Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1330 80. Elemental Prince Of Stinky Azeroth, Is Dellano Begging For Food? Happy Labor Day【2/

Chapter 1330 80. Elemental Prince of Stinky Azeroth, is Dellano begging for food? Happy Labor Day【23】


Braike, who was fighting demons and lunatic undead in the hands of Gul'dan, completely saw the scene of Nuri Velen's resurrection, and the "live broadcast" of the cute little Xal'atath made Braike full of joy I saw how the "perfect plan" of the dreadlords went bankrupt at the last step.

Even though that was just a small footnote on the entire battlefield, it couldn't even immediately have any positive impact on the current bad frontal battlefield.

But Bo Laike was just happy.

He chopped down a ferocious fel lord with two waste looting knives in his hand, while standing on the victim's ordinary head, he sighed with emotion in the fierce and cruel battlefield as if in a state of nerves:

"The ability of demons really has a limit.

In my short life I have learned that the more a man or a demon plays tricks, the more he will stumble in unexpected events, as now.

I just need to arrange a bottle of the fountain of immortality in advance that will not be noticed by anyone, and I can easily destroy the plot of the Dreadlords to mobilize the resources of the entire legion to advance to this step.

If you want to go further in the way of deception, it seems that you have to become an existence beyond humans and demons. "

"Little master, what are you talking about?"

Xal'atath's voice rang in Bu Laike's ear, and she whispered:

"Look, the four fronts have collapsed, except for your lunatic sister who is still happily enjoying the fun of killing demons, everyone else is almost unable to hold on.

Should we retreat?

My loyal mantid and swarms are ready to go, ready to rush into battle at any time at your command to rescue your failing coalition. "


Bu Laike stared round his eyes, looking at the surrounding battlefield that really seemed to be defeated, he said:

"No no no, where is this?

The real big scene hasn't started yet, since you bought a ticket, you have to watch the whole scene. Please help me find Jintaisha, the Queen of the Dreadlords.

Let's just say I wait for her to come over and become my contract demon.

Remember to remind her to choose a beautiful and comfortable dog leash for herself. This is what she said herself. Look, the note I made with her just now is still there, lest someone say that I don’t respect women. "

"I don't think she will be so obedient to fulfill the agreement, but you always have a way to get what you want, so I won't participate."

Xal'atath snorted, dismissing Laike's madness.

She's going to be very busy.

Harnessing the power of the Heart of Darkness brought into Shadowmoon Valley by Fennar, the Elder One is busy harnessing all the emotions on this battlefield of rage and turning them into real destruction.

The dark lord of the mantid is like an eighth-grade pianist, frantically strumming passages of heroism and despair on the keyboard of invisible emotions.

She had a great time playing, and was about to use her vicious mind to manipulate this side to kill everyone on the earth.

Except for those dull and annoying undead.

"I can't hold it anymore."

On the outermost position of Gul'dan's Hand, the High Lord Ravencrest has already cut down how many demons and undead that rushed up.

As a dead man his body does not feel tired.

But the burden on the mental level became heavier and heavier as the battle progressed.

After Frostmourne was released by the demons, the impact of the cursed magic blade on all souls intensified. The impact on the living can still be tolerated, but to them, the dead, it is like a shackle torment.

That magic sword is affecting the souls and wills of the undead. It is like an uncontrolled "bait", luring all the dead to be ruled by it.

The undead army summoned by the Black Crow Knights was taken away from control almost instantly, and even if the death knights no longer took the initiative to summon the dead soldiers to resurrect, the corpses on the battlefield were still being resurrected continuously.

Frostmourne is unreservedly spreading its dark majesty on the earth, and the draenei undead who died in the orc massacre in the Karabor Temple are only the first batch.

The war dead who died under the bombing of the demon warship were the second batch, and the soldiers who were attacked to death by these uncontrolled undead and then resurrected were the third batch.

In a short period of time, the death aura that became very active due to the existence of the cursed sword spread all over the valley around the Karabor Temple, and they even repelled the evil energy.

The worst thing is that because the weapon of Frostmourne does not have a sword bearer, it is difficult for it to give an accurate order, so the awakened dead will follow their instincts to attack all the creatures around them.

Even demons.

This is actually a good thing.

The least violent undead actually helped Dellanor's Hand of Gul'dan win the time to unseal the elements.

Coupled with the activeness of Demon Hunter and Watcher, the weapon systems of the two Demon Warships were destroyed, and the bombardment that continued to drop in the sky was also much less powerful.

