Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1341 91. Come On, This Is Your Destiny!

Chapter 1341 91. Come on, this is your destiny!

Illidan repeated the strategy of defeating the demons in the Azeroth world 10,000 years ago. Through the sacrifice of the Sargerite Keystone, the deceitful who fell into the world of Dellano and the evil servants it sent were thrown away. Back to the Twisting Nether.

This is the best option right now.

Knowing that Kil'jaeden bound his existence to the Fel Heart of the world of Argus, defeating the arch-demon in Dellano became impossible.

Orthodox spellcasters know that choosing to seal or banish is always the most correct operation when facing an undead enemy, and Brother Dan, who was an extremely orthodox moon mage before becoming a demon hunter, obviously understands this truth very well.


A large group of demon hunters headed by the sufferer Altruis came to Illidan at the fastest speed. They put away their weapons respectfully, knelt down on one knee, and asked their leader and master to pay homage to him.

Since Illidan left before the demon hunters were released in the Vault of the Wardens, and did not meet his followers on the way, the current meeting is only after more than 10,000 years of separation between the two sides. really meet.

These blind men trembled with excitement.

They not only witnessed Lord Illidan's victory 10,000 years ago, but also witnessed Illidan's domineering appearance just now, exiled the big devil with his hand, and saved a world with a wave of his hand.

Such a huge victory undoubtedly strengthened Illidan's invincible mythical image in their hearts.

But frankly speaking, this kind of stupid loyalty and worship is not groundless. If Laike is an orthodox demon hunter, he would like to worship Brother Egg like the blind men.

Charisma is such a nonsensical thing.

Just like human veterans worship Anduin Lothar madly, some people can make others willing to give their lives for it.

"You guys did a good job. Although I didn't witness it with my own eyes, I also heard about the proud slaughter and assassination you carried out in Dellano in the world of Argus."

Facing his old entourage, Illidan, who has always been a cool guy, also rarely showed his true feelings. When the wings behind his back were closed, the wild and powerful demon hunter commander said in a sigh:

"Agona, Kazak, these high-level demons who are also well-known among the stars were hunted and killed by you, you salute me with such a victory, spread your names among the stars, and made the demons fearful.

You have lived up to the oath you made when you first embarked on the path of hunting demons. Those comrades who died in the past will feel proud of you.

Rise up, demon hunter!

Today's victory is but an insignificant pause in the eternal war, but there is no time to waste, we still have much to do. "

"Yes, Lord Illidan."

All the demon hunters stood up in unison.

They followed behind their commander, like stars and moons.

But to be honest, what do people say about a big blind elf leading a group of small blind men to swagger through the market?

"Hey, this is the Illidari School of Massage for the Blind who has started recruiting new students again? Your Excellency Illidan, the top technician, come and serve me quickly, add two more hours."

The vicious voice of ridicule seemed so harsh in this moment of victory, but no one present was surprised by the appearance of this voice.

So is Illidan.

He "looked" at the stinky pirate who had just landed on the ground with his black blindfolded eyes, but instead of saying hello to him, he said to the person beside him:

"Maiev, you are the best hunter I have ever seen, but even you have finally met a prey that you can't handle. So, tell me, who is the hunter between you two?"

"I don't know who is the hunter between me and him."

Maiev, wearing a helmet, responded indifferently:

"But I have no doubt that I am your most feared hunter. My 'guardian' will tell you that it is time to 'go home', Dark Walker."

"Hey, handsome and wild pirate"

Illidan tilted his head and said to Bo Laike:

"Take care of your woman."


Bu Laike was still grinning, and Maiev had already pulled out the thorn knife wheel from his waist. Obviously, Illidan's "demon hunter joke" was not funny at all.

"Okay, okay, it's not time for infighting, you two, suppress your dislike for each other, we have more troublesome things now."

Bu Laike held Maiev's wrist, pointed to the sky, and said:

"Don't you feel it? A big monster is coming to kill us, and he's much harder to deal with than Kil'jaeden.

So are you doing it on purpose?


You should know how difficult it is to deal with the enraged Darkguard Lord Aggramar, right? "

"I'm tired. Teleporting Argus to Dellano's starfield and throwing the demons back to Star's End leaves me so weak that I can't fight anymore."

Illidan grinned, showing sharp teeth and a bewildered smile.

He said:

"I know that powerful monsters must be dealt with by stronger and more cunning guys, and I trust you so much, Black Prophet, I know you can perform miracles.

I have done everything I should have done. I have torn out the devil's heart and exposed it to the eyes of all righteous people. This is the limit that I, a humble, blind elf, can do.

