Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1320 70. If I Don't Speak, I'll Just Watch You Perform Hard

Chapter 1320 70. If I don't speak, I'll just watch you perform hard

Two days after the arrival of the draenei, all those determined to participate in the battle had arrived.

In addition to the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse and Paladins and Battle Mage from Dalaran, there is a "little surprise" from Azeroth with the last reinforcements.

"Huh? Ms. Little Moon, why did you come here too?"

Bu Laike was leading a group of draenei Dark Templar Assassins who had converted to the Uncrowned out of their tents when they saw the Ranger talking to Kael'thas Sunstrider head on.

He said in a strange tone of surprise:

"Did you report to your big sister and second sister when you sneaked out? I don't want to bother explaining to my instructor why her youngest daughter died in the Shadowmoon Valley in Dellano's world."

"You can't speak well, can you, Master Bu Laike."

Miss Vereesa Windrunner, who was named, turned her head helplessly, and said angrily to Bu Laike who was looking at her with a teasing smile:

"Also, don't you think it's bad luck to talk about death all the time? Is it really the tradition of you Kul Tirans? Finally!

Don't call me Little Moon!

We're not that familiar yet. "

"But I think we are very familiar, and little girl, you dare to talk to me like this, have you forgotten the lesson you received in Dalaran?"

Bu Laike snorted and said very dissatisfied:

"Don't think that I'm afraid of you when you bring your boyfriend here. With the courage of the little dog named Luo Ning beside you, he wouldn't dare to provoke me. He loves you deeply, but he still has reason. He knows that life is infinite. price reason.

You don't seem to understand much, um, you are indeed a spoiled and stupid child. "

"Bo Laike!"

Seeing that Vereesa was completely defeated as soon as she took part in the battle of words, Kael'thas shook his head helplessly. He brushed his handsome long golden hair and said to the pirate:

"Don't be so rude to girls, you're a big shot too. Here, let me introduce you to the Quel'dorei warriors who came to support the Dellano War.

They are all my followers above the court. "

His Royal Highness pointed to a group of heavily armed elves behind him and wanted to introduce Bo Laike, but the pirate waved his hand and refused. He looked at the strong water elf in front of him, none of the dozen or so people was weaker than Legendary.

People can't help but sigh that there are still a few nails on this rotten ship of Quel'Thalas.

Like a roll call, he named Kael'thas' followers one by one:

"The Archmage Rommath, the Grand Astromancer Solanlian, the Defiler Saladre, the Astromancer Calpurnia, the Great Engineer Taronicus, and finally Baron Sangunar the Hammer of Blood.

Your niece is doing well under my command.

She thinks she has told you that she is about to become a Warden, and I hope you are satisfied with her growth. "

Bu Laike said a few more words to the indifferent elf assassin wearing armor. The latter is also a big figure in the assassin world of Azeroth. Gently replied:

"Valeera is the most promising future star of the Sangunar family, and following in the footsteps of the uncrowned, she has done a career far beyond her age.

It gave me confidence in that kid's future.

The Sangunar family certainly owes you a favor, Master Bu Laike, and we will be at your disposal when necessary. "

"Hehe, you're welcome, you will be of use soon."

Bu Laike laughed and looked at the other followers of Kael'thas. He raised his brows and continued to "point out":

"Lord Ranger Lor'themar Theron, I prefer to call you 'Aqiang'."

"Yeah, since you said this damn nickname in Dalaran, many people started calling me 'Ah Qiang'."

The Ranger Lord in Farstrider's mail shook his head, sighed and said:

"To be honest, I still don't know what this nickname stands for? I've been wanting to ask you face to face. Is this a derogatory term? Your Excellency Laike."

"No, no, this is a nickname, my dear Aqiang."

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"Compared with your first and last name, which are extremely rare in Salas language and difficult to read and write, I think people prefer a concise and clear address,

Ah Qiang is very good.

It's deceptive and can make others think you're a noob, when in reality you'll 'surprise' any fools who underestimate you with your harpoon and sword.

Um, is the person next to you the pastor Liadrin who has been in love with you for many years? I heard that Ms. Liadrin is considering becoming a paladin?

Good choice, you will look very heroic after wearing the armor. "

He looked at the low-key pastor beside Ah Qiang. The latter was very annoyed by Bu Laike's words. She raised her head, showing a pretty face, and said seriously to Bu Laike:

"Please don't talk nonsense about these private matters, Lord Laike, your name as a prophet has spread throughout Azeroth, and any word you say will be regarded by fools as a 'golden rule' about the future.

