Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1313 63. Seeing The Ultimate Mystery Of The Way Of Licking Dogs...I Cried, How About You?

Chapter 1313 63. I cried when I saw the ultimate mystery of the dog-licking method, how about you?

Seeing the flame phoenix neighing and gracefully crossing the shining tower of the sun in the dark night, old Ansu, who was hiding in the dark forest, finally failed to suppress the gun


That's a bit of an exaggeration.

The actual situation is that Ansu's heart is indeed full of anger, and he does not allow another creature to fly around so arrogantly and domineeringly in his favorite Rukhmar's former holy place.

So when the sky was swaying, but happily flew around again, and was about to turn around and fly a second time, the surrounding quiet night finally had a movement.

The whistling shadow storm suddenly appeared invisibly, shooting towards the sky in a shattering gesture, trying to tear this damned bastard to pieces on the spot.

The wrath of an old demigod is terrible.

The moment the storm of shadows appeared, Bo Laike whistled for the sky to return.

He himself completed the change of clothes in an instant, and flew into the tumbling darkness below with the Moonlight Armor on his body, trying to drive old Ansu out of his hiding place completely.

But the sky is still very brave.

It couldn't even take a headbutt from Gorm in the past.

But after the powerful master gave it the power of flames, it was no longer what it used to be. Facing the dark storm summoned by Ansu, the flame phoenix let out a mocking neigh.

It hovered in the sky so proudly, flapping its flaming wings to gather the power of the Sufras fire, and spit out scorching and bright flames towards the front.

The collision of darkness and light caused a large-scale energy collision on the ruins of Tongtian Peak, and the surrounding dust was flying everywhere. Seeing that the sky was about to be overwhelmed, Hisaly Black Crow shook her head and flew into it in the form of a fire eagle. Skyrim joined in the confrontation.

Old Ansu thought that the guy who was much uglier than his Rukhmar would be easy to deal with, but it turned out that he was wrong.

Being entangled and unable to get out, a dangerous creature has sneaked into the shadows and is fast approaching its hiding place. What's even more frightening is that the void power around him is actually receding!

not good!

The guy opposite is also a void power user, and he is loved by the will of the void far more than himself!

This is normal, after all, Ansu's void power is not innate, it is the power that he was cursed after devouring Cytai.

Danbu Laike

This guy is a ruthless character who took the initiative to become the "Apostle of the Void". Odin once commented that the threat of a stinky pirate blessed by the will of the void is no less than that of a weakened ancient god.

No matter how old-fashioned demigod Ansu is, he can't compete with such a guy in potential.

Therefore, Ansu shrank decisively.

Just when Bu Laike was about to break through the void curtain that Ansu hid himself from, the old demigod screamed and withdrew all his strength, hiding deeper where reality and void bordered.

It ran like this, and it couldn't be straightened up by Laike.

No, Brother Su, are you so ignorant?

After all, he is also a demigod, doesn't he want the dignity of a strong man?

Anyway, show up and throw some harsh words.

The surrounding night quickly returned to calm. Facing such a cowardly guy, Laike lost his temper.

He jumped out of hiding, and put the two useless knives in his hands back on his waist, which had become murderous when he felt the enemy was cowardly.

He stood in the shadow woodland, and above his head, the light lit by the sun tower of Tongtian peak shone like a small sun in the night.

"Hey, come out and talk, I know you're here."

Bu Laike stood on the top of the tree with his hips akimbo, and shouted to the darkness in front of him:

"I don't mean it. It's just because you have been avoiding talking to other people that I have to do this. Listen! Ansu, if you miss this opportunity, you and the fallen arakkoa you sheltered will die I will regret it for the rest of my life.”

There was silence in the woodland, and no one or wind answered the pirate's call.

This silence made the pirate very unhappy, so he decided to use his big move:

"Hey, Anzu, don't you want to revive Rukhmar?"


A gust of cold wind blows over, blowing the leaves around Bu Laike and rattling, which seems to represent Anzu's vigilance and attitude.

It simply does not believe that this smelly pirate has a way to resurrect his beloved Rukhmar. This guy looks like a very bad, very bad bastard at first glance, how can someone who can take the initiative to contact the power of the void to such an extent be a decent person!

Serious people who play with void?



Hiding in the veil of void, Ansu made up his mind to ignore Bu Laike's shouts. It moved its body covered with blue-purple feathers like a crow and its own beautiful and wide tail feathers, and turned to go through the darkness to Skettis.

But just when Anzu was about to leave, it heard Bu Laike's triumphant and ostentatious voice resounding in the material world outside the curtain:

"Hey, uninformed guy, you must be wondering what kind of idiot dares to boast that he can resurrect a demigod born in flames?

