Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1329 79. Is This All In Your Plan, Bu Laike? -Happy Labor Day【1/3】

Chapter 1329 79. Is this all in your plan, Bu Laike? -Happy Labor Day【13】

Hisaly Crow was surrounded by a group of undead draenei. In this dark and gloomy hall, nearly a thousand pairs of indifferent eyes burning with soul fire were watching her, which made the archdruid feel very uncomfortable. Comfortable.

The place where so many undead gathered has been covered with a layer of chill that can go straight to the bottom of the heart. Coupled with the existence of the cursed magic sword Frostmourne, the hall is covered with white dead frost.

As if aware of the discomfort in Miss Black Crow's heart, the flames from the Sufras fire suddenly rose up, wrapped Miss Black Crow, and dispelled the chill around her.

The raging flames turned into flying little fire hawks flying in all directions, forming a warm barrier around the black crow to isolate it from the cold erosion of the undead.

Under the gaze of the Prophet, the archdruid took out an exquisite pandaren-style crystal bottle from his luggage and held it high.

Under the reflection of the flame in his hand, the water in the bottle shone with a strange light.

"I just figured it out, too."

Hisalli shouted to the Prophet who was holding Nuri Velen's body:

"A long time ago, when that man gave me this bottle of fountain of youth as a joke, he said that it could be used for salvation, but it is clearly an evil thing.

I thought about burying it somewhere no one could find it, but I ended up keeping it.

Facts have proved that my trust in him was correct!

Today, now, is the time for it to play a role. If everything in front of him is a game, then I am the best card he played!

Come, Velen, and I will lead you to save your son.

There is no need to embrace the darkness, no need to pray to the evil, and no need to entrust the future and all hopes of oneself and the people to the magic sword that is not a good thing at first sight!

He left this thing as his last blessing to the good man.

In short, stay away from that sword! "


Hisaly's sudden disruption made the draenei undead who were expecting a leader to lead them to revenge extremely angry. As the first undead resurrected by Frostmourne in the Karabor Temple, the former Holy Light Tu Yrel yelled at Thisalie Crow:

"Get out! Outsiders, this is none of your business!"

Under her yelling, a large number of draenei undead rushed towards Miss Black Crow, trying to kill her, and then be resurrected by the magic sword like them.

As the uncontrolled instincts of the dead, they hate all the living, especially those with such vitality, like a light in the dark, attracting all the undead to project malice towards her.

But Miss Hisalley is not afraid of these dead at all.

"In the name of the fire of Savras, in the name of the fire of purity and goodness, in the name of the fire of new life and enthusiasm, stand back! Dead!

You are not allowed to step into this realm of life! "

The new life and enthusiasm from the flame filled her with courage in the face of the cold dead. The burning scythe of flame was raised high, and the power of the primordial fire erupted in the hands of the archdruid.

As the dancing scythe was hit on the ground, fiery red flames erupted in front of the arch druid's feet.

Amidst the rising rays of light scattered in a circle and blooming like a raging flame, the dancing and dazzling flames gave out the hissing of fire eagles and phoenixes, driving back all the undead who were rushing towards the black crow.

These cursed beings born in death and despair covered their eyes one by one, bent their bodies and let out miserable wailings, and the flames did not harm them.

But like snowmen walking into the sun, flaming embers flew from their skins.

The druid uniform and cloak on Hisalie Crow, who was standing in the flames, were also burnt at this moment, revealing the armor she made by herself after being blessed by the flames.

Those robes that seemed to be lit by flames, the shawls of fire feathers shining on her shoulders, and the crown of fire formed by the flames on the long burning hair made her look full of majesty.

There are flaming facial lines on her cheeks, her eyes are like embers that are not extinguished when they are burned out, and the scorching breath of flaming swirls surrounds her, and flaming lingers on her skin and fingers in every move.

Makes her look more like a semi-elemental creature than pure flesh and blood.

This is the true form of the flame druid.

"Don't hurt them!"

The prophet's cloudy eyes seemed to be illuminated by the light in front of him, and he shouted:

"They are still our people. They were just aroused by the sword to arouse the darkness in their hearts. They were buried in pain. It is not their fault."

"I didn't say they were wrong! Prophet."

The archdruid shook his head and said:

"Every herd of beasts needs a beast king to lead them. They are helpless after returning from the dead world. They hope that the former leader will lead them. There is nothing wrong with that.

