Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1318 68. The Decisive Battle At The Top Of Dellano--Ask For A Monthly Ticket【2/3】

Chapter 1318 68. The Decisive Battle at the Top of Dellano--Ask for a Monthly Ticket [23]

"What the hell did you do in the Peaks of Arak? Why has this unpleasant smile been on your face since you came back?"

Two days later, in a camp near the coast in Shadowmoon Valley, Maiev, who was polishing her weapon, glanced at the stinky pirate who was sitting not far from her, showing a bewildered smile.

She said in a bad tone:

"Get out with that nasty smile again, it makes me feel sick, like something dirty happened to you."

"Yeah, it's dirty and nasty."

The stinky pirate snorted, picked up his pipe and glanced at Maiev who had taken back the armor and weapon, he said:

"Have you recovered and are ready to fight? Don't be brave, my Lord Warden, I don't want to perform the trick of saving your life among the demons again.

It was exhausting.

And the pay is really average, to be honest. "


These annoying words made Maiev raise her brows, she raised the polished source quality thorn knife wheel in her hand, and looked at her face reflected on the snow-white sharp blade.

she says:

"You are really good at making people hate you, pirate, watch your head when you sleep tonight."

"Compared to my head, I think I should be more careful about other places."

Bo Laike made a nasty pirate joke, and with a bang, the cold knife slashed across his neck, slashing of course.

This action represented the displeasure of Madam Warden, and it also made the pirates temporarily shut up.

"Captain! Come and take a look at our newly recruited crew! It will definitely satisfy you!"

A few minutes later, Dellano, the pirate king Maim, suddenly appeared and rescued Bu Laike who was locked by Maiev with killing intent in embarrassment. The stinky pirate laughed and stood up to meet him.

The enthusiastic attitude of the captain made Maim, who came to announce the good news, a little stunned.

"So, Grandma Gaia'an finally agreed to your recruitment of Mag'har orcs?"

Bu Laike looked at Maim's new armor, rubbed his chin and said:

"This set of primitive clan armor should be the hunting armor of the Mag'har orcs, right? They gave you all this. It seems that you are already a distinguished guest of Galadar."

"It's not just me, Captain, the orc captains on every one of our ships have one set."

Maim was also delighted to caress his clan battle armor made of leather, bone and metal, especially the orc helmet decorated with clefthoof horns in his arms.

Although the protective power of this set of armor is not as strong as the plate armor made by the Dark Iron Dwarves, it is lighter and can give the wearer the blessing of elements in battle with the addition of elemental magic.

The most important thing is that Galadar's clan armor has always been rewarded only to those true orc warriors, and the greatest significance of this set of armor does not lie in its practicality.

But in its symbolic meaning.

This was carefully preserved by the last pure-blooded orc clan, and it was the most orthodox "proof of glory" of orc civilization.

Meme's acquisition of it meant that the Mag'har orcs had finally joined the orthodox tribe established and commanded by Chief Red Blackhand. The addition of this clan made Chief Red's legitimacy +10,000 in an instant!

Now, Red can finally proudly declare that he is the common chief of all orcs, and it is estimated that no stunned young man would dare to stand up and refute him.

"Let's go and see our new cannon fodder, uh, no, new crew members!"

Bu Laike patted the clan armor on Maim, thinking that it was pretty good, thinking about getting a set for himself as a collection?

He waved his hand with a pipe in his mouth, and then he and Maim went to the small pier by the coastline, where they were going to review their new fleet.

As soon as Bu Laike left, Maiev's tent immediately welcomed a "new guest".

"cough cough"

Wearing "new clothes", Xalatas walked into the tent barefoot with arrogant and elegant steps. Her arrival immediately made Maiev, who had just put on the Warden's armor, turn around and raise her weapon.

In the end, after seeing the other party's appearance and posture clearly, the warden lady froze in place for an instant.


Maiev exclaimed.

The woman in front of her is not only the same body shape and appearance as the "light of light" in her memory, but even the supreme arrogance unique to the elf queen is extremely exquisite.

As a watcher, Maiev knew that it was not difficult to imitate Azshara's peerless face and posture.

With the blessing of magic, any spellcaster who is good at illusion can do this. But the most difficult thing to imitate the Elven Queen is not the appearance, but the imposing manner!

