Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1333 83. Your Temporary Lich King Experience Voucher Has Been Loaded, Remember To Renew

Chapter 1333 83. Your Temporary Lich King Experience Voucher Has Been Loaded, Remember to Renew

"What Frostmourne needs is not to be destroyed, what it needs is a master, which is why the demons threw it into this world."

Bu Laike didn't feel what happened just now, he just felt that the swords of the Saramani sisters who were killing the enemy on the battlefield were coming towards this side at a fast speed.

Probably the two sword girls were worried about the master's safety and ran to "escort".

That's not a bad thing.

In the dark and cold hall, he glanced at the Prophet, and Velen looked at Laike.

The pirate coughed and said:

"That's right, you are the sword-bearer they chose, but unfortunately, you got rid of that shameful plot by 'relying on yourself' and 'helping you'.

I would also like to congratulate Your Excellency the Prophet, who has a long fortune.

It is truly a great blessing that you have escaped a shameful trap that was fashioned just for you. "

The stinky pirate laughed, and said something meaningful to the Prophet, who nodded his head, from the "interpretation" of Bu Laike that he understood through the tacit understanding between the Prophet.

Velen glanced at the demon son bound beside him.

He knew that he already owed Bo Laike a huge favor.

The pirate glanced admiringly at Thesaly Crow, who had completed the task very well. The latter snorted expressionlessly, knowing that he felt bad about being used as a pawn by the stinky pirate.

But because she has long been used to the damn style of Braike, so she doesn't feel too much anger in her heart, but because she can save the prophet of the Draenei with her own hands, so as to save the future of this troubled race. Feel lucky.

Finally, Laike looked at the ice-blue magic sword spinning in front of him. In this dark hall full of undead, he said:

"We must find a master for it here, otherwise Frostmourne will not be satisfied. It must have an excellent sword-bearer in order to exert its full power."

"I come!"

High Lord Ravencrest stepped forward and said without hesitation:

"This sword reveals the breath of death from the inside out, any living beings who come into contact with it will be ruthlessly corroded, and I am the most suitable dead person here!

My will is also strong enough, I can"

"No, you cannot, High Lord."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"This magic sword was born in the world of the dead, it was forged by the most legendary and powerful eternal being in that world, and the knowledge and power it carried came directly from the firstborn who shaped the death stars.

It was born for the sole purpose of spreading death and chaos throughout the physical world of the stars.

Although it is a pity.

But you can't even resist the temptation of Apocalypse, you have to face the power of soul control at least ten times that of Apocalypse's Frostmourne, the moment you touch it, you will be controlled by it in turn and become a sad sword slave'. "

"Don't bother!"

Rakish, the demon cub who was bound by Velen with the holy beam, witnessed the discussion of these mortals. This guy with a complicated life experience just died once and was rescued by his father said with a sneer:

"Do you know why the demons must choose Velen Prophet as the sword bearer?

Because Velen is the 'benchmark' of sword bearers!

To control this magic sword perfectly, the mind and will of the sword-bearer must not be weaker than Velen. For mortals, this is really a terrifying and desperate standard. "


The demon's taunt made Bo Laike nod repeatedly. He rubbed his chin, looked at Frostmourne and said:

"Even I, who have always been confident, don't have the courage to touch it. Although I think there is a high probability that I will be fine, why should I gamble when it's about my life?"

"The same willpower as the Prophet? You're kidding, right?"

Hisallie Crow said with a desperate tone:

"Your Excellency Velen has lived for more than 30,000 years! He led his people to avoid the pursuit of demons in the stars for 25,000 years, and he is still the most powerful God's Chosen among the stars!

How many people in the entire group of stars can match his willpower? "

"No, no, long life does not mean strong willpower, and the temptation of Frostmourne is not a simple confrontation of willpower, it will magnify the dark side of the sword-bearer's heart

And there is darkness in everyone's heart. "

Bu Laike shook his head and looked at the Prophet, he said:

"I'm not intentionally offending you, Your Excellency the Prophet, but as far as I know, there are at least two people with stronger willpower than the Prophet on this battlefield.

Boo Rocks Saurfang and my goofy sister Fenna.

