Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1319 69. The Most Important Thing Before The Decisive Battle... Naturally Is To Divide The S

Chapter 1319 69. The most important thing before the decisive battle is naturally to divide the spoils! -Ask for a monthly ticket【33】

The landing of the Exodar spaceship caused many orcs to feel consternation and panic.

They thought that the draenei were coming to attack them in a spaceship. After all, as former perpetrators, they always worried about the draenei's revenge.

But now is obviously not the time to settle accounts.

The powerful enemies faced by both sides united them, and although it was only temporary, peace did indeed come when this war was about to break out.

The draenei did not disembark, not because of their arrogance, but because of practical needs.

Ner'zhul and other leaders of the "Dellano Anti-Magical Alliance Army" entered the interior of the Exodar spaceship under the escort of the defenders, but they did not gather in the lobby, but went directly to the energy room of the spaceship.

As I said before, these gem spaceships are black technology from the naaru. They do not use ordinary energy as the main drive. When the spaceship is running, a naaru is needed to act as a "temporary engine".

And these pure holy light creatures are real energy aggregates, and their special form allows them to easily charge a spaceship to fly.

But only for frigates like the Exodar.

An "Ark" class spaceship like Storm Keep needs at least six naaru to be in charge of the engine at the same time when flying at full capacity, and two naaru to guide the paths of the stars. This is almost all the naaru that coexist with the draenei Lu's number is up.

This is also one of the reasons why the Draenei could only passively stay in the world of Dellano after the important spaceship Genidaer crashed in the Nagrand grassland.

The naaru they had left were not enough to get their fleet back underway.

"Hmm, is it actually His Excellency A'dal who came out in person?"

When he walked into the gem-decorated energy room, Braike whistled and exclaimed. The golden naaru hovering above the spaceship engine in front of his eyes was no bigger than the "Mother of Light" he had seen once. Zela is smaller.

This means that the powerful naru in front of him is probably also one of the ancestor naru born in the initial period of the Great Order of Light and Darkness among the stars.

"Hello, Bu Laike Shaw, I've heard your story from various sources, it's an honor to meet you."

Facing Bu Laike's exclamation, the golden Naruadal hovering above the engine kindly rotated his body like a jigsaw puzzle, and expressed his kindness to the pirates with a gentle middle-aged man's voice.

Compared with Zela's "baby voice", it is true that this calm voice can make people feel more at ease.

This looks like a "serious naru".

"The Council of Bishops explained the importance of this operation to His Excellency Adal, so His Excellency left Shattrath City and came to Shadowmoon Valley."

Ms. Nelly, the archbishop of hunting who led the way in front of everyone, explained to everyone in a low voice:

"Your Excellency Adal believes that the war in Shadowmoon Valley will directly determine the fate of the Dellano world. It believes that the Draenei must not miss this battle. The fate of the Draenei has been deeply bound to this world. .

The demons come after us, we are part of the tragedy of this world, and we owe Dellano so much. "

"Tsk tsk, you draenei are really good at reflection."

The pirate said something in a drawn out voice.

This sentence made Archbishop Nelly very dissatisfied. She snorted and continued to lead the way, wagging her little tail. Soon, everyone came to the strange engine of the spaceship that they didn't understand.

"Huh, a weird forge?"

The fat chief Red among the crowd said something in surprise. In front of their eyes, there was a strange forge that was obviously placed here temporarily and was in operation.

It is driven by energy, does not see any flames, but is scorching hot, and there is an iron felt placed in front of the furnace.

This strange thing made others not aware of it, but Bu Laike turned his head and looked at Kael'thas. The two nodded slightly, walked out of the crowd and stood in front of the furnace, and said to others:

"Everyone, today you want to reveal to you a secret project that Prince Kael'thas, the Prophet Velen, and I have been secretly advancing.

It will be the last blessing we can get from this world before starting the final battle of Dellano, and it will also be the best weapon that the warriors who set foot on the battlefield can get. "

Bu Laike said something mysteriously.

He stretched out his hand, and Prince Kael'thas also raised his left finger at this time, exposing the world ring that had been hidden by magic to everyone.

The moment the camouflage magic was removed, the astonishing power from arcane surged up and pressed heavily on everyone, and all the knowledgeable spellcasters exclaimed in unison.

And the stupid fighters were still at a loss.

They just thought the ring on the finger of the hemp elf was pretty.

"Nisamus the All-seeing, the power from Dellano's heart of the world, is the manifestation of the rules of this world in the material world, and the arcane power it blooms is even comparable to our Sunwell.