Next comes the hero.

Therefore, the question of Aggramar is left to you, the all-powerful Lord Bu Laike. "

While these two guys were flattering each other, the most perceptive people among the "melon-eating crowd" who were still in shock on the periphery had already realized that something was wrong.

Prophet Velen is the one who holds his head up.

The old prophet's robe was torn off during the "boxing" with Kil'jaeden just now, revealing muscles not inferior to those of a young man, and he has an exaggerated image of a "hot-blooded old man".

He is now putting on a cloak to cover his body, and raising his staff of the Redeemer.

The soul song of the purple Atama crystal on his wrist was shining with a rapid luster, as if it was showing the prophet a terrible future.

In fact, the situation of this meeting no longer needs to be proved by prophecy.

In the deep gaze of Velen who raised his head and looked at the sky, he saw a huge dark red figure trekking from among the stars.

That terrifying titan was burning all over his body, and he was holding a huge broken blade wrapped in destructive flames. The terrifying sword was cut off from the center, and in front of the broken blade were scorching sharp blades filled with hot flames.

From the world of Argus came the titan, who trotted among the stars.

Every time he takes a step, his body size will expand by one point. When he is close to the track of Dellano's world, his body shape can be clearly seen even if he is blind.

A fallen titan bigger than the stars stood among the stars, the light of the fire on his body was brighter than the sun, under the light of the flames, the whole Dellano seemed to be scorched and scorched forever.

What's even more frightening is that the titan is raising his flaming giant sword, and has already made a gesture that makes the idiot Fenner cover his mouth and scream.

Fenner was very familiar with that posture.

That was the starting move of the "Enemy Breaker" sword technique that she had learned and was extremely familiar with.

"That titan is going to destroy us! Damn! I've seen it, in the vision of the Aegis of Aggramar, I've seen it!"

Finner screamed:

"That's Lord Aggramar! That's the Star Sea Titan! It's over, we're doomed, run!"

The dumb warrior was rarely terrified.

This is not to blame for her lack of determination, in fact, her performance is much better than those paralyzed idiots around her.

She can at least stand upright and hold a weapon.

The paladins next to him have already started to kneel down and pray to the Holy Light for the last time in their lives.

The most outrageous one is Archmage Anslem Luinverwall, this "mighty father" is sitting on the ground, crying and pulling out the scroll to write a suicide note for his naughty daughter.

Obviously, he has given up resistance.

The scene in front of you is completely different from the face of the fraudster.

No matter how powerful the big demon is, everyone still has the courage to fight against it, because they have "defeated" the polluters in Azeroth before, and Azeroth also defeated the Legion 10,000 years ago.

Enemies that can be defeated are not worth fearing.

But now, what they have to face is a supreme life that is bigger than the planet and was born in the origin of the arcane arts of the stars. Just the name of the other party's "Titan" is enough to make most people lose the courage to fight.

Among other things, a single sword alone is enough to pierce the whole world.

How to survive such an attack?

Among the crowd, the fat chief Red stared blankly at the burning Titan silhouette reflected in the sky above his head, and the great chief fell into a strange mood for a moment.

He doesn't like to lose.

But if he and his world died under the sword of a titan, this ending would not be considered a failure.

It even gives people a hell of a "sense of honor".

Even if he goes to the real hell in the world of the dead in the future, he can proudly brag to those low-level undead that although everyone is a dead ghost, our man was stabbed to death by a titan. treatment?

However, the great chief is already a well-organized person after all, and he did not give up resistance at this last moment.


Red took off the Heart of Rock ring from his finger, and stuffed it into the hand of the same dull old orc warlord Bu Rocks Saurfang next to him.

The latter was awakened, looking at the world ring in his hand.

The gray-haired old orc asked:

"What are you giving me this for?"

"Didn't you brag just now that you dare to kill a god with this ring?"

The fat Red squinted at the old orc warrior, pointed to the sky, and said:

"Look, God is there. I also gave you the ring. Go and cut him."


Bu Rocks' eyes widened. He couldn't understand Red's brain circuit now. He was about to complain, but suddenly felt the shadow floating behind him.

Boo Laike, the amazing stinky pirate, appeared behind Boo Rocks. He put his hand on the old orc's shoulder and whispered:

"I haven't told you one thing, Mr. Rocks, I may have accidentally taken something that belonged to you in the past.

But now, I decided to give it back to you. "

Bo Laike raised his hand, his World Ring Marus the Blooddrinker was shining in his palm, and he handed it to Bo Rocks, saying:

"Put it on and go chop that big guy"

"Are you joking too?"

