Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1342 92. This World Is Filthy Again, But Mortals Are So Interesting

Chapter 1342 92. This world is filthy again, but mortals are so interesting

Aggramar stands among the stars.

He looked at the familiar world in front of him, and ancient memories were churning in his mind, reminding him of the scene when he passed by here last time.

At that time, Dellano was still in the wild age when the world was born, and the force of life exploded vigorously in this world, seriously backlogging the space for the existence of other forces.

This is a terrible hidden danger.

The balance of the six original forces is the basis for maintaining the order of the stars, any imbalance in the original force will lead to quite serious consequences, even for the most gentle life.

At that time, Dellano was troubled by a group of forest spores born from life. They formed an extremely rare "community of life" among the stars, spreading greedily across every inch of land and every sea in Dellano.

They even derived three clusters of branches to turn the entire world into a place of life with brutal devouring, but the growth of plants needs nutrients, and this small world simply cannot supply this level of life consumption.

At that time, Aggramar, who passed by the stars because of the official business of the Pantheon, saw the plight of this small planet at a glance.

If the flora were allowed to continue, within a few hundred years the world would be a living being, starving to death among the stars for lack of nutrients.

Aggramar was not the Destroyer then.

He heard Dellano's plea, so He decided to help it.

He planned to restore the balance of life in this world by himself, but he suddenly received a call from the Pantheon, saying that he had found traces of the betrayer Sargeras.

As guardian of the Pantheon, Aggramar must go there.

Before he left, he could only shape a huge elemental boulder life with his divine power and send it to fall on Dellano to fight against the uncontrolled growth of plant life.

Then, He left.

Then, he was defeated, captured by Sargeras in a humiliating defeat, and molded into what he is now after a thousand years of pain.

Dellano was the last world Aggramar saved as a titan.

This is like a turning point in his endless life.

From this point of view, Dellano and Aggramar do have a "fate" relationship, but unfortunately, after being "reborn" as the Destroyer, Aggramar lost interest in all of this.

Sargeras was very "generous" to his former lieutenant.

The Dark Titan did not erase Aggramar's will and memory. He was still what he used to be, but after being filled with fel energy, he was no longer him.

Now seeing the world transformed by him right in front of him, but the fallen titan can no longer make any waves in his heart.

It's like the strange state of the death knights who came back from the dead.

Obviously the past is right in front of me, and those memories will come to my mind from time to time, but it is difficult for me to feel any more about those memories, like looking back at the past life as a bystander.

But Aggramar is not happy now.

The world of Argus, where he sits, has been displaced here from the other side of the stars, which would have seriously affected Sargeras' plan of destruction, and being fooled by a group of mortals also made the fallen titan angry.

He decided to punish these weaklings who were unwilling to accept their fate.

Of course, another reason for the Fallen Titan's unhappiness is that he saw the current Dellano, and his rescue back then was effective, and the world was released from the life force of blind growth.

As a Titan, he can see everything that happened in this world in the past.

He saw the end of the age of plants, saw his loyal servants perish with the last plant spores, saw the rise of the magnarons born from the rocks, and saw the regressed ogres roaming the land.

He saw the three gods of Dellano shaped by the remaining vitality, saw the rise and decline of the arakkoa civilization, saw the spores who were unwilling to fail, shaped the eternal forest to connect the heart of the world, and turned into forest spirits to establish a barbaric civilization.

He saw the orcs born after the third degeneration pray to the elements, and he saw the war between orcs, ogres, and magnarons.

These are all necessary factors for the development of a world, and all of these developments are in line with the Titans' view of the world's progress.

Until, the Fallen Titans saw the landing of the Draenei, and saw the orcs bewitched by the demons to wash the whole world with war.

At this moment, Aggramar's disgust for the world in front of him reached the extreme.

Sure enough, Lord Sargeras was right.

All the lives born in this material star in this era are flawed. Even if they are not corroded by the all-pervasive void, they will do things that are extremely terrifying in the eyes of Titans due to various temptations.

The existence of these miserable beings has tarnished the brilliance of the stars.

They deserve no sympathy for being destroyed.

Thus, Aggramar summoned his long sword Taeshalach among the stars. This sword that once belonged to the dark titan Sargeras had been broken, and what he held was only half of it.