It is the 'Moving Holy Land' that all spellcasters desire. "

Prince Kael'thas stroked his ring in an emotional tone, and introduced to everyone in front of him:

"It represents the wisdom of Dellano! It is the most powerful treasure that can be born in a world, and there are five such rings, thanks to the guidance given by His Excellency Braike with the power of the prophet, and then we The best explorers in the Quel'dorei paid dearly with their lives and finally we found the knowledge to forge it.

The draenei friends have used their contacts to prepare the materials for forging the rings. We will forge the remaining four rings before the war begins, and then hand them over to the most powerful warriors among us.

Such a weapon will definitely scare the demons! "

"Yes, this is the last gift from this troubled world, and we cannot live up to the hope and confidence it gives us."

In a deep voice, the Prophet Velen walked into the engine room with the staff of the Redeemer, and the surrounding draenei saluted the Prophet one after another. Behind the Prophet, the indifferent General Maraad was holding an exquisite box .

He walked to the forge and opened the box, which contained all kinds of precious materials collected by the draenei. There were four copies in total, all of which were precious materials for forging the World Ring.

Maraad looked at Boo Laike and said:

"What about the main body of the ring?

The Quel'dorei elves told us that only the flame gold ring forged by the mysterious power of the sun when the Arakkoa Empire was in its heyday thousands of years ago can withstand the blessing of the power of the world.

You have promised that you are responsible for this job. "

"Bu Laike will definitely do what Bu Laike claims, and the miraculous Bu Laike will never disappoint friends who are full of expectations."

The pirate laughed and snapped his fingers.

Hisaly Black Crow, who followed him to the ruins of Tongtian Peak, walked out of the crowd and took out a small velvet bag from her own pocket.

While everyone was watching, she took out four round golden rings from her pocket. These rings were engraved with myths and legends of the Arakkoa Empire with insane techniques.

Make them look mysterious and expensive.

It was given to her by Bu Laike. It is said that the pirates spent a day looking for treasures in the ruins of Tongtian Peak.

Miss Black Crow also knows that Bu Laike found a very strange "weapon" from the ruins of Tongtian Peak, and as if he got a treasure, he summoned the old Gani to send the wreckage of the weapon back to Azeroth overnight .

He asked his mechanical gnome engineers to restore the ancient weapon he called "Rukmar's Breath" in the shortest possible time.

But that is not the focus of today's discussion.

Miss Black Crow handed over the four precious flame gold rings to the commander of the garrison officer. Maraad finally had a smile on his always indifferent face, as if the whole world owed him money.

He took the ring and handed the material to the best blacksmith of the Draenei.

Several survivors of the Reliquary Society were also invited to provide guidance and assistance to the Draenei craftsmen based on their experience in forging "Nisamus the All-Seeing One".

"Okay, everyone. It takes some time to forge the ring, and there is also the part of infusing the power of the world. After that link is completed, you can get your own weapons.

And now, we have more important topics to discuss."

Bu Laike clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention. He said in a serious tone:

"How should we divide these five rings? What I want to tell you is that they are the only world artifacts for forging. In the past, present and future, only these five rings will exist, and there will be no more!

And no matter how powerful a life is, each person can only wear one. "

"Quel'Thalas withdraws from the competition!"

Prince Kael'thas immediately took a step back and announced:

"We already have the All-Seeing One, and we can no longer greedily pursue more. Such sacred objects can shelter civilization and thrive, but taking too much is just the way to death."

This is advice and a warning.

"No matter how you divide it, the Draenei must have one of them."

Wearing chain armor, holding her arms, and wagging her cute little tail, Ms. Nai Li, the Royal Sister of Draenei, also said:

"This is an agreement between me and Bu Laike, we provided the raw materials, the forging place, and invited His Excellency Naru Adar to help with the forging process.

We deserve it!

Do you have any comments? "

Archbishop Nelly looked at the others, and everyone nodded.

There is nothing wrong with saying this.

"The question is which one do you want? The rules and manifestations of the power of the world each have their own power, and you can only choose one of them. This is the rule and constraint of power."

Bu Laike shrugged and asked:

"Do you want to represent Solasus, the heart of rock with infinite power? Or Malus, the blood drinker who represents the supreme sensitivity, specially prepared for assassins and avengers? Or the immovable who can provide endless defense and protect everything Sactus?

I think you Draenei have the best priest Velen among the stars, so why don't you choose Yserarus the Eternal who can heal everything.