Ah Qiang

Uh, I mean, Lor'themar has been hurt by it, and I don't want to hear all the rumors about me and Lor'themar. "

"Huh? Haven't confirmed the relationship yet?"

Bu Laike blinked maliciously, and he said:

"Then you have to hurry up, my dear Ms. Liadrin. A handsome and calm man like Ah Qiang is a hot commodity in the marriage market, and there are unmarried old elf girls everywhere hoping to have some wonderful relationships with him.

As far as I know, there is a Shaldorei mage in my fleet who has been single for thousands of years. My dear Arcanist Talisa likes a handsome and elegant elf man like Aqiang.

If you really don't want to continue to develop, then I will introduce my good friend Talisa to Ah Qiang?

You know, I am a prophet. "

The smelly pirate pointed to his eyes, and deliberately said to the wide-eyed Liadrin:

"If you miss him, there's some amazing stuff going on between these two guys in the future."

With that said, and before Liadrin and Lor'themar Adrian could answer, Laike opened his arms and embraced the next Ranger Lord wearing a sapphire headband.

"Ah, my dear Lord Halduron Brightwing, the Ranger of the Light, I have been missing you since the last time we parted. Is your bard career going well?"

Although it has been a long time since Bu Laike and the handsome ranger who used to fight against powerful enemies with the weak him, the relationship between the two is still very good.

He patted the smiling Halduron on the shoulder, and said in the familiar tone of old friends:

"I also sent you an invitation to the Secret Passage, and I haven't seen you report to the Broken Isles."

"Because the military is busy, Laike, it's not that I don't want to join that honorable organization."

Halduron explained with some headache:

"Before, I was transferred to the navy to train sailors and marines with Ah Qiang, er, Lor'themar, and it was only last week that I submitted my resignation and came to Dellano.

After this battle is over, I will go to Eagle Claw Peak to have a look.

As for the bard's career.

Uh, I still don't show my shame in front of the human servants of His Royal Highness Little Star. Compared with His Royal Highness Little Star's beautiful writing, the ballads I compose are simply a piece of rubbish that makes me feel ashamed. "

"Ha, I knew that a young guy like you must also be a fan of Little Xingxing's books. Would you like me to introduce you to her?"

Bu Laike laughed and chatted with Halduron for a long time before looking at the next few guys.

These guys are all young, male and female, and they all exude a serious temperament. They are commanded by Ms. Lana Thiel, the attendant of His Royal Highness, and they are all a little nervous without exception.

"Uh, you are. Cairne Sunfury?"

The pirate looked at a black-haired young man in front of him. He looked him up and down and said:

"Why are you trying to join the ranks of demon hunters? Young man, is it just because of the call of Prince Kael'thas? You may not be very clear about what you are facing. Shall I explain it to you?"

"No need, Master Bu Laike."

The young man named Kane Sunfury said in a deep voice:

"The few of us came to Dellano not only because of the call of His Royal Highness, our parents and family members died in accidents related to demons, and each of us is full of hatred for demons."


Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"Then you can go back now!

It is impossible to become a qualified demon hunter by relying on hatred alone. Hatred will only make you unable to control the demon in your heart until it easily turns you into a demon.

Especially the two of you.

Varedis, and Leotheras. "

The pirate easily and accurately named the two inconspicuous Quel'dorei elves in the crowd without any introduction from others.

Made the two young men look up sharply, just in time to see Bo Laike staring at them.

The pirate said in a very sticky tone:

"The hatred and anger inside you two is out of control. This ugly emotion has indeed given you the will to revenge. However, they are like wildfires out of control, which are no longer under your control.

You will try your best to face very difficult challenges. There is a high probability that you will die on your own journey. I advise you to pack your things and go home now. "

"Is this also a prophecy from a prophet?"

At some point, Kael'thas had already stood beside Bu Laike. His Royal Highness, who loves the people like a son, looked at Bu Laike seriously, and said:

"Did you really predict their tragic fate?"

"I saw."

Bu Laike whispered:

"They will all die of betrayal. But the future is not static, Your Highness, otherwise the profession of prophets would have died out long ago.

There is no need to persuade them to leave, they will not leave. But you may want to pay more attention to their psychological conditions. The Illidari have always been very rough in this regard, and they pursue a cruel value of survival of the fittest.

