Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1343 93. I Have Finished The Good Battle... So, It's Time To Get Down To Business, Righ

Chapter 1343 93. I have finished the good battle. So, should I get down to business?

"Something fell!"

The disappearance of Aggramar in the flames was a sigh of relief for everyone in Dellano.

No matter who it is, they feel lucky for the rest of their lives today. Even the most sincere paladins have to admit that they have recovered their lives today.

But soon, the sharp-eyed Kael'thas pointed at the sky and shouted.

But Laike, who was mourning just now, opened his eyes instantly, and a burst of ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

The wretch had no doubt hatched another damn plan in a split second.

His figure disappeared in an instant, and appeared in the sky again, grabbed the things that fell from the sky, and then opened his handsome and wide bat wings and swooped down towards the ground.

When he hit the ground, everyone rushed to try to save Boo Rocks Saurfang.

But unfortunately, the old orc who had slashed a god head-on was hopeless, and what Bu Laike brought back was not so much a corpse, but a black bone.

That's horrible.

There is no good place on the whole body of Bu Rocks, the blood of his body was evaporated by the divine flames of Aggramar, and the skin and bones were burned shockingly.

Only the cheeks are intact.

The old orc maintained that ferocious attitude with wide-eyed eyes until his death, and even looking at his expression, he could feel the cry he made when he made the final blow.


The old tearful Locke Saurfang knelt beside the big brother's corpse. This veteran warrior who was always known for his bravery and fortitude no longer concealed his weakness at this moment.

And behind him, Sola, the daughter of Boo Rocks, even fell into a coma on the spot.

Even the fat and shameless Great Chief Reid knelt down on one knee with a face full of respect. This is also the choice of all orcs, and they are paying respect to Bu Rocks in this way.

This is definitely the most powerful warrior and greatest hero ever born in the history of orcs. If the craziest Grom Hellscream is here, he can only admit the achievements of this old undead warrior unwillingly.

That was a feat he could never achieve.

Boo Rocks confronted the gods and saved a world, he even slashed the gods Heck, if that's a glorious achievement, the old thing Boo Rocks just locked it up in that split second.

No other fighter has the opportunity to surpass him.

What a cunning bastard.

"Blessed are the brave, for the inexhaustible light of courage will guide them onward."

Old Prophet Velen bowed his head and put his hand on the shoulder of the silently weeping Val Locke.

The draenei still had a sworn blood feud with the orcs, but at this moment, all the draenei present simultaneously let go of their disgust and hostility for the time being.

No matter what the starting point of this orc's great deed, there is no doubt that he saved the world.

Faced with such contributions, even the meanest person can't say anything disrespectful.

"See? Turalyon knight."

Arthas Menethil, the prince of Lordaeron, wiped his eyes, pointed to the body of Bu Rocks, and said to the silent great knight Turalyon beside him:

"That's why I don't want to return to the embrace of the Holy Light. As a paladin, I have limits. I can only give everything for my beliefs and become a defender and a punisher.

But that's not what I want!

I aspire to do more!

Things that don't move me with faith, things that only fighters can do.

As a human, I now declare that Bu Rocks Saurfang is my most admired warrior, no one should have any objections, right? No one will jump out and accuse me of being a human traitor, right? "

"Such a great soul cannot be distinguished by narrow races, Your Royal Highness."

The embarrassing Archmage Ansrem of the "Weeper" whispered to Alsace while tearing up the suicide note he had just written:

"If I were a rude warrior, I would also worship this venerable orc. What he has done has surpassed the hatred of the past. He is worthy of being missed by Dellano and Azeroth.

But my lord, I want to remind you that Boo Rocks is Boo Rocks, there is only one soul like him, and you can't maintain a good opinion of all orcs because of this. "

"Don't go there!"

While the little prince was discussing with the archmage, a roar erupted from the crowd, and the red-eyed Garrosh blocked the death lord Ravencrest with his axe.

The rude Shaoxia Hou stared at the death knights in front of him, and he roared angrily:

"You are not allowed to desecrate his body!"

"I really want to do that, Orc. I'd rather destroy a world than have him."

Ravencrest said blankly:

"If Bo Rocks can become a death knight, I would rather give him the command of the Crows Chapter and be his second-in-command willingly.

But right now, I just want to go and pay my respects to the Warriors.

