before."

Bu Laike looked back at Miss Crow, and said:

"You were not so curious before. It seems that after being driven out of the herd, you have changed a lot. Sure enough, I knew that the chicks must learn to open their wings and embrace the sky."

"You don't worry too much, Your Excellency the Pirate. I just feel the tragic experience of the arakkoa. Perhaps knowing more about it will allow me to learn valuable survival wisdom from it."

Hei Ya said something with a straight face, then changed the subject and said:

"What are we going to do to lure Ansu out of his hiding place? Search every inch of shadow and darkness?"

"You take the initiative to enter the darkness of this forest, you can only expose yourself under the eyes of an evil demigod shaped by void and life, this dark forest is old Ansu's hunting ground.

The withdrawn lick dog is not kind to anyone but his goddess. "

The stinky pirate stood in the windy ruins of Tongtian Peak, snapped his fingers with a pipe in his mouth, and said to the black crow:

"I remember I once taught you that the easiest way to find something in the dark is not to go deep into the darkness, but to light a fire and lure the moths in the dark to come over by themselves."

The pirate sneered and said:

"Ignite the sun tower that the arakkoa used to commemorate Rukhmar! Just like its shining posture in the sun, I believe that this fire is enough to ignite the anger in the heart of the dog-licking demigod.

It will rush out of the darkness, it will confront us, it will angrily try to tear us apart.

Then it has to face us. "

"It would take a long time to light such a tower."

Thisalie Crow frowned and said:

"It is forged with a special method, and ordinary flames cannot approach it at all."

"If this job is easy, I don't need to look for you, right? Your Excellency the Archdruid of the Flame."

Bo Laike curled his lips and said with a vicious metaphor:

"What are you afraid of wasting time? Anyway, don't you also want to know the conflict between the high-level arakkoa and the fallen arakkoa? That's a great story.

I think it fits Kaldorei well.

After all, it was a story of Wang Quan fighting against the theocracy, and finally the theocracy won and civilization ushered in the destruction. "

"Your evil thinking is really enough!"

The black crow opened her hands, calling for the power of the fire of Savras. At the moment when the flames wrapped her body, she complained:

"The night elves don't have the problem of Wang Quan and the theocratic confrontation. I think you humans should be more worried about this. The Church of the Holy Light has already begun to influence Wang Quan of humans, hasn't it?"

"What does that have to do with me?

I am a free and wild pirate, neither Wang Quan nor God can control me, I am a scum abandoned by the orderly society, I live by the mercy of good people. "

Bo Laike laughed as he watched the crows draw flames into contact with the collapsed tower of the sun.

Wisps of fire lingered on the special tower, and the power of the primordial fire from another world forced the inscriptions on the tower to light up, blooming golden streamers in the dark night.

The light was so shining, as if the arakkoa empire that once ruled the sky of Dellano had returned.

In the tumbling of the flames, the smelly pirate took out the flagon and took a sip into his mouth. He wiped his mouth and said:

"The story of the arakkoa is actually nothing to tell. I told you before that Rukhmar used her own life essence to shape the arakkoa in order to commemorate her unrequited love with Ansu.

This also makes Rukhmar the main god of the arakkoa.

The moment the belief was born, the class was born. As Rukhmar's sun belief was accepted by all the arakkoa hatched from the eggs, the arakkoa priests who held the right to interpret the belief gradually became the rulers of the empire.

And the blood of the arakkoa, who was the first to be created by Rukhmar, became the king.

Their civilization system is very rigid. In addition to the king, priests and courtiers, there are many castes among the people based on occupations. At first, they can be maintained with a small number of people, but then as the number of people increases, there is always reluctance. Lonely guy challenges authority.

Therefore, the unique "punishment exile" of the arakkoa was also invented by the priests to strengthen the majesty of the class.

They will throw those unruly guys off the Tongtian peak!

Of course, the arakkoa have wings, so they generally cannot fall to death, but they are cunning in that they will throw the exile into the valley we just passed.

There is the fall of Sai Tai, where the terrifying void power reverberates, and the arakkoa who fall into it will soon be corrupted in mind and body, and they will lose their wings and become very twisted, dark and ugly creatures.

High Arakkoa are beautiful, noble creatures.

They inherit the noble appearance of the mother goddess Rukhmar, each of which shines like the sun, and the royal family is both majestic and beautiful. They can be said to be the most beautiful life born in the world of Dellano.

But the Corrupted Arakkoa are ugly, uglier than the Broken, their hearts are as base as their appearance. "

Bu Laike curled his lips and looked down from the height of the ruins of Tongtian Peak. The shadows flowing from the gloomy forest below converged into a running night, like a strong wind blowing through a dense forest, more like a black pool of water being thrown into a stone.

Ansu saw it.

It may show up soon.

Bu Laike grinned. He sat on the noble altar of the Arakkoa, crossed his legs and teased the flaming phoenix sky, and continued:

"Initially such conflicts only occurred between the common people and the sun priests, but later the priests became more and more powerful, and they began to affect Wang Quan.