Azshara's arrogance is not the same as other people's arrogance.

The arrogance of other people is acquired, but the arrogance of the light in the light is more like the aura of a man of destiny, born to rule, that is the essence that cannot be imitated at all.

To give an inappropriate example, in a certain distant pirate world, there is a natural "overlord color" power that cannot be mastered through acquired training.

Well, if it is extended according to this statement, then Queen Azshara undoubtedly has the most advanced "dominant aura" among the stars, making it difficult for ordinary people to even look up to her.

But now, the arrogance that exudes from Xalatas is not exactly the same as Maiev's memory of Azshara's aura that makes people feel uncomfortable but can't help bowing their heads.

It can only be said to be a perfect engraving.

"You! How did you get that?"

Maiev quickly recognized Xal'atath.

But she was still wondering why Xalatas had changed so much, until she noticed the small void flame phoenix around the shoulders of the proud dark essence in front of her, and she immediately understood.

"Ah, I see. It turns out that you did this in the Peaks of Arak. Poor Ansu was sold by you and counted the money for you."

Maiev sneered, looked up and down at Xalatas who was holding her arms in front of her and posing in a very "green tea" posture. She said in an indifferent tone that only belonged to the warden of the watchman:

"What a vile pirate, and equally vile dark essence, to entertain such wicked tricks, pathetic! What have you come to me for?

provocative? "

"It's not a provocation, it's a declaration of war! Maiev Shadowsong!"

Xalatas raised his eyebrows, smiled arrogantly, and said proudly:

"The intimacy you have with my little master recently has made me unbearable, and your insatiable greed has made me even more disgusted. You think you have a bond with Bo Laike that other people can't match, so you act recklessly.

But I will use practical actions to prove that the relationship between you and him is not a big deal, and I will use irrefutable facts to crush your fragile self-esteem.

With this god-given body and my supreme love for the little master, in the name of the ownership of Brad Laike Shaw, let's start a war!

Do you dare to fight? Maiev. "

"You are so boring, Xal'atath.

I don't know what happened to you to make you, a dark essence who once hid in the shadow of history and tried to pollute and destroy the world, become a woman attached to a man, and you are proud of it."

Maiev shook her head, turned around and continued to arrange her weapons.

She said without looking back:

"But I do feel sad for you, my sister. Although you have the same appearance and momentum as Azshara, I don't see a strong woman starting a war.

All I saw was a puppy who was willingly on a leash and barking at me. "

"Whatever you say."

Xalatath wouldn't get angry at such a little sarcasm.

She flicked her fingers in an elegant gesture, and sneered at Maiev:

"My dog ​​leash may be around my neck, but your collar is in my heart. Do you want me to repeat your ugly appearance that night? While sinking into indulgence, I confessed and prayed to the moon god

Tsk tsk, don't men like women with pure appearance like you? I really can't compare to you in this respect.

But don't think you've won.


Do you feel it?

There will always be a place in Laike's heart that belongs to me, and another place that belongs to Seifel, and there is only a little bit that belongs to you. "

She made a "little" gesture, which might cost Xal'atath a market in a certain country, but apparently, the dark essence didn't care.

"That's now."

Maiev picked up an emerald green dagger, inserted it into the weapon slot at her waist, and said softly:

"I will let him indulge, knowing that, at some point in the future or in the past, his heart will be mine entirely. I will not start this idle war with you, Xal'atath.

After all, there is no challenge in fighting a war that must be won.

Go, go back to him.

Offer him your evil and your darkness, which I cannot do but you can, and take care to your advantage, my sister. "


Seeing Maiev being so arrogant, Xalatas undoubtedly felt provoked, but she quickly calmed down, sneered and turned to leave.

She didn't know where Maiev's confidence came from, but she obviously didn't think Maiev could succeed.

After the fruitless provocation of Xal'atath left, Maiev shook her head, deeply feeling that there were indeed a group of neurotic children around Laike.

She swiftly put on all her sidearms, and packed up all the long skirts and clothes she had been wearing during this time. It was time to return to the battlefield as a soldier.

But when she was packing her things, Maiev saw the pure and beautiful gemstone ring without any magical attributes.

