Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1334 84. Frostmourne... Hungry

Chapter 1334 84. Frostmourne. Hungry

"I'm dying."

Desperate thoughts rose in the heart of Marius Mozilla.

The demon hunter tried his best to swipe his battle blade to fight a bloody path in the sea of ​​undead, but there were too many undead, and they were different from demons, they would not lose their power just because they were hit.

Ferocious demons will not get back up once they are knocked down, but the undead will only "sit up" on the spot, which makes people tireless.

Not even cutting off their heads can stop them from attacking, it just makes things worse.

Originally, there was only one corpse chasing and killing you, but now after "separate action", there will be a "headless horseman" chasing and killing you with its head.

Only by burning their complete corpses with flames and turning them into a pile of ashes can the matter be settled, but if you encounter those particularly powerful undead, after burning their bodies, some souls will turn into more troublesome wraiths on the spot.

All that said, undead are tough opponents for Demon Hunters and every other class except Priests and Paladins.

As for how Maris Calamity fell among the undead, this is a tragic story.

Demon hunters sabotage the weapon system of a demon warship.

They were supposed to join forces with the Watcher and continue to attack the remaining two battleships, but during the flight transfer, the unlucky Marius was knocked down from the sky by a big mephit in a desperate attitude.

The demon hunter has wings so he won't fall to his death, but the place where Maris landed is rather embarrassing. It happened to land in the sea of ​​undead outside Gul'dan's hand, and it was also the center of this group of undead.

This made it too late for other people on the ground to save him.

However, the demon hunter veteran is by no means incompetent. Even though he was surrounded by undead, he still did not give up resistance, relying on the moon blade in his hand to slash and kill, and using the demon hunter's superb high-speed movement to get rid of the undead's pursuit.

He was very hopeful of escaping for a time, until one time when he landed, he was wounded in the leg by a centaur undead hunter who had just "climbed up" with a sling.

Maris fell in embarrassment on the dirty ground full of mutilated demon corpses, and he knew that he was finished through the cold air that kept gathering around him.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for him to leave alive. He will also be swarmed and killed by those undead, and then become one of them.

Even though he doesn't have a pair of eyes to see, Maris can sense by his breath that some of the undead gathered towards him exude the stench of orcs, as well as the special smell of holy light on those draenei .

even human

Those paladins in heavy armor and staggering steps.


Couldn't even the Holy Light protect these poor souls from death?

After being surrounded by a large number of undead, Marius Demon Calamity, who was in a desperate situation, still had the mood to think about this issue.

He felt an undead protrude its claws towards him, and under stress, the demon hunter waved his moon blade and threw it out.

The demon hunter, who had lost his weapon, was swarmed by a group of blood-stained undead in the next instant after throwing that cheap guy with the spike on the ground.

The breath of death made Marius' hair stand on end.

"I'm afraid I'll be the first ever Demon Hunter Death Knight, which is the first of its kind."

After the countdown to life, Maris was still in the mood to tease himself.

He gave up struggling and let those sharp claws tear his battle armor apart. He could even feel the claws of some crooked ghouls scratching at his skin strengthened by fel energy.

Marius also thought about who he would think of at the last moment of his life. He always thought that as a member of the Illidari, he would only dedicate his loyalty to Lord Illidan from birth to death.

But the facts proved that when the time came for death, Illidan, a stinky man, couldn't be number one in the mind of Maris, a stinky man.

What he thought of was the woman who had made a future with him in the night at Black Rook Castle.

The jewel in the palm of Highlord Ravencrest is Elisanna Ravencrest.

I also promised her to explain this relationship to Lord Ravencrest after the battle, even though I was just a poor boy from Suramar, and I was not worthy of the apple of the eye of the Ravencrest family in all aspects.

But considering that the elf empire is dead, so, go to hell with any status.

But in fact, the current result is not much different from what Maris expected himself to end up with.

After all, the worst outcome he thought of was to explain his relationship with his daughter to the High Lord Ravencrest, and then be hacked to death by the angry High Lord Death.

That was also killed by the undead, and now this one is also killed by the undead, all of them were killed by the undead, the difference is not bad.


Marius is scratched by a group of undead.

He knew he was dying.