But the actual situation is that not only can I revive Rukhmar, not only did I dare to let go of my bold words, but I also brought tangible evidence! Have you seen the beautiful phoenix in the sky?

Would you be surprised if I told you that it was once a mighty Hippogryph born of flesh and blood?

Check out that unique Flame Hawk again.

You saw with your own eyes how she transformed from a female elf with flaming hair into a beautiful and mighty flaming creature, that's the proof I can't fake.

I'm trying to tell you something really important in this way, my poor lick dog Ansu.

The opportunity you have been longing for has been brought to you by me, the prophet of another world, but you, who gave everything for Rukhmar, have to choose to give up it at this time.

Just because you think I'm a bad guy? "

Bo Laike laughed loudly and picked up his pipe. He exhaled a rich smoke ring and said:

"Yes, I'm a badass, I never deny that, but is there any necessary connection between the fact that I'm a badass and that I can help you get what you want?

What you, the pathetic crow god, strive for with all your might, is in my hands, Ansu, I generously leave the decision to you, within ten seconds, either you show up, or I leave.

You choose. "

Laike took out his beloved mechanical dwarf multifunctional pocket watch and was about to count down the countdown. The swishing shadows in front of his eyes turned into dim bird feathers. In the flying storm, a huge crow walked out of the opened void curtain with its dark eyes staring. .

It is very old.

This can be seen from its tired posture when walking.

As a demigod born in a world without the Emerald Dream, Anzu has lived for thousands of years, plus Dellano's vitality has been weakening in essence.

Their demigods, which are closely connected with the vitality of the world, will naturally be affected.

If Ansu hadn't swallowed the other demigod Saitai alive back then, and gained the vitality of Saitai, it would have died of old age in a long time, after all, its Rukhmar had been dead for three thousand years.

A demigod is also life, and since it is life, it will age.

And Ansu in front of me is the mainstream posture of the demigods of life among the stars, the group of Azeroth who can enter and exit the Emerald Dream, and was guided and shaped by the guardian of the titans, so they repeated "sit-ups" in front of death The demigods of the wilderness are the real outliers!

"I knew that for a hopeless guy like you, only information about the goddess in your heart can make you hooked."

Bu Laike stood on the top of the tree, looking at the big and too big raven god in front of him, he tilted his head and looked it up and down, and said:

"Why do you drive your followers to attack the orcs? You've lived so long, don't you know what Dellano's real threat is?"

"Look what you said!"

An Su snorted, and said in a strange tone:

"Look at me dying of old age, do you think I can still restrain those depraved lunatic arakkoa? My last attempt at them was to send the soul of their last king, Terokk Go back to the physical world to lead them.

But when the orc slaughter began, Kargath Bladefist, who drank the blood and went berserk, defeated the arakkoa warrior who carried Terokk's soul.

After Terokk's soul fell into shadow, the fallen arakkoa were without a leader.


I am getting old.

They no longer have the strength, the energy, and the will to control them.

They were abandoned by me when they couldn't bear the evil nature of the dark soul, and when the United Orcs destroyed the arakkoa civilization left by my Rukhmar. "

The big crow made a ferocious expression, and said coldly:

"I let them die!

Now I am only interested in the secrets you have revealed. If you need, I can even help you destroy Skettis. All you need is a fire to burn all those dark remnants to death.

And I definitely don't blink.

Do you want to make a deal?

A weird and dark outsider who traded the lives of the fallen arakko people for my Rukhmar?

This business is really worth it. "

"I don't want them to die."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said:

"They can be used to fill the army line when they are alive, but they can only be used as undead servants for the death knights when they are dead. I want them to be used as cannon fodder to join the upcoming operation of Shadowmoon Valley. Isn't this condition too much?"

"Not too much, great proposal, but I have one more question."

Ansu made a squawking sound, flapping its distorted wings that could no longer fly, and asked in a cold tone:

"How are you going to convince me?"

"I'll convince you with this."

Bu Laike took out a scarlet crane feather from his luggage.

Although he always claimed that he was holding the last Chi-Ji feather, it is not known how many Chi-Ji feathers the Stink Pirate picked up from the Chi-Ji roost in Krasarang Wilds.

Although these things don't have much remaining power and are difficult to use as magic materials, they are really suitable for lighting the tobacco in the pipe.

And the tobacco lit by the red crane's feather has a special aroma.

Most importantly, the way to light a cigarette with a demigod feather is really impressive!

When Bu Laike took out the feather of the red crane, Ansu's cloudy eyes lit up, and the feathers on his excited neck exploded.

It stared at the feather in the pirate's hand and said:

"It is the feather of a powerful kind, I can feel that he is many times stronger than me, this feather gives me a feeling even deeper than my Rukhmar's connection with the flame.