The young men you have summoned are outstanding, such as Cairne Sunfury and Miss Allari, their future is bright, but the others are in shadow. "


Kael'thas hesitated.

He began to feel that it was not a good choice for him to be persuaded by the Illidari to summon these people, but seeing the determination on the faces of these people, the prince knew that he could not persuade them to go back.

"Look out, Your Highness."

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"Whatever the outcome, they'll thank you for giving them a chance to take revenge on the demons, and that's enough. Go, find Altruis the Sufferer, and he'll arrange your recruit training.

But I guess you may not have time to train.

The battle with demons is about to start, and you can train in actual combat, which may allow you to truly experience the cruel life of being a demon hunter. "

"Bo Laike!"

Just when the malicious pirates used their "prophet power" to intimidate Kael'thas' followers and "chat about life" with them, a burning flaming falcon fell from the sky.

Thisalie Crow landed on the side of the pirate in human form and said:

"The death knights have begun to lead the forward troops to march towards the Hand of Gul'dan! Your Excellency, Lord Ravencrest, is calling for you to rush to the front line immediately."

"Understood, I will go to see Prophet Velen first, and then I will go there immediately."

Bu Laike replied, bid farewell to His Royal Highness, and flew to the Exodar spaceship that was preparing to launch on his own flame phoenix.

The handsome prince watched Bu Laike leave. Every time he saw Bu Laike's flaming phoenix, he would feel the deep malice from the smelly pirates.

That guy must have done it on purpose.

When he was in Molten Core last time, he said that he must get a bird that is more beautiful than his own elemental Phoenix, and now it seems that Laike has indeed succeeded.

What a jealous pirate.

Kael'thas shook his head, he stretched out his hand and pulled out the gorgeous and burning Flame Strike sword from the air in his hand, and said to the people around him:

"Everyone! Let's move forward too! Although this is not in our country, it is not in our world, but here also needs the light of power from Quel'dorei to bloom.

We are going to save a world today! This is our day of glory!


Raise the Phoenix flag! Follow me into the battlefield! "


On the other side, Laike quickly landed on the observation deck of the Exodar spaceship. He took a few steps forward and saw that Velen was discussing the war with several members of the Bishops' Council.

Looking down from this towering spaceship, you can see the entire terrain of Shadowmoon Valley.

There are also those death knights who are leading the charge of the dead to tear the demon's defense line, and the armed centaur heavy cavalry and wild boar infantry who follow behind the death knight army.

The impact of the Black Crows came very suddenly. The demons were obviously unprepared, and their defense lines had been torn apart in two.

As Bo Laike approached, he heard a draenei archbishop giving his thoughts on the war to the prophet, and the guy said:

"These dead are really brave, from the wisdom taught by the Holy Light, we never thought that death would be presented to the world in such a vivid way.

Prophet, perhaps we should look at these death knights with a more inclusive attitude. "

"That's right."

Another female archbishop also said:

"I also hated these death knights, they use the power that is completely opposite to the Holy Light, but after a deeper understanding, I found that they also have the will of life, and the dead who are awakened by them occasionally have memories of life .

May the Holy Light forgive me for what I am about to say next.

But prophet, this may be a dark revelation.

We lost so many of our people in the Holocaust, if we, I mean, if we can harness the power of death, maybe we can meet our people again. "


The pirate's eyes blinked violently, something is wrong with these two archbishops!

What are they implying?

Why are they doing this?

Who sent them?

What purpose do they have?

These four questions only stayed in the pirate's mind for a moment before the answer came.

Well, it seems that the dreadlords are not as useless as I thought. They have already ambushed in the core class of the Draenei, and now they have finally started to act.

If they start to act with great fanfare, does it mean that the Burning Legion behind them will also go to war today?

Bo Laike immediately showed interest, adjusted the smile on his face, and strode forward with a cheerful attitude.

Today, have fun watching it.

It is said that the Nathrezim have the most top-notch ability to pollute and bewitch the mind among the stars. It is said that the Dreadlords are very good at using words to poison the mind to pollute the will of all life around them.

Horrible legends about them have become a "dark tale" among the stars.

The pirate thinks that he can open his eyes today, and maybe he can learn a trick or two from this group of dreadlords. Hey, work hard, Nathrezim, don't let me down.

(end of this chapter)

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