He also knew that he was "delicious" in the eyes of these undead.

"Farewell, my love. Sudden farewell, this is the life of a demon hunter. Sure enough, what Lord Illidan said is right, happiness and beauty will never belong to us."

The demon hunter mentioned Illidan's name at the last moment.

These guys are really hopeless.

He felt a big mouth full of bloody smell biting his neck. It should be a centaur centurion, and only these guys have such a big mouth.

But just when Maris planned to burst out the evil energy suddenly, use the demon form to twist the bastard's neck to death, and then use the evil energy to self-detonate and die with the surrounding undead, the bloody mouth biting him suddenly closed go back.

Not only that, but the undead gathered around him also dispersed all of a sudden, and their original hands and feet were retracted, throwing him heavily to the ground.

No one was interested in him anymore.

It's as if Marius Calamity has changed from a delicious steak that smells of fel energy to a stinky shovel.

Before the demon hunter who hit the ground could react, he felt that the surrounding undead who had been immersed in hunting flesh and blood seemed to have received an invisible order, and started roaring and rushing in the same direction.

It was as if there was a unified command in a moment of scattered sand, and they began to really march on the battlefield.

"These bloody lunatic undead, what happened to them?"

Marius got up from the ground in a state of embarrassment, his body was covered with bloodstains from being grabbed by the undead, but he didn't care about these at this moment, he just shook his head left and right on the spot like a blind man, trying to figure out what happened .

As a demon hunter, he couldn't see the changes of those undead, couldn't see the crazy blood-red light in their eyes turn into indifferent blue in an instant.

The change of the soul fire represented that these undead born of Frostmourne finally heard the voice of the sword bearer.

"Frostmourne. Hungry."

A hoarse and dry voice sounded from behind Maris, and the demon hunter turned his head abruptly. He felt his Moonblade stab into the opponent's head.

This should be a wild boar undead?

"What? Who's hungry? Go eat when you're hungry. Why are you looking for me?"

Maris asked suspiciously.

The latter doesn't answer the question at all, but grabs the moon blade inserted into the skull.

With a piercing and creepy sound, he pulled the thing out of his head, held the Moonblade with his own brain in both hands very politely, and returned it to Maris in front of him.

This terrifying action seems to represent that the "master" behind these undead is inviting him to hunt demons together.

As we all know, demon hunters are a group of lunatics who can cooperate with everyone in order to hunt demons. Facing the invitation of the undead in front of him, Marius showed a ferocious smile on his face with black cloth strips.

He took his moonblade backhand, limped and rushed towards the demon's position with the nearly endless undead around him. He even turned over and jumped on the back of a centaur undead.

The latter also ignored him.

Carrying him ferociously and frantically overturning a group of hell hounds, he rushed towards the nearest demon guard.

Of course, the demons known for their ferocity would not allow the undead to bully them.

Facing the rushing undead, the demons quickly launched a cruel and efficient counterattack. Relying on their good physical fitness, they used various weapons to chop down the rushing undead to the ground.

But after falling to the ground, these undead who remained silent even after being slashed, just gathered up their broken bodies and got up again, pounced again.

When the demons cut down one undead, ten undead will rush forward.

Their brutality cannot bring fear to the undead at all, let alone destroy the morale of the undead with fear

The undead don't have that stuff at all!

They just march silently until they overwhelm all enemies.

The demons who were attacked from the front and rear couldn't react at all. They were attacking the anti-demon coalition army in the hand of Gul'dan head-on, but the flank was directly torn open by the terrifying sea of ​​undead.

In addition, the swarm of insects who turned around from the other side of the sky also started to charge in groups. Under the attack from both sides, the demons who were originally overwhelming were suddenly surrounded.

The width of the battlefield of Gul'dan's Hand is so wide, no matter how many demons there are, it is impossible to push their own people up all at once. The sudden attack from the two wings greatly reduced the pressure on the anti-demon coalition forces on the frontal battlefield.

"Undead! It's undead!"

The draenei archbishop Nari, who was driving the spirit dragon in charge of suppressing fire at high altitude, waved his hands towards the ground like crazy, and shouted:

"Those undead who rushed out of the Karabor Temple turned their backs! Now they are helping us! God, by the light, there are endless numbers of them!