In your world, are there sun spirits like Rukhmar? "

"Let's not call him the Spirit of the Sun, let's call him 'Southern Red Crane Hope Tianzun', how about that? Isn't the name majestic enough?"

Bu Laike saw that Ansu had been tricked, and immediately explained to him with satisfaction:

"I show you this because I have received the knowledge of the occult from the benevolent Red Crane Tianzun.

If you want to revive a demigod like Rukhmar who was born from the fusion of life and elements, only vitality is not enough, you also need to find the original fire at the beginning of the birth of the world.

Just like my sky, reshape the form of life with the original fire, and then add wisdom to the majestic vitality. Only in this way can the real Rukhmar be resurrected.

Otherwise all you get is a walking dead.

You now have two choices, listen carefully! "

The pirate stretched out two fingers, and said to the old licking dog Ansu who was squatting on the ground in front of him and listening carefully:

"First, you join us in the war in Shadowmoon Valley and help the orcs release Dellano's sealed elemental spirits. Although they are far less powerful than Azeroth's elemental monarchs, they also represent the creation of the world. the power of.

Call on the fire elemental lord Ysenlatus among them, and wait for the life force of the Evergrowth to re-emerge so that you can bring Rukhmar back to life. "

"and then?"

Ansu nodded.

It thought it was a good idea, but as a cunning demigod, it keenly felt that the second point that Bo Laike was going to say next was really important.

It looked at the pirate with its dark eyes, expecting an idea from the self-proclaimed "prophet."

"The second one, that's great."

Bu Laike clapped his hands, pointed to the sky and Thisalie Crow flying overhead, and said in a demagogic tone:

"Don't be busy binding Rukhmar to the elements of the world of Dellano, the power of the elements in this small world is always limited, if you believe me, then wait patiently.

At an opportune time I will summon you to Azeroth, where we will attack the domain of a true fire elemental lord, a tyrant who calls himself the Lord of Fire.

We will defeat it, kill it, we will ruthlessly draw from it the fire of creation of a great world, and I will generously give you enough of the flames of Savras.

This way you can resurrect your Rukhmar to a perfect state.

Not only is it as noble and graceful as the Sun Spirit you remember, but she will be bound to Azeroth, do you know what that means? "

The stinky pirate opened his arms, and with an exaggerated tone describing a grand story, he bewitched the suspicious old Ansu:

"This means that she will share in the powerful life force of Azeroth, and she will truly have eternal life! And the best part is that we have the Emerald Dream over there.

You don't need to know what this thing represents.

You just need to know that even if your goddess Rukhmar dies unfortunately, she can still enter the Emerald Dream as a spirit, perform a wave of sit-ups in front of the cruel death, and then wait for the next resurrection with peace of mind.

As long as Azeroth is not destroyed, Rukhmar will never die.

And so are you, old Ansu, and this is a chance for you to escape, too. "

Bo Laike lowered his voice and said in a tone of false concern:

"Look at the way you are now, the love you have missed once is so painful, every breath is thinking about her pain. But think about it, as long as you join forces with me, you can have endless time Come splurge.

You'll have plenty of time to please your goddess in every possible way.

Once you achieve this, the only thing you need to worry about is that we have a lot of wild demigods like you out there, and each of them is more attractive than you old ugly and sinister bastard.

What a wild silver wolf under the moon, what an elegant supreme white deer, and a supreme god like Hope Tianzun who kills both men and women.

If Rukhmar was resurrected there, she would have many options to choose from.

Maybe, she will praise you for being a good person, and then happily throw herself into the arms of her new boyfriend. So, seriously, I suggest you choose the first "resurrection package", so that at least you can be with your goddess for a long time. "

"No! No no no no!"

Ansu shook his head for a while, and said with a sigh:

"I choose the second."

This infatuated dog-licking old crow looked at the re-ignited tower of the sun in the sky. Its eyes were full of blessings and expectations, but they were not expectations for itself.

it says:

"I'm dying, I've been tormented every day since I swallowed saitai, my flesh is twisted, my soul is polluted, I've been unclean for a long time.

I am not qualified to be by Rukhmar's side like this.

In my dreams, I want to send her to a wonderful new world, so that she no longer has to worry about the life and death of this world and the arakko people.

That was the good life Rukhmar deserved.

That was what the world owed her.

I will send my Goddess to your wonderful sounding world with a smile on my face, I will send her my last blessing and I will come back here.

I will grow old and die where I was born."

In the cold wind howling through the mountains, old Ansu whispered:

"Of the three souls of life born in this world, it is enough for me and Saitai to sacrifice for it. My Rukhmar deserves better.

So be it.

We deal! "

(end of this chapter)

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