This one is really for you guys. "

"No! We don't want that."

Maraad glanced at Prophet Velen, who nodded to him, and the Vindicator Commander said in a deep voice:

"We draenei are not belligerent.

All the attacks we make are to protect ourselves and the people. We have been taught by the Holy Light to have a benevolent heart, but we don't want another disaster to happen to our innocent people.

Therefore, the Draenei chose 'Saktus the Immovable'! We don't want to lose anything, we want to walk the way of protection! "

"Very well, you chose the most useless one."

Bu Laike said something malicious.

But he had no intention of changing the choice of the draenei, and looked at the other people in front of him. The Kaldorei elves and humans still had to show their faces. Although they wanted it very much, they all maintained restraint.

But our Great Chief Red is notoriously shameless, so he pushed away the people in front of him and shouted loudly:

"Dellano is the homeland of the orcs, we."

"You still have the face to say that this is your hometown, look at what you have done to your hometown?"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Archbishop Nelly's tone of sarcasm, and Miss Delaney sarcastically said:

"You are indeed the sons of the Dellano world, but you smashed your own home into what it is now, you are real rebels!

Instead, we Draenei, a child picked up by Dellano World, have been working hard to protect it.

If the world could talk, she would definitely scold you and drive you out of the house. "

The shameless Great Chief Red had nothing to say when he choked on these words, what he said was the truth, what could he do?

This is not a problem that can be solved by shamelessness.

And this kind of scene shows the importance of the elderly.

When Red was embarrassed, Ner'zhul, who had been silent for a long time, coughed. The old orc leaned on his Shadowmoon bone staff, and said in a low voice:

"Precisely because we orcs have done unforgivable mistakes to our hometown, it is even more necessary for us to make up for the mistakes we made with more fearless sacrifices.

We will sincerely pray to our hometown for forgiveness, and become the true defenders of the Dellano world from now on. Past mistakes inspire us, spur us, and let us become a better version of ourselves.

Orcs worship strength!

We who have made mistakes no longer desire revenge and killing.

So we choose 'Heart of Rock Solassus', and we will give it to our bravest Supreme Warrior, so that he can represent us and the world, and fight off all enemies who try to destroy Dellano! "

"Very good! You made the right choice."

Bu Laike raised his eyebrows and said:

"Although the Draenei friends are very reluctant, they also have to admit Red's terrible statement. The orcs are indeed the third civilization after the Arakkoa Empire and the Ogre Empire born in the world of Dellano. With the first two civilizations destroyed, the orcs can call themselves the children of the world.

They are entitled to the gift of the World Mother.

For the power of vengeance and healing, the choice must be made between Kaldorei and humans. "

"We want a cure!"

After discussing with the two archmages, Turalyon Grand Knight put forward his own opinion. As a result, Laike sneered at him. The pirate sneered and pointed to his head, saying:

"With me here, it's your turn to represent human civilization! You paladins and mages really don't have any self-knowledge, let's go.

On behalf of mankind, I choose the power of vengeance 'Marus the Blood Drinker'. "

Boo Laike snorted, and looking at Theasley Crow and Silent Buckhelm, he announced:

"Then the last 'Iserarus the Eternal' belongs to the Kaldorei, do you have any objections?"

"Druidism advocates natural healing."

Staghelmet nodded and said:

"We are very satisfied with this result, but I also know that choosing the ring means staying in the world of Dellano for a long time and fighting for the salvation and recovery of this world, so it is not suitable for everyone.

We have our world to fight after all, and we have to"

Having said that, Staghelmet suddenly stopped, and he frowned and looked at the smiling Boo Laike. He suddenly realized that Boo Laike's choice to leave the Ring of Healing to the Kaldorei was not a random choice.

He has his own agenda in it.

"This is far away from Nordrassil, the world tree, my dear Staghelmet."

Bu Laike said softly:

"But it's quite close to the world of death."

Old Staghelmet's eyes lit up, he immediately coughed twice, turned his head and whispered to Crow and Hamuul:

"Let me control this world ring, do you have any objections?"

"But that means you stay at Dellano for the long haul"

Hamuul wagged his tail and said:

"The church probably won't agree. Your existence is too important to the Cenarion church. Why don't you ask Lord Malfurion and the king of the forest for instructions?"

"No need!"

The stubborn side of the staghelmet was shown again. He looked at the golden ring of the sun flame that was being melted by the draenei craftsman in the forge, and he said in a firm tone:

"They will understand, I choose to stay here"

"Be nice to everyone."

(end of this chapter)

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