Believe me, young man, it is impossible for me to forcibly awaken such a strong will. You must know that a soul like him has the right to choose even in the face of death.

No one can wake him from death unless he chooses. "

"The Highlord is right, Garrosh, get out of the way."

The tired Elder Drek'Thar said:

"Boo Rocks has got the peace he wanted, and his sacrifice should be mourned by all. Don't let the elves see our orc jokes."

The stubborn Hou Shaoxia was still unwilling to let go, he yelled and yelled until he was roughly kicked away by Wa Locke before calming down, well, the weak Hou Shaoxia was kicked unconscious.

Lord Ravencrest took a bouquet of freshly picked flowers from the adjutant's hand in an elf style, and leaned over and placed it next to Bu Rocks' body. When he got up, he and the stinky pirate on the opposite side looked at each other.

He saw the light in the smelly pirate's eyes.

So he understood everything in an instant.

Bu Laike, the prophet in black, obviously has other arrangements for the fate of Bu Rocks Saurfang after his death. It seems that the villain does not need to be himself.

Well, it is really a beautiful thing to think that there will be another strong person in the death camp.

The indifferent high lord's mouth curled up, his smile was fleeting, and when he stood up, he returned to his previous indifferent posture.

"Everyone, listen to me."

Bu Laike spread his hands and said to the crowd around him:

"Today has been so exciting, I think everyone desperately needs a break right now, the war has just ended and the world has been saved, so let's have a blast tonight.

We will wait until tomorrow to discuss all the issues.

The orcs also need to refrain from the remains of Bu Rocks and Ner'zhul, so please stop gathering here, keep your condolences in your heart, and give the space to the orcs.

After all, they, like us, have lost two worthy heroes today. "

"Bo Laike is right."

Prophet Velen sighed and said to the crowd;

"Everyone go to rest and have fun, and for the future we just won back, leave the sorrow for tomorrow."

"And the five rings that fell down before"

Kael'thas reminded in a low voice:

"These rings have proven their potential to transform mortal warriors, and now that they've landed in a different area of ​​Dellano, we need to get them back quickly.

Most importantly, return it to its original owner! "

This small "reminder" made everyone feel awe.

Staghelmet sent Hamuul, Kael'thas went out in person, Maraad, the Draenei garrison commander, wanted to go in person, but Garona persuaded her to do it for him.

And Chief Red is even more eager to grab Locke and ask him to bring back the Heart of Rock.

"Then, my dear Warden."

Bo Laike turned to the silent Maiev and said:

"Can you help me bring back my Ring of the Blooddrinker?"

"Those rings don't bind souls, do they?"

Maiev responded in a low voice:

"They can be used by different users, as long as the other party can snatch these rings from your hands, are you not afraid that I will run away with it?

With that thing, I can easily kill you. "

"You can try, but fail at your own risk."

Bu Laike glanced at the "beacon of death" that was so bright and glowing on Maiev's body, the 500% damage bonus made him not feel that he would be defeated by Maiev.

With this thing, Bo Laike is the real "Maeve's natural enemy" and "Shadow Song Buster".


Madam Warden snorted, took a step back, and disappeared into the shadows.

As the "Ring-seeking Expedition" set off, the people present also dispersed. It wasn't until this time that Bu Laike noticed that his idiot sister was squatting not far away, wiping tears and crying loudly.

The idiot baby is really wronged.

"Hmm? What happened? Why are you crying so badly? Who bullied you?"

Bu Laike walked over and touched Fenner's head, and whispered:

"Tell me quickly, I'm going to ask that bastard how to make you cry so badly. It's as pitiful as a little girl whose lollipop was robbed."

"You're still talking sarcastic!"

Fenna punched the stinky brother with tears and dissatisfaction. She put the bag of things in front of her in front of the pirate's feet with great distress, and unfolded it again.

And said with tears:

"Look! That old greenskin made my precious sword like this, what can I do? The Ashbringer is my favorite sword, and now it's gone."

Bu Laike squatted beside the idiot sister, carefully looking at the Broken Sword in front of him, which was hugged by Bu Laike.

Indeed, Fenner was right.

Ashbringer is completely ruined.

The holy sword of light that was hammered out by Muradin Bronzebeard is now broken into more than a dozen fragments of different sizes, only the hilt remains intact.