She hesitated for a moment, looked left and right, picked it up and put it on the necklace around her neck like a thief, and hid it in her armor.

After all, it was the first thing Bu Laike gave her in this era.


On the other side, the stinky pirate stood on the reef of the Fel Energy Coast in Shadowmoon Valley, looking at the dozen or so ships sailing out to sea in front of him. They were all members of the Dellano fleet under Maim.

Compared with the size of the Undead Fleet in Azeroth, it is really shabby, but considering the situation in Dellano's small world, it is already very good to have such a force.

And most of all, on those poor firewood ships, the decks of those ships were full of burly and excited Mag'har spirit lads.

The word "Mag'har" means "pure" in the orc language, so Mag'har orcs are orthodox brown-skinned orcs who have never been polluted by evil energy.

Although they are not as powerful and powerful as the green-skinned orcs in terms of size, the advantage of the Mag'har orcs is that they have not drank the magic blood, so naturally they will not be impacted by evil energy, and they are not affected by the magic blood disease, so they can maintain absolute strength. combat effectiveness.

How terrifying a group of rational and good fighters is, just look at the reputation that the idiot Fenner has gained. Although Fenner's brain is not very good, she is really a strong representative in the field of fighters.

She was a real good fighter, even Grom had to admit it.

The addition of this group of Mag'har spirit boys doubled the strength of Maim's fleet several times at once.

In addition, the old department of the Blackstone Fleet that entered Dellano from Azeroth joined the new fleet to take charge of the command and commander, so that Maim, the Dellano pirate Wang Yue, became more and more worthy of the name.

After this battle is over, he will definitely become a well-known hero in his hometown.

"That's right, that's what I want!"

Laike was also very satisfied with the scene in front of him, especially the screaming will to fight of those brown-skinned boys made the pirates happy.

This also made Meme proud,

He finally had a good sense of presence in front of the captain. With the current situation going on, he would definitely become the pirate governor of the Undead Fleet in Dellano.

For a native orc, there is nothing more satisfying than this future, although Dellano's ocean is far less lively than Azeroth, but how to say?

No matter how prosperous Azeroth is, it is still a foreign place, and no matter how poor it is, it is still home.

The dog is not too poor.

Could it be that he, Maim Blackhand, a legendary fighter and great pirate, is not as good as a dog?

He is now full of ambitions, he wants to repeat everything that Braike, the best teacher in Azeroth, has done in Dellano, and he also wants to personally lead the pirates in the world of Dellano to rise up, and start an orc version of "" The Age of Great Pirates!"

"After the battle starts in a few days, remember to ask the lads to play on the flanks, and don't rush into the frontal battle recklessly."

Bu Laike took a puff of the smoke ring from his pipe, and said to Mem face-to-face:

"That's not the fighting style of our pirates. Besides, the centaurs and wild boars that your brother spent a lot of money on are already in place, and they are the cannon fodder for the frontal battlefield.

We all paid the money, so don't take other people's jobs. "

"I understand, Captain."

Meme pushed his pirate hat and said:

"These Mag'har lads are brave, but inexperienced. They are typical young people. This stop is to let them have a good time and learn a lot by the way.

But my elder brother seems to be a bit over the top."

Meme complained:

"He may have boasted too much when he gave a speech in Galadar, but now he is on the verge of riding a tiger, and he wants to personally command Kor'Kron to sit in the center of the battlefield. I can't persuade him no matter what.

But just his fat body."

Mame said with a twitching mouth;

"I'm afraid that he will be cut down by the devil as soon as he meets him. It would be a shame, why don't you persuade him?"

"No need to persuade, Red is going to make a big career, and I, the captain, will definitely support it with all my strength."

Bu Laike laughed and said:

"Don't worry, I've made arrangements."

While the two were talking, a huge roar exploded in the Shadowmoon Valley behind them.

Bu Laike looked back, and the iconic gem spaceship Exodar of the Draenei was emerging from the space transition, and was slowly landing in the mountains where the Shadowmoon clan was located.

"Well, Velen seems to have made up his mind."

Bo Laike exhaled the smoke ring, glanced at the gloomy fel sky above his head, and said:

"Go Mame and get the boys ready, Dellano's big fun is coming."

(end of this chapter)

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