But not you.

Those draenei still alive need you!

Think about it, without your leadership, where would those fresh lives go? "

She looked around at the dead who looked at her with disgust.

The black crow was silent for a moment, then whispered:

"As for you dead who have been awakened, don't you realize that you too are the tools Kil'jaeden the Deceiver uses to harm your chief?

I heard that man analyze your story for me.

When you fell into this world more than 200 years ago, you were already discovered by the spies of the fraudsters. You, who continued to flee, chose to live in Dellano, and for more than ten years, you forgot about the people behind you. Chaser, consider this unsafe world your new home.

You live here with peace of mind, forgetting the threat of demons that are close at hand, and completely abandoning the vigilance you developed when you fled, acting as if no demons have ever chased you among the stars.

Is this normal?

Kil'jaeden has been playing with you!

The Wrathful Deceiver knows how to bring you the worst possible end, having spent two hundred years perfecting his nefarious plan, all for today.

It almost made it.

Your prophet almost fell into darkness and couldn't extricate himself, and you, you almost buried the last hope of the entire draenei with your own hands.

That sword was sent by the devil!

Are you crazy? To let your prophets touch it? "

Thisalie Crow put away the flaming scythe, and she imitated Bu Laike's sarcasm and said to the undead in front of her:

"Of course you can blame all the past disasters on Lord Velen's weakness, put yourself in the position of a perfect victim, and justly desire an equally ugly revenge.

But you can't fool yourselves.

The decision to stay in Dellano was made by all the Draenei together!

The decision to live in peace with the orcs was also agreed to by you!

It is you who have led yourself step by step into the trap of fraudsters.

Bu Laike once told me that for a long time after you fell in Dellano, Velen completely lost the ability to predict the future. He could not see what would happen in the future at all, and could only live in Dellano according to the wishes of the people. .

This blood debt cannot be blamed on him!

He is only your leader, not your parent

What a bunch of spoiled brats, you have to learn to bear the price for your own decisions, instead of blaming everything on others.

But I don't mean to reprimand you either. "

The archdruid took a step back, raised the fountain of youth in her hand, and said to the prophet and the undead beside him:

"I'm just here to convey to you what the 'Black Prophet' Bu Laike Shaw wanted to say but didn't say. You can't be so selfish! The undead can't selfishly take away the hope of the living.

And you, the Prophet, you cannot selfishly abandon your responsibilities and missions here, and let your tired soul slip into the abyss.

You can't lie flat and rot!

There are still so many draenei counting on you, just outside this temple, there are warriors from our world fighting for your world!

Even if you want to die, you can't do it now! "


Velen felt ashamed.

Maybe it's because I saw another hope to save the child, maybe it's because the moment of heart breakdown has passed, and reason is returning. After surviving the darkest valley, sticking to it is going uphill.

He looked back at the magic sword hovering behind him, and then at the archdruid standing in the bright flames, holding up the fountain of immortality.

A wave of shame rose in the prophet.

what happened to him?

Why did I have that terrible thought just now? I actually wanted to give up the holy light at that moment just now. God, this kind of thought is too scary.


The Prophet didn't notice that another force was rapidly withdrawing from his compensated mind.

"Well done, girl."

Xal'atath's sarcasm dissipated in the ears of Thisalie Crow, and she said:

"Keep working hard, if this goes on, you will become one of our poor women. What's so good about Bu Laike Shaw? Let you all rush up like moths to a flame.

In addition, from now on, you are the common enemy of all dreadlords, because of you, they have suffered unprecedented shame.

Be careful, the Nathrezim will not let you go. "

As soon as Xalatas finished speaking, three or four black figures jumped out of the group of undead over there, rushing towards Black Crow fiercely, trying to snatch the water bottle from her hand.

Two more fell on Velen, trying to lay the sober prophet's hand on the magic sword.

That pissed-off attitude is very much like the old saying

Negotiation failed, ready to attack!

And this sudden change caught the draenei undead headed by Yrel off guard, and they immediately realized that the archdruid's words were right.

They are just one link in the conspiracy against the prophets today.

They are played!

"Back off!"

Velen roared and raised his left hand high, the dazzling holy light erupted from the body of the prophet who had recovered his heart again, and a layer of golden barrier opened outside his body, blocking the rushing dreadlord from outside his body.

And Hisalley is more troublesome.