The old orc said in a puzzled tone:

"You really think I can cut it? That's a god!"

"I know who Aggramar is, and I can tell you clearly that he shaped Dellano, and he is your 'Creator God'."

Bu Laike replied in a magical tone:

"But I also know who you are, Boo Rocks Saurfang, and I can see the fate of all men, and of the countless destinies only one can do what we now pray for.

And that person is you!

Haven't you been feeling extremely guilty for the massacres and crimes you have done to this world? You have been tormented by nightmares from your past.

Ner'zhul has confessed his sins to the world in his own way, and he has been forgiven by the elementals.

you know.

Everyone deserves a second chance to do it all over again. "

The stinky pirate patted the old orc on the shoulder, and he put Marus the blood drinker on Bo Rocks' finger with his own hands. He said:

"Perhaps, this is the opportunity you have been waiting for. What can you do for the world with guilt? Bu Rocks, this question you have been thinking about will be answered today."

Boo Laike's conversation with Boo Rocks caught everyone's attention.

When he saw the stinky pirate handing over his world ring to Bo Rocks Saurfang, Prince Kael'thas, who had been silent all this time, also raised his eyebrows.

He noticed that Bu Laike didn't seem to be joking, so the prince looked up at the fallen titan Aggramar who was about to destroy the world. He also took off the ring of the all-seeing one from his hand and handed it to the old orc.

"Frankly speaking, I don't believe that an old orc can do this kind of thing. I mean, orc warriors are really good at fighting, but challenging a god

It's too far-fetched. "

This man, who was so handsome that even the pirates felt a threat, looked at the orc in front of him, and said:

"But now we have no choice, instead of waiting desperately for death, maybe I should choose to believe in a prophet in black who keeps creating miracles.

Take it, orc, for it is a blessing from the Quel'dorei elves.

Just let go and do it.

Even if you fail, no one will blame you. "

"The world is being reborn, and the last challenge of its resurrection lies ahead."

Old Staghelmet shook his head, took off the Ring of the Eternal in his hand, and handed it to the silent Bo Rocks, he said;

"This is something that even the Elven Empire failed to achieve ten thousand years ago, maybe I shouldn't have hoped, but the world is calling for you, Bushija!

I hear its call. "

The strange name of the deer helmet.

It is the ancient honorific name of the elves for the warrior, perhaps it also represents the blessing of the old druid.

"Take it, orc."

Prophet Velen strode forward and handed the Seal of Immobility in Maraad's hand to Boo Rocks, saying:

"I saw the prophecy Laike said well, there are only a few people in countless destinies who can do what we are praying for now, and you are one of them."

"Hey, old greenskin, you're going to kill a god, that's awesome."

Stupid Fenner felt a surge of pride at this time. She regretted that she could not participate in such a great cause, but she also had the help she could give.

"I will lend you the Sword of Light!"

Fenner whistled and took her beloved Ashbringer in both hands, handed it to the old orc, and said:

"Odin's Wrath can't cope with the big scene now. Remember to return it to me after you use it to cut a god and come back."

Surrounded by everyone, the old orc looked at the ring on his left hand that was covered with five fingers.

This obviously only allows one person to wear one world ring, and at this moment it seems that Bo Rocks has let go of the authority.

He can feel the power of the five rules belonging to Dellano surging in his body. It is the call from the world. Dellano is already in a state of life and death, and he is eager for his children to lend a helping hand to him.

The old orc felt this call, and he looked at the sky, but what he saw was not the destroying Titan, but the various atrocities committed by himself in the past ten years indulging in destruction.

That is an insult to the honor of a traditional warrior.

But today.

He will restore his honor with his own hands.


The old orc grabbed the Ashbringer that Fenner handed over. He looked back at the crowd and nodded without saying anything.

The parting of a soldier does not need words, and some words do not need to be said in person.

He is a silent warrior, although he is not as eloquent as Laike. Now he wants to do something for the world within his capacity. He can't describe it emotionally. After all, he is just a green skin who has done wrong things.

So please.

Let him prove it with action.

"Go, Boo Rocks!"

Behind the old orc warrior who was blessed and expected by everyone, Bu Laike said in a prophetic tone:

"To greet its shapers on Dellano's behalf, to show the creator gods the determination we will have to survive and protect.

Have the courage to do great things.

I have seen all the future and all the past, I have prophesied to you

This is your destiny.

This is your glory, and it is waiting for you. No heaven among the stars will open to you, but you don't need them anymore.

Charge bravely. "

(end of this chapter)

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