But the moment the sword fell into the hands of the Fallen Titan, the crimson flames drawn from the Twisting Nether enveloped the Broken Blade in front of it, forming a compressed and scorching flaming edge.

Its burning light overwhelms the stars of this sector.

Aggramar, wearing the dark titan helmet, held up Taeshalach expressionlessly. He wanted to destroy this sad world shaped by himself.

"You're filthy again."

These were the last words of the fallen titan to Dellano.

Last time, in the face of this filthy world, Aggramar chose to help, but this time, He decided to bring final peace to this troubled world that was not worth saving.

This may be the last "mercy" a Destroyer can bestow.

It's better to die by his own hands than to be corrupted by evil energy and become an outcast of the stars like the world of Argus.

But just when Aggramar was about to smash the small world in front of him, which was not even the size of his chest, with a powerful enemy breaker, a blazing flame flew and bloomed in front of his eyes.

The screaming phoenix sky carried a white-haired orc warrior rushing out of the sky, and only an elemental life like it could fly to such a high place in defiance of gravity and the rules of the world.

Behind it, Bu Rocks is holding the Ashbringer, and his left hand is covered with five world rings of different colors. The power of the world from Dellano shrouded the old orc, making him look like Dellano's messenger.

In fact, if there is one more ring, it will be more like a hero who can destroy the stars with a snap of his fingers.

He looked at the terrifying and majestic Fallen Titan in front of him.

The power of the latter made Bu Rocks unable to muster up the courage to resist. Even if he never surrendered, he felt that he was as weak as an ant in front of such an existence.

However, the appearance of mortals caused the sharp sword cut by the fallen titan to pause for a while.

Aggramar looked at the orc in front of him, his burning pupils reflected a tired soul.

"Please, let this world go!"

Bu Rocks yelled with all his might:

"A prophet told me that you shaped our world, you are our creation god, and everything in this world is related to you.

Destroying one's own creation with one's own hands is not a pleasant thing for anyone.

Please let it go! "

Aggramar was unmoved by this request.

These stupid mortals actually consider a titan's choices with their own minds.

How stupid.

Their eyesight is too short to look beyond the sky above them, and certainly not to see the entire faces of the stars.

Even when the Burning Legion is wreaking havoc on the stars and destroying the world every day, the stars are still giving birth to new worlds and new lives in this piece of matter.

The demons sent by Lord Sargeras are not just destroying.

It's a delicate balance.

They couldn't understand the necessity of destruction, and naturally they couldn't understand the grand wish of Lord Sargeras and the importance of the mission they were carrying out now.

In such a vast narrative, the existence of a small world does not matter at all.

So, the silent Aggramar swung his sword again. He was not interested in explaining his actions to a mortal warrior, not to mention that this warrior was full of smells that he didn't like.

Just a butcher.

Seeing Aggramar's battle sword slashing downwards, Bu Rocks' eyes widened, his anger aroused for a moment, and the power from the five world rings exploded in his body.

Pushing the cloth, Rocks roared and raised the shining Ashbringer to the blade that was terrifying enough to pierce the world.

In the next moment, the collision of light and flame erupted among the dead stars, turning into a pulsating impact light that scattered in all directions, and Bu Rocks blocked the battle sword cut by Aggramar.

But just a single touch made the old orc's body shatter, and the Ashbringer in his hand was also shattered.

This top-level holy light blade forged by mortals couldn't withstand the impact of a star-sea artifact like Taeshalach at all. It shattered and shattered, but the will of the weapon was desperately trying to preserve itself.

The moment the light dissipated, the old orc who had become a blood man with ruined internal organs could only rely on the healing of the Ring of the Eternal to maintain his life.

But he blocked the devastating blow.

This surprised Aggramar too.

Although the sword was just waved casually, it was enough to pierce the world.

Although this orc has the blessing of the power of the world, it is powerful enough to block his own sword.

I underestimated him.

And these powers in him

The fallen titan let out a deep laugh, and he waved his left hand, and the five rings on Bu Rocks' fingers were immediately separated, turning into a shining streamer and falling to the world below amidst a mournful cry.

The world power of these five rings originated from his shaping. This is the power he left in Dellano, and now it is used by Dellano's creatures to deal with him?


At the moment when Aggramar forcibly stripped him of the power of the world, the weak Bu Rocks immediately felt the coming of death. Without the protection of the Eternal and the Immovable Seal, the injury he had just suffered was fatal enough.