It's foreordained.

After all, Rukhmar is dead, how to explain the sun doctrine she left behind is the power of the priests. "


The black crow who was driving the flames found a problem, she frowned and asked:

"Demigods are the manifestation of vitality in the material world. They generally have the 'immortality' nature. Even if Dellano doesn't have an Emerald Dream for the souls of demigods to rest, there is such a strange life hub as the Everblooming Forest in this world.

If the arakkoa were willing to pay some price, they could resurrect Rukhmar.

Didn't they do that?

Does Ansu care? "

"They tried.

About 3,000 years ago, some Sun Priests loyal to Rukhmar stole the Seed of Life from the everblooms guarded by the elves in an attempt to revive Rukhmar. "

Bu Laike rubbed his forehead and said:

"They even used the power of the entire empire to collect the scattered bones after the fall of Rukhmar, and they held a grand resurrection ceremony of the gods.

I don't know much about the specific situation, but their ritual failed.

Well, it's not a complete failure.

They did bring Rukhmar back to life, but the resurrected demigod had little wisdom left, like a beast that knew nothing.

That thing can't be called a god at all, it's almost called a god.

It has been flying around the Lin of Alanka Peak, and it disappeared mysteriously until the orcs started a war of destruction. "

"It must have been the wrong ritual."

The orthodox druid instantly understood the problem, and she explained:

"I didn't understand this truth until I fused the life force with the fire of Sufras. The fusion of life and elements will make the demigod of life surpass the original level.

But this also complicates the resurrection of the demigod.

I guess, when the arakkoa revived Rukhma, they only revived her body. They infused the demigod's remains with life but did not add the power of flames, which made Rukhma's spirit unable to recover. "

"Maybe, but that's the domain of druids. I'm not familiar with this field, so I won't comment."

Bo Laike snorted.

He spread his senses to feel the night, and he could feel a shadowy will moving through the surrounding night, but it just didn't show up.

This made the stinky pirate frowned, what the hell is this old Ansu doing? Are you just not coming in?

Hehe, it really is an old licking dog.

The smelly pirate gave a strange laugh, and continued to tell the story of the arakko people:

"Terok, the last king of the arakkoa, was a brave and powerful warrior. He single-handedly resolved the war between the arakkoa and the tiger people. He led the arakkoa guards to almost wipe out the local tiger people.

This victory greatly promoted Wang Quan and made the priests feel threatened.

So on a dark and stormy night, the priests kidnapped the princess and threw her off Tongtian Peak in a fabricated trial.

The desperate king flew off his throne and jumped into the cursed valley to find his daughter, but all he found was her broken body, which the bastards had bound the queen's wings and thrown her down.

They didn't want the princess to survive at all.

This is a murder!

The heart of the brave king was broken.

It fell and vowed to avenge its enemies, but its twisted wings could not fly, so it could only command the fallen and live on the land they once despised.

They built a crow's nest called 'Skettis', just under the mountain where the Shadowmoon clan is currently located, and it is also the main city of the fallen arakkoa.

As for the story behind, you should be able to guess. "

Bu Laike shrugged, exhaled a smoke ring and said:

"Kargath Bladefist was unable to attack Tongtian Peak, so he invited the fallen arakko people to take revenge. A strong city wall cannot resist the betrayal of his own people.

All the fallen arakkoa have lived here, and they are very familiar with it.

With the blessing of anger and vengeance, the fallen arakkoa helped the orcs destroy Tongtian Peak, and threw all the high-ranking arakkoa into the cursed pool in the name of being judged.

The civilization of the arakkoa was destroyed in this way, there was no more high-ranking arakkoa, only the fallen arakkoa remained in Dellano.

The little star will definitely like this story, and she can publish another autobiography. "

The smelly pirate completely lost his patience. When he finished telling the story, he stood up, stood under the shining tower of the sun, and looked at the night that subsided in front of him.

He cursed:

"What the hell is going on with Ansu? It's really troublesome to show up but not show up. It seems that a backup plan has to be activated."

The pirate snapped his fingers at the crow and said:

"Come on, transform into a fire eagle and fly around the Tower of the Sun, imitating Rukhmar's posture when he leaped over Tongtian Peak. I don't believe it. Old Ansu, the licking dog, didn't show up after seeing this scene!"


Hearing this, Hisaly Crow instantly pulled out her flaming sickle, and slapped it on Bo Laike's neck. The scythe blade shaped by the fire of Savras can cut off the head of the stinky pirate with just a single hook.

She stared at Bo Laike with a "you're going to die" look, and said coldly:

"That's why you called me here? You want me to seduce old Ansu? You bastard! Ms. Maiev is really blind to see you!"

"Calm down my friend."

Bu Laike held up his hands and said:

"I was just kidding.

This kind of thing must not let you come, you can't do this with the style of a woman. Come on, my dear sky, be more charming, and show old Ansu a tough job!

Oops, stop barking, I know you're not Nan Tong, but you can pretend you are.


fly! "

(end of this chapter)

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