Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1335 85. Some Farewells Do Not Require Words--Add More For The Brothers Of Silent Rain Falls

Chapter 1335 85. Some farewells do not require words——adding more for the brothers of "Silent Rain Falls" [15]

"Rush, kill!"

Marius Demon Calamity, who was riding a centaur undead on the ground, had already been killed.

He was slaying all kinds of demons among a group of undead who were not afraid of sacrifice. During the tireless and fearless trampling charge of the undead, he felt that the demons were actively retreating.

For a demon hunter most familiar with the demonic combat style, this is a rare occurrence.

Of course, the feeling of being able to defeat demons with one's own hands is so cool, it's great!

Just now, with the help of a group of silent undead, Marius hunted down the first fel lord in his hunter career.

Although he overthrew the high-level demon with the "righteous backstab", the feeling of hunting and killing powerful enemies is really unbearable to immerse in.

But just when Maris was about to rush into Gul'dan's hand bravely following the undead, who remained silent even during the fight, he was thrown from the hook by a undead hippogryph passing by from low altitude, and he was completely The man is pulled into the air from behind the undead centaur.

The High Lord Ravencrest, who was driving the hippogryph, glanced at this familiar demon hunter, and he always felt as if he had seen him somewhere.

"That's right, boy, Illidan would be proud of you, but it's time to retreat."

The great lord noticed the fel lord's battle helmet hanging on this guy's waist as a trophy, and seeing Marius' bravery in battle, he encouraged him in a dead man's tone.

When Marius felt the great lord of Ravencrest, the anger in his heart dissipated a lot in an instant, and he asked:

"Why retreat? We have the help of the undead now, we should pursue the victory!"

"Didn't Illidan teach you that there is power in retreat?"

Ravencrest said coldly:

"The demons here are just running to death, be patient."


The demon hunter didn't understand, but that didn't stop him from following orders.

A few seconds later, following the actions of the great lord to save people and evacuate in the sea of ​​undead, Maris suddenly boldly and a little timidly said:

"That... Great Lord, I have something to tell you about your daughter, Miss Elisanna, that... me and her... Well, we are together.

Both she and I wish to have your blessing. "


The Great Lord of Death waved his hand expressionlessly and said:

"Of course I will bless you"

"Ah, I knew you were the most generous, and she and I will definitely be sorry? Why are you holding my hand? Do you want it? Ah, no!"

While Marris screamed, he was thrown from the hippogryph by Highlord Ravencrest.

Watching the demon hunter fall in the air, the frosty High Lord Kutalos Ravencrest finished the second half of his sentence:

"The premise is that if you survive the impending elemental explosion miraculously, Illidan will lose a brave warrior today, and my precious daughter will be sad for a few days because of your accidental death.

But that's okay, a good girl like her can always find a better mate, and I think Boo Laike Shaw is pretty good. "

"Ah ah ah"

Marius, who offended the moody undead and was abandoned, screamed in the air. His legs were injured but his wings were intact, and he finally landed by gliding.

But looking at the great lord and his Hippogryph going away coldly, Marius felt a heavy heart.

Wow, you really deserve to be a ruthless undead, can you do such a thing?

Marius also heard the second half of Lord Ravencrest's words. It is self-evident how powerful a "big explosion" that made the death knights start to retreat.

He was now on the ground several kilometers away from Gul'dan's Hand, but it was not safe here.

Just when Maris was in a hurry to find a way out, he suddenly felt a flash of fire above his head and that very familiar breath.

In desperation, the demon hunter didn't care about his face, and shouted at the top of his voice:

"Hey! The handsome and mighty pirate leader above, give me a ride!"


Bu Laike, who was riding on the back of the sky and whistling across the sky, pulled the reins suddenly, causing the sky to stop suddenly from the supersonic speed. He rubbed his chin and looked towards the ground, saying:

"I seem to have heard someone say I'm handsome just now? Do you want to go down and have a look?"

Cang Qiong wailed twice and expressed his opinion.

Bu Laike nodded approvingly and said:

"What does a blind man know about beauty and ugliness? At first glance, he just said it casually, not sincere at all. Forget it, leave him alone and wait for death. Let's go."

But a few seconds after the sky flew out, Bu Laike pulled the rein again and said:

"But if even a blind man can see my strength and handsomeness, it means that this guy really has a heart that can discover beauty. Why don't you go back and save me?"


On the other side, in front of the altar of elements in the deepest part of Gul'dan's Hand, seeing a large number of demons rushing into the battle of demigods, the shamans guarding here also began to retreat.

Dellano's Fire Lord Lukensen is at the end of his battle.