In terms of absolute strength, the Archdruid is not as powerful as the Prophet.

She was scrambled by the harassment of several dread demon kings, and was slapped by a dread demon king's paw in the battle of transforming into a flaming giant, and the water bottle in her hand spun and flew out.

"Do not!"

Hisaly's eyes widened, and she wanted to turn into a falcon and rush towards the water bottle in the air. That thing is currently the only way to solve the prophet's "family problem". Once it is lost, it will be over.

"Ha ha ha ha"

A dreadlord sneered, grabbed the bottle in the air, and slammed it hard to the ground.

Tch, whether he wants to or not, Velen will become the sword bearer of Frostmourne today. The great plan of the Great Emperor cannot fail!


The smashed bottle that should have been dropped was caught by a petite figure who jumped out of the crowd, preventing the fountain of youth from dying.

The female undead Yriel, who was covered in scars, got up from the ground, and the undead beside her fought with the fearful demon kings in order to protect her.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Under the complicated staring eyes of the prophet, Yrel silently handed him the bottle in his hand, and the blood-red soul fire eyes were still full of indifference and disgust.

She said hoarsely:

"You have failed us once again, Prophet. Take your son and go back to the world of the living. It turns out that you are not the kind of leader we wanted."

"But you are, child."

The Prophet took the water bottle and said to Yrel:

"You don't have to ask someone to lead you, you should choose your own leader

I remember you, little Yrel, you are an apprentice of the Karabor Temple, you are from the village of Amberli, you are a genius who is truly blessed by the Holy Light, Archbishop Akama has mentioned you to me more than once.

On that day, it was we who invited you and your family to the Karabor Temple to participate in the upcoming summer festival. There is also a young girl who is always inseparable from you. That should be your younger sister or older sister.

Her name is Samaro.

When the orcs attacked the Karabor Temple, you were also the first to respond to the call of the defenders to go up the city wall. No wonder they believed in you so much. You showed unique leadership qualities when you suffered disasters.


Lead our people as Highlord Ravencrest leads dead elves to battle.

Even if the Holy Light no longer favors you, I will still bless you. "

Velen took out the Enlightenment Mark from his bosom, and placed his hand on top of Yrel's head in the next moment. A strange force emerged from the Enlightenment Mark and condensed a very similar but differently shaped leader mark on Yrel's forehead. .

This sigil is not just a symbol of the leader of civilization.

It was the seal of the leader of the Triumvirate when the Argus civilization flourished, and Kil'jaeden and Archimonde voluntarily gave it up. Now, with the help of the Enlightenment Seal that once belonged to Archimonde, the Prophet gave the new leader's seal to the female undead in front of him.

Representing Velen's approval of her as the new "consul".

The Prophet whispered:

"We are meant to meet on the battlefield, Yrel, and we draenei will never flee again, and there will never be a new home among the stars if we don't fight.

Sorry, I didn't understand this until now. "

"Hey! How long are you going to chat? Is it time to chat?"

The archdruid, who was besieged by several dread demon kings and was already covered in injuries, screamed:

"Velen! Unscrew that bottle of water, give half of it to your son, and then go find a demon and pour the rest down! Don't drink it by yourself. Once the life force full of holy light in your body is transferred, it will take your son The devil's son was burned to ashes in an instant.

Must be a demon! "


Velen turned his head to look at the dreadlord in front of him who had been attacking his Holy Light Barrier.

The latter also realized that the problem was wrong, and after looking at the Prophet, he squealed and wanted to escape, but just as he started, the chain of holy light extending from his feet trapped him in place.

Behind the unlucky dreaded demon king, the Prophet twisted open the water bottle and poured half of the spring water into his son's mouth, then roughly pulled the dreaded demon king by the neck and poured the remaining half of the spring water into his mouth.

The vitality full of evil energy is shifting.

Watching this scene from the sidelines, eating melons and watching plays to the full, under the dumbfounded gaze of the slender-waisted and long-legged Grian little blue female angel, Nuri Velen, who was already dead, actually felt a little bit The breath of life was restored.

Really bad!

This means that she will return by hand again today!

Hell, how many times is this?

Come to think of it, every single death involving that stinky pirate Boo Laike Shaw, she came away empty-handed.

How can it go on like this!

If it goes on like this, she will be laughed at by her colleagues who have been promoted to the fortress. She is a saint!

(end of this chapter)

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