Obviously, no weapon forged by a mortal could stand against the relics of a Titan.

However, the stinky pirates quickly found the most important part of the Ashbringer in these fragments, the Atamar crystal that Muradin used the dwarven forging secret technique to forge into an oval crystal.

He held the dim crystal close to his eyes, and after a few seconds he said to Fenner:

"Don't cry, there is help."


Fenner wiped her eyes and looked at the magical smelly brother.

Bu Laike tossed the crystal in his hand up and down, winked at Fenner and said:

"The crystal of the remains of the naaru is still intact, without too much damage, you just need to find a powerful enough naaru to recharge it, and then the Ashbringer can be reshaped.

You have to understand that Muradin told you when he forged this sword. The blade of this sword is only used to carry the power of the holy light of this crystal. It doesn’t matter if it’s intact or broken. difference.

As long as you can restore the crystal. "

"The draenei have naaru jigsaw puzzles!"

Stupid Fenner immediately said eagerly:

"We have helped them so much, so I shouldn't be rejected if I ask them to help recharge, right?"

"Do you think this Atama crystal is something that can be seen everywhere?"

Bu Laike grabbed the dim crystal and tapped it on the stupid sister's head, making a hollow sound without accident, he threw the crystal to Fenner and said:

"This crystal comes from the remains of the most powerful member of Nauru. Not just any naaru can charge it. You must find a naaru who is as powerful as A'dal

Be patient, there will be opportunities later. "

The stinky pirate pointed to the shadow of the world of Argus reflected in the sky, and whispered to Fenner:

"Let me tell you quietly, there are not only demons in that world, but also people who have been fighting against demons, and their leader is a very powerful naaru.

But I'm curious, you knew before that, as a warrior, you can't have the Ashbringer, and one day you'll have to send it to its true owner.

Why go to such lengths to preserve it? "

"Hey, you're not a soldier, so you definitely can't understand this kind of complicated mood."

Fenna wrapped up the Broken Ashbringer full of energy, rolled her eyes, and said to her stinky brother contemptuously:

"We warriors don't want to have a perfect weapon. For a sharp blade like Ashbringer, it is the best thing to be friends with it. I will send it out in the future, but it doesn't mean I can't have it now.

This feeling is like an old mother sending her daughter to marry, and she must find the most suitable owner for it. "

"Uh, your analogy is so strange."

Bu Laike picked up his pipe and complained:

"It's really a magical metaphor for stupid Fenner, so, when you go back to Azeroth, do something for me."

He said to Finner:

"Take the broken holy sword in your hand to the Hall of Valor and give it to Odin. You don't need to say anything except what happened today. The great king of war will understand and understand what I mean."

"Wow, all this is under your arrangement?"

Fenner widened her eyes and said:

"You guys are good or bad, fortunately you are my younger brother, otherwise I would have stabbed you to death with a sword. But I still want to go shopping in Dellano, maybe I will go back after a while.

I saw those Burning Blade masters on the battlefield before, I'm going to visit their holy place, maybe I can learn two moves, and wrestle with Velen.

I heard that the Jedni ritual of the Draenei is a competition of their strongest melee skills. "

"No! Leave Shadowmoon Valley now and go back to Azeroth. You can come here at any time, but you must do what I tell you immediately."

Bu Laike looked around and whispered in Fenner's ear:

"No matter what happened in the past few days, you are not allowed to come back to me, no matter what you hear, just pretend you didn't hear it, just do your own thing, understand?"


Fenna pecked her stinky brother on the cheek, carried the burden of Ashbringer fragments on her back, whistled and summoned her red dragonhawk mount, flew into the sky and returned to Azeroth in a chic and obedient manner.

Bo Laike watched her leave, took off his pipe and puffed out the smoke ring, at the same time, Xalatas whispered in Bo Laike's ear:

"Little master, you sent Fenna and Maiev away, are you planning to start taking action?"


The pirate nodded, glanced at the direction of the Karabor Temple, and said:

"Isn't that why we came here? Now that we've saved the world, we should get some rewards, right? After all, I'm not a fool who does good deeds without expecting anything in return.

Just follow the original plan.

Dellano has already received the gift from the prophet in black, and now, Azeroth should also get his own 'gift', otherwise Baby Aixing will be unhappy.

As a prophet, I can't be so partial. "

(end of this chapter)

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