Its huge body full of evil energy has been slashed full of cracks by the windchaser relying on the holy elemental blade. The terrifying body can no longer maintain stability, and even magma with evil energy gushes out of the broken body.

Facing the increasingly courageous Windchaser Sunderland, Elemental Wrath, formed by the gathering of Dellano's elemental spirits, finally fell into a disadvantage.

It's not that it's not strong enough.

It's just because the guy on the opposite side was born in a magical world where the elemental power is ten times stronger than Dellano's, just like a rich boy can beat the malnourished poor boy next door even if he is hungry for a day.

What's more, there is a group of helpers from the sky wall on the side of the wind chaser.

"Lukensen's elemental imprisonment is breaking, and I feel that the elemental spirits belonging to Dellano are active again, right now, right now!"

Ner'zhul in the elemental ascension ceremony waved his hands excitedly. Now the old shaman's whole body is covered with ritual materials symbolizing the four elements, and his cloudy eyes are shining brightly.

He stared at Elemental Fury Lukensen who was being crushed and beaten by Windchaser Sunderland.

As Dellano's most powerful shaman, he could even hear the wailing of the elemental spirits imprisoned in the body of the "low-end version" of the Fire Lord.

"Quick! Advance the ceremony."

Ner'zhul shouted to the three great shamans beside him:

"The elements imprisoned in Lukensen must be given power before it explodes, otherwise it will be difficult for them to survive the final eruption of the evil elements.

Fel taints this elemental vengeance, turning it into a tyrant that must be slain, and we must save them in exchange for their forgiveness and renewed blessing on the world.

I have to do this! "

The old orc tore off the robe that was close to his body, revealing his body that was different from flesh and blood. His body was gray and white like a stone cast, and there was not a trace of blood vessels growing under the skin.

Such a weird form means that Ner'zhul has endured great pain and transformed himself into a half-elemental creature, but he did not do it for power.

Just for this moment.

"come on."

Drek'Thar, with a black cloth strip on his face, took a step forward. Nobundo, the Great Shaman of the Broken, hesitated for a moment, and looked at Akama, who had an extremely cold expression.

The latter pulled his black hood amidst the increasingly intense elemental power.

He said hoarsely:

"On the day when the Karabor Temple was breached by you shameless orcs, I swore that I would never let you off in this life! I will make you pay with blood.

But right now.

This may be your atonement for this world, perhaps because Ner'zhul's sacrifice can make the world and the elemental spirits forgive you. But don't forget, orcs, you still owe us an answer! "

"No one will ever forget what happened in the last dozen years."

Drek'Thar said in a deep voice:

"We're back, we're standing up to what we did in the past, we're asking the world for forgiveness, and I think that's a testament to our attitude.

We will make the draenei forgive us, no matter the cost.

come on.

Help us, help the world!

Archbishop Akama, please. "

"If I didn't want to help, I wouldn't have come, but I still feel that there are some things that need to be clarified in advance."

Akama snorted, touched the golden sickle on his waist, and finally raised his hands to call out the power of the elements with his fellow shaman.

The common call of the three legendary shamans allowed the rich elemental power in the valley to be quickly absorbed, and then continuously sent to the core of the ascension ceremony through the positions of the three of them.

The old orc Ner'zhul, who was the bearer of power, let out a cry of pain.

This process made the young orc Thrall who was helping him feel extremely cruel. As a shaman, he knew very well what the "Ascension Ritual" was.

This thing was originally an evil way invented by some "dark shamans".

It is to forcibly change the form of flesh and blood through the infusion of a large amount of elemental power, and transform a living life into a distorted elemental creature, which they call "Ascendant".

But such rituals have almost never been successful before.

Shamans who dare to try end up being powerful but mindless monsters.

An orthodox shaman like Ner'zhul wants to try this ritual not because he is insane, but because only in this way can he be transformed into a form that can truly communicate with the elemental spirit face to face.


The hoarse roar of the old shaman spread around the entire altar, and the last flesh and blood of the old orc was also elementalized bit by bit as the elemental power transformed through the entire ceremony like boiling water.

While this process was progressing, at the center of the frontal elemental battle, Sunderland, the windchaser who was very similar to Al'Akir, was suspended in the thunder-splashing air, raised his left claw to call for lightning, and turned into a thunder spear, but did not immediately throw.

Beneath it, Fenner, the dumbass whose hair stood on end with electricity, activated the gods to descend.

Roaring in the tide-like package of anger, he held up the small elemental holy blade in his hand and pierced the already weak Fire King Lukensen's chest.

The shining beam of fel energy exploded in front of Fenner's eyes, making the stupid warrior howl and being thrown away like a ball.