But this is not a good thing for the Black Crows who are stuck on the periphery.

The death knights of the Black Crows will embarrassingly bear the terror they have always brought to the enemy in the past. Faced with endless enemies who have been hacked to death and will stand up again, the death knights are really hacking. My hands are going to be sore.

"I can not stand it any more."

Beside High Lord Ravencrest, a female elf warrior wailed and dropped her weapon.

She covered her head and screamed in pain, and her body calmed down after a few seconds of twitching, as if she had lost all sanity, and ran towards the Karabo Temple.

"Stop her!"

The great lord yelled, and immediately several black crow knights who were still fighting rushed forward, pressed the comrade who had been seduced by Frostmourne to the ground, and tied him up with chains.

Dozens of such death knights who had lost themselves lay behind the position of the Black Crows.

It's all because of that damned magic sword!

It is simply the nemesis of all undead creatures, and the high lord is not affected.

It's not because of how firm his will is, but because he holds another magic blade, Apocalypse.

This brutal magic sword seems to be very difficult to deal with Frostmourne. When the aura of Frostmourne radiated out, Tian Qi became extremely violent, and took the initiative to protect his users from being tempted by the magic sword.

But Apocalypse's protection doesn't come without a price.

It is urging Ravencrest to go to the location of Frostmourne, and it wants Lord Ravencrest to cut off the damned ice sword with it himself.

"It can't be delayed any longer."

The High Lord looked around.

His knights have been surrounded by undead and demons thousands of times their number. They have been cut off from the anti-magic coalition forces of Gul'dan's hand. If this continues, the entire army may be wiped out.

Although the undead fear death, the Highlord did not come to Dellano to reap an ignominious defeat.

"Honey, you take over my command!"

Gritting his teeth, Kutalos Ravencrest gave an order to Mrs. Ravencrest behind him. He himself summoned the ghostly nightsaber and rode on to tighten the reins.

"Where are you going?"

Lady Ravencrest called out:

"do not go!"

"I'm going to destroy that magic sword, it's a disaster!"

Without looking back, the great lord rushed into the surging sea of ​​undead with Apocalypse in hand, and rushed towards the Karabo Temple.

Meanwhile, deep in the valley of the Hand of Gul'dan, on a shattered altar filled with surging fel magma, the old orc Ner'zhul's spellcasting reached its final moments.

Beside him were six warlocks, three of whom were ex-Shadow Council members who had served Gul'dan and were now lost.

The remaining three are Dalaran's warlock leader Black Claw Galald, Prince Kael'thas' private advisor Great Astromancer Solan Lian, and the Argus enlightener Sazier who has a burning skull. .

There are also warlocks like the warlock trio, Jolin Deadeye, around to help stabilize the fel.

In the past, Gul'dan used fel energy to seal the fury of the elements in Dellano's world, and now he must help these warlocks to undo the seal. This ritual has reached the final stage.

Everyone was very nervous, even the normally playful trio of warlocks started to work hard.

It's not that they don't know how fierce the battle outside the valley is. After the Burning Legion sacrificed the damn weapon of Frostmourne, the cannon fodder tactics of the anti-magic alliance have failed.

Those warriors from the two worlds almost used their lives to help the orcs save their elemental spirits.

Once this ceremony fails, all the people present will really have no other choice but to commit suicide and apologize.

"I feel the echoes of the fury of the elements, and they respond to me."

Ner'zhul, with the white ghost mask painted on his face, raised his hands and called to the wind, fire, water and earth, and the strength of these elements, which were weak in Dellano, was growing.

This means that their ritual steps are correct.

"Hey, why haven't you finished it until now?"

At this critical moment, Bu Laike, who flew over on the sky, turned over and landed on the ceremony altar in a flash. He frowned and said to Ner'zhul:

"It should have been unblocked five minutes ago! Is there something wrong?"

"The elements are resisting us."

The old shaman said in a low tone:

"Because of what we did in the past, the elements don't want to trust us anymore, and I'm trying my best to persuade them."

"When has this been? Are you still in the mood to chat with elements with psychological problems?"

The whole body was covered with a bloody smell, and it looked like a pirate who had been surfing in a sea of ​​blood on a mountain of corpses, knocking on his helmet, and said in a helpless tone:

"Are you shamans sick? Do you want me to teach you this? Apart from orthodox shamans praying for elements, don't you know how to forcibly order them to help?"

"You're talking about the way of the dark shaman, do you think I haven't tried it?"