But under the gaze of the fallen titan, the orc didn't die immediately.

Instead, a strange force erupted from his remains.

It was the power of ignited will, which only belonged to warriors. Waves of burning anger erupted in Bu Rocks' dying body, just like the burning Aggramar in front of him.

The orc stood up in the force field shaped by the fallen titan. Every piece of skin on his body was covered with blood, and the holy blade in his hand was also covered with dense cracks.

But anger and light were shining, supporting the gray-haired old orc to stand up again.

This time, he didn't pray again.

He raised his head and stared at the destroying titan in front of him with burning eyes. He roared with the posture that an orc should have:

"We were created by you, born and raised in the world shaped by you, every day and night of every orc is a battlefield, we move forward according to your plan for us.

This is the only way we can go!

In front of the demon army commanded by you, we can only continue to become stronger and survive! Constantly devouring his soul in hatred and anger, and constantly merging with those cruel things

Look at the world!


look at it!

It has gone through all kinds of suffering just to survive, and so have we!

If you take away our existence, we will rebel, we will fight.

We will use the strength and courage that you, the Creator, bestowed upon us, to wave our swords at you, the god!

The destruction you want is in your hands, and this is the answer that I and my compatriots, my companions, me and my world submit to your destruction!

Die, Creator!

You have never really defeated us, and it is impossible for you to defeat us. It has been like this in the past, it is like this now, and it will be like this in the future!

Cruel God!

Eat my sword! "

Bu Rocks growled.

He finally did what he always wanted to do but never did, and his legendary power of death wish was activated. This time, he did not hold back as he did when Dalaran fought with the Supreme Warrior .

He put everything about himself, his life, his soul, his will, his sins, and his longing for redemption...all of these into the next blow.

he embraced death

It was only in exchange for the power to injure a god, but this time the injury was no longer for slaughter, no longer for victory, no longer for war.

The moment Rocks completely abandoned his life, he felt the bottleneck of his journey to the next stage of the warrior suddenly loosen.

Unfortunately, he has no chance to move forward.

He is also unwilling to live with the shame of the past.

He is a fighter.

He can only wash away his shame with the blood of the enemy and his own.

Listen, the ancient honor of the orcs is calling.

The Ashbringer in the old orc's hand was screaming, and the moment Bo Rocks jumped towards Aggramar, it had already begun to melt and burn.

The power of will surpassed its own various materials, and began to infuse anger wantonly to destroy its material existence.

But it also knows that it has to.

As a weapon, is there ever a more glorious time for sacrifice than this one?

Bu Rocks jumped into the air, almost the embodiment of physical anger, and only Aggramar was left with his sword in his eyes.

The fighter has locked the target, there is only one thing left to do

in this sea of ​​stars



A huge halo erupted outside the world, and the bright red light flooded everything like a newborn sun. On the land of Shadowmoon Valley, Va Locke Saurfang and the five little orcs beside him were crying like Thrall full face.

They knew that it was the last outburst of a warrior and the last dedication of a sinful soul.

Bo Laike silently looked at the sky.

He didn't make any "pirate jokes" at this moment.

He mourned this great sacrifice in silence, and behind him, Vindicator Maraad, who had always hated orcs, bowed his head.

He began to chant the scriptures of the Holy Light, seeing off the old orc with blood on his hands.

And beyond the stars, Aggramar, who still maintained his sword-wielding posture, was extremely cold. He looked at his chest, and there was a scratch extending from his shoulder to his waist, from which blood as hot as magma flowed out.


The fallen titan touched the wound.

He was not actually harmed, at best, his skin was cut open by a fruit knife.

He looked at the fallen body in front of him, shook his head, stretched out his hand and flicked the fallen body lightly, sending him back to that filthy but hopeful world.

Taeshalach disappeared in the flames, and the fallen titan turned to Argus without looking at Dellano.

He has lost interest in the destruction of today's portion.

And hurt himself.

I need to rest, even Lord Sargeras can't ask for more in this situation. Since this wretched world survives when it wields its own sword

Then keep it alive.

When the Fallen Titan dissipated and returned to the Burning Throne of the Argus world where he sat, he looked into the distance among the stars, and his deep laughter echoed in the burning space.

"Aman'Thul may be right."

"These mortals are so interesting."

(end of this chapter)

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