The ground is cracked!

Those dead are climbing up from the ground, how many people are buried here! "

The commanders on the ground are all stupid. The changes on the battlefield are so fast that people are caught off guard. At this critical moment, the old knife is still reliable.

"Korkron! Charge with me!"

Boo Rocks Saurfang, who was covered in blood, turned over and grabbed a war wolf to ride on, and raised the clan battle flag behind him high. Kor'Kron's elite wolf cavalry responded to the warlord's call everywhere. , The vicious green skins quickly merged into a charging stream.

Va Locke Saurfang also rushed to support on his wolf wolf.

When passing by the human camp, the old orc warned the paladins in a low tone:

"The Hand of Gul'dan is close to the cemetery where the members of the Shadowmoon Clan are buried. The number of undead that can be awakened here is unimaginable. Most of the bravest warriors in the history of the orcs are also buried here. Get out!

Otherwise, wait until the underground undead break out of the ground, and you will be finished. "

The great knight Turayan was shocked when he heard the words, and he didn't care to give orders in a slow manner. He took out the horn on his waist and blew it by his mouth. Soon, the paladins from all over the place moved to the front of the position.

But they didn't have to go head-on with the mudleg orcs into the panicked demons.

They were backed up by the Archmages, and Dalaran's ancestral mass teleportation moved the paladins and Brotherhood of the Iron Horse fighters from the front of the position to the flanks of the battle in three separate steps.

The road to Gul'dan's hand opened instantly, and the berserk demons, who were pinched by the undead and the swarm, began to charge forward.

But there is no way out.

Ahead is the elemental hell where the three-headed elemental demigods fought melee. The first batch of demons rushed in and were washed away by magma, swept by the storm, and crushed by lightning.

There is an "elemental meat grinder"!

But the demons had nowhere to go. There were enemies on the left and right, and demons behind them. They couldn't even turn around, so they had to bite the bullet and rush into the valley.

"ten minutes!"

The smelly pirate who rode into the battlefield on the flaming phoenix yelled at the lamp god who assisted the wind chaser in the valley to attack the lord Lukensen:

"The encirclement that I have tried my best to fight for this world has only ten minutes, work hard, elementals! work hard, shamans!

In ten minutes I'm going to see a carnage!

I want these demons to bleed like rivers!

I want the Legion to be terrified of me! "


The Djinn burst into the sky in a gust of wind, and it shouted to Bu Laike:

"That guy can't hold it anymore, it can't be the match of the noble Storm Prince, the energy in its body has already started to stir, and it's about to explode.

Its conservatively estimated power can level two-thirds of the mountainous area of ​​Shadowmoon Valley, as well as all the creatures in it! Forget about the undead, won't your bugs retreat? "

"To die here is to dedicate oneself to the ancient venerable, and no noble qiraji will refuse such an honor."

Bu Laike said grimly:

"Also, even if they are evacuated, they won't survive a month"

The stinky pirate riding on the sky looked at the undead charging all over the mountains and plains below. From a high altitude, it seemed that a faint blue "ocean" appeared on the land polluted by evil energy in the entire Shadowmoon Valley.

Each of the dots of light represents the burning soul flame of an undead, and how many of these lights are there?

no one knows.

No one is clear.

"That sword you got was terrible."

The lamp god also saw the terrifying sea of ​​undead that drowned everything on the ground, and whispered:

"Even elements like me feel terrified."

"It has nothing to do with that sword! You stupid businessman."

Bo Laike shrugged, he said with a pipe in his mouth:

"It's just that this broken world needs these dead ones to serve it one last time! And so they're called, here to slay demons.

That's all. "

The stinky pirate exhaled a smoke ring and looked back at the Karabor Temple behind him. He could vaguely see a petite figure standing on the highest spire of the temple.

The guy held a long sword like a blue torch.

Every time she swung her sharp blade, the undead in the entire Shadowmoon Valley would set off a violent attack and slash!

Every time she raises the magic sword, more undead will rush out of the underground tomb.

Bu Laike blinked his eyes, looking at the bewildered kryen blue people that only he could see on this land. These messengers who took the souls to the world of the dead took the initiative to return empty-handed today.


Frostmourne, hungry.

(end of this chapter)

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