In the field of willpower, warriors with an iron will are the real leaders. But sadly, I cannot allow any of them to hold this sword. "

"Then what should we do now?"

Lord Ravencrest stared at the spinning dark magic sword that was constantly seductive, and said:

"We must control it. If the sword bearer can control the undead on the battlefield, then we will win this battle. If we let it continue to cause chaos, the longer we fight, the greater the possibility of our failure."

"That's why I'm here."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said:

"I have a way to 'cheat'.

I can channel the power of the Elder One into the soul of a willing warrior, granting him or her temporary protection against the infestation of Frostmourne's soul.

But suffering from the erosion of death and the void at the same time means that this warrior has a high probability of dying miserably after his soul will is exhausted. "

"That's still me!"

Ravencrest said through gritted teeth:

"I would give everything to win this victory!

This is the first battle of the eternal war between the Crows and the demons, and I, the leader of the Crow Knights, must win them a glorious victory. "

"You still have a wife and children, great lord, calm down and think about them."

The great lord's self-recommendation was instantly rejected by Bu Laike, who shook his head and said:

"Without your leadership, the Crows will lose their souls, and you are to the Crow Knights what Illidan is to the Illidari.

And you are also an important figure in uniting the kaldorei forces in the demon war that is about to start in our world.

Your miserable death here is not what I want to see. "

During their discussion, a petite figure that no one noticed clenched its fists.

She seemed to have made up her mind, and after a few seconds, amidst the exclamations of the undead and prophets around her, she rushed to the altar and reached out to grab the floating magic sword.


Bu Laike swung the wolf's edge and knocked the petite figure to the ground, and the great lord's magic sword Apocalypse also reached her scarred neck.

"It's not something you can touch! Weak undead."

Ravencrest scolded:

"Didn't you hear the warnings we just said? You, who are so weak, will be manipulated and controlled by it the moment you touch it. Did you decide to commit suicide in this way after death?

I know undead have psychological problems!

But such an eternal death is not a good experience. "

"I just don't have time to listen to you go on and on!"

The female draenei who was pressed to the ground by pirates and the death lord raised her head, and the blood red soul fire was beating in her eyes, representing her strong emotions.

she yelled:

"There are still so many people suffering outside, and I can hear their wailing, just like the massacres and tragedies I heard and saw in the Karabo Temple.

I couldn't stop it then.

But now. I might be able to."

On her forehead, the Mark of the Archon that Velen had just bestowed with the Mark of Enlightenment was beating, outlining a dim but vivid light, representing the excited mind of this undead.

"Yo, Yrel, if it's you"

Bu Laike didn't reject this female undead bluntly like Lord Ravencrest, he just looked at the undead Draenei hoof sister in front of him with a strange look.

A few seconds later, the smelly pirate let go of his weapon and gestured to the high lord.

The latter looked at Bu Laike suspiciously, and he said in a serious voice:

"Are you sure you want her to try? Once it can't control itself, the Frostmourne that gets the sword-bearer and explodes in power will bury all of us here!"

"I am a prophet, High Lord, and I can see destiny."

Bu Laike looked at the ashen-faced female undead who was getting up from the ground, and her strength was not even legendary. There was a strange light in his eyes, and he said in a low voice:

"The one standing in front of you is not an ordinary undead, her destiny to greatness has been cut off by death, but she still has the aptitude to be great or brutal.

No matter what choice she makes, the world will change because of her.

I think she can give it a try.

It doesn't hurt us. "

After speaking, the pirate turned sideways, made a "please" gesture to Yrel, and put his hand on her neck.

At this moment, the female undead felt a cold and tyrannical will merge into her soul like a sea tide, and Bu Laike's voice also sounded in the process of Xalatas strengthening her soul.

He said:

"With your strength, even if you pick up Frostmourne, if you don't lose your soul under my 'cheating' method, you have to put it down after ten minutes at most.

Don't try to challenge yourself!

You have to understand that what you will hold in your hands is the fate of this world that you regard as your second home. "


Yrel pursed her lips and nodded.