Ner'zhul also replied very violently:

"Dellano's elemental wrath gathered into an elemental echo when he resisted the evil energy in the past, and was polluted by the evil energy into a distorted deformity, and then sealed.

For so many years, it has been absorbing the evil energy pollution of Shadowmoon Valley, and has become a big 'elemental tyrant', and the dark shaman's tricks are useless to it.

I must weaken it before summoning it, otherwise it will attack us all indiscriminately, we are here to save this world, not to hasten its destruction! "

"Call it!"

Bu Laike shook his head and said to Ner'zhul:

"I have said that I have found an opponent for it, and I know what you are worried about, don't worry, I guarantee that the elements of this world will return to the right track.

Believe me, I've dealt with all four elemental lords of Azeroth.

not to mention.

Aren't you also ready to 'repent'? "

The old shaman froze for a moment.

He touched his arm, and it seemed that his secret preparations still failed to deceive Laike. Seeing that the pirates began to summon the lamp gods to prepare for action, Ner'zhul no longer hesitated.

He signaled all the sorcerers around to back out, and he started to completely unblock Dellano's fel elemental tyrant with his own power, and as soon as Bu Laike called, the lamp god on the other side responded quickly.

This elemental demigod didn't come by himself, he also brought the "loyal ministers" he had recruited in the chaotic sky wall during this period.

The appearance of a large number of high-level wind elements from Azeroth caused the entire Hand of Gul'dan to blow a gust of wind that etched the land and hills in an instant.

"let's start!"

Bu Laike took over the strangely shaped elemental holy blade from the lamp god, and he held up the weapon and announced:

"Let us welcome the King's Landing of His Royal Highness the Windchaser."

A group of wind elements cheered instantly.

Surrounded by the loyal Al Abbas, they raised the cold wind heart of Nihil, the Lord of the North Wind, who died accidentally in a "border conflict" with the water elementals, and integrated it into the element in the hands of Braike. In the holy blade.

And the lamp god picked up the bottle of resurrection that was already full of the essence of wind, and poured all the essence of wind in the bottle onto the holy blade like pouring water.

The last step was completed by Bu Laike himself. He picked up the two halves of the Imprisoned Skull of the Sunstrider, placed them on the altar in front of him, and lifted the holy blade of the element that had been contaminated by the essence of the wind and was about to leave the material world. , after a precise slash, the prison cage was completely torn open.

At this moment, the wind in the entire Dellano world roared.

Those local elementals who were unwilling to help Ner'zhul watched in amazement as a much older and stronger elemental force erupted in the direction of Shadowmoon Valley.

Afterwards, thunder and lightning flying all over the sky took over the airspace filled with evil energy, as if the end of the elements that crazily tore apart the heart of the world came.

The local weak chicken elements shivered and hid in their nests.

And just as the body of the Wind Chaser, which was very similar to Al'Akir, stood up in Gul'dan's hand holding his own elemental holy blade, Ner'zhul's elemental release was finally completed.

Under the earth-shattering bang, the entire land of Gul'dan's hand was reshaped and torn, and the original valley was reversely shaped into a huge fel volcano during the elemental riot.

The fiery magma erupted, arousing scorching smoke and dust. In the dark green scorching smoke and dust, a terrifying elemental titan polluted by fel energy roared and stood up from the magma.

Its body is more than 30 meters high, like a moving earth titan, but there are evil fires filling every crack in the body, and the liquid magma that blends with water and fire is also controlled by it.

Its first roar interrupted His Highness the Windchaser's powerful appearance.

It violently robbed the windy field of this land with Sunderland the Wind Chaser, causing the wind, rain and thunder full of evil energy to rot on His Royal Highness the Wind Chaser who was just recovering and still in a state of confusion.

The disobedience of this polluted ugly elemental tyrant immediately triggered a strong counterattack from His Highness Sunderland, who was not very clear-headed.

As a group of warlocks and shamans watched, the Elemental Prince from Azeroth swung the Windchaser Holy Sword and slashed at the stone head of the Elemental Tyrant.

Amidst the thunderous roar, the battle between the two demigod elements became intense in an instant.

"All go, all go!"

On the cracked land of Gul'dan's hand whose terrain has been completely reshaped, the lamp god Al Abbas backhanded the holy blade made by his own desert scimitar.

It violently drove away the mortals around it, and scolded:

"This is a 'personal feud' between the noble walls of the sky and the impudent country elements of Dellano, you don't want to join in the fun! Go play with the demons.

Leave it to us here. "

(end of this chapter)

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