But the wound leading to the core of the fel elemental deformity has been opened, and the windchaser Sunderland in the sky is worthy of being the most talented elemental lord born from the sky wall.

It seized the opportunity created by the idiot Fenner, and bestowed the Thunder Spear in his hand, a dazzling lightning pierced the sky and the earth, like a heart-piercing sword piercing the ugly and crazy low-end version of the flame in front of him. king.

Lukensen was wailing.

It knew it was doomed.

And the dark thoughts caused by the pollution of evil energy made it unwilling to admit defeat just like that, so it roared and tore at its own collapsing chest, wanting to completely erupt with the last power, pulling all the creatures on this land to be buried with it!

It was born out of the vengeance of the world's wrath.

It has no such emotion as pity.


Ner'zhul's ascension ceremony will also be completed at this moment.

The old orc, completely stripped of flesh and blood, was suspended in the air in the form of an energy body, and his body filled with surging elemental power tried hard to make a "farewell" gesture to everyone.

Ner'zhul's chaotic element-filled cheeks twisted towards the young orc Thrall before flying towards the exploding elemental monstrosity.

He seemed to be trying hard to put on an encouraging smile.

But as an Ascendant, he couldn't make any expression. He could only throw the elemental holy emblem and the chief's staff of the Shadowmoon clan that he had been wearing since the day he became a shaman to Thrall.

This means that Ner'zhul, the last "Great Prophet" in the orc tradition era, chose his successor before leaving.

This also means that the young orc Thrall has become the first "big prophet" to be recognized through orthodox inheritance in the new era of orcs.

"Go, kiss the new world for me, my journey of this remnant of the old age has come to an end, bless me."

Ner'zhul's last voice came out in the turbulent wind. As the ascendant of elements, he just raised his hand, and several shining astral gates opened and stood standing in front of the shamans behind him.

They cannot participate in the next thing.

It's like the road to redemption that has come to an end, and others can only reach here.

The last step can only be completed by this old orc who has completely witnessed the end of the traditional era of orcs, opened the violent era of the old tribe, and has a complicated life.

Thrall accompanied Elder Drek'Thar into the Astral Gate, and at the last moment of disappearing here, he looked back with a complicated expression.

He could see invisible ascendants pouring into the curtain of fel energy erupting from the remains of the Fire Lord, and Ner'zhul embraced them with open arms.

It seems to be the relief that I have finally finished my rough life to the end.


The second after Thrall was engulfed by the astral gate, a terrifying elemental explosion centered on Gul'dan's hand and rushed out in all directions.

The scene was spectacular.

First, the ground of the valley collapsed in an instant, and then it pushed toward the periphery like an undulating "wave", and everything died wherever it went, whether it was demons, undead, or bugs.

Nothing can escape this terrible natural disaster.

And at this moment, there is only the continuous resounding explosion echoing between the sky and the earth. On the demon battleship high in the sky, the demon commander stared dumbfounded at what happened below.

All the elite demons in Dellano were killed in less than ten seconds. Is this really something that mortals can do?

Is this the limit of what this small world can do?

Is this what mortals call a "miracle"?


The explosion caused by the elements cannot harm the elemental life itself. The idiot Fenna was protected by His Royal Highness Sunderland with both hands. She was the only flesh and blood life at the center of the big explosion and completely watched this scene.

Under the stunned gaze of the stupid warrior, she saw the whole process of how the earth collapsed and destroyed. Frankly speaking, she was a little scared by the ruthless work performed by the stinky brother this time.

But soon, Fenner quickly took out the dwarf camera to take pictures. The stupid little Xingxing will definitely pay a lot of money for these explosive photos.

"Hey, who is that!"

Fenner soon discovered that in the sky of elemental riots, a strange figure rushed into the spirits of the Dellanor elements that had just been released.

Inexplicably, she felt that ugly guy was very familiar.

It should be someone I know.

On Ner'zhul's side, he, who turned into an Ascendant, saw Dellano's spirits of the four elements. They were already extremely weak. Facing the rebellion of this orc who turned into an Ascendant, the spirits of the four elements scolded unceremoniously He stay away.

The furiest flames were asking what he had come for.

Ner'zhul opened his arms, and the four cores he bought from the lamp god at a high price, from the four unlucky elemental lords of Azeroth, were given to the four elemental spirits as gifts.

That's enough to restore some of their strength right away.

But that's not enough.

Ner'zhul collapsed his body and gave all the power of the ascendant to the spirit of the four elements. In the blending of elements where everything was quiet, he whispered:

"I'm here to make amends."

(end of this chapter)

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