As a dead person, she took a deep breath like a living person. Under the apprehensive and expectant gaze of everyone around her, including those undead, she stretched out her hand to hold the buzzing Frostmourne magic sword in front of her eyes.

The moment her fingers touched the hilt of the Magic Blade, Bu Laike's voice suddenly sounded in her head:

"Uh, I have a question that has been on my mind... I hope I don't offend you.

After you were captured by Kargath Bladefist, you spent a lot of time in his arena. Well, you need not try to deceive me, little girl, I know exactly when you died.

You didn't die in the Karabo massacre.

You hid it from others because you lived through a worse fate, just look at your wounds. And I'm curious, did those orcs do anything bad to you in that arena?

Well, you are a grown girl, you should understand what I want to ask.

Please do me a favor and satisfy my lowly pirate's curiosity. "

The question kept Yrel silent for several seconds.

Then she grabbed the hilt of Frostmourne in front of her eyes, and as the power of death poured into the body of this weak undead, Yrel's soul wailed unspeakably even with the protection of Xal'atath .

In that overwhelmed wailing, Yrel endured the pain and said to the pirates word by word:

"It was those humiliations... that gave me strength! But you want to know that... I'll tell you, no! I died a warrior.

Before I die, I hack any orc that tries to get close to me! "

"Well, it's really regrettable."

Laike curled his lips. He watched Yrel's red soul fire gradually transforming into bone-piercing ice blue. He picked up his pipe and whispered:

"I have news that may cheer you up, and keep you longer than actively seeking self-destruction. Your nemesis, Kargath Bladefist, is alive and well within my domain.

Want to kill him yourself? "

"I want to! Every day and night of death, every second of resurrection, in the name of those who died with me, I want to kill him with my own hands!

This has nothing to do with hate.

Not even about my suffering.

Just an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, blood for blood! "

Yrel, holding Frostmourne, opened her mouth, and gusts of cold air flowed down from her forehead, forming an extremely cold skull mask and frost crown on her cheeks.

These two things complement each other with the seal of the consul on Yrel's forehead.

She looked back, the moment the undead in the hall raised her magic sword, the blood-red soul flames in their eye sockets turned into the same blue as Yrel.

It's like a signal.

With the hall of Karabor Temple as the center, a roaring will swept across the entire Shadowmoon Valley like an invisible shock wave, and the brainless undead who were killing and attacking everywhere on the battlefield stopped in unison at this moment.

They roared and cheered in the direction of the Karabor Temple, celebrating the arrival of their master and commander.

The many redundant movements on this battlefield caused those undead to be quickly chopped down by the surrounding demons, but it didn't matter. In the next second, they dragged their mutilated, burning bodies and stood up again.

More undead are being awakened.

Amidst the neighing of Frostmourne, those ancient tombs began to riot, and even the Shadowmoon Clan's most hidden and destroyed Shadowmoon Graveyard also started a carnival of the dead.

The dead, no matter when or where they died.

They are called to war.

They must respond!

Even the great lord Ravencrest couldn't control his soul of the dead and wanted to bow down to the petite woman holding the magic sword in front of him. But Tian Qi viciously grabbed the soul of the great lord, and beat his will repeatedly to make him more sober.

Don't kneel!

Don't kneel down for my good-for-nothing sister!


You are my sword bearer!

No matter how weak you are, I will bite your soul to pieces!

"Since you want to, try to survive."

The stinky pirate grinned, set his dwarf pocket watch to a ten-minute countdown, and hung it on Yrel's arm. He made a time-flowing gesture and said in a harsh tone:

"Remember, your 'Lich King Experience Voucher' is only valid for ten minutes, if you die again, Kargath Bladefist can continue to enjoy himself.

That's not what you want to see either, is it?

Undead with the will to die, I will give you a reason to live, don't let me down.


Bu Laike pointed to the battlefield outside the hall, and he said:

"Have you seen those demons who are raging in your world, showing off their power and being extremely arrogant, thinking that they will definitely win?"


Holding a magic sword and wearing a crown, Yrel nodded, like a killing machine waiting to go out.

The pirate flicked his finger down, and said in a deep voice in Yrel's soul:

"Crush them to death!"

(end of this chapter)

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